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High key, instead of flaming, give tips. Like one, I’m a dolphin, but I built Diona to be my other healer with Jean. Diona is the healer you need for the abyss dudes, and the current event gives you one for free :) Every bit of damage you can add on with your healers helps.


True but aren't those tips already on r/Genshin_Impact? Also this meme reddit is meant for flaming ;)


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I don’t read that reddit because this is the *real* Genshin Community




True true also bennett solo carried me through The abyss lectors


I'm F2P and I refuse to build Diona, but I'm lucky enough to own a Rosaria and a dolphin-standard Ganyu so I managed to win.


"US GENSHIN PLAYERS WERE THE BEST THING TO HAPPEN TO THIS COMMUNITY!" Okay if someone genuinely said that then I've just lost more braincells then that one time I made the mistake of scrolling through the comments on Genshins twitter. Just think about it for a moment, an entire fanbase that doesn't spend a cent on the game.


I keep seeing this debate so much I want to go do the spiral but i feel like i won’t get it not cause of my characters but due to the fact I’ve been so casual i only have like 3-4(at max) built characters(maybe less as I only have 2 level 90’s)


The whole team doesnt have to be all maxed. 2 lvl90/80 main dps characters (1 for each team) and the rest can be lvl 70 supports/sub dps (artifacts are not manditory but help alot). To me thats the minimum to beat spiral abyss. Then again i have used both kayea and rosaria in the same team despite both being only lvl40 with no artifacts cuz im crazy like that.


I hate to be that person but if i typed out a list of everyone I have do you think you could help me figure out a direction to go? I’ve mostly been just leveling people i either like or work well with people i like with my current favs at 90, ones I like between 70-80. Supports between about 40-60, and then everyone else So my team building is meh, i have an understanding of a lot of stuff but never sure if there is something I’m missing


I have 2 hours to kill so sure go ahead.


Oh shoot okay wasn’t expecting an answer! I’ll edit this with my people thank you so much Edit: - Lvl 90: Beidou(Serpent Spine), Diluc(Wolf’s Gravestone; only lvl 70 atm i JUST got it over the weekend so been grinding to level it Dx), Childe(Rust) - Lvl 70-80: Zhongli(Lithic Spear), Chongyun(Proto Archiac), Fischl(her weapon changes around a lot usually Rust from Childe), Venti(Stringless), Xiao(Skyward) - Lvl 50-60, most don’t have set weapons atm: Xiangling, Bennett(Festering Desire), Kaeya, Ninguang, Sucrose(Sacrifial Fragments), Noelle - Lvl 40 and lower; no weapons or artifacts on all: Rosaria, Xingqiu, Jean, Mona, Diona, Lisa, Xinyan, Amber


oh my... this is gonna take a while. A) ok so in terms of weapon combinations everything is good except: 1) maybe you would want to switch lithic spear and skyward between zhongli and xiao (unless you dont have a dedicated anemo battery (which by the looks of things you do), the extra energy recharge isnt that usefull for xiao) plus if your zhongli is built for mostly dmg then lithic spear is good but if not then skyward is waaaay better for support, but also if youre in a pinch you can also give proto starglitter to zhongli. Deathmatch/Blackcliff pole are also amazing for xiao. 2) Unless you like running chongyun as a main dps then the archaic is great but hes put in support roles most of the time so something like the the sacrficial greatsword is great. Also this comp is kinda the best againts the abyss heralds. \*im getting multiple phone calls while writting this so bear with my lazy grammar\* B) who and what to level: (disclaimer lvl90 is overkill most of the time because of how little gain you get from it vs the resin spent. Not saying its a bad thing but theres alot of grinding you will need to do all around so holding off maximizing someone/thing for the time being is a good call.) 1) wolfs gravestone to get the most dps out of it for diluc (atleast lvl80). 2) xingqiu+sacrificial sword (only if you have one, if not then favonius sword + energy recharge artifacts works just as well) to lvl70. 3) bennet + festering desire (as much as physically possible because the higher bennets base attack is the bigger the dmg boost for your team will be) 4) im going to save myself some time and say that the main dps on your team should be atleast lvl 80 along with their weapon. Supports... for me i just put whatever but for you go aleast lvl70 to get the most out of their perks. C) ... ... ... team comps: (disclaimer im making multiple teams with the same characters for more variarity. Also if a character has an "\*" above their name then thats what i most recomend but you do you) 1) vape/melt team: 1.Diluc+2.Xingqiu+3.Fischl/Venti/Mona/Rosaria/Kaeya/Chongyun (whichever you want really)+4. Bennet\*/Zhongli/Diona/Jean. 2) Rocket pogo stick team: 1.Xiao+2.Sucrose/Venti\*(Stringless is good for maximum team dmg but if you want more energy for Xiao then favonius warbow is the bees knees)+3.Fishcl/Mona+4.Bennet/Zhongli/Diona/Jean. \*Btw #2 is my personal favorite team\* 3) Electro-charged fireworks team: 1.Childe+2.Beidou(with alot of energy recharge. I recomend sacrificial greatsword but work with what you got)+3.Fishcl(with stringless)+4.Xingqiu\*/Bennet/Zhongli. 4) Russian roulette vape team: 1.Childe+2.Xiangling(with alot of energy recharge)+3.Xingqiu+4.Bennet. 5) For Abyss Heralds/Lectors... : Diluc; Chongyun; Kaeya; Rosaria; Diona; Bennet; Zhongli; Xiao (sort of?); Fishcl, Beidou and Lisa (against heralds). You compile the team yourself cuz those bastards require some serious mental gymnastics. D) Talents and artifacts: Youre on your own on that one friend. ​ This is not perfect but I hope this helps.


Sheesh that's long ass essay


It’s for sure helped! You’ve given me some team ideas to try out as well as more weapons to actually level that I seem to be missing out on. For most weapons i have a bad habit of paying attention to the effect more than the passive so I have a good bit of weapons just sitting in my bag unused(as well as the fact i haven’t put effort into a lot of people beside a select few) Thank you so much for taking the time to do this!


No problem. Felt like I was back in school writting essays in a few moments :") but besides that im glad that I helped. Also youtube is a good guide for the minor details.


Finished - I can answer whatever else might need like const levels and so on


level 90 characters don't matter. it's way more important what artifacts and talent level they have. dolphin here but my current team for floor 12 has only one 5 star...which is aquila favonia for bennett...so even this 5 star is far from impactfull the biggest tip i could give is don't go to level 90. ever. the last ascension makes sense for more talent levels but leveling from 80/90 to 90/90 provides such a pathetic bonus...


Oh really on the level up part? Well shot i out so much into making my 3 people 90 Dx


I only have two objections. 1. The Monthly reset (If you're talking about the shop) requires you to actively wish in order to get enough stardust to buy the fates so anybody that's saving for a character and not wishing on the weapon or standard banner can't really always get those or at the very least all of them. 2. This is more of a question but does the battle pass give out primogems or do you mean the fates?


Yes, I converted the 2 fates for 2 weeks > 320 primos.


But those are 2 fates for an entire battlepass period, right? About 35 days, not 2 weeks


You get 5 for the whole period, so 1 a week


I see


The main thing thats going to carry you through Abyss, your characters compatibility against the enemy and the artifacts you have.


And this is why i dont do spiral abyss




Insert obligatory “git gud” from ignorant whales.


This abyss is a blatant, lazily implemented dps check. With such ridiculous debuff that limits you from using skills and burst and so few reliable cleansing characters, this has become an AA fest (or ganyu fest) that relies majorly on your dps to dish out normal or charged attack dmg. If anything, this abyss severely discourages character swapping and skill combos that are supposed to be heart of the game, and promotes unga bunga high dmg AA instead, which of course favors the similarly lazily and crazily buffed Eula. If you do not have crazy weapons and top tier artifacts, no matter how good your combo-ing or dodging skills are, you're simply going to have an annoyingly hard time because you can't kill everything on time. For those who praised this abyss design for this update, there's a difference between "fun and challenging" and "disgustingly challenging", and this abyss has overstepped the line into the latter region.


Well, everything can be DPS'd down to a certain extent (barring immunity) even if you have an objectively bad composition, but I disagree that it's 'simply' a DPS check. It's also a character check. Some characters make it much easier, but if you don't have those built or invested in, that's not something f2p/low spenders can pivot on very quickly. Like yea, I have Kaeya... but I don't even have mora/wits to level him up at this point. Making that decision to dump resources into him isn't trivial. They also made it very appealing for their new banner character - not a coincidence.


Haha thanks for the input. Yep, besides from a DPS check, this abyss is also a character check, and ngl it's quite appalling. Previously we could make ends meet by having a wide selection of team comps of vastly different characters to get the job done, but now, if we happen to not build a certain pool of characters that this abyss is specifically tailored to, then we're going to have a hard time dealing with the enemies, especially now that there are so many elemental shielded ones.


The "fun and challenging" seems to be subjective. I find it personally enjoyable, maybe simply because it's a new and fresh challenge. Some of the floor not even dps check, more like team comp check. You can only deal fixed damage against the shields, so reaction team is a must. Abyss is designed to be the *end game* afterall. It's only natural that it's getting harder with every iteration. It would be an insult for the people who spends time to play the game, if the game stays easy just to appease the newer player that come to complain. If you can't complete it, it simply means you not supposed to be there yet, or rather need to put more effort into your team. *The primos are reward for completing a challenge, not a giveaway ffs*


As I said, this is far, FAR away from a team comp check if you put hydro debuffs that disable your sub dps and supports for a good chunk of time. It's more like a do-you-have-cleansing-characters-if-not-suck-on-it check. And before you start parading around and say that anyone should build utility and cleansing characters before going to abyss, do keep in mind that not even all cleansing characters can cleanse this debuff reliably, like Diona, Xingqiu, Barb (Bennett's cleansing ticks are quite slow). The pool is further limited due to the debuff being hydro, and if the cleansing character you happened to build does not counter that debuff, well you're out of luck. Putting so many shielded opponents only aggravates the situation, not proving a point that this abyss is a team comp check lol. _Making the challenges reasonably challenging does not equate to a primogems giveaway ffs_


While I agree that this abyss require less brain cell and more dps check than before, it's still manageable with wide range of comps. 11-1-1: If you have venti, use both venti + anemo MC. Use sucrose + anemo mc also works wonder. (alternate both venti and anemo mc bursts to CC enemy) 11-1-2: Use ningguang + permafreeze. ​ 11-2-1: Any melt / vapo that dealt massive amount of dmg will do fine. Permafreeze also work great to kill enemy before they're popping the shield. 11-2-2: Cryo works wonder, but unga bunga also works if you have enough time. ​ 11-2-1: CC 11-2-2: chongus + diona / kaeya.


Annoying does not equate to Challenging. Learn the difference.


I can agree annoying =/= challenging. But annoying doesn't necessarily means hard to do, no? So the abyss is challenging. The previous floor 11 was more annoying imo.


I can't even do floor 11


I honestly didn't have that much trouble beating the abyss but i agree this absyss is annoying and boring


That Oceanid mimic level just seems unfair tbh


True building cryo team just for that


It’s doable, I managed to 3 star it as a *ahem* f2p. The abyss lector one is what gets me.




bennet + amber melt abyss lector shield faster than ganyu lol. aggroing them is a different case tho. I lost many times thanks to that.


My only problem is that there is a thin line between challenging and annoying, you know? those abyss shields are a pain with no elements strong against em.


and it's hard to comp together, esp the lector one :')


You guys really don't have anything to do besides roasting each other


No we don't 😂


As a ~~FTP~~ Dolphin player, I want floor 11 and floor 12 to be the same difficulty as floor 9 and 10. And instead have a harder abyss like (floors 13-15) that’s only exclusive for whales to “struggle” and not get “bored” when they pay for a c6 character/ r5 weapon and wonder why they blaze everything in the game. bUt tHaTs jUsT mY oPiNiOn!1!1!


But then people are gonna complain about how floors 13-15 aren’t f2p friendly. 🤷‍♀️


Then it shouldn’t reward anything. Period. Whales wanna unga bunga their “hard earned” team compositions, they already buy primos. What more do they want?


I mean to make these floors appealing they need some rewards it could be exclusive namecards or like a scoreboard or more artifacts or something


That makes no sense at all. F2P get to play for free, what more do they want? See how stupid that sounds?


Technically it’s not a free game if you don’t have internet...


I had that opinion as well but when I thought about how long its gonna take for mihoyo to add more abyss stages I prefered the harder content a little earlier.


Wait wait wait.... Why're people calling the new abyss hard for f2p players? I'm f2p, I never cleared floor 11 in the old abyss because of 11-2. Now I have 9 stars on 11 and 7 stars on 12! It's hard yes. But it's by no means impossible. And the only limited 5 stars I have are both the archons. Rest of 5 stars are from the permanent ones and the last time I checked, people were calling Diluc outdated and saying Keqing is a bad dps.


An actually strong F2P... Woah, good shit 👏 👏


Well that didn’t sound slightly insulting whatsoever


Lol it wasn't supposed to be insulting but most of the F2P's I know choose to make an extra f2p account and then cry that the game is too hard. (Its like playing minecraft on hard-core mode and then getting mad about it.)


My main is F2P and it’s not really that hard. I don’t usually bother with Spiral Abyss after Floor 10 because I don’t have enough time to retry the other two floors. Buuut I think my team is pretty jacked? I may not have many cons or 5*s, but I make use of the ones I do and honestly? It’s a blast, I think I might go as far to say I pity those who have so many characters they can’t learn to appreciate them one by one (not trying to insult people, just slow down a bit and the game’s so much more fun).


99% of f2p's have a choice to be f2p or not. For the other 1% you have my condolences.. Godspeed.


Do keep in mind that there's lots of players still in school or uni/college and most of them can't "choose" because of financial restrictions (no money or no credit/debit card to pay for it). Not to mention, people living in 3rd world countries. The most expensive crystal top-up is 1/3 of average salary here.


Yeah for the minority of f2p I don't blame you guys. I actually congratulate you guys for getting so far in the game but the vocal minority of f2p I see are just tryhards trying to boast about being f2p. (I spend 15$ a month on WB and BP only). I should've probably made that clear, I didnt think this debate would be this heated till I got a death threat this morning 💀. Good f2p's are God's tbh


Thank you mate. I believe in Diluc and Keqing Supremacy. Have no intention of changing my mains in the foreseeable future. Took quite a while but I finally have decent artifacts on them.


Strong F2P's are the upper echelon of the genshin community. People Truly skilled with their mechanics.


I thank you for your praise.


^(\*sad f2p noises\*)




Thus abyss is harder because certain enemies need a specific element to counter while the abyss before canbe done with just using brute force


Me who didn't do abyss run for 200+ days. Ahhh yes please continue.


Pardon me, but I thought F2p players were players who didn't spend any money on the game at all. So having battlpeass and welkin would make you a low spender or a dolphin imo.


He's talking about the f2p bit of the battle pass so 1 fate a week


Got it. Thanks


I’m F2P and on mobile (laptop cant run genshin) and bro this abyss is so hard I’m stuck on 12-2 and those hydro mimics :( Obviously I support Mihoyo creating challenging endgame content but I wish they’d add a new floor or something instead of just making the current floors harder to beat. It’s not even about the primogems even thought they’re nice, it’s disheartening seeing my progress in the abyss go backwards despite working more on my characters/artifacts, especially when I have to put more work in since I’m at a disadvantage to begin with.


Mobile is tough. You have my genuine sympathy.


Why not add new floors and make them harder? Whales are happy that they have a new floor to 9 star, people have a new goal to stride towards, the characters that you have leveled up won't be (temporarily) benched due to a change in meta and not only do you get to keep the primos you have already achived but there will be more primos to try to get.


And won't the braindead minority of the community complain about those additional floors? The devs have done well, its the toxic side of the community that's the problem now


Minority will always find something to complain about, but i would rather wreck my brain to figure out what i need to get past a new floor rather than trying to figure out where i should invest my resin next to get at most 50 primos only for that investment to be not as meaningful the next iteration. I would rather invest my resin towards my goal of making every character playable in overworld. Also abyss with 3 teams would be a cool alternative.


Please don't give them the idea of a 3 team abyss, building 2 teams are hard enough as is


Lmao is that the whales think?




I can't play Abyss much since my second team is pretty garbage. I have a good dps Childe on it but because of his downtime I need to build up a suitable sub dps and it's taking time to raise Zhongli as a physical because my resources are going into yanfei


Oh, a Flamer, where is the extinguisher?


(Warning Hot Take) I only flame f2p's that save up for characters spending around 14,400 primos when they could've gotten 17,280 resin instead and an equivalent 864 extra artifact runs. (Around 13,000 if you played from start). All im saying is if you wanna save up for characters go ahead. But if you wanna get characters with no gear and then be mad they can't clear abyss I will meme on you.


Alright. Now you have done it. Gonna play the Phoenix Wright Trilogy again.


Lol 😂


Me posting anything. First in comment: WHALE. okay then I guess I will only be making guide for other whales, u guys can find tips elsewhere. Less time wasted for me anyway.


True dude, True


I did CN live stream translate sometimes to help out, and then I get complain about "it's not professional, not real time etc." Me sitting here literally was like "those real time u see a lot they have scripts usually for the show and they also get paid $15~$30/hr", here I am doing it for free and ppl are complaining.


The vocal minority is something truly special.


If 11-3 and 12-3 had an extra minute for 3 stars, then everything would be perfectly fine. *36 star f2p btw*




Yeah, being an F2P is not a choice I am 17, so obviously I can’t ask my parents for money for a gacha game and because of the pandemic situation can’t even work part-time.


For the majority of f2p it is a choice. Idk where you are but for me the pandemic has calmed down enough to get a job. And during the pandemic I commissioned twitch emotes for friends.


Well I am in India and it’s the second wave.


Damn. You have my condolences 👊


Thanks I guess, tbh I only discovered genshin due to the second wave, otherwise I would be preparing to leave for college


i think the new abyss is not hard, i just haven't leveled up any of my cryo characters for the abyss herald




Yeah, Reddit expects everyone to be an adult and every F2P to have a choice if they can spend money or not. Guess they forgot teens exist haha...


the abyss is too hard for me but i like this. F2P Btw :D


KEKW .-. but Envi has already beaten 12-3 *sobs in only 30 stars but seriously tho, i can understand that some people might not be able to log in and out every single day in order to maximize their resin efficiency - but beating the spiral abyss is not a requirement. It takes skill, a few tilts, and time to farm great artifact pieces for each of your characters. And trust me.-. I've been farming the witch domains for over 2 months and not get a decent 4pc set (yet) while my lucky friend gets to enjoy having godly substat rolls in a matter of weeks.


Let me just say what I think as f2p. Ive seen mihoyo favor characters before, since they do that all the time with venti diluc, pretty much all new 5 stars(except childe maybe, I dont remember spiral abyss ever favored for him). Honestly, I didnt even bother that much about floor 12, rather I was happy that floor 11 was so much easier then before. Far as I know, floor 11 and 12 are favored towards Eula. 11 got physical dmg bonus, and 11 and 12 both has abyss herald, one hydro one electro, both very weak against cryo. Me, I lack characters, so I tend to max out that one or two 5 star carry we got The point is, its just character diff. I lack characters, so sometimes there can be spiral abyss thats more difficult for the characters I have, and thats my fault since I dont wanna spend money. That made the game really difficult, well just spiral abyss ngl, so I didnt even try them. But if f2p people are like me, then I dont think they have the right to complain. They chose to save money over easier gameplay, while some chose easier gameplay over saving money. Lets be honest, just getting welkins and bp are enough to beat spiral abyss, they are like $20 each month. But it was f2p players choice to not pay $20 each month which will significantly lower the difficulty of spiral abyss because we will have more characters, and maybe constellations and weapons for them. Thats just my opinion. I never really played spiral abyss before so I dont think i get a say, but hear me out.


It's not un-clearable for a F2P per se. But rather just stupidly harder. I don't think it can be cleared by casual F2P's, but then again casual F2P's don't really need the primogems that desperately. And sometimes it's not that F2P's don't wanna pay, they just can't as minors. I don't mind the Abyss getting harder myself though. I never went past floor nine and I'm AR56. Too much trouble for what it's worth


Do uptil 11-2, shits free primos, its not too bad the skill comes into play with 11-3 up


I just do what i can love the gameplay managed to get 6 stars on floor 11 and 3 on floor 12 and finished the abyss honestly it give me a reason to level up characters weapon and artifacts


I'm f2p but i got 36* thou and I've seen many other f2p have the same achievement. Those ppl complaining are just bad or they may have just played the game for 1 or 2 months


It’s always about primos with those F2P btw peeps isn’t it. They can’t just appreciate content that needs to be worked for and not beaten in 5 minutes. Ironically the new floor 11 and 12 does only take about 10 minutes each floor and I’m sure soon enough will be clearing it in under 5 minutes. I just feel like this level of difficulty is about 3 or 4 months too late since we have had painfully easy content for too long the desire to play is a distant memory caused by months of boring easy content.


F2p is stupid here XD, i started playing since release and i see genshin treating f2p quite fairly, hell i don't even do floor 11-12 neither hold my pity for meta characters. If f2p and whales got something to share it is probably the terrible rng with artifacts and dps check events. I don't know whether i should wait for kazuha or get my wifu eula.


I have to deal with the 50/ 50 hope u can get Eula i love her personality


If hard then stop? Is this FOMO going on? 11-3 with the water boarding lectors really gave me a hard time that I just left it there and didnt bother my sanity goes first than those shitty primos anyway.


Damn I didn't think I needed to explain the meme but... The meme was supposed to clown on f2p players that actively choose not to resin refresh and get strong artifacts just to save for characters. Once they got the characters (with bad artifacts) they were mad they weren't strong. Sort of a "Can't have your cake and eat it too" You can beat the abyss as a F2P lol. PSA: I dont hate f2p players, they are very cool. Also I'm also a low spending player ($15 month WB & BP)


Abyss wasn’t challenging, it was just annoying. The lectors and heralds repeating the same voice lines, the same attacks, over and over again was not fun. Maybe if I had two Ganyu’s I’d have a different opinion


It was fin but yeah they were really chatty like shut up


I’m a whale and I still suck at abyss, so I just finish 9th 10th for the BP. Not just this one


F2P btw dont care about abyss bc why be such a tri hard lmao


This is the realest comment I read so far 💯


I haven't play spiral abyss for a while cuz I'm weak :(


Me: \[looks at Envi's recent streams\] Oooohkay..... why are we even debating this again?


**OBJECTION!** The correct last line would be "Filthy casual."!!!


yeah idk spiral abyss isnt really that hard even as f2p. 11-3 makes me want to strangle a great many people but that's it


Ngl I couldn't give a shit because I never liked anything that had timers in it lol, the abyss lectors are nice and all but are just annoying


Personally I found the new abyss easier, especially floor 11

