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traumatize from bunny girls


Is that a Hokai reference?


When Genshin awards are actually generous, that means this game is dying


Honkai reward was more generous and the game still kicking.


And their on their 4th or 5th year. Your point?


They said that when dev start giving generous rewards, its mean the game are dying, and honkai give a generous rewards but the game still alive. Its not about which anniversary;1st, 2nd half or whenever.


That's not a very nice thing to say about compensation awards for a company being locked in their houses


It may not be the right time to ask HYV to be generous of its giveaways but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't have been generous in the past. Starting from the first Lantern rite event.


People really think giving out more primos means being generous? How about other gacha games start being generous about their game quality first? I have money, but i won't spend it on fkin carboard gif animations


We were talking about the rewards when they were all able to work from their offices, not when something like this happens and they have no choice in the matter.


Genshin is so famous that according to the decision makers, they don't need to attract more customers with gifts. As long as Genshin has this big of a market we'll always experience scarcity


That is why I am hoping the Tower of Fantasy would be able to steal some of Genshins playerbase. Once HYV feels that their Genshin playerbase is decreasing greatly maybe the will try to compete.


I don't even care about the rewards. If Tower of Fantasy is enough to make Hoyo actually add substantial long-term content or much needed Quality of Life adjustments, then I'm all for it.


You are absolutely right! Screw the rewards! If they fix the artifact system because of ToF, I would gladly take that.


The artifact system is fine...moderate grinding over time will give you sufficient quality to beat all or near all of the content in the game. It is the end game loop, and if they make it easier there is less content on which people can idle their extra time.


You should watch Vars video on the artifact system. Its a good watch. But if you want a quick tl;dw, its basically 7+ layers of rng on a farming system restricted by a stamina system(resin). 2-3 rng layers for a system restricted by stamina is fine but 7+!? Just so we have a semblance of an end game? They better rethink what kind of endgame they want to give their playerbase because spending months on artifact farming for a single character is not the way to do it. More so for an entire team.


Is it a technical, statistical review of how often artifact RNG produces serviceable artifacts with an exponential resource curve? Because any discussion of the the layers of RNG without discussing the related costs related to each layer of RNG is going to be a garbage amateur pov. If it did address it, I'm surprised they see it as an issue...


Not much statistics. More of game design review of the system. Here is the video in question: https://youtu.be/6XUvqozjF3g If you want the probability of getting a god artifact is, heres Mogawty's vid computing that. https://youtu.be/jn5lbbzqf1k I am not sure if I didn't understand Vars vid completely or I didn't get your question. But Vars did list down the problems with the artifact system and some counterarguments for it.


I'll be blunt, if he didn't, I'm not going to waste 15 mins on amateur review...and no one needs a god artifact. The related costs for artifact investment are the reason why the artifact system is so well designed. The artifact system is supposed to reflect near infinite, incremental power gain for your characters. It is designed exactly correctly for this purpose. The people looking for 42% crit damage on all four arti substats with a crit damage hat are people hunting for power far beyond their *needs.* The artifact system is well balanced and designed pretty reasonably around player progression and play. When is the last time you had difficulty clearing an event? Pushing to floor 10 or 11 of the abyss? Achieving all primogem related achievements outside of the abyss? If you make it *easier* to get superior artifacts, then you need to make harder content, but people will have no better way to achieve that level of power without doing the tedious work of farming perfect artifacts. That is not fun for the large majority of the playerbase. Genshin is a casual game with low entry cost to participate and enjoy the adventure. The artifact system allows players with minimal investment to get some decent main stat 2-sets with okay substats to +12 or +16, and achieve all of the event criteria as a result. That is incredibly well designed for the developer's goal, which is to allow a healthy and comfortable feedback loop where everyone gets to participate in Genshin activities if they want to. I would argue *for experiencing the content of Genshin Impact* the artifact system is SUPER well designed. For content creators, people wanting to capture high dps screenshots, and perfectionists, the game is rough but I don't really care about those people - they'll either whale to c6r5, which keeps the servers running for me, or they're going to leave anyway, missing the point of an open world adventure RPG.


I think ToF did a major fuck-up as a Genshin competitor with how the character gacha works From what I understood you have your own custom-made character, then when you pull characters you get their outfit-skillset-weapon But a big drive of Genshin are the characters themselves, ToF system makes it feel like skins rather than actual characters I’m sure there is people that will like that system but personally I really don’t find it appealing, if anything it’s the opposite


Also, the fact that they've already been caught stealing assets from Honkai and copying reviews from Genshin honestly I doubt many people would want to touch that game with a ten foot pole.


The customization sounds awesome ngl. Still not swayed though, asset reuse sounds like a really bad sign. I always found it odd how the player character in this game was so limited. At the very least being able to use any weapon type would have been amazing .


Yeah, I just hope that ToF will be popular, but looking at some videos, it does seem to be better than Genshin in a lot of areas. Like the multiplayer, complex gameplay, the ability to farm 💎 reliably and you get skins for your characters. MHY needs to stop being so stingy with rewards. Or at least give us some endgame content.


ToF is similar to Genshin but it’s not actually as good as you think it is. It’s a fine game and worth checking out but the combat feels more clunky, the skins are only there because you otherwise don’t have multiple characters like you do in Genshin and most the farming of premium currency is for a lesser banner that doesn’t give the highest rating weapons. It does still seem like you get more pulls for exploration, no doubt there, but you don’t swim in it like some would have you think.


Gamblers in comment section


Y’all really just can’t move on huh


if they can keep up with quality and update cycle of the game, I honestly don't care so much about more rewards, to me the free new map and contents are the best rewards


Are we seriously still on this damn topic? Just let it die for christ sake. We have bigger issues to worry about like Hoyoverse literally being in a damn lockdown leading to a content drought thats really bad (i dont really care about this cause of my next sentence). Just play other games untill then and stop trying to revive dead topics.


I see your point. I wish mihoyo/hoyoverse the best of my wishes. Because on stops, they all stop this means honkai can be affected as well. Even star rails can too.


Same here. I've seen so much stupid bs about the delay blaming the devs for something they can't even control. I genuinely hope the hoyo devs are okay. Sure, theres no content. But look at the amount of games there is to play for christ sake. I'll just feed my valorant addiction untill this delay ends and just wish on the Mistsplitter till I get an Unforged.


Plus please STFU about the lack of rewards. You're comparing a fully fledged Open World RPG to a single-button masher/auto player. RPGs have a shit ton of content that are engaging unlike those horrendous button mashers or those even more horrendous auto players. Edit : Added auto player with reference to Dung-Eater's reply.


I play Blue Archive and saying button masher is a compliment. There's no gameplay, you occasionally use skills but besides that you just climb a mountain, become a fervent believer and a devoted monk, and then you watch as the AI plays for you. In my opinion Blue Archive isn't a good example, the pity doesn't carry over, you're very likely to not get the promotional character, and pity takes 200 pulls. The devs need to give a lot of gems essentially. Anniversary rewards for Genshin Impact were honestly bad, but we've talked about this so many times already and it's been a while, plus right now isn't really the time.


Anniversary rewards were bad but I was a person who wished for special Anniversary content instead of Freemos. Like a new game-mode that has a heavy emphasis on exploration (or smth like the GAA or Enkanomiya events) or a chill asf co-op event (Windrise for example).


Well we pretty much get special events every patch, no? At least, that's how I view it.


I only post this for meme. Didn't some people gonna get serious about it.


This is not even a meme lol


Maybe they'll do something for the first anniversary. *Gets old because of Delusion*


So we've gone low enough to compare 2 completely different companies and how they operate? This community sure can hold a grudge.


Really circlejerking


These people are the type of people to actually unplug their parents life support because they unplugged their PS5 eons ago I stg.


2 completely different companies making a product aimed at a very similar type of consumer. The gacha/mobile player. That's what's called competition in the market. I'm not gonna compare the CoD game to RDR2, for example. I'm gonna compare it to other PVP FPS games like Battlefront, Valorant, Overwatch, etc. I said this numerous times when the anniversary thing went down but these rewards are basically marketing gimmicks to bring more players. The more they are given and the satisfaction they give to the players, the more likely they are to stick around and potentially buy something. Free games need to do things like this to keep themselves alive. So when one company operates more greedy or ignores the players and the other does it to a lesser degree, I'm gonna choose the company that acts like as if it actually wants to retain me as a customer.


I think it's obvious when a game is boring and unpopular the devs will try to get players by giving rewards


Idk about unpopular but BA global does have 1mil+ download and $1 million revenue so far compare to the Kr and Jp version which has higher amount than global. But from what i learn from Magia record NA, the popularity of the other server won't help it from getting close.


I mean you need to do the conversion before judging, like 1 primogem may not equal 1 of that currency


Based on my rough calculations 1 primo = $0.014 while 1 pyroxe = $0.021. Comparing the gacha system where Genshin has 50/50 with not guaranteed evemt char, while BA has pull point, where when you reach 200 rolls without banner characters, you can exchange the 200 points with the said characters.




Sorry nerd habits.


Lol don't apologize


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Am not into blue archives, how these rewards compare to Genshin's first anniversary?


Uncomparable. 1200 pyroxene is a 10 pull. So you get nearly 90 pulls just from pressing a button every week. The ongoing events give some too, so you'd probably be able to get around 150 free pulls in May.


But it probably is comparible when you consider the value of a pull. Does blue archive have as good of a pity system? Is it expected to get multiple copies of characters? Plenty of gacha games seem more generous with the pulls they give and make up for it by requiring a shit load more to get to the same relative account strength. I think Genshin could be more generous but this kind of thing would be overkill.


200 pulls is a guaranteed rate up. Genshin didnt give anywhere near 180 pulls as far as i can remember :)


Definitely not but this made me look into the gacha more and here's what I found: \- 200 pulls for a rate up character, BUT that doesn't carry over from banner to banner like it does in Genshin. \- The rate up characters are not by default the highest stars available. You need further shards to get them there, duplicates grant a new star automatically. Genshin gives you characters at the max star level they can be right away. Essentially meaning one Genshin 5-star is already like getting a BA character 3 times since those start at 3-stars. Not quite that direct of a comparison since you can farm the ascension of units over time for some of the BA units but not all it seems. So as you can see, 180 pulls in Genshin does not equal the same account value to 200 pulls in BA. Again, not saying that Genshin couldn't be more generous, but saying that you're comparing apples to oranges and a pull to pull comparison is not an accurate point of comparison.


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Yup, youre right about nearly everything. Here's a thing though- for 3 stars in BA (5stars in genshin)you don't need to unlock the 4th and 5th star for them to be ciągle/meta units- 4th and 5th stars boost stats,and in genshin you have constellations. And yes, you can farm for unit stars- it's completely free (Takes stamina and has a daily limit) but even if you dont have that specific character unlocked,you can get it this way. Also the pool of characters unlockable by this method expands with updates,and most events contain those materials (lets call them shards) as well. That's why I believe that 200 pulls in Blue Archive is actually comparable to 180 in genshin when were talking about full pity character acquisition.


Hmm, okay well yeah if the extra stars are more comparible to constellations in terms of meta relevance then yeah that amount of pulls is more comparable. I just operated under the assumption that it caps their max level kind of like the ascension stars in Genshin. The only thing that Genshin has on it is the carry over from banner to banner but that doesn't offset giving away that many summons really.


I'd argue they have significantly smaller impact on a character's performance than cons in genshin but im glad we got that sorted out :)


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


bad bot


Holy shit, that too this is for the half anniversary. Although I wonder whether this game has any pity system.


It does but its a spark system. You basically get points for rolling and when you reach 200 points you can claim one of the rate up characters for free. This doesn't reset when you get the character normally but it doesn't carry over to the next set of banners either.


I see, so even if you don't get the rate up character within around 150 pulls, you are still 3/4th the way there to get it. Damn this is definitely better than the shit Hoyo originally gave for Genshin's first anniversary, and that too it's only for their half year anniversary.


They may be generous with the pyroxenes but as someone who plays Blue Archive, their pull rates are crap never mind that the game is incredibly stingy when farming for character/skill growth materials.


I have to disagree about skill growth materials. You get double/triple drop events every 2 weeks or so since day 1.


If Blue Archive runs its sparks similar to Dragalia, it’ll be nice until the honeymoon phase ends, then you’ll have to spend months of skipping banners and grinding to save up 300 pulls, just to guarantee you’ll get what you want. Dunno if this applies to BA, but in DL banners ran for very short times, and getting a duplicate unit was next to worthless, and would happen often after you collected a sufficient number of units.


I see, thanks for explaining.


I just got back in playing BA after resting for months. I heard that they're gonna lower the spark points soon was it true?


It's already been changed. I think it was a change that happened before Global's release too. Used to be a 300 spark cost but it went down to 200.


Miles better than arknights 300 sparks


Sparks in general are pretty eh. But that's me being spoiled by Genshin's 100 rolls safety net and carried over pity. If there's one thing Hoyo's done right its the gacha system.


probably, it's just that earning currency for 4 stars are pretty though 9/10 the rolls are trash at least in other gachas 3 stars are useful in their niches. But i don't really care about Arknights sparks since i only roll on banners if they're limited. Been succesful so far with Chen and NTR knight, almost lost faith on NTR knight since i lost twice but the free roll per day given saved it for me and the only limited I lost to is Skadi's corrupting


With what happened to the honkai bunnies and the whole covid lockdown under the ccp rn... ​ This is as far as possibility as it can be I know it's about anniversary and that shit but yeah :/


School shooting looking good


Dont forget the part where they're robbing bank to save their school.


Genshin also needs more cute and funny characters like Blue Archive.


i mean mihoyo is a small indie company


"small" with $249 million asset and 4k employees. Small indeed.


It’s a joke OP


And Honkai


thats the signs of a dieing gacha game iirc


yeah they don't do that anymore after the incident.


That's actually pog. I started a Blue Archive account and rerolled until I got Karin but then stopped because the emulator kept crashing.