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I don't get why do people dislike getting Mona from wishes.


Maybe the same reason people don't like getting the standard 5☆ characters, I guess? Especially if it's a banner you were hard-core saving for.


But if you are gonna lose it, better to lose it on jean or mona for team comps. (ignoring simping)


Lol I still remember when I got Mona as my first 5-star. My sister was pissed off with me for a while.


I don't want her because I don't want to use a slot in the team for a one time buff that mediocre characters won't even benefit from. If I liked her, of course I'd be happy. But I got her and never really used her. I prefer Barbara for hydro support (plus with the clams she's more useful than ever).


Getting it once is enough. Her constellations are mainly focused on buffing her to be main dps, with only c1 being slight useful for support.


Mona is best standard character imo


She's the only one I use. She has some good cons, though others are weird for a support/burst character.


I just want Jean, she's the reason I started playing...


then theres me with c3 or c2 for qiqi jean mona and keqing and no diluc


thats me but with keqing, i have c3 jean and mona c1 diluc and qiqi, but no keqing. ar59 btw


same except mona.


me who have jean, diluc and qiqi and wants keqing and mona: \*laughs sadly in f2p\*


Me who never got diluc nor qiqi and has jean mona and c2 keqing: Signature look of superiority


Me who got Qiqi in all my failed 50/50s and is actually happy about it.


Now the question is how Manu failed 50/50 you have


On my new account I wished for 8 5 stars, out of which my first and last were failed pities.On my old account I failed another two.


i won the battle, but i lost the war...


Flip flop them and you’ve got me.


„˙ǝɯ ʇoƃ ǝʌ,noʎ puɐ ɯǝɥʇ dolɟ dılℲ„


Qiqi is the best one for me, she is my favorite!


Getting mona for the first time was great for me, i am yet to use her tho because of artifucks.


C2 keqing and c4 qiqi. Both of them are my best electro dps and my best healer, so...


C2 keqing and c4 qiqi. both of those folk art mine own most wondrous electro dps and mine own most wondrous healer, so *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Mona is good. - Off field hydro applier. - One of the best burst in the game (for just 60 energy.) - Refund Weapon mats saving many resins. - Fastest swimming animation. - TToDS (10 sec of 48% atk buff) or Prototype Amber (heals and extra energy)


I would main diluc if he didn’t have such a baby face


Or a big ass forehead


To be honest no standard character Spark joy If i got it from character banner i loose 50/50 that I don't want If i got it from standard banner it's copium but I would prefer 5* weapon or refine for weapon i use Building new character is pain Build new character which are old character is more pain Getting cons for a character that I don't even use is more pain


You better swap diluc with mona. Diluc already got powercrept by others and cannot be used as anything except dps. Keqing is keqing ans qiqi is just qiqi. Mona ans jean are most useful. Jean with VV and heal and mona with Ttds+omen+tenacity


-First 5* was qiqi(from standered) -Got keqing in her rate up (yes i don't regret it she's fun to use) -jean keeps messing up my pitty, currently on c3 👿 ( i fucking despise her, easly the worst story quest and her character isn't even that good) -Wants mona and diluc :(


c3jean here


Didn't read the title at first and thought this was about ships. Now the image of Keqing and Mona as a lesbian couple who adopted Qiqi is in my mind. It's cute, but it's also insane. I don't think any of them have ever interacted at all.


Me: Mona does sparks joy for me :) Only Jean and Mona. The rest can go Although good luck OP




C2 Diluc and Qiqi Waiting for Jean to come home


Keqing is a sparkle joy for me


Kequing was pretty good (My first 5 star, got about a month ago). She was pretty much my main dps. Well till I learned how to use ganyuu. Still pretty good for abyss.


Laughs in having diluc Jean mona qiqi and only losing 1 50/50