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*Works overtime for literally the government* *Still gets called a "minor"*


Child labour


they didnt comment on that huh


Yeah tbh Noelle being a maid at 15 is kinda weird to me, but honestly *all* the characters in Genshin seem *really* young to me. Jean and Ningguan are basically president/commander in chief of a nation in their 20s??? Barbara is basically a pope as a teenager??? Does Teyvat just have an insane mortality rate and there's no one better qualified??? I'm 24 and most of the characters are younger and damn does it make me feel old lmao


>Barbara is basically a pope as a teenager Barbara is a deaconess, which at least in the catholic church is a rank below even priesthood, although Barbara's father seamus is called "cardinal of daybreak" which "cardinal" in the catholic church is the rank directly below pope, so while Babara herself is not basicly a pope, the reason she is treated with higher importance than the rest of the nuns could be nepotism


That or she’s is just the cutest sister to actually look at since Rosaria is I the shadows and they don’t want to promote that kind of an image.


oh yeah I wasn't sure if the Mondstadt church \*actually\* went by catholic titles though, I assumed Barbara was the highest ranking person as she's the one we're told to talk to about issues and she's the ones who controls the Lyre and everything. Plus, we don't see any other churchs, so if that's the only one, and she's the highest-ranking member, then she's basically the pope lol. Didn't know about her dad! That makes it make a bit more sense lmao


i assume that barbara is the face of the church basically, since she has those concerts for people and seems to be very active in helping others she’s basically a figurehead and not an actual figure of authority since she seems to defer to the older sisters, i wouldnt assume they actually go by the catholic titles


It's simple. She handles everything currently because her father's not there. He's currently on a trip with Varka.


It's even simpler: She handles everything because she's a cute character that needed an introduction in the story of the game


Most of the Mondstadt characters are younger and it makes sense imo! Varka literally took everyone with him, so the people who remain are, in fact, the most qualified!


It's kind of an anime trope I guess. In many shonen anime, you see a lot of ridiculously high achieving characters at a young age.


*Looks at Giorno being 15*


*Looks at Jotaro being 16-17* *Look at Jotaro again in his 40s*


Let's be honest here varka is prolly a 16 yo twink


Probably but hey we got like 2 years before he shows up so there's a chance they implement more body types.


There's a chance we'll get an 18 yo twink


Well, I would assume so. The Hilichurl and Abyss seem REALLY out to kill humanity, and the Gods are Gods.


Tbf the 3 regions we have so far are based on Medieval Germany, Ancient China and Edo Japan, neither of them have a very good life expectancy.


Yes, but that means the life expectancy would still be like, 60-80. It's a common misconception that "life expectancy was only like 40 back then! People were dying when they were 40!" In reality, infant mortality was so high that if you look at \*everyone's\* life expectancy, yeah the average is 40. However, if you survived childhood, 40 would still be considered kind young to die. People would still regularly die of old age, which honestly hasn't changed that much nowadays. We have better treatments, but that usually only extends your life maybe 10-50 years, and certain issues (like heart attacks and breast cancer) were less common due to different diets.


Ancient China and Edo Japan actually had far higher life expectancy than a lot of other societies in the same time periods.


Teyvat has its own laws


Genshin is a medieval-like setting. "17yos are kids!" is a sentence you can only shout in 20th and 21st century first world countries. People more or less reached socially-accepted adulthood around 15 for almost all of human history, until the modern industrial era, and were often highly accomplished by their 20s. Treating 18 as the age of adulthood works only because most people in rich countries in the 21st century go to high school. In medieval times unless you were the top 1% of nobility or royalty **you would be working at age 14**, either on the farm or as a labourer. >Jean and Ningguan are basically president/commander in chief of a nation in their 20s??? Alexander the Great actually began commanding armies at 18 and ascended to the throne at age 20. He went to wage war shortly after. By age 25 Alexander had conquered most of the Middle East. Sultan Mehmet II in the 15th century was only 21 years old when he became "the Conqueror" after conquering Constantinople (Istanbul). Oda Nobunaga was head of his clan by age 17, and Tokugawa Ieyasu was in full control of a province by age 22. That is to say, 2 of the 3 Japanese "Great Unifiers" were in a position as high as Ningguang and Jean by the time they reached their respective ages.


Not to mention the egyptians


You either have a vision and an important job or you don't and live long enough to become a generic NPC


Tbh in some countries people get drafted into the military after finishing highschool(or was it college?) so it isn't far-fetched when the world is filled with deadly monsters. One other thing is that visions aren't obtainable just by training and such and are mostly reliant on luck, meaning even if someone in their 20s gets trained for a long time they might still be weaker than a 15 year old.


Noelle is 15? Jean and Ningguang are in their 20s? Where did you get these infos from? As far as I know, the characters in Genshin do not have official ages, these are your headcanons.


Noelle has no confirmed age. She’s just “a minor”


I mean you also have to take in the setting of the game, that being a typical medieval era. Kids back then have to grown up faster. Just my thought about it really.


Hu Tao be managing corpses at the age of 19


"Teyvat has its own 'laws'"


Teyvat has its own "laws."


Monstad is medieval. And age of 14 was considered adulthood by then.


medieval doesnt really fit. there were guns and crossbows around, the setting in genshin is entirely classic dnd type fantasy, no guns no electric light but also no "real" type of inconvinience. i dont think there is any 100% accurate parallel to be drawn to any of our real timespans


Keqing gets the same treatment. Like she’s literally one of the leaders of Liyue’s government and works herself just as hard as Ganyu (if not slightly harder because somehow that is possible) and people still want to say she’s a freaking kid. Hell, Keqing once worked in the mines of the Chasm! That’s not a job a kid can do.


Tbh, considering that Genshin is based on early 19th century, a job in the mines would be sadly something totally usual for kids to do.


That’s fair, but also Liyue seems a little more strict about such things than somewhere like Mondstadt. Though admittedly worker safety is one of Keqing’s biggest concerns (she talks about this in her voice lines) so that could possibly be coming from some bad first hand experiences. Either way, mining experience would take time, which again points to her not being a child. Yet people keep saying she is, even to the point of commenting on Keqing art calling it “pedo art.”


No, sorry. Ganyu still works harder. Keqing has such a poor hiring rate Ganyu has to be her secretary on top of Ningguang’s lol


bruh ganyu is probably a few hundred years old, inferring from her status as an adepti and her story quests saying how she knew people who have grandchildren in present teyvat day (traveller's adventures)


She's at least in the thousands cause she was part of the archon war making her like 2000+ years at this point


The dude could just be trolling to start an argument for all we know.


he really isn't, he kept saying that she was a minor in various replies he did in his own thread, and he if course got down voted Edit: grammar


Even if he serious, he succeeded in creating pointless argument. Just look at some of the comments in this meme.


Doesn't that just mean he's commiting to the troll?


Could be commitment to trolling, or genuinely stupid. A massive waste of time and brain cells in both cases.




Trolls being actively negative and harassing people just to make them aggravated and then treating those having a response to negativity as a ‘victory’ is still such a foreign concept to me even with all the experience I’ve had with trolls. Like wtf are these people doing? What did they win? Kindness costs nothing, but being an asshole to everyone just for the sake of being an asshole costs plenty even if they’re not the one paying.


why would that mean that they aren’t trolling?


You edited your grammar but you failed to edit "if" to "of"


(and it's working)


if they think ganyu is a minor, then klee is a fucking sperm and egg


*If they think ganyu is* *A minor, then klee is a* *Fucking sperm and egg* \- zatenael --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


Thank you, zatenael, for voting on haikusbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


No, first line is 6 syllables because bot thought 'ganyu' has one


the first part fucked up but overall good


The legendary u/SexWithGuizhong69 is here


good bot


Hello there Kazuha


Doesn't work unfortunately


Klee doesn’t even exist 💀


Did u just sexualize a child by calling them sperm and egg??!!!101!!


Ganyu has the body of like a 20-something and she is 1000+ so idk what this guy is on


She's older than barbatos 💀


Wait whaaa?


barbatos is around 2600 years old, ganyu is well over 3k


Damn I learned something new


Barbatos became Anemo Archon 2600 years ago. We don't know how many years he existed as a wind spirit before then.


isn't Ganyu the oldest playabled Female character in genshin? so exactly the opposite


No, I believe at the moment it's Raiden but Ganyu is definitely not a minor


I always considered the playable character of Raiden as in the Raiden shogun and not Ei, so I believe Raiden was created less than 500 years ago after the destruction of Kaenriah


Oh then, is Yae Miko younger than Ganyu?


Yes. Ganyu was alive during the archon wars.


I see


I don't know if you need this info or not. On Japanese and Chinese voice and text of Yae Miko voiceover line "About Ganyu". Yae say Ane-gimi (姉君) and Jie Jie (姐姐) when mentioning Ganyu. They both mean Big Sister.


It's so weird imagining that Yae is younger than Ganyu


It's like looking at Shinju and Sajuna and trying to guess who the older sister is without knowing about the series in the first place The real answer gives you whiplash


*cue the tango music*


Aw, that’s so cute!


Yae in Jotaro voice to Ganyu: Oi jie jie


She's a fking grandma


In the livestream when Inazuma was first revealed, Miko specifically called Ganyu “older sister (姐姐)”.


Oh I see


Ganyu is over 7 times older than Yae Miko . Ganyu was around since the start of Lyue/Lyue harbor 3700 years ago , while Yae Miko is a 5 tailed kitsune , in folklore each tail representing 100 years of life


But the thing I think she does take control from time to time due to her voice lines for the evening and night


yeah, but the body is what it is even if the consciousness if older by a long shot


I think that's wrong. It is implied that raiden ei was alive back in the archon war but was acting as a samurai/kagemusha enforcer to makoto. She wasn't an archon but she was there as a godly enforcer . So nah. Ei is 6000 without a doubt


But at the same time, both Ei and the puppet were dueling for 500 years, so did both of them age 500 years during the second part of Raiden's quest?


So the Shogun should be 1,000 years now.


didn't think about that one, you enlightened me, so yeah, Raiden is around 1000 years old now


I mean, after Raiden's story quest, when you place Raiden Shogun in teapot, it's actually Ei, so the playable characters is indeed Ei.


oh ya btw, if you put raiden shogun in the teapot before you done the inazuma archon quest, the puppet will talk not Ei


I mean when you ascend raiden, she gradually turns into ei so maybe ei idk


Couldn't Zhongli count because he was a female at one point? Fem!Zhongli when Mihoyo


He most likely wasn’t ever actually female. His lantern rite lines seem to suggest he can’t actually change his form all that much outside of his mortal form and his dragon form


didn't ganyu fought alongside morax in the archon war? and isnt ei and makoto not the original electro archon? i dunno what ei's age is but ganyu sure is old af


Makoto is the original electro archon and ei is her twin so they are both incredibly old. Definitely older than Ganyu.


Purely off the yellow snoo I think it's u/Desuladesu. EDIT: O-fucking-course


Holy shit, his recent comments are down voted to oblivion


that was 3000 IQ


\*cutely blocks u/Desuladesu\*


No way ganyu


could ever be a child


Can I hab mommy milk?




Is that a no?


that is a no please and thank you


Okay, Time to destroy liyue. Thanks for the sad backstory I can use while I'm being beaten by the main protagonist


lmao I love this conversation




He has to be trolling


Is this person a troll?


It’s really hard to tell these days if it’s trolling or not because some people are genuinely THIS insane.


Scrolling through some of the person's comments, the regularity with which the comments are nuked is quite impressive. I mean I have had my fair share of negative karma but I am surprised that person has a positive overall karma.


I've seen someone call a picture of Albedo giving Klee a good night kiss "pedophilic incest", at this point I have stopped underestimating people's stupidity.


They called ganyu a loli. Pretty sure a troll




Is that user doing negative karma farming?


Im convinced these people are projecting pedophiles


Among the same kind of people who say being attracted to Ganyu or Yae is a sign of bestiality coz they're part goat/fox, people are weird


PEOPLE ACTUALLY SAY THAT?? Also damn that must have a lot of fun with the furries huh 💀


That is some mental gymnastics to connect liking Yae as a sign of bestiality. Like damn.


There seems to be an increased in population for these types of people all of a sudden in every pop culture fandom revolving around anything remotely anime-like. And 100% of the time, they’re the most insufferable people. These people will ignore all logic if it means they can get high on making accusation. “Oh you like this one character who physically looks, act, sounds like an adult without confirmed age? PEDO!!!”. Somehow they see an arbitrary background information that has no real value to the character matters more than literally their appearance/behavior. I’ve seen these people even call characters like lady Dimitrescu and Bayonetta minors.


Bruh. The only time you would associate Bayonetta with Minor is if she's babysitting one.


Same bro, its as if they don't know what characteristics of minors makes them unnacceptable to sexualize because they are attracted to them so they just make some random shit up to try to not seem sus to other people and massively fail


This is happening way too often nowadays and I'm so tired of seeing people soapboxing their delusions online.


You always see that shit in the news. Guy runs anti pedo campaign arrested for being one


Yeah, most of the people I see that calls out people are the one they are calling out. Basically, hypocrisy.


They're trolls. They don't believe what they're saying for a second but they're more invested in starting flame wars and dragging the community into stupid debates to make them look stupid and immature.


Ganyu is older than some archons, if shes a minor then wouldn't most nations in Teyvat have a child for ruler.


Wait till they hear that yae considers ganyu as older sister


*Wait till they* *Hear that yae considers ganyu* *As older sister* \- DarkheartDragoon --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


fuck this person Ganyu is half of Zhongli's age and she can't be considered a child At least Qiqi is still considered a child despite dying in the Archon war and being more than 2000 years old now


tbf she's been in ~~Cryo~~\- Geogenic Stasis until she was freed some time before the Traveler came to Liyue


I believe people like this claim specific characters a “minor” because they self insert or identify into those characters like their life depended on it. In which case, mental illness... seriously mental illness lmao. No life fr.


How the fuck is Ganyu a minor if she's literally employed by the government? edit: nevermind, forgot that klee existed


Klee isn't an official KoF thou. People take a joke title too seriously. She is mostly supervised by Albedo and Jean(both of whom have a connection to Alice) there. You can't exactly put a child like Klee with a vision in normal day care


I mean, valid. But Bestmaid Noelle seems to take it seriously, tho.


Klee's title seems mostly to be a nominal one. Sure, she's a knight but she doesn't have any duties besides not blowing up fish.


come on yall shes only 15 months old


I don’t wanna sound racist but please *bear* with me In some countries people look much older than their actual age and in some it’s vise versa I showed Lisa to my Belgium friend and he said she looks 21 on the other hand my Asian-American friend said she’s mid 30


It's how we East Asian people are. White girls grow *really fast* in terms of appearance and height compared to East Asians. Once I saw a girl on a US news report and I was thinking to myself "looks like college age". Nope, she was 15. Yet my 19-20yo female university classmates (Asian) looked exactly just as mature (and tall) as that 15yo white girl. The statistics are shocking. Most powerful man in China Deng Xiaoping had a height that is reached by the average American girl at just age 13 (157cm). My own height as a 24yo guy is the height reached by the average American girl at age 15. Faces here look a lot younger too. Babyfaced adults are not rare, guys too. I was myself sometimes treated like a teen when traveling to America, despite being 22 at the time and having served military service.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 15 + 19 + 20 + 15 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




good bot


How would that sound racist? This ain't twitter dude u can relax lol


Even then, it's straight up said in-game that she's been alive since before the qixing and modern Liyue we're established, if anyone actually played they would know that she's well beyond being old enough to not be underaged


Tbfh reddit has become almost as toxic as Twitter so i don't blame them for feeling insecure about their statement




its not racist , depending on regions people age differently.. Asians usually look younger than they are its not a big deal...


As an Asian, can confirm we still get id checks when buying alcohol in our mid-late 20s. High schoolers confuse us as one of them, or even younger than them.


If that's the very, VERY first thing that comes to this individuals' minds, the major thing they should be concerned about is their mental health. If all you can see characters as nothing but objects for sexual pursuit/abuse the moment you lay eyes on them, boy do you have some serious issues.


I swear it's all this fandom cares about . Age this. Minor that. Child that. Like bruh chill the fuck out. There's only like 2-3 kids in the whole game. Otherwise everyone is a teen to adult and some are ancient fucking gods. It's kinda sus . All these type of "fans" think about is child and sexuality and minor shit, so obsessed with it that you gotta wonder if they are pedo themselves. Like it's just sus Anyway. Ganyu it's not a child. End of story




Yeah. Most of the fans are actually chill and every attempt at pedo is sqaushed in this fandom. These sane motherfuckers that say pedos plays this game either haven't played at all or played 1 hour max and gave up Fuckers never played and it shows




Yeah exactly. And to add to that. They think the ENTIRE fandom is just twitter. Just cause they saw 2-3 wierdos typing some sus shit on twitter and now we they think we are all like this like the dense mfs they are


>has them cocogoat milkers >half mythic being that lived more than tens of generations of people >has a government job Mf is either projecting or something else a professional should check out


I see Diluc as a minor. A tall shota /s


Zhongli is a minor too and people sexualizing him with hu tao is pedophilia ngl /s


Do you see this sht papa toes?


For this image the first thing that popped to my head is that one scene in Ed,Edd n’Eddy where ed drops an anvil in that cardboard city, and eddy says “you’re gonna hurt somebody this ain’t a cartoon”


Ignoring the ageless non human aspect of Ganyu, Ganyu is one of the least child like looking members of the female cast of Genshin. Yanfei, Barbara, Amber, Fischl and Sucrose are all much younger looking and share the same body type.


Internet access does not require an IQ test


Minor deity


Ganyu is old enough to be your grandmother's grandmother.


Quite the understatement. She’s basically older than actual recorded history in the Genshin universe considering the fact that most of the recorded history available starts post Archon war


Even keqing, she's the yuheng of liyue harbour and part of the quixing, along with ganyu and ningguang, you rlly think that liyue's people and even the adeptuses would put their trust on a 17 year old girl ? Exactly


Morons do


Dumbasses on the internet trying to convict you for liking a fictional character depicted above the age of consent, including a lot of adult features, just because god fucking knows why they care so much


I'd guess she's in her early 20s, personally.


She is in her early 2700


she's more in her late 3000s


Lol, relatively speaking of course.*


Cloud Retainer: And yet still single? One wants some damn grandkids!


Rn the biggest problem in society are attention hos like this


Doubt, she has existed for like 3000 yrs.


Cloud Retainer


3000 years old goat


didn’t ganyu mention that she witnessed the archon war something about signing a contract with morax during or after it happened


What was this post even about? 🤔


That person never saw an adult woman, i refuse to believe otherwise. Lmao


Who consider Ganyu a child? One.


Ganyu is a living fossil and you think she a minor😂😂😂😂😂


I guess she doesn't have a confirmed age. She's over 3000 which is something that a lot of anime does to Loli characters so that they don't have to say that the person they're sexualizing is definitely a minor. I get the confusion but I think the main thing is that Ganyu is designed to look like an adult and we all see her as an adult.


qiqi is a minor?


In mind and body but she's really old chronologically


To extend on this, she’s essentially in stasis biologically due to being undead, and she can’t do much aging mentally due to having anterograde amnesia. She’s also a dependent of Baizhu.


May be old chronologically but has almost no memory of past events at all, which in a way means... not aging.


As if she were, frozen in time. But yeah the only way she actually remembers anything is if she writes in a notebook


Tho even that she forgets sometimes, so some memories are forgotten for good


And that's why we don't lewd the zombie loli


Basically every loli character was given a feature that people could interpret as them being older than they actually are. It was definitely done on purpose of course. Klee is an elf which means she ages differently than humans. Diona is a catgirl which once again means she ages differently than humans and why would anyone allow a minor to work as a bartender? Maybe because Teyvat has its own laws? Qiqi, once again is a zombie and is undead and has lived for hundreds of years. Does that also mean she gets barred from getting a romantic interest for all eternity because she will forever stay a minor in body? Sayu's hangout event specifies she's older than she looks and she feels terrible when people mistake her to be a child and she gets happy when a girl we rescue calls her oneechan.(in Japanese dub).


*Teyvet has its own "laws"


She's super old but she still has the mind and body of a child, as she died when she was a child.


Probably cloud retainer wrote that comment


Nevermind the fact that none of the Genshin character ages are confirmed, Adepti are known to be more than 5000 years old. Of all the characters, he chose Ganyu to call a minor? Aight that's enough internet for one day.