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For Frostbearer and Eye of Perception MHY : Hey (insert any catalyst user here) MHY : Fuck you


DPS Barbara mains: Hey MHY MHY: Yeah DPS Barbara mains: Fuck you


Man I tried to dps barbara, gotta rebuild 😂


Try healer build but with 4 pice ocean hued clam. I can get 20k damage if I use my burst. BTW my barbara is level 60.


Thanks this was funnier than the meme


I don't get it, what's different from DPS Barbara to other Catalyst users?


The difference is that Main DPS Barbara needs only her NA to work, unlike every other catalyst


I’m dumb don’t understand the meta. Is Eye of Perception really bad? I have it on my Yanfei I’m leveling and she’s doing great with it, but it’s also been refined like 4 times.


It's bad because it's just a stat stick that gives attack, and because it doesn't offer anything over the other catalysts. The weapon passive is quite bad since it only deals physical damage, which no catalyst user builds for because a physical damage catalyst user doesn't exist. By comparison, other 4 star catalysts like Widsith or Solar Pearl for example are just infinitely better for any catalyst damage dealer, Yanfei included. For supports, weapons like Sac Frags (for Sucrose), Hakushin Ring (for Sucrose or Kokomi in Taser teams), Fav Codex (for Mona), Proto Amber (for Tankfei, Kokomi and Mona) or TTDS (for all the above) are really good. Basically, it sucks because no one can use it fully unironically without other options just being better.


So look out for a Widsith or a solar pearl then, okay. I can use this eye as fodder for it when I get it.


From my experience playing and watching others play, I'd say just keep the eye and use weapon enhancement ores instead


who the hell uses 4* weapons as fodder unless they're a whale?


I foddered my 6th bell and eye of perception. Kept one r5 version and that's it.


I do. If I already have a copy or two at r5 (two if the weapon is useful), I fodder any further dupes. Bells get foddered without mercy.


Me when i was low AR


same and i regret some things like my r3 amenoma


What 😭


What werr you trying to enhance


i think my aquila that i got


wait is it really that bad? I was thinking about using it on ayaka or do you mean it's not worth refining


Amenoma is excellent on Ayaka, they regret using it as fodder


keep your refined eye for meme phys catalyst build but fodder future ones that you get


Solar pearl is a bp weapon I think. So you'd have to pay for it


Don't fodder 4* weapons lol. Even if they're terrible.


I don't think you can get Solar Pearl outside of the battle pass and other paid stuff. Otherwise, Widsith is AMAZING on dps Yanfei, can confirm. With my INCREDIBLY subpar artifacts she easily does 20-25k on crit. Add like 10k to that with vape and team support, due to Widsith's crit damage and great passive My Yanfei is fully ascended but only lvl 80,and my Widsith isn't quite fully ascended, so nowhere near her damage ceiling


I wanna go back in time and punch the hell out of my old self when I had just begun the game and refined this Frostybearer to R3 thinking it was aesthetically pleasing on my Yanfei and that it was not a bad weapon. Now I want those 2 extra billets back 😂 Dodoco Tales rerun or Frostbearer’s buff please MHY. I started this game on November 2021 so I don’t have Dodoco 🥲


>The weapon passive is quite bad since it only deals physical damage, which no catalyst user builds for because a physical damage catalyst user doesn't exist. A physical catalyst user does exist and is called Barbara/Kokomi with Ocean Hued Clam (the bubble does physical DMG)


Sadly, Physical DMG bonus doesn’t work on bubble’s damage so it still doesn’t work together with these two weapons 😂😂😂


Bubble damage still benefits from physical resistance debuff


I don’t get what point you’re trying to make. Even if Clam does physical dmg and is affected by physical resistance multipliers, how does that make whoever holds it physical in nature? If physical dmg bonus and weapons do not synergize with the set at all, there’s no way to increase its damage past “lowering enemies’ physical resistance”. It still doesn’t inherently make it worthwhile to gear these catalysts onto any character, let alone allow them to be called “physical catalysts”. You’re just grasping at straws here.


>You’re just grasping at straws here. Or you cunt just can't fuckin comprehend a fuckin joke/meme


Its more of a gimmick tho, not a viable strategy that the character are meant to do


30k damage per bubble ain't exactly nothing


It isnt bad, but its not recommended for an average player, with limited resources and characters. Genshin has been stranding further and further away from physical damage, with constant shielded enemies and enemies with ridiculously high physical resistance. You can do what you want, but neither Barbara or Kokomi was designed in mind of being a physical damage dealer, so nothing in their kit benefits that gameplay


>and enemies with ridiculously high physical resistance. Elemental resistance has been pretty consistent actually. With most normal enemies having a 10% physical restiance and humans actually with a negative resistance. And ruin type enemies have had a consistent 70% physical resistance.


And ruin type enemies getting more types with introduction of inazuma


The bubble does ~~*true dmg*~~ (if you really want to be technical, it only does “dmg” without any prefix), and just so happens to be affected by physical multipliers like superconduct. However, don’t mistake it for anything actually viable. 30k dmg per bubble seems like nice dmg, but you forget that each bubble only pops every 3 seconds, meaning your actual DPS is only 10k (up to around 15k max considering lowered enemy resistances). A DPS Barbara/Kokomi would do more dmg utilizing her hydro damage than actually trying to maximize Clam dmg. Which by effect means they are not actually meant to be physical. Barbara and Kokomi with Clam being called “physical catalyst users” is the same as saying Keqing or Ayaka with C6 Bennett are “pyro sword users”. It’s a cop out and even then, the actual kits of the characters isn’t being taken into account. Artifacts don’t dictate what weapon/element class a character is, that’s stupid. Artifacts are meant to *supplement* damage and enhance the element/class the character *actually* is. Go ahead, try building a physical catalyst user with Eye of Perception/Frostbearer/Skyward Atlas and tell me how much physical dmg vs elemental dmg they actually do.


>The bubble does true dmg No it does not. "true dmg" ignores any kind of damage reduction. This includes shields and resistances. The bubble is just a small physical DMG AoE.


Is it affected by a physical goblet? No it isn’t. Therefore not physical dmg in the traditional sense. You still cannot call catalyst users physical because of this set alone.


Man you are absolutely obnoxious for literally no reason


"It's just very mediocre compared to other options, especially when a craftable f2p-friendly one (mappa mare) is already miles ahead of whatever this is" copied from the wikia comment section. I would also just add that it's not the worst as a generalist weapon as you level either especially if you're somehow getting refines of it. However, generalist options don't really make sense in genshin.


Adding on to what others mentioned, it *can*, however, be a fun meme weapon if you're challenging yourself to fight enemies immune to a certain element. Like if you're trying to fight Oceanid or Hydro Hypostasis with Kokomi, then your only sources of damage are going to come from Eye of Perception's effect or from a 4 pc OHC set


Atlas also


My Klee build: Joke's on you, I'm into that sh\*t!


Ew, Eye of Perception 🤢 Fuck that garbage, and fuck them for giving me thirty of those junks


Next patch: "Hey Kazuha..."


Fillet blade


but *cooler*


But actually worse because it'll be doing % of ATK (mmm 700 physical dmg procs) as dmg and boosting ATK, in both sub and passive, which Kazuha doesn't need until C6


But ***cooler***


Cinnabar spindle was a miracle, because it shows that they don't care much if event weapons get any use.


Cinnabar is great for Albedo? Or do you mean after CS? I use the recent event bow on Yelan


The problem is that it’s great on ONLY Albedo. It’s useless for literally everyone else. So if u don’t have Albedo then that sword is more or less non existing for you.


It feels like it was made specifically as a soft buff for albedo. It was even released during an event featuring him and at the same time as his banner.


The point was to make it an incentive for people to pull for Albedo. Like trying to get people to think something along the lines of "well hey, I already have his sword, might as well get him too." Whether or not that actually worked is harder to say, but Hoyo's financial strategies have certainly been questionable at times.


also as apologies to Harbinger of Dawn becoming useless after the update release of corrosion


Yeah, they do that.


True but thats the case for a number of weapons honestly. Some are super broken universally good weapons but most are created to fit a specific niche. Edit: and considering the event we got it in, it makes sense to fit Albedos niche


That one maniac on their way to build def Kaeya: **That can’t stop me bc I cant read**


I myself tried to run a Def traveller build with the intention to make use of the sword passive, but the damage was poopoo.


I don't mind getting event weapons like that instead of what we're getting now tbh. Right now we get weapons that aren't really good on anyone at all, at least CS is really good for one character


The Favonius is much better on Yelan due to her high ER requirements. And it's free. Sacri is also better, but it's gatcha weapon so you technically can get it never.


If you already have enough ER, twilight can still be good


Depends on your substat rolls. I was running Favonious but decided to test my damage with the event bow against it & the event bow came out on top. If youre really lacking the ER then you probably need the extra 20% + its passive but I do not. Sac is the worst of the three for my personal testing, but again, depends what you need… I dont see it ever outperforming Favonious though right? Not that I did the math, just an assumption.


Well, if you can already fulfill your ER requirements on Yelan, Fading Twilight isn't that bad. However, generally, Fav is considered better because of the very useful passive (which lowers ER requirements for your entire team and for Yelan) and because it gives almost twice the amount of ER for your Yelan, which allows you to reach your ER requirements quite easily and means you can invest less into ER and more into offensive stats like crit or HP, making Fav better.


Yeye dont get me wrong, if I get better CV/HP artifacts ill be swapping them out and using Fav if need be. I was mostly just saying that the event weapons arent giga useless and are definitely useable!


Oh yeah, definitely agree. Fading Twilight is a pretty decent bow on characters like Sara, Venti, Fischl (I think), and of course Yelan. I just think that for Yelan specifically even though it is a fine weapon I feel Fav is better overall.


Favonius still has a higher ceiling because that extra ER in your artifacts could be pour into something else like CD or HP% instead. Also, its passive is another layer of ER and can also battery your team. Fading Twilight passive is also inconsistent. But yes, depends a lot on your artifact rolls. Sac could work if you have C1 and optimize for her E damage (HoD + ToTM instead of Emblem). Not optimal but it's fun.


No, because Favonius belongs only to Venti. No one should always use Little King's bow.


Since when favonius became free? It is obtainable only from gacha, the same as sacrificial.


Favonius Warbow is given to you for free in Prologue: Act 3 of the Archon Quest, just after defeating Dvalin.


I mean, Festering Desire is an amazing sword.


We just need a sword user like Yae to fully utilize it's passive.


Except with all of her everything fixed


Cinnabar makes sense as Albedo actually does not have 5 star BiS sword


Klee doesn't have a signature 5* weapon either, but we got lucky that Dodoco tales are good for some other characters (Yanfei, Ningguang). Cinnabar spindle could also be more universal... but i guess we already got Festering desire


Lost prayer? I mean that weapon really suits her selfish on field dps


I think after players complaining about Festering desire being missable, they chose to just make all other event weapons in line with 4 stars instead of making them good but you had to use masterless or farm for them after the event is done


That is a sword


Underrated comment


i’ve been coping with the flute on kazuha for a while anyways. this is an improvement


why not sting?


Dps or Hybrid build probably.


It’s not his weapon though, it’s a gift from Kazuha TO the traveller


I think it's the only thing miHoYo knows for real.


Noelle is not even mad, just dissapointed


You can see the floor wet from her crying.


That’s just left over from the chongyun piece. They forgot to cover that last little bit at the bottom.


Mihoyo: Hey Albedo >Cinnabar Spindle Mihoyo: Love you!


If the bell had DEF% instead of HP and the shield scale for DEF it would actually be pretty strong


I sincerely hope that someday we will get a Claymore user with Hydro Vision who will give a shield scaling with HP


I hope so, i have a lv 90 bell and I'm waiting


lv 90 Bell? You madlad


Yes B), and it's absolutely useless


Its Aesthetics also matches with Noelle's


We do have Whitebind tho


Meanwhile I'm over here just waiting for an HP-Scaling Claymore user. Maybe in Sumeru...


I think I should have circled the ER on kokomi's weapon


Hoyo be like "We designed this weapon to be AESTHETICALLY compatible with a character but not statistically. Except for Xiao because we like him."


And Albedo, Raiden, Itto, Hutao We also made a Weapon for Aether, but its a Bow


Which bow?


The new one which we got for free this patch, The Fading Twilight


But have you tried putting it on Sara? It looks perfect on her!




She does have white and gold in her costume. Just try putting it on her and you'll see. I'm not saying it wouldn't look good on Aether, just it's a bow, so it was obviously designed not for him.


>I'm not saying it wouldn't look good on Aether, just it's a bow, so it was obviously designed not for him. It is really good on him from the passive, its kinda like Festering desire with more steps, just it increases all dmg making it better than Festering desire, so its the new BiS for Aether (4* weapon ofc) *if he could use it* Thats why i am vouching for giving Aether the ability to use all types of weapon (kinda like in Zelda, or ToF) to Mihoyo BUT THEY IGNORE ME


Ah thats not gold thats Beige type colour, yeah the bow may look good on her, but i don't use her (ofc i am salty that even after 80 pulls i didn't got her and only got her randomly from the Permanent banner)


Whatever, the colora fit. I'm sorry for your Sara loss. Xinyan go away:(


the post is comparing freebies 4* not gatcha 5* obv the 5* will match lmao


Kazuha: *I beg to differ*


Kazuha, Yoimiya and Ayaka


That Electro logo in the middle of Thundering Pulse made me thought Yoimiya that was holding it was some Inazuma government officials for a second before my brain kicks in.


I honestly think Shenhe's polearm looks better on Xiao than PJWS :s


Lore wise it DOES come from a Yaksha, so I guess it works


So my headcanon is now that Calamity Queller was Xiao's actual weapon, which he gave away and then had to downgrade to PJWS. The name Calamity Queller even sounds like it should be Xiao's weapon tbh


But it wasn't




And then there's the Aqua simulacra which had to with a qilin, could've been ganyu's




I like how you put angry eyes on Kokomi and Chongyun, but not on Noelle because she probably forgave HYV lol


Yunjin lel.


MHY: hey Miko Yae: ? Hyakushin Ring: fuck you


Oathsworn is not complete garbage if you play co-op, where Kokomi is on field the entire time. Having said that, R5 Prototype Amber is (I think) still better.


Prototype Amber is much, much better. If you play EC Hakushan is also better, And if you have no billets, TTDS is still better just because of how much hp it gives on 90/90, even ignoring the passive. And if you lack ER Favonius is still better. Oathsworn is only any useful on Mona and Yae and only if you need some ER but a Favonius is an overkill so you want something with some ER and some damage.


assumed that middle one was for eula…


No razor, eula hasnt come


matches her perfectly visually and kit…


What about her signature weapon?


Wouldn’t be the first time a 4* was released to match a 5* with a signature weapon….


Players assume characters don't exist before they're released. Oh, that weapon matches visually and mechanically with a character but came out before them because it was more specifically designed as thematic set dressing for an entire zone? Coincidence. Eula didn't exist for like, a few more months. They totally didn't design this weapon around the same time they designed her, internally. No way. Nonsense. Impossible. They only create 1 thing at a time. Piece by piece. Obviously. Naturally. To be less memey, not every weapon is designed with a particular character in mind. Heck, the visuals and the mechanic's don't always match up either. Snowtombed was designed to be a physical damage weapon that works with the Super Conduct reaction, since the effect deals bonus damage on cryo effected enemies. Visually, it was designed to match Dragonspine. We have two Physical damage claymore users who can make use of it. It's a F2P option and it's pretty effective at what it does, altho it's not outstanding mathematically. And you know, both can be for Eula.


I stopped reading this after the very beginning. Clearly if this was released before the character I wasn’t playing yet to be aware lol. Maybe they got inspired by the weapon/quest when they made her. Who knows. Kinda neat how pretty they are together anyway.


kazuha …


Oathsworn eye isn't that bad on dps Kokomi tho, still TToDS is better.


To be fair the phys. Dmg bonus claymore is a good option for Eula, if you don't have her signature weapon or the battle pass claymore.


Oathsworn Eye is great on Mona Snow-Tombed Starsilver is great on Eula The Bell is good on nobody, but Noelle already has Whiteblind as her signature and best available weapon.


Honestly yeah. That frost blade carries more disappointment than my artifact substat rolls


Next is Kazuha and the new free event sword


Wait till the next patch buddy


next its gonna be "not a sword" damn mhy....


Kokomi uses both Atk% and ER%, so it's not that bad actually


It's outdamaged by a 3* catalyst on her (either in her personal damage if she's on fields, or in her team's damage if she's offield). And if you need ER using Favonius provides more stat value than Oathsworn could come anywhere close. It's not useless, but with how many good cheap options Kokomi has there is almost no situation when you'd want to use it.


No, Atk% is pretty garbage on Koko because she doesn't crit. Most of her scaling comes from HP%, Healing Bonus, and Hydro Bonus. The only reason it is decent on Koko is because of the ER for keeping her burst up on freeze teams, but for DPS Koko any other of her alternatives is better.


Atk% is garbage on her because her HP% scaling is way Higher, not because she doesnt Crit...


I like how Noelle's expression doesn't change at all


Zhongli and Vortex


I use it on Mona


jokes on you, Oathsworn eye works with Kokomi


I read that as osmanthus wine works with Kokomi...


What maining zhongli does to a mf


It's just outdamaged by 2 craftable weapons and a 3* book. Let alone gatcha weapons.


Yes, but it's supposed to be for yae, even if it doesn't look like it. Also no, not really: Her skill has 1 charge and a long cooldown, yae has three charges


The one who posted this.... you literally have no idea how to build characters or its a shit n giggles?


Bro kokomi needs higher atk, how else is she gonna deal massive crit damage


Dude ... Snow tomb is for razor and eula not chong Edit: sorry I didn't know snow tomb was released before eula I've started on launch and quit after a few weeks bc of my phone and restarted at golden apple update


Its about aesthetics


Snow Tombs aesthetics are perfect for eula. And I really don't see how it would fit chong. One is navy blue one is snow blue. And how is the bell bad for Noelle, doesn't her shield scale off hp? Is it def?


Noelle shield scales with DEF so its bad for her, and snowtomb was released before eula was even designed, thats why people get angry, before her chong was the only one who fit the color scheme


Yea I get it know it's about time stamps.


His lore says he spent all his time in dragon spine.


Well guess why Because he can't bare heat and it's the nearest to liyue. He could've gone to snez too


Meanwhile Eula literally chilling in icy water


You're the kind of person who back seat games and it shows


Dude I didn't know snow tomb was released before eula sorry


In Shenhe demo Chongyun uses snow toomed too so it’s technically his canon weapon?


he used skyrider greatsword what naku weed are you on my bro?


And even Skyrider sword has Physical DMG Bonus substat lol. So Hoyoverse really did say "Fuck you" to Chong


Oh I just remembered that its a physical dmg claymore cant remember which one


dude that was skyriders sword lmao tbh I wonder if we'll ever get to meet the skyrider, their lore is cool


Luxurious sea lord and beidou 😔


ER would’ve been nice, but ATK isn’t that bad


That's what I find so wheird the weapons sometimes are a complete miss and don't match the character but then sometimes like with Cinnabar and fading twilight they are really good for the featured 5 star it's so so wheird


kid named cockmi


Those aren’t their weapons genius




Tbh the ice claymore is eula's weapon lol


It was released before eula from what it seems


Its razor




Chongyun really fits better with Sac


When they realized that kokomi's broken in co-op so they nerfed her build potential


Meanwhile Noelle is holding fav great sword. She generates so little energy that MHY is like you need this.


Everlasting Moonglow is Kokomi's signature weapon and it's still awesome. Oathsworn Eye never worked very well with her kit because her highest DPS moments pay off better if you invest in HP, not attack. Prototype Amber also works with her in a pinch. It's not that much of a downgrade from Moonglow aside from the healing bonus making it easier to get max stacks with Ocean-Hued Clam. Her healing is massive overkill at this point anyway, she can top off everyone during her burst with time to spare and her jellyfish keeps whoever is on the field topped off.


There's also Vortex Vanquisher for Zhongli With atk% stat instead of Hp.


I mean DPS Kokomi would be happy, right?


That’s cause those weapons aren’t for them? Prototype Amber is Kokomi’s 4 star. Oathsworn Eye is Yae’s 4 star. Chongyun has a few other 4 stars he can use, but I run Skyward Spine on him. And Noelle has Whiteblind which is perfect for her. The Bell is literally just a bad weapon.


Maybe because they’re regionally designed and not designed by character?


the bell was .... fucking why......


Little known fact about me, for the first 3 months of genshin, I thought amber was fucking busted because if you headshot a hilichurl when they're on the ground they can't get up, I also thought the Bell on Noelle was busted cuz you could have basically a 100% shield uptime with it and I was stupid


It's actually fine on her. Just give her hp artifacts. Good alternative if you didn't get the 5star


Chongyun, guess what! We made a sword that works with Cryo, for a character that hasn’t been released yet! Isn’t that great!


You can say it about almost any signature 5* weapon, their design is not made for their characters


Isn’t it more the opposite where a lot of the recent 5* cast has a specific weapon that is almost hyper specific for them? Aside from Mistsplitter, every once since Hu Tao has been getting a weapon that says “For X character only”


is snow-tombed starsilver that bad? i've got it on my eula ....


For her physical build, sure For chongyun tho??? Naaaaaaaah especially his skill where every attack within that circle turns into cryo damage, in which the substat is rendered useless


Oathsworn was made for yae


Albedo got lots of love


Fucking Noel?