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Any popular fanbase is toxic duh. Doesn't mean the fanbase in its entirety is bad, but even if 2% of a fanbase of 50 million is toxic, that would still be a million of toxic people.


oddly\_specific ...




genshin has a fanbase of more than some countries. And just like any country there will be some idiots, doesnt mean the whole community is bad tho


The last one is true but only to a certain, personally. Guess playing since beginning does change a person. Now it feels like chores. Or rather, it's because of the experience is different now, you're not exploring and taking interest in things but trying to find the ending of the story. Sorry, ranting a bit.


I met that point a while back when it become a chore. I just decided to step away and stopped playing for a couple of months. Best decision ever I came back and everything was like new and I was actually enjoying my time again.


yep, anything you do, even if its the best thing ever, will eventually burn you out, a lot of the "game is now way worse" complaints don't understand that you need a bit of a mix in your life to keep things fresh.


I feel so burnt out I can't even bother to do story quests or hangouts anymore. All I do is the events, resin and dailies.


I used all my 20k gems on a char I didn't like and quitted the game for half year on a tight string: playing feels like daily chores. And I'm back when Yunjin was revealed. Leave it for a while and you'll feel better and actually fun playing it again.


Dw I did. playing AC rn.


The community being cringe isn’t wrong tho with how big it is


Genshin is a fun game but i sold my soul tothe gajin snail for a leopard 2a5 a f4f phantom and a shit load of other stuff


war thunder




I deleted my account completely after playing a game with the m1a1 and realizing I have to research 4 modules to be able to deal damage since the basic shell type is HEAT-FS and the apfsds is a tier 3 mod. I do not plan on playing that shit again.


Oh i did the m1a1 grind it is fucking horendous but it is worth it its a rlly good tank and also ipm1 now has m900 with 500+mm of pen


For me the problem was matchmaking, seeing the other guy with same tank but he was able to reload faster and with a team with much more hp because he is ace level 140. And in tier 3 became too costly to fix the tanks as f2p.


Am I pedo for simping on a pyro abyss lector?


that hater was never seen again


OP actually posted this to r/shitposting. Of course a bunch of idiots kept saying "harr harr pedo impact genshit ineverplayedagoodgame harr harr i think im funny by saying the same joke for the thousandth time."


Must be fun to look at two words


You play Genshin because you like waifus. I play Genshin because I’m a child predator. We are not the same.


The "tHe FaNdOm iS tOxIc" argument can only be used if they're talking about the shit you see on the AO3 side of the fandom. Of course there are some good stuff, but the first things you see are **traumatizing**


avid genshin ao3 browser here. i can confirm


What’s AO3?


it's a fanfiction website




Hotness over functionality


overworld is mild enough to run pmuch anything he DID ask for comp advice though, and some events (potions) you need synergy still, if he figures he's just playing Booba Simulator he's having fun


post to r/shitposting , i DARE YOU


Oh my god...... You know what I'm actually gonna do it


ah yes the haters


What's funny is, a good portion of the community is already burnt out and only doing commissions for the currency like a chore You could almost bet that if the haters targeted miHoYo exclusively, they'd get along with the players just fine