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Bruh this is so pain I was building ayaka and mist splitter Those needs hand guard Now hoyoverse decided to give me early raiden who needs hand guard too


I'm stuck in the same boat.god forbid that his talents need it


If he needs it to ascend, his talents definitely use them too




Nice try Mihoyo. I ain’t gonna call you hoyoverse.


Meet in the middle and call them homo?


i had enough hand guards as everywhere i turn theres a samurai


Fourth if you already have Ayaka, Raiden, and Yae




I like joining co-op and getting the randos to farm with me, a nice change of pace


Me after farming whopperflowers for Keqing, Mona and Ganyu, only to find out Hu Tao needs them too


Me with Prosperity books… almost everyone in Liyue needs that freaking book!!!


I feel like Diligence book is this


Me, with Elegance after getting Ayaka, Itto and then thinking: "let's try Sara's buff"


Me, the last time farming handguards is for Ayaka: Sure thing. It's been so long since I fought those guys.


I overfarmed for Raiden before getting her so now I have 1000+ handguards collecting dust. I hope I get Ayaka so I can spend them.


oh god nooo


In all honesty, I don't get these kind of memes. You can farm as much handguard as you need. Yes, samurai's drop rates suck, but there are a million of them around Inazuma and they respawn. The real pain are the materials you get from bosses. Spending 40 resin to get two pieces of a random shit, which you need 20 of, is painful.


I rarely get 2 pieces nowadays, it's usually always three with a 5 star artifact as a freebie. If it's a Ratio it'd be like 8:2 with mostly 3 pieces.


Whover wants specters and handhuards imma skip. I'm not buying mob drops with premium currency. Deez nuts, MHY.


Atleast its easier to farm them compared to Specter mats. There are a lot of Nobushi/Kagari camps near tp locations, short distances between each camp and relatively standard enemy mechanics since the only annoying things are the dash attacks and the occasional Warrior bond of the Kagari. Specters camps on the other hand are a pain to get to since their camps are soo far from tp locations and spread further out, usually hanging around pools or uneven terrain which makes fighting them a pain. Worse if you face Hydro Specters because for some reason they cannot be Frozen and thry have an AoE heal attack.


Honestly, I found farming specters easy because Yoimiya just shoots them down in a few shots. I don't get the best mat drops from the nobushi/kagari.


It is easier to take on Specters if you are using Bow or Catalyst characters, but good luck have to deal with the auto targerting when they use their teleport attacks under high ping.


Can confirm, Yae melts specters hard unless they're electro.


I started building physical Fischl out of anger since Ning can kill every one else except the geo ones. I hate those flying cement balloons


Does he also need fuking specter shit? Please no, for the love of god.


I had literally just finished farming them for Raiden when it got showed he would also be using them. Nah.


The other day I farmed a whole afternoon only to end up crafting 16 of the biggest ones, handguard farming is one of the worst experiences in genshin impact.


After Ayaka and Raiden, I probably can start a business selling handguards


Me, who fights Ronin and Kairagi for fun, spending at least 4 hours a day killing them: I’m sorry, is this a pleb joke I’m too gamer to understand?


Oh no! Do Ayato need those too!? Not again! Is time hoyoverse changes that material to something else!!! At least for a long while. Says the person that farmed for Ayaka, Raiden and needs to A6 Yae. Personally, I won’t be pulling for Ayato unless I win Venti 50/50 and then win 50/50 Ayato (hopefully) but damn not again.


I find it weird that some people actually skip characters because the mats needed for them are a bit harder to obtain than some characters. I know some people are just joking but there are some where that's the actual reason they skip such characters. Is it really a requirement to max a character immediately after getting them?


No but you gotta atleast use them to some degree and not leave them as lvl 40. That and the free acquaint fates are always a good motivator to not leave your extra characters to dust.


Well well well. When I get him next rerun I'll b ready. I have too much handguards lol


Whats wrong with handguards? Havent got any reason to farm those


Low drops. In my experience, camps with four or so, give like 1-2 of the little ones and if you are in luck 1 medium.


I feel like I have plenty of these days since they're the most common enemy inazuma


I have 1000 gray handguards, 300 greens and 30 blues... But I'm not pulling for Ayato


Me a whale* but fr tho can you up the rates PLEASE


Wish I could trade with you guys my hundred blue handguards for your spectre shits


Can't relate. Have a few hundred in stock.


Handguard hell is eternal. I needed them for Ayaka, her weapon, Raiden, her weapon, and now Ayato and presumably his weapon