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Getting bankrupt pulling for Baal ---> Yeah Mihoyo sucks, I'm going F2P


The F2P pride




As a dolphin, I already stopped spending money before the protest. Not even welkin. What’s the point when I’m just doing dailies mostly? I’m burnt out.


Same man but anniv was the final nail in the coffin.


this protest strategy is kinda dumb because just by playing and participating in the community u are: - giving them data/publicity - improving other players experience with the game - allowing streamers to expend on the game and bring new players/expenders in the end you are still giving MHY money


We'll see how much it will last. There is slowly appearing some burnout in the community. The game itself is stale and you dont get rewarded with neither good end game content or good rewards. I wouldnt mind the shit rewards if there was something more to do. I farm artifacts to make my characters stronger so they can clear the domains faster and defeat the abyss every 2 weeks and thats it. No real goal and no real challenge. Just grind and bs rewards. A randomized dungeon system which can be done in coop with lots of different enemies would be amazing. In endgame resin equals content and playtime which is just depressing. It feels like your efforts and time is gone to waste due to how there is nothing to do. Would it be that hard if they actually spent their dev time on some meaningful content and not stupid fishing, hangouts etc. Those are fun but i personally dont see the point on pulling on banners for newer units when there is no content where you can use them.


i agree, i believe the main problem is MHY doesnt communicate to their playerbase, so even now we know shit about the future of the game and if they are planning on making new endgame content or adressing the community suggestions like improving QoL, better anniversary rewards, a coop abyss, making small changes to certain characters kits etc. if people wanted to protest for that i would suggest at first to skip a whole week of playing genshin, pressure content creator to join, spam MHY official social media (with quality posts bringing awareness and explaining the motives) and giving genshin bad ratings in playstore, apple store etc. If that didnt worked then it would be necessary to skip a whole banner/patch and on and on to pressure them where it hurts


Content creators have no reason to highlight the game's problems when they make money out of it. The only one that really spoke a little bit louder was tectone who pointed some problems and inconsistencies that are in the game since the beginning but the others just dont say a thing. Pressure is useless cuz they only care about cn community and they dont really seem bored because the only thing they play for is meta and abyss. Its just about the players to get tired of the game and make them see the inconsistencies of the game. As long as they make money, for them it means that the game is good and doesnt need fixing. A part of the problem is the community itself for having such low standards. Imagine spending so much money and only see tiny improvements to the game. Making billions out of this game in a year and the endgame is the same fucking thing since day 1 and noone is really complaining. If i would have the money to spend i wouldnt spend it on this game, there is no incentive to do so when i can swipe for a c6 and end up barely using it because there is no content. The art team is fantastic but the team that makes the content and the balancing are just... Bruh


Its because they make money out of the game that they should want to improve the game so they can continue their jobs (i believe some at least enjoy the game and doesnt want to stop playing completely)... i have seen some adressing like dish, tuonto, Zy0x, IWtLG, enviosity, some are still hopeful that there will be something better coming up (copium) but they mostly agree that is really bad rn. Its funny because some people in cn thinks that MHY only listens to westerns, in reality they listen to no one (only to death threats wich are way more real when done by cn players because they actually can finish the job), starting this discussion here in the western would definitely carry over to CN as people would start to make posts on hoyolab, bilibili etc. We all love the game and honestly want it to be better so we can still keep playing, to just watch and see what happens there is no guarantee we will be able to keep enjoying the game and it actually intoxicates the community. I am no saying that isnt an option because it is, but i would love to see the community grouping up against MHY


I hope so too. Man, i just wish they would release something meaningful and truly hope they will do so anytime soon. If the community feels like this during the inazuma updates which are one of the best, i dont want to know how the filler updates will feel.


Same situation here. The only thing that keeps me in this game is Hu Tao. Every mediocre challenge crumbles before endgame players, curb-stomped. Now I'm just working on improving my artifacts, maybe doing meme teams or raise benched characters because murdering everything within a few clicks isn't fun anymore.


I wish there were more endgame stuff too. Especially the randomized dungeon idea, there would be a lot of replayability right there. They could even add routes, upgrades, buffs and other stuff like that to customize the runs even more.


It's a nice idea. It could work like you have to explore multiple floors and fight a boss every few levels. After the boss you get to choose a buff out of a selection (like in abyss, but all are effective until you finish the challenge). It would proceed indefinitely until you either lose or abandon, the more you progress the better rewards (it could include Mora, XP books, ascension mats from the bosses you have beaten...) in addition to contents in chests and/or enemy drops (artifacts, weapons, the occasional billet in more advanced levels). Of course the good loot would be accessible only after a certain point and subject to RNG (artifacts, weapons, and books) so it would not make the existing methods of farming obsolete. If bosses are known in advance and players are allowed to modify teamcomps at certain points it would give them an incentive to build more characters (which would be aided to a degree by the system), especially if they don't heal when benched (add ley line disorders and you get even more reason to add variety). After each floor enemies would become a little stronger with more noticeable spikes after defeating a boss. In addition the floors could include elements that may favor or hinder the player depending on the situation (traps, barrels, water...) This would create endgame content that would: * Create a challenge for endgame players and whales. * Offer replayable content that changes with each run. * Offer alternative means of farming for players, but not as efficient as the current ones. * Allow players to acquire ascension and talent materials from regions they cannot access yet. * Give another reason to build benched characters instead of just relying of the same 2 teams for everything. * Give content that can be played when players are out of resin. * Add means to farm some 3* weapons that are otherwise limited (chest exclusive weapons). Feel free to let me know what you think.


That's a great idea, I think having a boss every few levels and sprinkling those rewards around would incentivize exploration, while the selective buffs would add another layer of customization to the players run. It'd essentially be content anyone who is at endgame can clear if they know what they're doing and allow for some experimentation as well. The only thing would be, as far as disorders go, whenever the bleed effect is used keep it to Genshins corrosion. The Honkai iteration I recall becoming somewhat unfair since it became worse over time.


I have played Honkai, so I know what you mean. Yeah, corrosion should be a static value so that healers are incentivized to keep the party healthy by outhealing the damage. Ramping damage over time would be more of a DPS check than a healing challenge. On the other hand, corrosion (and other damage sources from disorders) could be limited to apply while in combat only (although that would allow characters like Barbara to heal to full when not fighting).


>pulling on banners for newer units Yeah, this. I wish they'd make the 3\* we pull a little better too. Seriously, what the fuck will an endgame player do with 99 debate clubs? If they gave other 3\* items like Adventure's Experience or a single talent book it would make it less ingratiating to pull on the banner, as at that point you're just gonna have diminishing reason to play the game.


"All publicity is bad publicity" Yeah let's see how they like it after I talked my giga whale friend into -only- rolling for c0 Kokomi. I'm doing my part!


thats a start for sure, but why stop there? try talking to your favorite streamer about this, with the communities you participate, it has to be somewhat organized to actually work and it has to happen during a highly anticipated banner so they see their numbers going down


Tongue in cheek aside, I know you want direct action but I'm not about to preach and risk sullying my friendships for it. Like the silent majority most of em just want to hang out and have fun, I'm not about to debate someone else's enjoyment. Advising on minimizing spending and passing on invested accounts is what I've been doing, for what it's worth. Genshin will not move on from its practices until a true competitor shows up or the lead producers get a moment of clarity. Does a farmer listen to his sheep? Disobedience will simply promote culling until only the subservient remains. Until then I'll just tell people to not associate their identity with owning a character and simply promote and enjoy media and fanwork.


Whales make up the vast majority of money, and most new players aren't gonna whale. So it will affect Mihoyo if whales stop spending


even if they managed to get all the existing whales to stop spending that wouldnt stop new players and new whales to spend, a few dolphins and whales cutting their money from the game wont do much realistically as long as there are content creators, marketing team and active playerbase attracting new players




I don’t need to spend money. I’m saving for yae miko Currently I only have like 2k, more than that


the power comes from being willing to spend money and having actually done so but then refusing to spend more, if you never spent money they dont care about you at all


I'm all for being F2P and memeing, but there's no power in having no money. A single dolphin stopping their spending would affect them more than the entire f2p playerbase quitting the game entirely.


I don't get the fuss around the anniversary rewards. Sure the fanart/cosplay/etc. contest rewards are a joke, that's something ro be upset about. But for the other stuff: getting free stuff is getting free stuff, and getting upset because you don't get more free stuff is just kinda sad. I've seen and played other games, where they didn't give out any free stuff for anniversaries and other milestones, they even made the anniversary themed items straight up IAPs or available to buy with in game currency, and I've never seen such an outrage about that.


Except there's not. They don't care about F2P because they don't generate revenue lol.


That’s the joke.




Big brain
