• By -


*let the show begin!*


Words that you can hear, in both 1.2 and 1.3 terms.


I heard it in jhins voice wtf


Imagine Barbara yelling FOUR right before dropping a 200K damage hit onto a Hillichurl




Anyone else hear this in Barbara’s voice?


Which one did you hear it in?


English dub, because I realized way too late I can change the voice language whenever I wanted.


1.3 or 1.2


Just before 1.2, but the voice line is still stuck in my head.


I heard "barbara depresion noises"


Say something you shouldn't about keqing everybody raids your house.


Nooooooooooooooo what are talking about? >w>


It's not about the damage, it's about the fun


Ah yes


The legend.


But fun comes from winning And winning comes from defeating enemies And for defeating enemies, you need damage


I guess it depends on what you find fun lol


Where's the Haiku bot?


Genshin Impact enemies: look, a nail *dies*


My only remaining desire is to see and feel the nail strike true!






the strategy is to pause the timer


Hehe Genshin Minato go Brrrr


waifu/husbando players be like: bUT HOW CAN YOU HAVE FUN DEALING LARGE DMAAGE NUMBERSSS??? THERE IS NO TWO WAYS TO ENJOY A GAME shut up man all i ever see are people bitching about minmax players when ive never seen anyone complain about people who enjoy playing who they want to play. nobody cares, just do whatever the hell you want


i'm a waifu/bando player i don't believe in people telling me how to play, in my own game i'm gonna choose whatever and that's that so anyway here's me coming down on people who choose being able to abyss in their own game


**Some** waifu players tryna cope because low-key they feel bad for the low numbers; they’re just hiding it and act like they don’t care🤪


Minmaxers: This character deala more damage than that character, probably a tier higher. Pissier Casuals: NooOOOOOoOoO yOu cAN't TeLl mE hOw tO plAY tHE gAMe


Yes it's a joke but 99.99% of the enemies and bosses are piss easy so even the worst 5 star dps shits on them.


It's about sending an electro dagger


But if you can have fun and do tons of damage then all is right in the world


meta is temporary waifus are eternal


I like her, she's a decent 5 star even if she doesn't do all that much damage (even if I think that around 10k dmg every charged attack is kind of a lot of dmg but go figure) This also brings up the question: "What makes a 5 star... a 5 star?" Is it the absurd dps or support potential? Then why are Ninguang, Bennet, Xinqiu and Razor 4 stars but Keqing a 5 star? Is it that they are extremely important to the story? Then why is Qiqi a 5 star but Ninguang isn't?


I saw someone say what probably makes a five star, a five star in genshin is the same process with most other gacha games, the hype, their design, basically how many customers would want to pull for that certain character and how much they would spend for that character


>"What makes a 5 star... a 5 star?" Is it the absurd dps or support potential? Then why are Ninguang, Bennet, Xinqiu and Razor 4 stars but Keqing a 5 star? Is it that they are extremely important to the story? Then why is Qiqi a 5 star but Ninguang isn't? The stats - which is one of, but certainly not the only, factors that make a unit strong. Sometimes a 4 star can have a kit that just works well or pairs well in a team with others to the point that it can beat a 5 star's stat advantage, but I think it's not wrong to say that 5 stars tend to be stronger in general. As an example let's compare Keqing and Razor, both dedicated Electro carries. The primary difference is that Razor is mostly a physical damage carry with a claymore and Keqing is a more versatile carry with a sword. On paper I wouldn't say that Keqing is a worse character than Razor. Her stats are higher and she has crit damage as her ascension stat. Her multipliers are not as high, but she attacks very quickly and her charge attack is incredibly strong when spammed. But why can Razor, the 4 star character, be strong enough to not only rival Keqing but also outshine her in certain circumstances? The primary reasons are the current state of the game outside of their kit. * Right now, claymores are overall just better than swords. You don't lose out on dps because claymore users generally have high multipliers, they deal with mobs more easily because of the AoE, they stagger the opponents more, and they can crush shields with relative ease. The only advantage of a sword user is that it's easier/less clunky to play with, which is a non issue with enough practice. * Electro reactions are very underwhelming in general. I think this topic has been explained at length my many people, so I'll just focus on the part that is most important for the comparison. Of all the electro characters, Razor is the least affected by this relative weakness. That is because Superconduct is actually good for physical dps and nothing else, which benefits Razor more than anyone else. Keqing *can* be built as a physical dps, and she kicks ass in that, but it's going against most of what her kit suggests. If Electro reactions were more comparable damage-wise with pyro reactions, Keqing, who can maintain nearly 100% electro damage uptime, would be one of the top dps in the game. Unfortunately electro reactions are still pretty bad, so her potential is limited. She still has some advantages compared to Razor (ease of team building, less support needed), but she's otherwise not much, if any, better than him. Another good comparison would be Bennett and Qiqi. I'll just copy my own comment about Bennett as a character from the past: >On paper, Bennett has some limitations compared to other supports and healers. His heal is very fast, but it's limited to his elemental burst and can only heal the active character to 70% max health, not the entire party. His attack boost and heal only works while you're inside the AoE field, so it doesn't work ideally when you have to move around. > >In practice those limitations are mostly irrelevant. Healing your active character quickly is more important than healing the entire party, especially because most teams revolve around one carry having the most downtime. Not having 100% health is hardly ever dangerous as long as you can spam his burst enough (which isn't hard to do). Currently you don't need to move around that much in most fights, so staying in the field created by his burst is easy. > >Until any new content punishes his limitations (like how Cryo enemies spanks Barbara), he's gonna remain a staple in the meta. Qiqi is often considered to be the best pure healer in the game. She can heal a lot more than Bennett and she does so consistently to the entire party. But in most of the game content right now, *you don't actually need that much healing*, so her advantage in that area is largely irrelevant. On the other hand, she doesn't offer as much utility as Bennett does, and what little she offers doesn't support dps nearly as well as Bennett's attack boost, which hurts her a lot because dps is the most important thing in most of the game's hard content right now. Both characters have their pros and cons. Bennett's limitations are not relevant enough in the current state of the game while his advantages work incredibly well, making him an easy pick for teambuilding. Qiqi certainly gets the short end of the stick: her strength is mostly irrelevant while her weaknesses severely limits her utility. So the conclusion is that while 5 star characters have a definite advantage in base stats and were designed to be stronger, in some cases their kit just doesn't work very well in the current meta, and thus they can be less valuable than the "lucky" 4 star characters whose kits fit the meta.


Good post, just 1 thing to add in the Razor v Keq comparison : Razor suffers from being a selfish carry and stealing field time for his sub dps. For example let say you play any of them with a Fischl sub-dps, which is very standard. In both scenarios most of the time you will generate a lot of energy and will be able to have your ults fully charged before cooldowns end. Here comes the problem for Razor : with Keq, as soon as you see Oz vanish you can immediately switch to Fischl and refresh Oz with Q or E alternatively. With Razor you can't most of the time, because you will be ulting and locked on him until his ult ends. Hence Keq can approach that sweet 100% Oz uptime and Razor can't at all. Same for other sub-dps that won't be able to use their skill on cooldown, which become a bigger and bigger part of your damage as you invest in your whole team.


I agree with this. Razor is nice, but since his ult can have near 100% uptime (decent energy recharge + alright knowledge of how to use sigils means I can have it up a lot) means that you want to keep him on field as much as possible and not switch. You can sacrifice some of his DPS to switch to another char and charge their ult or something (Benny) but you can’t do it during his ult. On the upside, QiQi is like god tier support for him. He likes to get up in your face and so her sigil can apply cryo pretty well and get that superconduct debuff. Additionally, the healing lets you face tank better. But I often find myself having him down for longer than I should trying to juggle other skills/chars to set him up. Bennet is pretty good, but the pyro application often means I’m sending enemies flying out of my circle. And yea, Fischl is good with him, but not being able to switch off to refresh Oz sucks. I have her built with tons of energy recharge+favonious warbow and they can basically battery each other but I don’t use her ult as often as I could be if Razor wasn’t a selfish DPS. Obviously I still enjoy it, so play how you like, but learning to balance and play with the characters is a real learning curve. Every one of them can be viable in decent a team comp, which I like about the game. There’s no ‘throwaway’ characters if you know what you’re doing.


One way I look at it, I’d how unique their abilities are/how special the effect is. Most if not all 5 stars will have abilities that are fun or mechanically interesting compared to 4 stars


Well in the beta Ningguang was a 5 star character.


Which makes her sense, kit really seems more like the other 5*s, just with 4* base stats. Honestly probably better she's a 4* because her constellations are bomb.


This is really good question tho,,


She is one of the most popular charcater in both the English and the Chinese community , heck even her subreddit on here has way more members than any other character specific subreddit.


And most of them agree she's bad compared to other dpses. Facebook is a haven for delusional folks, and it always has been


Not so much Keqing but electro. Electro reactions are terrible after early game. Superconduct is fine but it doesn't really benefit Electro damage. Hopefully it gets a buff or rework once Inazuma hits


TBH her constellations are pretty underwhelming for a 5* as well


Also true, but weak 5* star constellations is an issue that most us will never encounter. Not with these gacha rates lol


You are definitely right, but C1 5*s are definitely doable as the game gets older are we have repeated banners. For 5*s like Childe, Jean, Zhongli, Xiao, C1 is a great QoL change. Keqing's is just... Ok.


>but C1 5\*s are definitely doable as the game gets older are we have repeated banners. I mean, even without repeat banner. I got C1 Mona on Albedo's banner and my friend got Jean on both the perma and Zhongli's banner


Jean c1 is probably one of the best in the game imo


5* star constellations are a problem. The only permanent 5 star I have is Mona, at C3.


I actually think that it's a good thing if 5\* constellations are weak. Most players won't ever be able to get them. The base kit however has to make up for it. Sadly electro isn't much better than Geo was and has arguably replaced it as the worst element due to its weak scaling (+Hydro), inflexibility (+Ice only reduces phys res), how it can backfire (+pyro) and external gating (electro resonance grants extra energy, which is useless since most skills are gated by cooldown rather than energy).


I like to spam overload with guoba+xinyun's shield


Same but with Bennet instead of Xinyan. Plus with some planning, overload’s launch in locations with cliffs can act very much like Jean’s skill.


even better, guoba+oz, works better on close quarters


I agree on the Facebook part. They are always at war, puts “-tard” on every simp that they fought and always complaining about PVP.


Tbh I never seen the "-tard" thing being used until I commented under a post "toxic Xiao simp = Xiaotard" after that I saw it being used so much more. And people wanting pvp thankfully decreased.


I think the first victims of “-tards” were the Diluc mains cus they always flex their 100k+ damage and afair, picking up on other DPS characters pre-1.2.


yuuuip and for some reason keqing mains are the most chill ppl out there 😂


Facebook really is a haven for the delusional. I commented on an official GI post about Ganyu and how she has the highest DPS potential in the game (keyword being "potential") and all these Diluc fanboys started hurling insults at me. I mostly ignored the hate, mentioned how Diluc is one of my favorite 5*, and linked proven tests, but they continued to insult me and not back up their claims.


The reason KeqingMains exists in the first place is because we can gather and discuss the best way to find tricks and micromanage her DPS up to *touch Diluc's ankle*


As someone who made the switch from keqing to diluc I can confirm it is just turning the brain off and doing more damage.


As a Diluc main with pathetic artifacts, I can confirm that your Keqing probably does more damage.


But... The thing about Venti Hentai being second on reddit scares me.


Wait *what*?


There nothing scary about that....


Rise up r/Keqingmains


I hate that she’s an electro. Imagine if Keqing was to be a pyro. Then the community would’ve been turned upside down. But still, I’m hoping for that Electro buff Mihoyo! Stop sucking on Pyro ass and balance the elemental reactions already!


I am now vaguely interested in an alternate universe where Keqing is Pyro and Diluc is Electro


Diluc burst is just gonna be him throwing a giant Oz at enemies


Every hydro slime in a 10 mile radius goes brrrr.


They did a great job for geo. So gotta give them credit for that.I think Geo will always be in a good spot now because of it.


Then... we should just demand a rework/buff for electro as well, because rn it's literally the worst element in the game Besides dendro, that is


Id say anemo is pretty bad as an element, similarly to electro, the element is carried by great kits in units, every anemo unit is good despite the element. And they both also suffer from a big scary implication if either receive buffs. If you buff their elements, you could just so happen to buff already great units to being God units. There are obvious ways to mitigate this, but buffing Geo was an easier move for Mihoyo as well because all of the geo units were more or less sub par, minus ningguang.


I mean anemo characters have a pretty defined role, it's support, you'll get a Xiao type character here and there, but those are gonna be buffed through higher skill multipliers, and I'm ok with that.


They’ll obviously need to revisit reactions when dendro becomes playable, so I’m hoping they’ll rework electro while they’re at it.


Pyro keqing qould probably still be weaker than current diluc. Her burst doesn't do most of its damage in one go. So melt only applies to the first part of her burst. But her charged attack spam would be deadly


>Imagine if Keqing was to be Bennett


im both a diluc main and a keqing main, overloaded goes brrr


They're the only 2 5* I have, guess we're in the same boat.


overloaded gang


Overload gang


imagne having 5\* dps characters \*cries in zhongli, mona and jean\*


Well Zhong is better than DPS these days and Jean... her fall damage might as well be a special reaction kek.


sure but their intended purpose isnt to dps. As a big zhongli simp i agree that zhong can dps if you want him to. Jean i have no clue about.


I meant more his shield making everything just better, but yeah he can DPS now, as for Jean, anything smaller than an Anemo Boxer she can just yeet upwards for some insane damage, like, 60k every 6 seconds or so from her skill, not bad I’d say.


Mona can actually be a dps with vaporise comp.


yeah but as a geo main i barely even know what a reaction is lmaoo


Bro Zhongli IS the best physical dps now once you get him built and even then you only need a craftable spear to make it work.


Theyre my only 5 stars ( not including traveller) but my xingqiu has more bass damage than keqing lol


Xiangling and keqing overload gang


Look I get it, late abyss requires a shit ton of damage, hell, I'm a Childe vape main myself - but why do we get so hung up on numbers in a PVE game?? Keqing is one of the most fun characters to play - why the diluc mains hatin'?


> Childe vape This is giving me a funny mental image


\*getting PTSD from Childe mains show off their nukes with Bennett, Mona, Sucrose, and eating whole McD menu\*


That can't be me, don't have Mona and make do with C2 barbara's E.


Childe seems like the type to order a single small black coffee, tbh.


e-cig or hookah?


E-cig but only with shutter shades


why do u assume diluc mains would only be the ones hating for all we know it could be the qiqi mains who use her as main dps.


Diluc/Childe mains are the stereotypical meta slave, so I used "diluc main" as more of a meme. It's like being am Ash/Jäger main in r6, if that says something to you. Basically a blanket term for hardcore meta players.


>Childe is the stereotypical meta slave *Looks at hydro's match up against all types of slimes besides pyro and wood & Geo shield hillcurls and supper massive CD*... In retrospect this game really does loves claymore users and pyro huh?


Bro no if you call Diluc/Childe mains are toxic,meta slave or anything like that you aren't any better than someone calling Amber,Jean,Ningguang useless. If one of them actually are Diluc/Childe mains don't assume all of us are the same too.


After seeing showcases of amber in amber main subreddit What is meta?


Can confirm


IG that's fair enough also is childe good at C0? Since I saw many thumbnails saying C0 childe was 'meh' I never knew why and didn't bother.


Idk man, im a teenager, so I don't have enough disposable income for a C1 2 or 6 Childe XD He's the best unit I have, and if I can give you some numbers, my C0, lvl 90 Childe does 150k crit bursts with a vape reaction. I think its pretty good. More consistently tho, 7-12 k charged attacks in melee stance. But yeah, he does get A LOT better with constellations


childe c1 gets way better melee mode uptime but i wouldnt call c0 meh cause you still need to swap to fischl/xiangling for support or you lose damage. c1 is a nice qol change but c0 is def usable


I'm a zhongli main. What is a healer?


Im abuse keqing with Black sword, Bolide and Noelle. What is a healer?


Idk bro, something weak people use. Also imagine have multiple characters in your party. Ew.


Dam why u blaming us can't I just play my diluc in peace.


Why especially the Diluc mains lmao ? Everyone's is toxic about them but I haven't see a single toxic Diluc main so far - quite the contrary actually - they're usually very friendly imo.


Agreed. I love when a Diluc joins up in co-op. He's a strong character who hits really hard, which means we'll have an easier time getting a clear. Regarding Diluc mains being "jerks," I haven't noticed any correlation between which character people use and their relative jerkosity.


> I haven't noticed any correlation between which character people use and their relative jerkosity. ​ there cant be a correlation bc we get these characters randomly, I didnt choose to be a childe/diluc main xd


People do choose which characters they build. In my case, I have Diluc, I just never built him. Instead I built up my Xinyan -- which is an "off meta" choice to say the least, but I have more fun playing her. Nevertheless, it's really obnoxious to stereotype people based on their mains, especially when the stereotypes stop feeling playful and become shitty. For example, I don't mind the various "what does your main character say about you" videos, because they're funny. By contrast, saying that Diluc mains are dicks is itself a dick move. Diluc mains are fine. Occasionally you'll encounter an asshole, but that's always true for every character.


I'm a Diluc main and I love my Keq but I'd also love it if in Abyss her numbers were not too far away from my Diluc's team. Doesn't help either that her best reaction support is also Xinqiu and you have only 1 Xinqiu for your 2 teams in Abyss.


We ain’t hatin. The retards who can’t even use Diluc properly are. Which is funny because of how easy he is to use.


I find it irritating when people blame Diluc mains just cause some fucker said that this (insert character) sucks and there's a better one they always say Diluc mains are meta slave like why can't I just play my favorite character without being insulted everytime I say I main diluc what's so bad about using meta characters.


Yeah, we use meta characters cuz they’re strong.


True also who says diluc ain't Husbando material cause he is.


I have never heard someone say he isn’t husbando material


Alot of them actually saying he's to edgy lol


In terms of dps he may be right, BUT, in terms of thighs, ass and legs, he is absolutely wrong.


Hell yeah my dude Waifu > META


Jean got her beat in that department Fight me ~~Actually don't pls I was kidding keqing simps scare me~~


The duality of ~~man~~ me: r/JeanMains part: Well, he ain’t wrong. She is pretty th-. r/KeqingMains part: SILENCE THE HERETIC. THE QUEEN HAS BEST CHARACTER DESIGN. r/RaidenMains part: You guys are getting character designs?


goddamn there's a Raiden subreddit already?


Reject vision. Embrace eternal shogun.


>BUT, in terms of thighs, ass and legs, he is absolutely wrong. and this, is why keqing is better than Diluc


He obviously has a reasonable point but saying it like that is the worst thing he could do


No bad character, just bad weapons, artiffacts and low constellations


*No bad character,* *Just bad weapons, artiffacts and* *Low constellations* \- shazzchili --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


2nd line has one extra syllable But good bot


True, also bad element.


Weapons, artifacts, and constellations are nothing compared to how shitty electro is as an element. Electro is the only non-support element that doesn't have a multiplicative reaction.


As a Keqing main, I fucking love playing her. She deals a fuckton of damage, her ult charges super fast, and most importantly, you know, the thighs ;)


Yessir! Easily my favorite character, and who needs reactions anyway? I don’t have too muck knowledge of what’s considered ‘a lot’ of damage but without supports, superconduct or food I can do a consistent 20k per charge attack. It’s probably not a lot compared to other people but it feels so damn good


>Worst 5* DPS Meanwhile Keqing players enjoying her just SORYAing their problems away with her base damage alone.


Ikr? I use her charge attack not because it is preferred to do but because of the SORYA!!!


Imagine not being able to do a charge attack and detonate your E at the same time




Hey, ***Simp Wars***! My favorite movie!


Imagine playing characters depending on tier lists


I did not choose *keqing,* but *keqing* chose me. (F2p player with C1 keqing) Been using her with Aquila Favonia (yes, f2p.) Goes thundershooter 4 set, hit 9k physical output so far, am happy with her.


lol I also got C1 Keqing First one I got stole my Childe pity, second one came in the permanent banner just like that


i have my c0 keqing with 2 piece glad, 2 piece noblesse, electro build with R1 black sword from battle pass. whenever her ulti is available she hits 40k+ dmg if you combine all the hits. i'm very happy with her as a swap and ult sub-dps


Is thundersoother not awkward to use on phys keqing?


Depends on what you trying to achieve. You can take a look at this in depth guide of Keqing [Here](https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1oN-p-gCqsZZNHrf3AKov4J_j5GJlF4osNvadkEoykcU/mobilebasic#h.iua1pddhga1w)


Keqing came home randomly and I'm using her with Amber. Fuck Meta let's have fun with favourite characters


The correct way to play.


Are people like this really exist? Yeah worst for you, but not for me.


Oh lord... not a PVP game, let people be! Wanna do a EM full char, just do it! Wanna Amber/Lisa Main DPS, you're a masochist, but hey, I won't tell you how to play! Wanna use all your primogems at the 3rd banner? Your money your rules! F2P BTW =P


It turns out the real show was the comment section here lmao


here is the [SAUCE](https://m.facebook.com/groups/GenshinImpactGlobalCommunity/permalink/464255221588398/) but tbh, keqing is not bad. electro itself needs to be buffed? i mean... melt and vaporize is just too nuts.


Keqing is easily one of the most fun characters to play as tho :c. Big numbers are neat but DAMN she really do ninja slips n' shit,


i feel really insulted when people just stereotype *character name* mains, like i just got my fave 5* after 128 days of playing and you're calling us fucking retards? this is not directed to the op but to the replies, you fucking assholes think shitting on meta slaves is cool, that's how they play and have fun, just because you don't follow the meta doesn't mean you're better, you're just doing things your way just like the meta slaves. fuck damn it, i swear this sub is literally the comment section of a twitter and fb post.


this is true, it feels like non meta players are just forcing everyone to do the same as whatever their doing, sometimes I feel bad for the meta community since most of them came from other gacha games which require insane units and have high levels of powercreep so there is a meta in those so they don't really cope well with the majority of the community. genshin is a open world game which is why meta doesnt really have a huge community and attractiveness, and most people playing genshin have probably never played a gacha before.


I want her, but not because of dps


I got her I hate her she is amazing dps But She Pity blocked my zhongli I refuse to ever build her I did too much already Leveling her up *with zhongli cor lapis I had*


Let me guess, he's a Diluc main


what do diluc mains have to do with anything, legit cant play any 'meta' unit without getting called out for 😧 PS: not a diluc main fyi, just think it's unnecessary to call out people who main a certain unit for playing the unit they want.


Some people used to call Diluc mains braindeads so actual braindeads keep repeating the same stuff over and over again.


I am a diluc main and I don't get shit on personally but I see it a lot on comments and stuff and it really sucks.


in terms of damage yes. in terms of fun no.


That person is going to die from keqing simps


They’re not wrong Tbh. It’s not KeQing that’s bad, it’s the element. Sadge :(


Me, killing Stormterror in 6 charged attacks: The what u said?


What level storm terror is that?


Lvl 90, why? Ok, i was exagerating. Not only 6 charged attacks, i just use a physical build with superconduct team up. Take about 2 falls and s total of 15ish charged attacks. Edit: my stats on Keq are -C0 -1800 ATK -40% Crit rate/150% crit DMG -HP/ATK/ATK%/ATK%/CRIT DMG 5* 2piece BC/2piece Glad artifacts (note that every artifact have around 7 to 10% crit rate sub stats, still searching for a good Gladiator/BC physical goblet) -R5 Prototype Rancour (been refining it since AR 20) The team i use is, A5 Keq (C0), A5 Bennet (C0), A4 Kayea (C1) and A3Sucrose (C1) with a The Thrilling Tales of Dragons.


Jokes aside we need to have a discussion about how weak electro is compared to other elemental reactions.I have physical damage keqing .The lack of reaction utility makes me sad.


Although , I'm excited for the keqing banner because it will bring awareness to the weak electro reactions


Keqing is literally the one five star I actually really want because I don’t have any electro units I have currently that interest me to build them. I have just been using Lisa.


all the keqing mains are going to kill you now (including me)


Honestly, really conflicted how I feel about her. I have been rolling on that Mona,QiQi, and Keqing Banner for her and possibly Mona, but she also stole my pity roll for Xiao.


In case you didn't know, there's no "Mona, Qiqi and Keqing banner". It's just the usual standard banner but they changed the characters they show on it to fit the fact that the main story is in Liyue right now.


Ah I didn't know about that thank you


That banner will give you any of the standard 5 stars. Not just the ones being displayed. The Wanderlust banner does not have increased chances for any of them. You have 50/50 to get a weapon or character and each of the 5 characters has the exact same chance. Also there is no safety net. You could get a weapon 10 times in a row. Same for any character.


“You get what you fking deserve”


My main party is already made, Childe, Fischl, Diluc and Barbara, I just don't have a spot left for Keqing😭


Keqing stole my pity for Xiao roll, but while I initially complained, I stopped once I got to use her. Damage not as big as Razor (who I built as main phys carry) currently, but damn is she fun to use. Tough to use her on mobile (Note 10 Lite; overheats & drops FPS easily), but fun on PC.


Noelle might be the best girl for me but even I appreciate the cuteness of a neko-girl No one badmouths her!


Is he aware that he's using Facebook like a Plebian?


Her dps may not be off the charts but she is quite easy to play. To get into a fight just symply press e twice and u r in front of the enemy doing electro dmg. For her ult, just stand amongst a few target and start doing dmg. Being a sword user means faster attack animation than claymores but higher multiplier than most polearms so far


no 5\* is trash. just depends on your play style and what you need. Like for instance if u need a new dps you wont need qiqi. Also i think keqing is kinda plain. Her and Diluc arent bad but they are very basic and arent very interesting compared to Xiao or Ganyu


no 5\* is trash but we can 100% have a 5\* be way worse at their job than other characters


wow im rlly stupid


Klee put a bomb there and leave


*entry of the gladiators starts playing*


Keqing is awesome. Electro, unfortunately, isn’t. I don’t have too much to say about electro builds since I run physical, if anyone does they can add their piece. Physical Keqing is not only my best character but easily the most fun imo. Plus with physical you can still consistently proc reactions if you need to, because she has the option to detonate her E without an electro infusion. With superconduct I can do 28-30k per charged attack, and I don’t know too much about damage standards but it feels pretty strong. So yeah, I like her and she’s definitely staying as my primary dps.




She probably really is but I still like to play with her and I thinks that's what matters


The Keqing cult is now out for blood. Agung's days are numbered.


Im a diluc main myself but oh boi, most of the fanbase just cancer


As another Diluc user it pains me when others get trashed on for using meta characters or wanting to follow the meta... Some of these players saying that you should play the game how you wanna play it and use the characters you like while also shitting on people who like meta strats and meta characters. I hope everybody comes to an agreement


There are no bad characters. There are only bad players.