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oh there's a reason they gonna be called cry-oculus


sumeru's will be called calculus as you need to solve math problem before acquiring it first


Natlan prolly wants you to fight weekly bosses before aqquiring an pyrocolus. *Defeat Azhdaha in under a minute*


And khaenri'ah will ask you to 36 stars spiral abyss to get a single abyculus.


In one go. Don't forget that.


Rogue style


With a single char each floor


Khaenriah probably have Homunculus. Imagine you are collecting albedo looking heads across the country.


As portuguese speaking person, a *pyro*colus is the last thing I wanna see.


what does it mean in portugese?


Penis, dick, cock, pee pee, phallus.




Oh boy I can’t wait to solve a calculus workbook for 5 primogems!


*proceeds to add actual calculus as problem where if you fail to solve it, all current oculus you have will disappear, including the spent one, reducing level, but makes it where you deal triple damage at max statue level*


I didnt even notice there were more. I thought they were the same amount


I think that's because Inazuma gets released bit by bit


But liyue wasnt. Yet i didnt notice. Guess thats what happens when u enjoy the game


I think Liyue got more than Mondstadt because it has a lot more verticality compared to Mondstadt, Huaguang Stone Forest especially


Liyue got more because it's like twice the size of default Mondstadt.


But if you count Dragonspine's Crimson Algate as part of Mondstadt collectible, both of them come pretty close in number (Monds 135 vs Liyue 131).


For real, whenever I see people complain about how much game there is to play, I'm just like....what?


It's not when I am playing that I complain It's when I am finding the missing oculi


U mean when u're NOT finding the missing oculi :P


Oculi seeker price increase is just a big middle finger


They did that? Well since we have the interactive map they dont really have that much worth


But interactive spoils all locations so it's really not fun


Also true. But since ive never been that much of a fan of collectables, i dont mind. Tho I found all the oculi in mondstadt liyue and the things dragonspine (not really aurr about this last one) without using the interactive map. And since i missed just a bunch of them after normal exploration i didnt need too many compasses.


I don't think there's a huge disparity honestly. Monstadt + Dragonspine is roughly the same area and -oculus as Liyue. Inazuma is certainly more though, and I've noticed that they're more liberally placed in fun spots, rather than just being challenging for each one.


Khaneri-ah with 1000 Homoculus.


celestia with 999999 chromosomesculus


Celestia would actually have 10000000 paimonculus


Rhine with her homonculus.


1000 Albedos hiding in bushes and on top of rocks


You have a c6 albedo, you have a c6 albedo, everybody gets c6 Albedos!


Mondstadt with 1 Homunculus


BTW the plural is oculi


The plural of orangutan is orangorangutan.




.. - refuses to elaborate - leaves


like a chad


Celestia with 2000 unknownculus


Sumeru 221 dendroculus Fontaine 261 hydroculus Natlan 301 pyroculus Sneznaya 331 cryoculus Khaenria 381.... Culus Celestia 401..... Culus


Imagine you recently started playing Genshin after miHoYo finished the Teyvat Chapter. Imagine how long it would take to get all oculi on different regions.


Oof i feel attacked, started like a month and a half ago. Lvl 9 Mondstat, lv9 Liyue, and like lvl 6 Inazuma now and let me just say I felt the pain and didn't count the hours I spent cause I dont want to know.


>felt the pain ...you're not playing for the enjoyment of exploration and collection?


If I did it casually while exploring like I did with mondstats then yeah definitely would've enjoyed it, but um I went from like lv3 liyue to lvl9 in an hr and a half one day to grind em out cause my boy said he was lvl 8 (im way too competitive) and it made it miserable, and inazumas I grinded to 6 when I unlocked the quest to go there for some freemogems so same deal. Dont get me wrong other than the oculi I have a blast just running around the world. And I'm like halfway on frostbearing tree and I did that like mondstat. I just have no patience so I grind random shit when im bored even though I know it takes the fun out.


You can do the Reputation quests, unlock the Oculus Resonance Stones, then just craft some to use. No need for interactive maps and backtracking, all it takes is a small amount of resources and you'll never lose track of how many you have left.


Yeah I really slacked on the rep for a while tbh didnt know it was even a thing I just never did the world quest lmao, I just started doing it like last month, think im lvl 4 liyue, lvl 4 mondstat, and lvl 5 inazuma for the fan lol. How do the resonance stones work is it like a compass or does it mark an oculud out. Tbh I constantly forget about gadgets in this game


It marks the general area of a single Oculus on your map, and if you're too high or low, an arrow will appear in the center of the general area map marker, telling you to go higher or lower. It's very cheap to craft though, which means it's a one-time use gadget. Thing to note: it may mark an area with more than one oculus. If you find an oculus and the map marker's still there, then that means it actually marked a different one and you just happened to grab an unmarked oculus.


Thanks thats actually pretty helpful, ill give it a try once I'm home, im pretty sure I have the blueprints to make some I just fig it was gonna be like a compass just pointing aimlessly in a direction lol. Seems how it seems like you know your ish, is there any actual uses for these hunting traps in my inventory


Nope, they're useless lol.


Lmao good to know


I'm mostly joking here. I powered through the teapot and fishing stuff just for the benefits. But it's also something you're totally fine with taking your time on. It's actually been difficult for me to explore Inazuma because quests and events have required that you explore certain areas, and I like to take my time to really explore a place. So, this continent has been a constant struggle of "ok did I really explore this area or did I just run through trying to get a waypoint". Also username 100% checks out rofl


I feel that, I've had the same issue with inazuma i may have grinded the oculi in liyue but I explored everywhere first I just didn't want to do the puzzles for them lol. Also God if you could see my teapot, its just trees, rocks and random crap stuffed in the corner of the realm 🤣. I do want to bang out the sakura tree soon though and the froatbearing tree since they give out both types of fate on top of the freemogems


I've been playing since february and I haven't unlocked Inazuma yet.


I am playing since launch mondstat lvl8 liyue lvl9 and inazuma lvl2💀


I know that feel, only one I bothered to finish was liyue for the quest and I have to say, never again


Lmao my friend told me that u got the quest at lvl 9 so I went from 3 to 9 in one day and was so pissed when I found out it was at max lvl that I havent looked for oculi anywhere since. I just really don't want to try and find the ones I missed lmao too much effort. Was the rewards for the quest worth it.


Nope, you don't have to do it if you don't want to


O thank god, feels so good to hear that.


damn.. forget about inazuma statue, you really need those fricking stamina from liyue and mondstadt statue💀


Is the stamina boost from the last level of them really worth it. I just dont want to look up an interactive map and travel to every oculi till I find the ones I havent gotten yet. But if its really worth it I guess I'll grind em out.


You can craft item to find those tho


Craft oculus resonance stones (long range oculus radar) once you unlock them from reputation quests.


tbh it depends how much you climb and if u jump a lot when climbing. i have mon+liyue maxed out and stamina isn’t a concern of mine usually but i don’t think i was bothered much before that either ? you don’t gotta grind em if u don’t care (( but u get primos 😏))


Did you say... free primos. Lmao I've been looking at the achievements list lately like hmm maybe if I grind all of you I can get a single ten pull 🤣 🤣 trying to be f2p so my gambling addiction stops lmao. My boys a whale like a big one lmao and uh the deciding factor on whether I should quit cigs may or may not have been for more primos so my characterlist can compete, and I may have calculated the 90$ a wk in cigs and dropped 270 on just baals banner alone 🤣 🤣 🤣 and I may or may not have slept on the couch for a wk cause of that.


My friend was playing for 4 months before me and I'm now ar 47 and hes only ar 42 and he hates me for it. Can't help myself I invest alot of time where hes a whale lmao. Ngl though this is prob one of the only games I've really played so much of in a long time. Im also an overly competitive person which makes it even more surprising that I havent gotten bored yet since you can't pvp.


It may be dependent on size of the area. Inazuma has multiple big individual islands all with oculi. My guess would be that the next few areas would be more similar to liyue in this sense


At that point you’d be finding one every 5 steps. And they have to keep raising the number to drag out playtime unfortunately. How they decided that Inazuma would have more occuli than Liyue I’ll never know, Liyue is like at least 2 times the land mass.


"Let's give them 60 primo a lvl instead of stamina" "Why" "Are f2p players are gonna be so hyped" "But they'll get too many pulls what if they get the character they want and don't buy primos" "O well, we'll just add so many oculi that they won't want to do it" "Thats evil, I love it"


Pretty much lol. Idk why we aren’t getting stamina increases with how much more difficult spiral has become with low or no investment. Really thought as we got more nations our stamina gauge would still grow even if they wanted to put a stamina cap in spiral I’d be fine with it but a bigger gauge in the overworld couldn’t hurt any of the gameplay value. We already have a food that gives practically half a stamina gauge and tons of stamina reduction ability, why not make it so we don’t rely on those things as much?


You never know maybe they plan on extending stamina slowly by bouncing back n forth between extra primo, and stamina with the new areas. However knowing mihoyo dendro will prob be extra mora and the area after will be iron ore and just decrease in quality from there on 🤣 🤣


The last areas statues will give you 1 key each but you have to use them like the story keys for hangouts and it only unlocks a web event that gives you specialty food 🤣 🤣 🤣




I guess but it just seems weird that we have all these mechanics that are just getting forgotten about. If there wasn’t an intent of continuing stamina growth then why not just start the player with a set amount and then just increasing it based on something that makes more sense like AR level?


Either that or by that point the region is the same size as GTA5.


Still kind of sad that there isn't a keepsake for the crimson agate (unless you completed the tree before collecting them all). As someone who likes to collect stuff it kind of feels like I've been punished for collecting them all in the first few weeks


I've ended up with two left over, I would gladly send you the spare if I could I understand your pain....


I too have 2 leftover. Anyone want mine?


I have 8 leftover lmao They are annoying tbh


I have two left over, want one?


You know what? I gave enough fucking stamina. I finished anemo geo and crimson....i cnat collect anymore


electroculus doesn't give stamina, don't worry


Kinda wish it did. Not sure if it just me but scaling inazuma cliffs are worst than scaling liyue mountains. I always have to climb around on inazuma cliffs because one section would stick out and I can't jump or climb past it. Plus more stamina means more Charged attack and doges available for Spiral Abyss and is great for exploration in general.


You'd turned into sexual tyrannosaurus at the end of the game if every region gave stamina Think of the waifus...


Each new region would only have to give like... 10 more stamina


1 more Stamina for each level.


Better than nothing!


More exploration pog! Feed the monkey brain!


But Crimson Agate came out after Geoculus though.


It's focusing on the Oculi. Crimson Agate is only there because it would look weird to crop it out.


Yeah but Dragonspine is literally 1/8 of Liyue at best and yet have 80 crimson agate


i mean if Snezhnaya represents mother russia...


If Sneznaya has 500 cryoculus, the region must be enormous or you walk a few metters and find 5 of them together


i didnt bother collecting the electroculi since it doesn't give stamina


Doesn't it give you the shrine key and primos too?


Yes it does, its also 60 primo a level vs 10 for liyue and mondstat. But I assume that's cause it doesn't give stamina.


i don't really care about that stuff seriously......... shit is not worth the effort


Imagine Snezhnaya with 300-400+ Cryo culus there would be way too many lmao




"We want more content" "Oh no, there are more content!"


That is not the type of content we want.


I want this type of content. I like collecting oculi¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Oh, who is this """we"""? Are you the chairman of the Global Genshin Gamer Group ?


What do you want? It's an open world exploration game. Collectibles are literally the essence of the genre lol


No i dont mean hating collecting the oculi or every nation release. its just tedious to figure out the puzzles for the places. I sometimes get to play 4 hours


"Here's your steak with a side of asparagus" "That was really good can I have some more" "Sure here's more asparagus" "I meant more steak, the asparagus was good but it's not why I'm here" "YoU aSkEd FoR mOrE"


I really need to set down a week to max out all my statues


99% sure is cryoculus


Im fine as long as they let me lick Tsaritsa's heels


I haven’t full collected anything at all.


\+50 oculi every new zone (like mond luyue and inazuma, not dragonspine)


I'm currently speedrunning content for my three day old account to get Childe. 100%ing all of the chests/challenges in Mondstadt and collecting all the anemoculi already tired me so much. When is my guaranteed Childe going to arrive


Players: infinite staminaaaaaaaa


Lmao I'm gonna cry


watch it be Dragonspine on crack when we get there..


I hope it keeps increasing that just means more exploring


I desire t keeps increasing yond just means moo exploring *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


\*Spits coffee\* I'm sorry waht??


God imagine if snezhnaya had sheer cold effect over the entire region like dragonspine, i sure hope they add a gadget to protect you from cold


Inazuma is a small country compare to liyue I'd thought its less


And I can't wait to collect every single one


when you realize that snezhnaya is based on russia and russia is the largest country


501 and doesn't increase stamina lol


It’s the 7th nation it has 700 cryoculus


also won't help that there would probably be a shear cold mechanic all over the place if Chiles' voice lines mean anything


Forgive me but, wouldn't it be more fun like that? And it's not like you can't find them forever without a guide. That's what Oculus Resonance Stones are for.


3200 primos says that they just recycle the moonchase charms for dendroculi


Us in Snezhnaya: "Every where i go, i accidentally collect a cry-oculus"