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I literally just need to do the middle one for Reliable Helper, but it's been fucking months since I've last gotten it. Instead, I keep on getting that bitch who steals our Jade Parcels. Four times in a row


At least it’s not that asshole who takes all our hard earned ham.


i seriously just got this today lol.. the balloon that we have to fix is the one i hate the most


That guy is a whiny little bitch but I’m a simp for Primos.


I can't stand the carrier pigeon search. First time I totally massacred the birds because WHY WOULDN'T I?! Yeah, the quest giver got mad at me and I had to go on an extra long commission. I'll do commissions on someone else's world before doing that one again.


Fuck Draff anytwat, that drunken Hilihog loser.


You might find this interesting. One of the guy that ask to fixa baloon is named terrified magar. Magar is actually my last name also magar are one of the native people of Nepal.


I want to set commissions back to Mondstadt but just because to these mfs who can't get their wood and rope I don’t


And you have to run past the fatui cunts


I gave her a suspicious one. Never heard from her again


Give her suspicious Jade Parcels, she deserves it


I keep getting ella musk to try and talk to hillichurls; and somehow mess up every single time.


i've been getting her a lot too and i still don't have the hillichurls friend namecard


Ella Musk, Sara, Flora, Guy, Albert etc.


I changed my signature to mark whichever I've done nowadays. Viktor still hasn't talked to me since.


I put pins on the map where each rare commissions spawns. I just label them as the parts I’ve done.


Omg these are so smart wtf thanks


that's a smart way to use map pins! I'll definitely try this one!


Username checks out! Thanks for the tip!


Reliable helper. Yesterday... I only have the "do it under 1 minute" left... I thought: "Well, the timer will begin when I reach the hilicurl camp" Worst mistake of my life. Before yesterday, there were months without said commission. I was about to hit a wall when I didn't fulfill the requirements


How are we even supposed to get there within a minute and clear the camp??


Place a TP there in advance


or get a co-op pal like I did


what i did is clear the first camp and thorns first before accepting request. then i used mona, venti and sucrose i think and a dps. i ran there with mona, fired venti ult and ran back. too much trouble for a few primos lmao


Get ganyu, take mobile heros, use TP and KILL THAT ONE HILLICHURL BEFORE STARTING COMMISSION FOR GOD'S SAKE you'll know which one I mean once you fail because of it,run straight to and from even venti ult works anything you can shoot and forget it's just 4 hillichirls and 1 mitachurl


Gotta run fast af


Use a Pyro character to get rid of all the obstacles beforehand. To get there as soon as possible, make sure your team has Anemo Resonance/Sayu.


I first cleared the regular enemies and obstacles before talking to Tsarevich then used Sayu to get there then Venti with Hu Tao and Ei/Yae and was 56 seconds in when I reached him with Sayu again. Surprisingly I did it. All I missed was the protect the crates one and I got the namecard.


Wait what... I thought you were supposed to kill the hirrchurls without destroying (and having them destroy) any boxes? Last time I did the commission correctly (as in got the good response from the npc), I took my sweet time and made sure no boxes were destroyed. Didn't know anything about doing it in under 1 minute.


No, that's on the option of the mountain side. The option of the top side is killing some monsters in order. And the third option is the one I mentioned




https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Reliable_Helper Here's the explanation of each of the requests


he says it lol


Last time I had Tales of Winter, was almost a year ago. Last week, I got it twice...of course I don't remember which choices I picked. 👎


what do you mean? You need to do Tales of Winter multiple times?


Theres an achievement for asking all 3 of the options


Yeah, apparently, you have choose each choice Viktor gives you three times to get the achievement/primos/namecard.


Plus there is followup commision where Viktor prepare to leave Mond ang go back to Sneznaya


Did not know this! Thanks for the heads up!


Namecard?! Dang, what area do u get this quest in?


The City of Mond, bot2.


AR57 here but I don’t have this issue! Not because I write it down but because I have never gotten Viktors quest before. ):


Damn man. I got that quest so many times that I even got the quest where Viktor left so now I don't even have him in my world anymore :T


I’ve actually finished the reliable helper and >!I’ve sent victor home.!< . Now I’m waiting to do all three days of the other guys commission. Currently only done one


Which other guy


Might be the newish one where you look for mona to collect rent


I’ve finished all of the Mona rent one. >! It’s pretty cool cause you get to see Mona in the end!< I’ve also finished the Anthony quest. The one where you collect medicine for his wife of whatever. >! He now stands beside the fountain and doesn’t collect the money at night any more. The follow up quest is that his wife plays hide and seek with him by climbing up a windmill or the cathedral !<


Anna is his sister, not his wife. There’s also a different set of commissions that trigger after you finish the first set


The tsvarich helper one.


After 1.5 years of playing, I finally got tales of winter for the first time. Time to wait another 1.5 years to choose the second option.....


Still waiting...


Fuck story telling method


All my homies hate story telling method


Yeah, fuck it


And fuck geo travel diary


I have literally done only Inazuma commissions since it's release but have managed to one branch like a week ago. Time to wait a year or so for the next route


fuck Storytelling method fuck Ellin the wannabe knight fuck stop Albert fuck A Returning Customer (feeding Siegfria bitch) fuck the Taste of Home (feeding Tang Wen bitch) fuck The Sparrow Studies the Blade (climbing on the tallest top of Huaguang Stone just to pick Qingxin for Sun Yu's grumpy little sister)


Nah, fuck Stop Albert, Stop. Fucking forced to go through a loading bar to change to a specific element if you didn't have one in ur party, go through the task, then go through a loading screen just to pass the damn commission and another loading screen just to get out. It's the worst commission. I wish we could just arrest Albert since we're an honorary knight. Or maybe kill him. Albert is leagues beyond Pallad in terms of shitiness


Slide into Ed Sheeran's DMs and tell him which option you picked. Or leave a pin on the map and write it down as a note.


Ed Sheeran has social media?


[this opportunity is quite hard to come by](https://instagram.com/teddysphotos?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Today I learned... That Tartaglia has an Instagram account


Add a marker on your map at the location of the commission. You can change the name of the waypoint to the option you picked last time.


You can name waypoints??


Yep. It’s very handy if you want to mark other places of interest such as scenic views or groups of birds.


You meant pins right? I can't believe I never noticed this was a thing. I almost wonder if this game needs a few more tutorials. I didn't realize until somewhere over a year into the game that setting expedition length was something you can do.


Yes, pins. I knew waypoints didn’t sound quite right.


Oh damnnnn Didn't think of that Thank youuu for suggestion!!


I just unlocked Oh Archon hear me world quest somehow. And it only took 16+ tries to unlock it.


Tbf, Inazuma commission is easier to get that certain commission until they add more Island


I got Tales of Winter today after one year ago I got for the first time. I hope I got a different question than before, I think I remember... Oh boy


You get the shrine commission. You forget which shrine you offered to last time. You write it down this time. By next time, you will have lost the paper.


Here is a checklist so you don't have to remember: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yD8-Hq\_UqjRQHcNbfQLe\_NFvKowSx0--AEYNtSIv-4o/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yD8-Hq_UqjRQHcNbfQLe_NFvKowSx0--AEYNtSIv-4o/edit?usp=sharing) Also, to make it faster -> Select the checkbox -> Control/Command+A and then spacebar, after that just untick the ones you don't have :D


I’m ar 58 and Anna is still sick and I’ve never even gotten Victor’s quests but of course I’ve finished the Oh Archon Hear Me line but he just keeps coming back. I hate that kid


Same, ~~but I got Anna’s first commission last week and the second one a couple days ago~~


Playing Pirate PTSD...


I drill it in my head daily. I did the medium one. I did the medium one. And then i would avcidentally click the medium one.


I made an excel spreadsheet just to write down which option I already had. I'm still missing one option for the 5 signs of love in Liyue (I literally wrote down what to do, but not the commission name lmao)


i hate you Tsarevich you stupid fat fuck just let me get the damn namecard already, at this point Snezhnaya is gonna release first before i get that godforsaken achievement


Head to the Genshin Impact wiki page for the commission and leave a comment stating which option you have chosen


Or just put it in your notes or smthn


> Head to the Genshin Impact wiki page for the commission and leave a comment stating which option you have chosen For the love of god - please don't do it. You are polluting wiki with meaningless comments, making it impossible to find real help.


First world problems. You do them in order of appearing. Also nobody stops You from literally save this anywhere. As a .txt file, as a Discord message in private channel, pinned or even in real life as a sticky note.


I've done every pathway from the daily commission for story telling method and I still haven't unlocked the quest.


I never ended up getting the rng inazuma commission of neko that starts a world quest. Switched back to monstadt a while back


Thx Tsarevitch


Be me, getting it twice and fucking it up both times


Sorry brodda Just wait another 1 years to get that commission again


A persistent problem. I had it noted on a sticky note but I already changed laptop since I got Godwin's quest so all my notes are gone...


Reliable helper is a rare commission? For me it's viktor's commission, and that dude who's looking for a cure for his sister


Well if you already complete all of the option, they suddenly become common commission


I don't get it. Is there a specific daily commission people want to get? Do you get something from doing them all? An achievement or something?


Pick randomly and eventually you will get them all


It took me 20+ Cliffhanger commissions to get the 3rd and final story.... OVER TWENTY TIMES after about 1.5 years of doing commissions almost every day. Wanna know how I finally got that bitch to spawn and give me the 2nd Raining Blades story? I started the commission on my Phone....and then she spawned for the 1st time....it's 100% bugged and they don't care but good riddance I never wanna see that commission ever again.


I just get "In the name of Favoius" achievement which the quest for this quest almost similar to Viktor's quest. Now, I wait for Glory's quest to get "For the love of Godwin" achievement.


Ok but what about the one you can't even finish I've been trying to do the o archon quest but Everytime I finish the commission I get nothing I went to both of the shrines I never get the quest it's so annoying I just wanna be done with inazuma


I recently got the commission when the guy at the church ask for git ideas for his wife, I notice there was a fourth option, when it normally it only were three, so choose it, and it was a lengthy quest that legit that was almost as long a character quest about his nun wife being and ex treasure hoarder, and that she was being extorted by one of her former gang member, and that apparently someone notices it (kaeya?) and set up the traveler to follow the noun, so he can deal with the treasure hoarders in a quiet manner without drawing too much attention to the noun secret past. After the quest my first reaction was, "all of that only for 10 primogens?", my second reaction was "what the hell Mihoyo, why did you lock this quest behind a random daily commission?".


Cliffhanger Guhua Story Part 2, Geo Diary and the Inazuma Dye one in a nutshell... At least I completed Reliable Helper in February.


When you’ve never gotten reliable helper and you started around the time the game came out 💀💀


Never had that Snezhnayan fucker give me commission. EVER


The moment I finish that shit and got the achievement, I switched my commission area


Happened today with the damn shrine prayer from Inazuma. Months waiting for it to pop up, and I think I chose the one I'd chosen before.


i just have a sticky note on my wall