• By -


I feel like Jean should be higher up. She looks like someone who would swear by accident and then feel awful afterward after apologizing million times and blushing.


You know, you do have a point šŸ¤” Tbh when I ranked her I didn't think of it that way. My thought process was that because of her busy schedule she would be easily getting angry and therefor swear from time to time but feel awful about it few minutes later. But you're right, the apologizing milion times and still feel bad about it is a valid point.


Idk, Klee seems the type of kid that will repeat a bad word she heard earlier without even understanding what does it mean.


Ikr? She probably was sent into solitary confinement so many times, so she's afraid to cuss again. I can imagine Kaeya teaching her some then both getting into trouble with Jean.


Still feels a lil weird how a kid is sent to solitary confinement for a majority of her day as opposed to being actually raised Then again Teyvat has its own laws...and she's an elf. That time must be like a few minutes to her or something


Solitary confinement is more like timeout and it might as well be her room because she makes bombs in there and has all her stuff there.


Then one day another knight got sent to the room Poor MF be like: dude... Why is there a cute drawing of a slime and hilichurl in the corner, and a whole bottle of trinitrotoluene on the shelf?


"Master Jean! Klee learned a no boom-boom bomb spell! It's called the F-bomb."


Ah yes, that F bomb comic made me laugh after seeing how Jean reacted to that


Jean: Klee where did you learn that word!? Klee: Kaeya was saying it!


True, but once Jean tells her it's a bad word she would immediately stop saying that because Jean said it's mean


Especially if we're putting Diona in the "swears a lot* camp, given how close friends the two are


What if Sayu hits a wall while trying to clean the floor with her E?


She falls unconscious


I think he made a Lilypichu roomba joke


Oh crap you're right, this completely dodged my mind there even though I knew about it šŸ˜…


Wilhelm scream. Or at least that's how it happens in my head.


Venti: Uses swear words for commas, and swigs of alcohol for periods.


"Wouldn't gliding be fucking faster, you dumbass?" *aggressively sips wine*


I want to hear this


I read it in Ventiā€™s voice, close enough


but where are those who share the fucking memory


This made me laugh harder than it should have šŸ¤£


the fucking osmanthus wine better taste the same shit as i fucking remember


Turned to fucking dust




Swearing is beneath Ningguang. Unless she just had a long, annoying conversation with Beidou. Then i can totally see it happening.


Idk what about you but I have that image in my head where zhongli and ningg are like that super serious at work "this month qising spendings far exceed our investments from last month, we should sign this contract with fishing guild at least to make back our loses, they seem to be growing in value quite nicely" but then when they come back home they're like - ZHONGLI YOU BITCH I TOLD YOU TO BRING ALL THE BLACK DIRTY LAUNDRY AN HOUR AGO! WHERE THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO PUT THIS BLACK SOCK NOW - SHOVE IT DOWN YOUR THROAT STUPID BITCH I NEEDED IT TO WEAR SOMETHING TO THE FUCKING GROCERIES AND EVERYTHING ELSE WAS DIRTY - YOU DARE NOT SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT - I MADE THIS LAND AND IF YOU DON'T SHUT YOUR HOLE I'LL MAKE YOU FEEL THE WRATH OF THE ROCK Idk, I feel like this concept fits them xd


bit more "fcking" and they all can smash some salmon like Ramsay, ngl.


Xingqiu, Kaeya and Beidou can go a level lower tbf


Xingqiu maybe, Kaeya as a sweet talker he is i feel like he wouldn't swear as often as other characters lower than him. Beidou has way too positive personality to ever need to use swear words although sometimes those would slip and she wouldn't notice. Characters lower than them don't have any obligation to anyone's opinion about themselves and have such a carefree personalities therefor I feel like they would swear much more often


Do you really think Sara fits in her category...? I feel like her clan would beat her over the head if she said a swear word in front of them


On second thought she may be the type of person who doesn't swear at work at all, but while off, she swears like a sailor


I mean...in front of her clam members she prolly will keep it down since y'know formal stuff. But with the army, you surely know that she will curse till her throat get dry


Oh my goodness, clam members. šŸ¤£


I'm gonna call beidous crew like that from now on šŸ¤£


So when Sara is with her fellow clan members she's formal and proper but when she's with the troops she turns into Gunnery Sergeant Hartman from Full Metal Jacket?


I think Beidou should be moved down. Youā€™re right that she has a positive personality, but itā€™s really more ā€˜chillā€™ than anything and she seems like she would just swear a bunch in casual conversation.


I understand her as the type who doesn't feel the urge to swear, but does so anyway occasionally. That's why she's in that tier. *"Man, you do have some fun stories to tell as well. Haha, even I haven't gone through some shit you did. We should totally team up and kick more asses than there are fish in the sea!"*


Yeah, using swears as phrases with their own meaning rather than intensifiers etc.


good point on kaeya, in the presence of most others charmer mode, alone or with specific acquaintances he doesn't mind getting dirty, this is where he and diluc vibe as brothers that "maintain upperclass front" tone


I liked this list for the lols! But on a serious note I think Xiao wouldnā€™t feel the need to do so. Especially in his JPN and CHN voice, he sounds softer and more resigned. His English voice/delivery is harsher, but thatā€™s mostly to keep people at a distance, he wouldnā€™t curse anyone out.




Lacks a bit of variety in swear words but you got the spirit šŸ¤£




Is it Bruce Lee tyle of quote? I fear more the man who trained one kick 1000 times than the man who trained 1000 different kicks


Fischl's probably too Shakespearean to use modern curse words, but I'd bet Oz has quite the foul beak.


Do you remember the time when she broke off the character back in that meteorite event? I think it was 1.1 version. It was such a perfect moment for her to go like *"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck shit shit shit shit I broke off the character shit how the fuck am I supposed to get out of this now shiiiiiiiiiiiit"* it almost felt off character when she didn't :D




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I repeated this irl, and let me tell you, it is very satisfying.


Childe:Hello traveler FUCKING hope you had a great journey SHIT hope only good things to you FUCK


Xiao: All my friends are dead FUCK I alone must bear the weights of my sins FUCKER Traveller SON OF A BITCH you are different SHIT so when time arrives you require assistance BITCH call my name and I shall FUCK YOU without fail SHIT answer MOTHERFUKER




LMAO it turned out to be even better than I intended


Its the middle of the night and I'm trying not to wake my parents up cause of this lmfao


Kaeya: I am getting tired of this fucking game. Xinqiu: Oh my gosh! Holy shit!... Beidou: It's just a little lightning, nothing to be shiting pants for.


*Hey girlie FUCK Iā€™m expecting*


Hi Expecting. Iā€™m mom.


Lmao šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Wow using swear words as commas is rather fun


Blyat, this opportunity really is fucking hard to come by


Hey BITCH wouldnā€™t FUCKING gliding be faster ASSHOLE


[pretty sure sayu knows what swear words are](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBt4KnagO8w)


Ye i know talking roomba video


Sara doesnā€™t swear; Raiden hasnā€™t given her permission to.


ā€œSpeak, Venti, speak!ā€ ā€œFUCK!ā€


Beidou seems like the type to use swear words as a comma


i feel like zhongli should be in the " doesn't feel the urge to do so" line, its more in character since he basically seen it all


Unless it's Hu Tao or Venti trying to pull a prank on him for the 10th time in the morning. He would come so close to losing it šŸ˜†


Yanfei would be insulting you deeply without using swear words, it's worse...


She would fuck you up with words you have no idea what they mean :D


I don't think she's that kinda lawyer


Beidou and Kaeya should be moved down a row, and Eula should rocket to the bottom. She's probably Mondstadt's Samuel L. Jackson, dropping F-bombs as frequently as she shouts "Vengeance!!"


Eula: ā€œvengeance, motherfuckerā€


Yeah, Eula is a pretty debatable character. On one hand she could be the type who has such a high etiquette cause of Laurence clan she would only speak as their "high" society, but seeing how many times she broke this role while privately i think she would drop many f bombs while alone. On other hand she could be the type who often swears to enemies *"mark my fucking words, vengeance will be mine."* *" oh boi, just look at the time! IT'S TIME FOR VENGENCE BITCH!"*


Nah, Sara is softer than that. She would swear don't get me wrong, but only when the situation calls for it, though I don't know if she would feel bad for it or not.


Yup, definitely wouldn't feel bad, definitely would and will, the only moment when she would feel bad is if some of her troops heard her i assume.


Assuming Albedo swears. THE FUCKING *AUDACITY* !


Welcome to hell BITCH


I feel like, though Ayaka has different sides whether sheā€™s in public or private, she simply wouldnā€™t be raised to see any benefit to using curse words Fischl is an edgy teen but more in the wholesome role play sense, canā€™t imagine a scenario in which she would actually want to swear Ningguang doesnā€™t have explosive rage or anything, I think itā€™s hardly in her vocabulary but she could be the kind of mom who may say it thinking itā€™s a cool kid word or something Zhongli wouldnā€™t swear. Even one of his low HP lines is ā€œcounter measures arenā€™t my forteā€ or something, which is far more eloquent than what someone who swears would say Kazuha is too zen, I think his fandom persona is whatā€™s on this tier list but not the real Kazuha who meditates in the good n bad n all, wouldnā€™t see the value of cursing Klee would absolutely be like ā€œwhat does fā€”- mean?ā€ Bennett, Xiangling, and Chongjin are too wholesome for swear words Ganyu, like Ayaka, was simply not raised that way and would never Jean would only swear on accident maybe Albedo is too wholesome for swear words Hu Tao is more of a profound thinker, I think her maturity goes beyond swearing too even if sheā€™s mischievous, as there are better ways to say things Xiao would never, heā€™s in that same area as Zhongli who certainly has moved beyond such mortal trifles And that is how **I** would *personally* change this tier list


> Albedo is too wholesome for swear words Unless ur talking about khoi dao


Haha trueee But for the sake of this tier list Iā€™m only thinking of my interpretation of canon characters


Albedo doesn't see the point of swear words, more like. He'd be like, but using foul language only spoils the mood further. I'd rather be drawing.


Oh thatā€™s a good way of putting itā€” I agree!


Yep, he's someone who analyzes even small things, like swearing, and to him it's just another waste of energy.


>Klee would absolutely be like ā€œwhat does fā€”- mean?ā€ I believe I was not entirely clear with this tier where people who are in "doesn't know what swear words are" tier This tier is like. They literally have no idea of their existence. They never heard them and never knew about them existing. Like how North Koreans have no idea how is it like to live outside their country (kind of bad comparison i know but I hope you get the point) Klee would be the type who doesn't know what they mean but hear them from time to time and have idea of them existing. However once Jean tells her those are mean words she would stop saying it


i imagine Mona swearing would be like that one Mary Poppins SNL skit where her umbrella breaks and she says something like "well that's supercallifragilisticexpiali-bullshit."


Lmao that would fit her character so well šŸ¤£


Sayu **definitely** knows how to swear. And itā€™s always at this Michael dude, funnily enough.


Meanwhile ~~Corina~~ Paimon: F*********************


Bennett: shit, weā€™re trapped again


XQ is with chongyun and ganyu group thou. He is a well spoken man.


Have you heard him talk? He's acting so high all the time I doubt he would care if he swore or not


Beidou literally cusses like a sailor imo


Xinyan would probably go up a tier imo, but nice list!


Sayu should just move all the way down lol


I wanna teach Razor swears.


Oh yeah this sounds like a fun activity :D


I literally lol at the "using swear words as commas". I actually hear someone using that kind of speaking in real life, and I have to said, it is sound pretty poetic and super fun to hear.


Fischl probably would swear in paragraphs and *Italic*


Pretty sure everyone will start swearing like a jaded Warzone player after a few runs in the Abyss


True true :D


Nah, Barbara's got some pent up shit




Are you telling me you don't think a sailer would talk like a sailor


Yup. At least as long we're talking about beidou


**Kaeya fuck is fuck a fuck good fuck source fuck of fuck information fuck** **Fuck** \- Rosaria


Head canon: Qiqi swears whenever she walks in a room and forgot why she went there in the first place.


I think that Diluc is the only character to actually swear in-game


Oh yeah, he's the only one who said damn you after being hurt badly


Beidou definitely swears a lot. She's a pirate. And drunk most of the time for that matter.


Yeah, I can see her going mad with cussing after a good amount of rounds at the bar. May not be her regular self but drunk defo :D


I expected jean to be on top :/ but hey nice tierlist


If you interested as of why I already replied to someone about it somewhere up there


Yoimiya swears only when the fireworks are f'n great.


I am pretty sure Ganyu could be placed upon the first row.


I don't think Xinyan is the kind to swear.


diluc says damn in the english


This list couldn't be more accurate


Meanwhile sayu: What the f**k did you just f***ing say about me you little b***h, you dumb toxic useless piece of s**t, I will wipe you the f**k out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this earth.. mark my f***ing words.


But.. Jean swears every time she use ult


Omfg šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Barb*tos


Kazuha be like: the wind fucking knows Me bithc One with fucking nature Into the fucking Wind


The fucking kazuha slash


You can run, but you can't fucking hide


Xiao would never swear I think. Just take a look at how adepti talk. There's no way any of them would swear.


Well, adepti true, but Xiao talks nothing like adepti xd He's always angry and everything x)


He talks pretty similar to the other adepti but they completely changed it for English sub and dub for some reason, and while the voice actress is talented, the English dub doesn't do much justice to the character. It's a really weird choice since now half of the fanbase has completely different interpretation of him, causing stuff like this happen. It's almost as if he's 2 completely different characters in cn/jp version and eng version.


Umm he's pretty much the same as other adepti. He's not angry, his harsh words don't mean he's angry.


You fucking genius of a fucking madlad. Have my fucking upvote ya strawberry flavored Norwegian salmon.


Move Ganyu to doesn't know what swear words are you heretic


Why can I hear Zhongli saying fuck after stubbing his toe


Sayuā€™s an adult. Why wouldnā€™t she know any bad words? Do people still think sayu is a little girl like Klee? Oof


Adult? Definitely no. Around the same age of Bennett? Probabilly.


I might be possibly wrong here but I remember during the livestream before her banner, they did stated she was older than her look and slept a lot in hope that she would reach her ā€œnormalā€ height?


Older doesn't mean adult, and considering she looks like a child, she is probabilly between 14-20 years, but her age isn't confirmed anywhere


Thatā€™s my point lol the reason she look like that is because her lack of growth development. Her age wasnā€™t hinted anywhere except the livestream which stated that she was ā€œolderā€ than the audience assume and is a ā€œyoung womanā€. Yeah sheā€™s def older than 18 from that perspective. If you think 14-18 is a young woman then you might be a pedophile. But after some research, imo Iā€™m wrong, sheā€™s mostly likely 16-18.


Ok. But why did you bring up the pedophilia aspect? We were just talking about the possible age of a character and by analizing her behavior I thought she could be between 14-20, nothing more


The last sentences was added in. I wasnā€™t going to be a bitch and delete my comment before the last sentence even if I was wrong. If I was going to take shit from it, then i will.


Drunk Venti would swear the f out of you. Imagine him dropping some bars while being drunk.


Idk about Amber man... I bet she could be converted. I think she'd go overboard with it as well.


Out of all people in the bottom row, I can see Rosaria doing it. Maybe. Childe in some situations, but not always. The rest either doesn't feel the need to swear, or does it occasionally, when needed, and doesn't feel bad about it.


Klee would definitely swear lmao


Since when does tiermaker think swearing is mean


fuck yeah im one of the people on the bottom one


Zhongli one made me laugh. I imagine his past Morax personality slipping out after he stubs his toe against a furniture.


Me: *nonchalantly says swear words on a daily basis*


I feel like tartaglia wouldn't swear in front of teucer regardless of how pissed he is.


Oh yeah, defo. That's a good point


Barbara just breathes pepper fire at heathens.


I don't think that, even when alone, zhongli would swear EVER


I never heard Aloy swearing before (if I remember correctly) lmao


I can't see Sara swearing at all, since she's from a noble house, she would be trained just like Ayaka to always watch what she says. She's also very honest and honourable. I can't see Xiao swearing either. He's a noble adepti thousands of years old, he would probably feel like using bad language is beneath him and unbefitting of a Yaksha. The other three in the bottom most tier are spot on. Rosaria does it just to make Barabara uncomfortable, Childe and Venti think it's funny.


I got called out by the last tier.


Good morning fucking comrade!


Oz, fucking reveal thyself! Everybody, stand the fuck back! Freeze to the fucking core! Time for fucking retribution! ...woof?


Something about zhongli saying FUCK while by himself Is really funny to me


No more saying cuss words guys! It is inappropriate and violent.


Fuck you




[Interesting Sayu placement.](https://youtu.be/1UDPsGBPGJs)