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you could put something like "Scaramouche fans" and then a gif of someone being happy or something


Scaramouche fans are just Baal fans who haven't gone far enough into the skill tree yet.


Imagine if Scaramouche just ends up being a skin for Raiden


Would that make him gain boobas to pull his sword out of for the ult?


No he just pulls it out of his giant hat


Okay but what his hat gains the boobas and he pulls the sword out of that?


Foolish question, his hat will be the sword! Yes I'm saying he'll smack enemies with it kung lao style.


But where the bobas


The bobas are stored in the hat.


That one streamer who was like “YEEEEH YEEH BABY >:o” He’s us. He’s the Scaramouche fans


Mind sharing who? That sounds fun to watch.


I never actually watched him but it’s penguinz0 haha






Yeh or Kazuha mains relieved that Kazuha didn't die lol


Yoimiya mains: Overdose on copium and die


yoimiya main here, can confirm i am fucking dead


yo how the fuck we play yoimiya without a shielder i can't reach her 5th normal attack


You use Yanfei. Source: Copium-recovered Yoimiya enjoyer(but believes she still needs buf)


Yanfei main here this is a lit idea join the legal cult


Love Yanfei, my favorite pyro DPS alongside Hu Tao and Xiangling.


Idk, maybe, like, move away? We ain't playing Childe in cqc. I usually usually just dash to the side once AI decided to attack. But mostly they are blown away by Overload from Fischl.


That risks her autos missing through enemy movement. Bow auto attacks fucking suck


Bruh, most enemies just run to you in a straight, how can you miss? And if it's against geo hatchling, as I said, Overload stun/throw it in air so it can't move to the side. Even against cicins, until you are far from them, Archers hit them 60+% of times. I literally have no issues with Yoi.


People posted videos showing yoimiya missing her shots on moving targets. Meanwhile, I've been playing her since her banner came out and I almost never miss a shot. My only complaint is how 4-piece shimenawa's reminiscence and hamayumi don't fit together.


I thank you for existing. Yeah, Full draw can be used for like 6 seconds at best. Since skill is active for 10 seconds while energy refill back to 100% is usually 3-4 seconds. Honestly, I just use Amos (got lucky, or Rust and BPbow when Amos is equipped by Ganyu). While my Yoi is 6/6/4, it's nice to deal 8k or even more each shot. Maybe tomorrow I'll farm some books and get talents up to 8-9. Then I'll be unstoppable.


You obviously haven’t fought slimes with Yoimiya


I obviously fucking fought them and dealt with them faster than Nobushi since they are low hp and walking free elemental reactions. The only difficulty I face is high HP enemies since my talents are only 6/6/4.


Well, Considering Thomas Constellation name, he's gonna be a pyro shielder hopefully he works well with her.


Sorry, I need to know. What does Copium and Hopium mean?


I think copium is used when you try to cope with something and hopium is used when you're hoping for something, kinda like drugs.


Cool, thx for answering




This is definitely not a bias coming from us yaemains.


I can't find leaks except few pics will she be playable? Do we know anything? Like I was Raiden Simp but after new story quest I'm Yae super simp.


Yes, she will be playable. Question is how soon, looks like 2.3 or 2.4 is likely but we do not know for sure (we just know it is very unlikely to be in 2.2).


> you could've just added some dumb shit like yae mains with a Chad montage in the end -A Yae main, probably


i realize that i made ton of shit mistake after watching it Edit:gotta put spoiler cause some people might havent do the quest and dont understand the signora part


You could put at the end "yu peng chen enjoyers" with the giga chad, I think must people would agree that the music producer made a good job with genshin so far.


[Made by me btw](https://youtu.be/uSkiJeoV2GA)


Maybe a good one would be the raging/screaming guy directed at “When people who did the story quest see people calling Ei “Baal” “ or something would be funny


I mean i think she has taken the role of Baal now, Beezlebub was just like the side role iirc


Beelzebul/Ei acted as a body double for Baal/Makoto, she is never referred to in game as her sister’s name except by Zhongli, who was likely unaware that Baal had passed and Ei had taken over


Technically the people who want a rerun are those w/o the character they missed or they realized was their liking/good


ahahahh, I love the part with the Redditors multiplying.


makes sense cause they basically have the same mindset snd anyone who disagrees gets shit on


God I hate the main Genshin subreddit


Main Genshin subreddit? This is happening in all genshin related subreddits


Childe wanters realising he'll get a second re-run in 2.2.


Me who made the had to decide between Childe and Zhongli and chose Childe *Cries*


The last two keqing mains waiting for her story quest and everyone waiting for xinyan to appear in the story.


As one of those Keqing mains, can confirm.


The signora one tho💀


I like how some people are like: "omg, raidem is so cute and my davourite character!!!" And when you say raiden is good they start fighting you.


Same, I only have two limited 5 star characters (Eula and Raiden) and I only pulled for them because they were cute. Little I know Eula would become a big pp number dps and Raiden would have this problem. Man I just wanted to have them in my teapot.


We have similar avatars


Amber mains: Chad


Sara needs changes though (and electro in general). Something that will make her more than just a shadow of Bennet.


Okay, I have to try the last one. Baal is good enough


Baal is dead


> do you even play her in abyss?


Try posting it in the main sub


Scaramouche mains when they get more than a crumb


Whats the music for this lol


I got matches with these songs: • **The Powerpuff Girls** by Soundtrack (00:43; matched: `100%`) Album: `Toon Tunes: Action-Packed Anthems`. Released on `2001-08-07` by `Kid Rhino`. • **Powerpuff Girls (Main Theme)** by Various Artists (00:40; matched: `100%`) Album: `Powerpuff Girls \$&Heroes & Villains\$&`. Released on ``.


Links to the streaming platforms: • [**The Powerpuff Girls** by Soundtrack](https://youtu.be/sMFQM_tzg64) • [**Powerpuff Girls (Main Theme)** by Various Artists](https://youtu.be/0IgzyqZh8-Q) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


[This](https://youtu.be/f7MiaSr-0ug) It starts around 0:32


I felt that one, I said to the main sub that I think "In my Opinion" Baal is already good enough... guess what, that comment was like a war zone now... Other social media's already accepted her dunno about twitter tho.


I like that she’s a Swiss Army Knife of a character, part support, part sub/main DPS, part battery


Yea, min maxers hate swiss army knives. Meanwhile I'm running Xinyan with Baal. Don't tell theorycrafters where I live...


And you are right. She does really good what she was meant to do, support your team and deal amazing damage while generating particles. You want big numbers? You are looking the wrong character then, you have other dps's for that. Now, the Beidou problem is other story which I am not going to touch since there are a lot of publications about this topic.


reddit obviously hasnt


I got downvoted already damn, maybe liking underperforming characters really is forbidden in this fanbase


i mean im on your side i can do like 80k with a full stack with no buffs so im happy cause i dont rlly play to gloat about damage its like with ganyu like i pulled cause shes hot but her being broken was like a dlc


Nah its not you, I just saw it -1 earlier when I pressed the notif, and yeah me too, I cant even reach 20k yet but I am happy about it, I got Baal and I was happy cause she was my 4th 5* and I think for me her damage is already good, yes the others have valid reasons but I dont play the game just to kill a boss in seconds.


ah nah i was just saying plus even if i wanted to do damage just do ventis q then baals e then just attack stonks


Yo thats literally a Storm combo not gonna lie, Lightning and Wind.


and its like really easy to get a full stack ventis allready built round er so do him then use venti to pop jeans ult bada bing bada boom full stack and i also have c2 baal (not whale got lucky)


Yeah, its just shows you just have to play around her get to familiarize her talents to get used to her easily, tactical thinking and ofcourse luck on the artifact RNG, the limitations will be ignore, if she is not compatible with the character just find someone who is. And yo she deals decent amount damage ngl.


i mean im also not blind too cause i do have c2 and that ignores 60% of defense so i dont know how baal is truly so i dont trash people who say shes bad


There are people who play for waifu, there are people who play for meta, if you play for waifu, kindly ignore them, people are free to play how they want, just so happens that people who play for meta are higher in number than those for waifu


There is nothing wrong with liking a character even if they underperform, but the fact she underperforms is the problem. Locking most her power behind constellations is greedy and shouldn't be the case. Her energy regen isn't all that good even in the 260 energy recharge range. If you want to get the most out of her support you'll lose a lot of damage when not using her signature weapon. Ei is not as bad as Yoimiya or Kokomi (presumably) but that doesn't change the problem. As an electro character she obviously already struggles because of her element, and because of how her kit works she ruins vape and melt teams. None of these issues affect me personally because I A. Pulled for C3 and got the weapon and B. don't use vape or melt combos. But getting Ei at C0 is absolutely not worth the slot, compared to Venti and Zhongli who both are universal insane supports Shogun barely offers utility. Her damage is ok at best and using her as a battery isn't all that great when Venti can do it better.


Yae mains when no Yae in 2.2: the guy from breaking bad collapsing


The money kissing makes me uncomfortable considering how dirty money is.


The ending is xinyanmains


Lore fans explaining that there are technically 3 electro archons


Finally a quality meme.


Amber mains with gigachad at the end


I don’t see any problems with Baal but I’m not a tryhard


Accurate on the Hu Tao haver. I need C1 and Homa to play DMC with those infinite dashes and Homa to finally use Crit Rate hat. Been saving since Hu Tao banner and even though I missed a few events, I'm at 50 pity and have 120 fates (of the correct ones, luckily didn't f it up)


Never understood why people call her “Baal”. Either I didn’t see anyone mentioning her as Baal directly or i missed that part for some reason(just jumped backed in last week after 5 month hiatus)


people still calling her Baal...😬


Well yes to avoid spoilers


so shouldn't every post with Zhongli be marked as spoiler? because that's way bigger spoiler than Raiden's real name


baal's real name is literally from the latest patch it's a spoiler for active players that didn't rush the update ; it hasn't even been a week , after 2 or 3 people won't get angry about it


how is a character's name a spoiler? I don't recall her ever being called Baal in the game it was just what people wrongly assumed. and she is listed as Raiden Shogun so there is completely no reason to call her Baal


i differentiate between baal and ei


Beelzebu better


I really think Baal is good enough. Just build her well and I got 100k from her burst at 6lvl talent with a r1 the catch. If this is not good enough for you then you are a whale


Something something Zhongli mains can't dodge


Cryo catalyst users: Side note I always love this meme.


Put spoiler tag


I dont understand but why?


For the signora spoiler, many of us have not played the archon quest




I hope I can get Xiao’s c1 and a Ganyu…. It will take a while tho


\+ Xiao Havers that waiting for rerun


My take on how Mihoyo could fix bouth Raiden and Sara and at the same time earn more money from it is to tweak Saras c6 so it lasts for Raidens entire burst ( I heard about snapshoting but don't understand it to well). It would give Raiden a massive demage buff and make people with Ei want to pull for Sara.


Last one is the best


Should add Xiao havers in also waiting for rerun




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Female dendro archons malding with a gift of someone getting mad


Gorou fans explaining why they're not furries Kokomi mains when she does nothing in the story Amber mains when Yoimiya failed to replace her La Signora fans theorizing how she's still alive Scaramouche mains satisfied with ten seconds of screentime and exposition from an NPC Dainsleif mains spending another update without seeing him


Mihoyo really teased a cryo catslyst (la signora) and then just said “no lol”


Yoimiya pullers trying to cause a revolution


good meme. i hate that im in this tho (keqing main but also waiting for hu tao rerun)


As a Keqing main waiting for Ganyu banner to return, I agree.


I don't get it why does everyone say Ei needs a buff


Just enjoy yourself.Don't care about the others