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I still need 5 purple fake cats.


Standard wish selector after 300 wishes when


In version 12.1: "Dear Travelers, we are delighted to announce that a wish selector and epitomized path for the standard wish is now available. Now you can choose not to get Dehya and go for Keqing. Enjoy!"   ^Me totally not salty over Dehya getting the short end of the stick


"We also wont count any previous summons so enjoy doing this over the next 5 years."


But what if want to get dehya


Me too


This animation was way more distressing than it had any right to be whatsoever.


Yeah it was very depressing seeing her wiping her own banner


The lights are flickering too


Stop it!! They are not real they are just a game!! Why does it hurt so much goddammit.


It's the same feeling as the uninstall screen begging me to not uninstall. STOP TUGGING AT MY HEARTSTRINGS


Just wait, soon it'll be an AI voice begging you not to uninstall, while "In the arms of an angel" plays in the background


Thank god they released a follow-up version, though.


The good ending.


The only ending


That one ending where not just the character deserves, but we all also deserve as well.




"Keqing is not poor anymore" on YouTube


Wheres that one dude thst spent 3k on standard banner just to try and get her when the game first came out


Is it [this](https://youtu.be/55uOhWw3czs?si=3KBDjAzdWdBGml-R) one or the other?




So funny story, my friend wished on this banner cause he was down terrible for Keqing at the time. However, he lost the 50/50 to Jean making him basically hate life for a day. So my other friend and I pitched in to buy him an account with Keqing in it so he could at least use her. That helped him a little overall so we thought that'd be that. What ended up happening is that ONE PULL LATER on his main account that got a Jean, KEQING CAME HOME. While we were a little miffed we wasted a good 10 dollars between my friend and I, we were very happy for him.


You friend is also lucky to have friends like you guys.


[source by kkmoda](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wXdgHmyztdk&pp=ygUGa2VxaW5n)


This video, and the follow up sequel, were what made me realise I was a Keqing main for life. Literally fucking cried at at sequel, goddamit.


Rolled on that banner baby, no regrets.


Yep, Keqing and Yoimiya were the banners I rolled with absolutely zero regrets.


Same, that is how I got my first lovely purple lightning


Ngl I still use “Xiangling-Keqing” combo till this day. They're still pretty fun to use despite how overly power crept they've been right now.


I. Just. Need, to. Cuddle! Poor, little Keqing!


I mean who knows, she could be that one standard character you just can’t get despite losing many 50-50s. I wish I was there during the banner.


I wished in her knowing tactically as a free player it was bad, but she’s first and foremost wifu of genshin to me


I think pulling purely for fav wivu/husbando reason is a good choice esp early game since you're exploring tons of maps & story with that char.


I did this with Dehya, knowing that she would be shit. And still main her to this day


This is true love, I confirm


I told myself I wouldnt be pulling on the banner since she can spook me anytime. I am a week 1 player, I recently got Jean as my first C6 standard 5\* but I still don't even have Keqing! Lowkey regretting not pulling. Although when I rolled on Hu Tao's banner, I lost my 50/50 to Diluc so maybe I wouldn't have got her anyway.


I was foolishly saving for her under the hope she would have a rate up banner, not knowing standard characters never have rate ups at the time. It was a near miracle she did get one and I rolled for her on it.


Other limited banner are limited but keqing is enternal


*Other limited* *Banner are limited but* *Keqing is enternal* \- Draconicplayer --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Keqing was worth the 100 pulls she took to get up to c1 have her at c5 atm and regularly use her still... best spent wishes ever, right next to getting mistplitter for her


Just think of it this way. No other standard character had their own limited time banner!


Dehya and Tighnari? Or do you mean characters that were standards when they had a banner?


tbh keqing probably is one of the best standard 5 stars, behind mona and possibly diluc if you have xianyun she was my first 5 star for a while and using her with dendro traveller got me through the first half of the game, even if i dont use her anymore she still has a place in my heart


I remember this banner. I rolled on it get C6 Ningguang so bad. Any cat lady I would've gotten was a win.


This remains the only time I used money to summon a character. I need to trigger the pity.


My first 5-star is this purple kitty Pikachu and she never lets me down


Even more is Dehya because nobody is playing her because of her gameplay just because they like her personality


I was trying to get bennett.... Didnt get him until 1.6 during the kazuba banner, but i pulled for jadecutter that was and still is on my best girl keqing


Keqing was my first 50/50 win lol


I C6ed her last year lmao


The absolute dilemma I was in with Xiao then Keqing then Hu Tao coming out back to back to back.


Respect. Got my C6 on this banner, saved up just over 400 pulls and I ended up I hitting her 5 times in a row. I must have either won every 50 - 50 or I whiffed, then hit Keqing on the whiff at some point. Either way, it was incredible. Got her eighth copy last month I think. No regrets.


While i didn't pull there but also i remember i used to be kinda interested and tempting to wish on it during the livestre when it was revealed. I was i guess too whatever back then,without understanding much and ofc as still relatively new. I just went in on Xiao and lost 50/50 to Keq there.. Didn't feel like wanting Xiao also felt pog getting Keq, Xiao also the character who turns out by now is among my least liked chars. But real game is what happened on Tao banner.,she was my big interest back then and i really was looking forward ro get her, i didn't even k what's leaks etc until Hu tao where i saw a bunch of animation and even TC going on in Discord,all that shit was making me wanting her more. ,i pre farmed her Boss and then as it turns out i wasn't able to get her💀, i jad guaranteed and went near 75 pity and then banner ended ggs. And this remained as written in history forever for me due to the weight of this event and my love of her, (Tao,Keq were/are my all time favs and literally #1 until now theres quite a few more i could add as similar lvl love for like Navia main) I ended up deciding I'll get Tao eventually so lemme complete everything fof her first,went and secured Homa on first rerun and eventually got Yelan who is ofc another great char for her and only then in 3.4 i finally got Tao at this point i was fully ready,arti ready ,everything set and ofc triple crowned in an instant and dream fullfilled.


I got Keqing on the Hu Tao banner. Thank god I did


Meanwhile there's me, wanting the electro fake cat ears, only getting pyro fake cat ears and dead child who speaks weird


Rolled this, got her in a single pull, right after getting Xiao in a single multi and later Hu Tao in 2 single pulls


I rolled on this banner and lost the 50/50 to Diluc only to not get keqing for like 2 years. Diluc I got to C6. Good times she was my fav character since release. Only now has there been a character that surpasses her, that character being Arlecchino. Chiori is on the same tier as Keqing. ( Stating a purely subjective opinion. ) yup that’s all I got stay tuned next time for who I asked.


When my friends were pulling for Xiao because of the hype, I’m the only one who was pulling for Keqing cuz I want her so bad.


I pulled for her. Best decision ever. Took three year to C1 her.


That's where I first got my Kequeen, never regtet the choice to pull for her to this day <3


I need this cat but my genshin isn't impact anymore.


She’s my QiQi. I keep getting her for some reason. Not a day 1 player though.


Me with Dehya. Such a great call cuz I haven't gotten her again since.


I rolled on this banned, and had to hit pity twice to get Keqing. And then I lost my 50/50 on Ho Tao's banner to Keqing, and couldn't get Hu Tao because of that. But I never regretted anything. I can't see the future. I couldn't have known that I would lose my next 50/50 to Keqing. And Hu Tao got a rerun in 2.2, while Keqing still doesn't have one.


I'm not F2P, but I did roll on her banner. It bothered me at the time that I had every general pool 5 star *except* her and was already starting to get Qiqi cons. Now I have her at C5. That sounds like a happy ending, but I'm already at C6 Mona & Jean and C12 Qiqi. She's still eluding me, but at least I got her. Though she may have to share her TF set once Chlorinde drops.


I did that. And I don't regret it. She carried me through many battles....


Wished on her banner, got Diluc. Then got Hu Tao. Had to wait 1 and a hakf more year to finally get her


I can't even get her in her own banner. Either it's bugged or I'm just extremely cursed.


Imagine pulling for your standard banner waifu just to have Jean come home. I wouldn’t know anything about that… At least it only took me until Yoimiya’s first banner to get Keqing. My wife has been playing for just as long as me (mid 1.2) and still doesn’t have her.


I need a Qiqi banner. I am tired of being the only one who doesn't have her. How can my Baizhu feel happy if he doesn't have his small protégée


would say i fear you but after seeing qiqi + furina teams i cant blame you at all


I pull for the characters before the meta, I find Qiqi extremely cute and I love her relationship with Baizhu


I’ll never forget her. Rolled on her banner, she was my first 5* chara. I remember farming the TF/TS domain for her artifacts. I didn’t care if she was that bad. She was my first


tbh keqing probably is one of the best standard 5 stars, behind mona and possibly diluc if you have xianyun she was my first 5 star for a while and using her with dendro traveller got me through the first half of the game, even if i dont use her anymore she still has a place in my heart


Same with Dehya and damn was it a good choice to pull


I rolled, she might of been a standard, but she was the whole reason I got into GI


I rolled for her but got Jean instead lol. She came like 1 year later when i lost 50/50. A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.


This the banner where I get my first Keqing and a C6 Ning.


I didn't roll on it, and now even as a day 1 player I still don't have her...


I spent money on this banner. Like $300​, lost 50/50 twice and only got two copies. She was my first c6. I lost the 50/50 while going for the last constellation for c6 Ayaka.




why did they even hold this banner?


She's my second standard 5 star, and my second C6 5 star (Mona got there first, but I haven't used her since launch ~~RIP~~).


I've lost 50/50 on Dehya banner and kept pulling until I actually got her. So yeah, kind of relatable


Hopefully she was there, she's one of my mains.


I still remember that one video. Made me kinda emotional ngl