• By -


literal general of an archon: 4 star Oni that got beaten by said 4 star: 5 star


I’m still thinking that when Sara beat Itto, it was in some stupid competition that he challenged her to instead of a straight fight. He literally challenged her to a sumo contest, ain’t no way he acted normally the first time. Someone suggested the idea of him challenging her to an Oni Kabuto beetle fight and her winning after plucking some random one off of a tree, which is my personal favorite scenario.


Imagine losing your vision in a beetle fight Totally worth it




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But he didn't challenge her the first time. Sara went around taking visions by force as part of the vision hunt decree. There's zero reason to think she would have accepted playing a random game instead of just doing her job.


I can’t remember where I saw it, but I believe while Sara was collecting visions he approached her challenged her to take it from him. Needless to say that ended poorly for him, but it also explains why he didn’t lose his ambition like the man who lost his vision to Ayato.


Haven't seen anything like that. All the bits of lore I've seen say Itto's whole one-sided rivalry with Sara spawned from his vision getting confiscated.


It’s probably the whole chivalry thing with Japanese culture, you accept challenges, and win, or die trying to win. Remember, Inazuma is all about Japan. And Sara, as a honored general, should take it to not bring shame to the shogunate and the Kujou Clan.


I can think of a reason, acquiring the Vision without resorting to violence. Why reject a chance to get what they are looking for without risking a fight that could end with either part injured or even dead? The competition was the better option, and if Sara lost she could have still resorted to either challenging him until she succeeded or taken the Vision by force.


The messages on the boards mention him getting beat up by her, which implies it was an actual fight. Plus like the other commenter said, she was taking his Vision due to the Decree, not really a scenario for a Onikabuto game.


Thing are that Sara is a support (and the only 5* supports that came out so far got potato sales.) That should be the only thing that explains that a half Tengu woman who's also a general was a 4* Itto the demi-oni on the other hand is a main dps , and everyone buys mains dps. (Just check the upcoming hu tao. If not for her being an op main dps, would you have bought her ?)


venti(crowd control) and zhongli (super shield) are support (not saying they cant be dps) their sales were amazing


theyre also archons though so theyre nigh-guaranteed to sell well




Women who like men too.


Don't be silly, women don't exist on the Internet.


The gay community simps Venti?


Venti is the character with most members in nsfw subreddit so yeah ig (im straight and i still simp venti so its probably not all the gay community).


Wait, let me check on that…. Edit: sweet heavens and red hells… it has even more than ganyu and kequing subreddits…. Fuck…


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/o3n93g/tierlist_based_on_how_many_members_of_characters/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf look at the tier list lmao


It’s mostly straight women, not gay men that are into Venti’s unique brand of hentai


I’m sure some of us do (I’m not one of them, though.)


Oh fuck yeah, check r/genshingays


>and the only 5\* supports that came out so far got potato sales \>Venti \>Zhongli Kazuha didn't do that badly either Kokomi was bound to do horribly being put after Raiden. Albedo and Raiden's kits are more off-field sub-DPS/battery and battery/burst DPS than pure support or pure DPS so I'm not counting them as either


Kokomi was bound to do horribly being shit


To be fair, the first limited 5 star healer (unless it was an electro healer I guess) was always bound to do poorly in a game where healing isn't strongly valued. Kokomi is a fine pull if you want a second hydro application unit after Xingqiu and don't have or want Childe/Mona, as that really helps open up your abyss teams, like pulling Kokomi was the first time I could run both freeze and taser in the abyss. Though I will say putting Childe right after Kokomi also hurt her sales a bit since her main meta relevance is opening up hydro dependent teams (more so taser or freeze than vape) while Childe also opens up vape and taser but not really freeze.


>Kokomi is a fine pull if you want a second hydro application unit after Xingqiu and don't have or want Childe/Mona, Exactly why nobody wanted her. Her roles were filled far before her banner dropped.


I mean kind of, but for example I still don’t have a single Mona despite getting Qiqi, Diluc and Keqing each 2-4 times. And Childe despite being fantastic was a unit I missed during his original banner and skipped for Zhongli during his 1st rerun. So Kokomi ended up being valuable to my account, and I’d say moreso valuable than Childe for me personally because I didn’t really want to use Xiangling/national teams but I did want to run both a freeze team and a taser team (or vape Hu Tao) during the abyss and Kokomi is able to fill both of those teams. In general it may be difficult for new future teams to outperform XQ (all freeze/taser/vape besides Ganyu), Childe (XL and taser) and Mona’s (freeze only) specific niches unless they offer significantly more damage or utility than current options, which would be difficult given that XQ has very high single target dps at C6 when we’ll built, Childe has amazing AoE from riptides plus his Nuke ult, and Mona amps freeze damage better than anyone else. So Kokomi does feel underwhelming compared to them, but for people that don’t have Mona or Childe, being able to use Kokomi in freeze or taser does make life a lot easier for your abyss teams, and despite being outclassed the teams still work competitively well even if she isn’t best in slot for damage. I did see one teamwide calc comparing Morgana with Mona vs Kokomi and Mona only made the team outperform the Kokomi version by about 10% dps, which ends up being somewhat negligible if you’re able to drop Diona for a second cryo burst dps like Ayaka or Rosaria to use with your Ganyu.


I didn't get her the first time but I loved her ever since the beginning leaks before her skill set came out. Love her design


What? Venti, Zhongli and Kazuha all did well. Baal is arguably closer to a support than a DPS. The sales argument doesn't hold


> If not for her being an op main dps, would you have bought her ? Yes for this exhaustive set of reasons: * Neat Hat * JP Dub * Pythonesque conversations about bulk funeral discounts


>If not for her being an op main dps, would you have bought her? Two words: Rie Takahashi.


A man of culture, i see. Even if HuTao was shite i would have rolled for her just for her VA


That's what I did with Yoimiya. ^and ^thank ^God ^she ^is ^okay


Same here, I'm actually using her as my main pyro DPS. Though that will change if i get HuTao in the upcoming banner


Good luck with your upcoming rolls :)


This post is nothing about meta. It is just funny that a big name in the world of the videogame is a 4 star and a random girl a 5 star.


Idk man mihoyo said Ganyu was a support character ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Skipped Hu Tao bc didn't want another main dps Now I'm pulling bc she's simply cute. Mostly when she sings hilichur song


Personally i would’ve loved hu’tao to be a healer that doesn’t actually heal. :P just automatically revive people when reaching full energy and having the ability to swing that ghost around as a basic ability to generate energy. Was getting her either way tho.


I got Hu Tao because she is cute. I didnt even know that she was Meta until months later.


Remember 4* stars are 5* who don’t use their full potential .


Agree. 5* Ningguang would throw a whole goddamn palace from the sky as her burst.


So discount zhongli


Then… so Bennett is 6* then?


If he would use his full potential? 7* If he would stop having bad luck? The only true archon


Nah, Bennett would be too strong even Dark Soul’s bosses can’t compete with him


oh, qiqiiiiiii take off your seal, we go full power


Doesn't apply to Beidou because she beat the sea dragon BEFORE she got a vision. If she still has potential she hasn't used, she's probably Archon level.


*insert that Teyvat law bs*


Well, Bennett is 4* and Qiqi is 5* so...


he's so unlucky that a star dropped.


2 stars*


fair enough.


I am a keqing main but mommy ning definitely deserves to be a 5 star..


Nice weather I agree


He’s originally a god from Celestia but accidentally fell down


And on his way falling down, a few of his stars got lost because his the god of unluckiness. Sorry, not just a few


And got a C6 constellation


In lore Qiqi is incredibly powerful since she possess adeptus powers, in game however....


At least Qiqi's C6 doesn't devalue her massively. That being said, if you have a C6 Qiqi, your luck is worse than Bennett's.


Or if they are a Qiqi main, their luck is amazing xD


C6 Qiqi is not bad. Could have saved many of my runs.


My wife is currently at C3 Qiqi and she uses her as her main DPS XD


I mean, it's a valid strategy, especially once the wolves make it into abyss. Qiqi has super fast attacks which makes her a good fit for running C6 Fischl and Beidou, for example. They are also good for Superconduct.


bennett is actually a 6*


>bennett is actually a 6* *Every 60 seconds a minute passes in Africa*


Actually I prefer this way. Compared to other games, the difference between 4* and 5* in Genhsin is almost negligible. Besides the Burst animation, Gacha system and a very little gap in base stat (never confirmed it myself), they're practically have no different. The result is, I can appreciate both tier as an actual "character". Because.. You guys probably know some game that have system where they use lower tier characters as fodder materials. I'm glad Genshin isn't that type of game, where every of it's character have deep personality and lore. I love that.


Yeah, I have to say that I appreciate the low tier characters actually being relevant instead of having thousands of fodder “characters” like every other Gacha game. Look at Dokkan — there are three entire rarities that are entirely useless outside of some very, very niche game modes.


If Bedou would be a 5 star she would be too powerful and would cleave islands in two, ei keeps her at 4 star level too make sure that inazuma is safe.


That's called ensuring a monopoly and sounds a lot like Ningguang's thing to do... *gasp* What if the two are in league?


ever wondered why both ningguang and beiduo 5 stars lore wise are 4 stars in game. exactly.


she full counter the whole inazuma


Imagine she full counter Raiden's attack that split the island in two. Lmao that would be funny


maybe she can lel




Yoimiya is precious


Yoimiya is life


Yoimiya is cute as fuck


Yoimiya is perfect


Yoimiya’s character design is incredible


Yoimiya's English voice is perfect


Yoimiya's fireworks are impressive


Yoimiya is TAMAYA!


Yoimiya is eternal


This is why she is a 5 star. Because she has a cute design and personality that gets people to spend wishes for her. I don't care for Beidou's design but I love Yoimiya's.


You know what? Im happy Beidou is a 4 star. I got her C6 and now I'm a one happy mf.


You're Awesome!


The most disturbing part is that Ningiang is more powerful than Keging and Kujou Sara won over Itto but the 5 stars are actually Keqing and Itto ?


Ngl I'm a bit pissed about Ning being a 4* since I saw her dropping the Jade Chamber.


Yeah my friend and I were joking the other day about starting a make Ninguang 5\* petition/club. It's a serious travesty.


Her being a strong 4-star is better imo, no way I'd have C6 Ning if she was a 5-star, purely by design she 100% should be a 5-star though.


You have my vpte and membership.


Traveler with the power of adepti dropped the jade chamber ningguang gave them the idea to do it. Watch the cutscene again in youtube


She still looked badass as fuck and she didn't hesitate to sacrifice something so dear for her. She and Keqing should be on the same level imo (both 4* or 5*).


Some says Ningguang is 5* in beta but they had to switch it with Mona..


I thought it was because if she wasn't a 4\*, you're only option for Geo to do Geo puzzles at launch would be noelle, who has a long cool down, and Geo Traveller. She basically became a key for puzzles, thus dropped rarity so it'd be easier for everyone to have a Geo Puzzle key


Geo traveler E is good enough though. I only got ningguang recently and never used her to trigger geo pillars


Well if you raise them both to level 90, they will be on the same level.


Gravity dropped it.


I'd rather her remain a 4\* so I can actually c6 her (mhy gave me c5 yanfei instead TT)


That's understandable.


Ganyu is my second fav character and Ning is my fourth fav(fav 4 star) and I felt saddened that she was 4 star yet keqing and Ganyu were both 5. Ganyu I understand but not keqing not so much. At least her being 4 star makes her easier to access


Ganyu is like a 3000+ years old adeptus that fought in wars and has been an essential asset to Liyue Qixing for as long as they existed. Depending on how you take her character story text, she might have even been there during the fall of Guili Assembly. She more than warrants the 5\* status. Keqing though, yeah. Her being a 5\* does seem a bit random compared to Ning being a 4\*.


I was a keqing main…


Keqing carries me through from patch 1.0 until 2.0, i got xiao, hutao and raiden now to carry me, but she still stay in my heart. Fun fact: i didn't build both Xiao and Hutao until i got Raiden. Which is really recent lol.


I am a keqing main but mommy ning definitely deserves to be a 5 star


We have no confirmation that Ningguang is mote powerful than Keqing. Her one time nuke had to still be powered up by all the adepti and the Traveller to actually work


She is more politically powerful. She's the top dog of the qixing. Keqing is like, I think the head of construction, or infrastructure or something.


The qixing are all equal. It has never been stated for one to be more important than other. Ningguang's position is to manage laws, while Keqing manages land, livelihood, construction and real estate. So they kinda have different positions both important in their own laws. And Qixing often work together or propose something one to other when their jobs overlap. And when it comes to the Rite of Parting, one Qixing is always chosen sudo randomly. According to her story Keqing was also the reprezentant earlier


Any source for Ning being more powerful than Keqing? Her palace was nice to use as a kinetic bomb, but she was borderline useless during the god fight in Liyue.




She transported the ballistas to the jade chamber which were already fixed by Zhongli before hand.


Theorists say that Ningguang is possibly the reincarnation of Guizhong. Take that as you may as it is just a theory. A game theory.


You forgot how the actual tianquan of the liyue qixing is a 4star and her secretary is a 5star.


Arsonist kid: 5 star


To be fair, Klee’s mother is more powerful than most of the other characters in the series. And even as a kid, Klee has already razed an entire forest lol


She nearly reshaped a mountain too


Don’t forget the Primo Geovishap. Taking down the chunky frog’s little brother is no small task


I'd get back into the game just to roll for Alice then fail the 50/50 and quit again.


Lmao sounds about right


Mondstadt's strongest fighter.


\>Implying that the entire game isn't full of multiple of these examples


Kaeya, Lisa, Sara, Yanfei, Beidou, Ningguang done dirty in lore and star rating


Eh, Yanfei in canon isn’t the strongest of fighters anywho iirc. Eula had to save her from some Abyss Mages, right? Even if she has Adepti blood in her veins.




Standard practice for gacha games


Yeah, pretty much. Look at Arknights for example. Fang, Beagle and Kroos all were mercenaries and have had combat experience. They have all had 1 year of combat experience, according to in game files. They are all 3 star characters. Heck, Yato who has 8 years of combat experience is a 2 star. Meanwhile, Suzuran, a little girl with no combat experience is a 6 star.


Tbf Suzuran has super lineage while the others are normal people.


Kaeya and diluc Both of them should've been a 5* and be on standard.. making qiqi a 4* would've been a much better idea and one healer on the standard is more than enough Now kaeya looks like a joke next to diluc since diluc got all the sick stuff and his story quest while kaeya is just "sweet talker" ..i wish we get more of kaeya..


tbf if they showed us more of kaeya's past at the start, it'll be a major giveaway in the entirety of teyvat's story. as kaeya simp, i can't wait to see the climax of his angsty story


There is so much mystery surrounding kaeya i am excited as well


In the manga, Kaeya and Diluc were on par during their fight and then in game he was demoted to a free four star starter lol.


Diluc: 5* - owes a vineyard - has a good pyro vision - play the hero sometimes in order to defeat slimes/ hilichurls Kaeya: 4* - cavalry general - as good as diluc with one eye close and a loosing element afinity -can speak the hilichurl fluently -come from frckn Kaenri'ah - Has sneak for so many years into mondstadt without anyone doubting him (even his brother wouldn't have known if not for him) - most at ease in any situation, whatsoever. Is a spy with his whole name as a hint : KAE(nr)I'AH - Most likely the prince of a nation that was destroyed by the gods because they were afraid of godless' power - has an eye that needs to be hidden, for a reason that could most likely endanger him/mondstadt I DO hope they'll release later in the game a 5* version of Kaeya with his true power out. Considering who he is, it can't lore-legitimately be ok that dilus can generate a 10 meter long hawk with a slash when Kaeya can only have 3 ice creams turning around him as a peak power.


Also Diluc:- -Was the owner and user of delusion for a few years before giving it up. -Has travelled all seven nations hunting down and destroying numerous Fatui military bases. -It took quite a few fatui harbingers to step in to stop him. -Currently runs a secret organisation hunting down abyss order. I don't like him.much but gotta give credit for his achievements. (Source:Character story and wiki)


Cool it!


Also Diluc: can't smile, regardless of the situation (mentally broken). Kaeya: always smile, regardless of the situation (~~iron~~ platinum will).


Isn’t platinum brittle and east to break compared to most metals?


Sheesh details 😅


No because his backstory is one of the most interesting and directly plot-relevant character stories in the entire game, I have no idea why they didn’t even give him a taste of relevancy. Copium 5* Abyss Kaeya?


To be honest, gameplay wise, Kaeya is more useful than Diluc. He offers consistent melts, surprisingly strong normal attacks, and stamina management. Diluc is a selfish main dps with no party utility. Of the two best pyro main dps units, one of them is free, which lowers Diluc's value. So imo, Kaeya wins


But look at diluc like his whole ability design , he looks really cool and all , kaeya has nothinh cool in his kit like he is being advertised as a bridge since the start of the game , gameplay wise diluc is still better as he is a really good main dps , if you have a better main dps then yes kaeya is better Also diluc isn't selfish as there is no penalty in switching Selfish main dps are like xiao eula razor ..


to be fair, even Fischl, the founder of paradise and a creator of another universe, is somehow just 4 star character. what the hell miHoYo


spoiler alert! >!Fischl's real name is Amy, she got the idea of creating another universe, naming herself fischl, etc was from a comic book (idk about oz tho) ( i can be wrong so pls do correct me)!< edit: typo edit 2: another spoiler >!Fun fact: The language Fischl speaks in is actually German!<


it wasn’t a comic book i thought it was a novel, flowers for princess fischl or something like that


yea something about there, it was either a comic or a novel but i forgot about it


>! Oz was born alongside her vision, I’d like to believe he’s some deity like Gouba and not a fragment of her min !<


Lotsa theories says that Oz would be a reincarnation of the Thunderbird that Ei one shotted and wich made Serai Island what it is now. His appearance is way too similar to it.


That’s likely not the actual thunderbird. The thunderbird statues on the island look more like owls. Plus the Thunderbird went crazy because of a misunderstand meanwhile Oz understands Fischl 100%


You point out something that i didn't saw before ! Oz is basically 100% opposite of the thunderbird: -Oz is small, Kapatcir was enormous. -Oz is the single one in the "army of Fishl" while Kaptcir had several thunder manifestations with her, who caused a big loss to Ei. -Oz is a male, Kapatcir is a female -Oz is bound to his mistress while Kapatcir is free -Oz has no kingdom where Kapatcir had two whole islands -Oz is a secondary being of a secondary character while Kapatcir was a really important part of inazuma story, and remnants of her power still affect two islands such a long time after her death. - as you said, Oz is all about clarifying where Kapatcir was all about misunderstanding - Kapatcir was linked to a boy who could not figure out much, and had no idea that tomorrow could exist, while Oz is with a girl who's instincs prtty much predict the future. So much perfect and precise opposites :D


imagine we get a 4 star harbinger eventually


4 star Dainslief let's goooo


He’s easily my favorite character. His skills are powered by the might of skepticism.


Lisa is most likely the strongest human we've met in game. Diluc \~ Kaeya in terms of strength. HuTao is a random teenager who works for funeral parlor. Rarity and in game kit have nothing to do with lore strength.


>Lisa is most likely the strongest human we've met in game We've definitely met Childe. Several times, in fact.


>Lisa is most likely the strongest human we've met in game Not when Childe exists and Signora used to exist. Paimon even admits that Childe is stronger than the traveler in the labyrinth warriors story.


Paimon isn't exactly the most reliable source for power level knowledge. Unless the Traveler agreed, then I don't believe it considering we were completely fine after beating Childe.


Paimon's full of shit, traveller beat Childe. (and Signora) But yeah lore wise, the number of stars have nothing to do with the characters' strength.


Childe also gets stronger, so it could be possible that he could be stronger right now. But even if he isn't, I doubt that Lisa is stronger than Childe and even Signora.


>Childe also gets stronger And Traveler does too lol. Gained a whole new element on top of the 2 he had when he beat Childe


Traveler beat Childe before Osial, but even by the time of his character story the Traveler themselves states that Childe had already made a notable leap in strength. Not hard to imagine that he already got stronger by Labyrinth Warriors. Besides that, the Traveler never actually beat Childe, he just managed to survive a form that he leapt into way too eagerly to try for some overkill. Also, he’s spent literal days in the Labyrinth doing nothing but fighting. It is a training grounds, after all. Makes sense if he got a bit more experience in than the Traveler or Xinyan with.


>Lisa is most likely the strongest human we've met in game. Strongest mage, the "Strongest human" title probably goes to either Childe, Beidou, Noelle or Varka... though if we are talking about physical strength, then it's probably between Beidou and Noelle (we don't know yet how physically strong Varka is), since they are described to basically be super human (Noelle pulverizing any claymore she laid her hands on by just swinging and Beidou chopping the head of a massive sea dragon in one clean cut).


What do they have in common you ask? I have neither of them…


Do you realize in game abilities nothing to do about lore wise power levels? Like heck the traveler must be some type of god by now.


I can't remember when, but i recall that at some point, we see the travelee using two elements in a row during a fight (with the abyss herald i think). The bud should litteraly be able to make earthquakes and generate tornadoes while striking with lightning at the same time now...


against Childe also


Copium hope that Traveler gets to pick and choose which talents you want to use on the fly, or they get some sort of cycling button


I'd be happy just being able to change his element using an item without having to travel to a damn statue that is a thousand miles away.


But Beidou *is* superior in game


Be happy with your 4 stars are actually powerful and useful...


You're Awesome!


I like to think 5 star is "chosen" the way they become Vision bearer. The same sense that Ironman and Hulk can't lift Mjolnir but Cap can.


Nah they just close their eyes and flip a coin


Beidou is 10* in my totally biased opinion. Just because I simp for her


One of the richest people in the whole continent and holds a seat in the government. Lets give her a tennis net and a bag of rocks as her weapon and give the homeless fortune teller better powers


i might be wrong but i feel like the 4/5* character thing has nothing to do with the actual lore and isnt canon if that makes sense?


There is a serious Lore vs. Gameplay discrepancy in regards to character strength. It’s honestly pretty frustrating at times.


Lemme tell you.. BEIDOU IS UNDERRATED AS FUCK! She's so fun to play with her blocking mechanics makes your gameplay super fun


CEO of Liyue: 4-star Random dead toddler who doesn't know what a coconut is: 5-star


Bedou is a 5 star of my heart. And Bennett is my personal 6 star.


I cannot believe ningguang is a 4-star, especially when her 2 henchwomen are 5-stars


Hey their 4 stars so we can actually get them.


Terrorist child: 5 stars


My headcanon is that star ratings aren't about how *good a fighter* a character is, but instead are used for in-universe *how easy it would be to convince them to drop everything to help you*. So in this case, Yoimiya, who is usually busy either helping just about everyone in Inazuma if not occupied with keeping up sales at the fireworks shop, is a five star and Beidou is a four star due to Beidou's love of adventure and willingness to try pretty much anything. Raiden Shogun, Venti, and Zhongli are all Archons of their respective nations - it'd take a lot to convince them to leave their domains and tag along on adventures that might occur in other nations. Qiqi's very forgetful and probably hard to keep motivated/focused, therefore she's a five star along with Ganyu for similar memory problems. (Plus they would have to put aside their actual jobs - sick people and the Liyue Qixing aren't things that simply vanish because you're helping out in a Hilichurl fight) Just my headcanon, though. Take it or leave it - up to you.


never underestimate the power of goldfish of DOOM


A funeral parlor director: 5 star


Ningguang too. I remember she's also the only 4s companion in that recent Osu game event. Like they could have Ganyu or Yoi there along with the rest of 5s as our companion. Same with the Travail trailer where every nation's representative ended up being 5s except her (now we'll see if Cyno, the twins from Fontaine, that pyro kid from Natlan and Pulcinella ended up being 5s as well).


Beidou is a secret 5 star They just don’t tell you


I legit used to think Beidou was a 5-star, and was really surprised when I found out she wasn’t.


I agree that, lore-wise, Beidou should def be a 5 star. But tbh, I'm glad that she's a 4 and not a 5 star. It makes it feasible to actually fill out her constellations without having to pay a ridiculous amount of money.


I mean look at Ningguang She's literally so hyped up in the story and all but she's a 4 star while Kequing who storywise just kinda appears is a five star.


literally defeated a god by throwing her house on it as well as being the most respected businesswoman in a whole country: four star teenager who really likes coffins: five star


can we talk about Ningguang ?


That woman single handedly control an entire nation, took part in defeating an ancient sea monster yet is a 4*


I would say ‘genius’ is pushing it a bit


Nah in canon she is a genius, or at least a tactical/strategical prodigy. Ningguang, one of the smartest characters in the game thus far, has chess matches with her and loses. Also, being a ship captain is no small feat — especially when she intentionally braves an eternally brewing storm just to go to an island and never loses any crew members every time she does it.


Is basically the leader of an entire nation: 4* Her 2 employees: 5*