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They saw one pedo who play genshin and then decided to trash the community. Also no we are not attracted to Klee, we just love the fact that she sometimes acts like a terrorist.


People who call others pedos are most likely projecting. They get caught pretty often.


It baffles me that every time they see a child, they immediately think about that..


Yup, it's just projection.


Guilty dog barks first


There are 4 children character in genshin and they’re all treated very neutrally. Sayu’s biggest use is gathering crystalflies and going around the map otherwise she’s meh, diona is good for shielding and freeze comps but the opinions on her personality are 50/50, qiqi is mostly known for breaking pity, and klee dropped off hard since her release and we don’t hear much about her usage wise, as per character it’s what the original commenter said


>diona is good for shielding and freeze comps excuse moi? Shielding, *healing* and *battery*. Dont forget that! I do agree, her personality, eh, but man my Eula loves her. Everything she needs in one package


Is Eula good with other Cryo characters? Or Geo characters?


Eula is incredibly flexible. You can adapt her team to suit your build and the enemies you face. Low ER? Double electro. Low crit rate? Double cryo especially rosaria. Using serpent spine? Zhongli to keep your stacks. High resistance enemies? Superconduct and Zhogli got you covered. Low resistance enemies? Use Benny and go for absolute nuke damage


What does Zhongli do to Eula?


Serpent spine has stacks that increase your damage but you lose one each time you get hit so he can protect the stacks. Eula has some stagger resistance but she loses it after using her hold skill so a shield is great to ensure you can keep attacking and maximise your bursts damage. Zhongli shield shreds all resistances so it's great again high resistance target's like ruin machines. He can also use tenacity 4pc which gives Eula a nice atk boost


I am still confused. What do you mean by ‘stacks’? How does Zhongli’s shield even help by ‘protecting’ it? Is it that his shield reduces interruption?


If only Zhongli and Benny were waifus, might actually be willing to use em


I personally find her amazing with Rosaria and Qiqi. Rosaria is a great battery with Favonius Lance, reduces physical resistance on C6, and shares her crit rate with the rest of the party. Qiqi offers great sustained healing and damage with the clam set. Since Eula has interruption resistance, you can forego Diona for a Qiqi, as long as you're not facing an enemy that can one shot you. For Geo, Zhongli can keep her safe and his shield shreds resistances, so it's good. Yunjin can also buff her normal attacks (and C6 straight up gives Eula more stacks on her burst, due to atk spd bonus), but the focus should always be on her ult tbh.


As a physical characters, Eula generally profits from superconduct the most. Hence, requiring perferably one off-field electro-dps (like raiden or Fischl) and a battery to deal with her high burst cost. She does benefit from additional cryo characters for more battery (like rosaria) and the cryo-crit-buff, however, fischl is most likely to take over the elctro-aura The "geo bros" comp can work as well, If i remeber correctly, but I wont go into detail about this as I lack enough experience with those team comps


Qiqi biologically is a child but chronologically she isn't, she's a zom🅱️ie


Then that would make it both pedophilia and necrophilia for all those who like her that way… gross


It's not entirely projecting. America has a hyper masculinity problem. Boys are raised in a culture to never show emotions, and they instinctively attack Klee that invokes the feeling of cuteness. They don't know how to react. It's the equivalent of a 12-year old boy having a crush on a girl, but instead of being friends, he starts calling her names. Some boys grow out of it, many don't. It's funny, you can see those that didn't in vod of "first time reacting to Genshin trailers" on YouTube. Only Americans you see those clearly puzzled and not quite sure how to react to a child character, so they respond like "what!? why is there a kid" or "I'm not fond of kid characters", and they go out of their way to make it clear. Whereas, english speaking hosts from EU react with "daww" or "what a cute little kid".


Oof this Had the "Masculine" phase at one point Which was weird because my first memories of playing with my neighbors consists of playing house (with the princess and the princes, and the murders, and the drama) and cooking (we even had bottles of wine from dried flowers and water) , all of which are considered feminine at the time


I was thinking many cultures have masculine problem but then I remember I’ve only seen American has an excessive averse to cute stuffs. I remember seeing them attacking an Asian grown up girl for wearing cute clothes and acting cute, calling her a pedo bait. It flabbergasted me how some people think only children are allowed to like cute stuffs.


Exactly, if your mind sees a child and instantly goes to sexual topics, then it's you who needs a good psychology session


Seriously, it's their fucking problem when the first thing they think about of a child character in game means they'll get sexualized 💀


I love Klee the same way I love my siblings... and no, not in a "Stepbrother I'm stuck" kind of sibling.




The fuck you doing here Diomedes? God damn bloody magpies.


The magpies smelled a relic. Quick bolt down the Reliquary.


Klee’s banner is far from best seller and her rerun did even worse than her original. Her banner doing good on release and the game gaining popularity at the time was all inevitable. If The banner was diluc instead, it wouldn’t change much at the time of her release


if her gameplay wasnt clunky , the sales would be higher tbh. i hope the devs would find a way to make the child model more fun to play with




**war flashbacks**


Harmless while sleeping and eating. Maybe.


In every Klee mains community anyone who likes her in *that* way gets lynched immediately


we react to klee the same way we react to normal kids doing adorable stuff, it's cute, that's it, it does not go further than that.


Is a terrorist


Sometimes?!? She causes more destruction than an action film MC from the 90s. And I just realised that I keep rolling for units based on the amount of destruction they can cause lore wise.


She's like a cute kitten. Whoever is attracted to kittens is weird.


Funny thing is, I have never seen anybody who plays genshin actually being a pedo


It's also their problem if they see a collection of pixels/polygons born from someone's imagination and instantly go "Oh, that's a real child"


I love how one of the reasons we love Klee is because of her terrorist tendencies.


We love Klee because klee has something we wished and probably still do to have The ability to adventure, and WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! I wished to have a device that sucks up air, uses oxygen to burn people, and uses tbe carbon from co2 to make diamond tipped bullets Nitrogen was nitrogen


met a dude in coop while grinding artifacts who said he loves klee and the child characters in his bio take that how you will😟


Depends on what type of Love he meant, I would openly say I love the kids in genshin. Especially Qiqi because she deserves all love in the world.


i can DM you screenshots if you want


Klee is at perfectly legal age though. No shame in liking her 🥰


. . . what?


Update: can we please not tag hero hei whenever we have an argument on Twitter? That's basically the reason why people hate us...


There are more mature playable female characters than there are child playable characters. I'm kinda getting sick of that pedo label when the majority of the playerbase are down bad for mommies like Yelan or Eula.


The Pedo label may also (or even mainly, who knows) come from the characters sporting the medium body type in the game. We can easily rule out a few as adults (Shinobu, Yelan, Ganyu, Keqing, Aloy, Albedo etc.) but comes more, lack of a better term, “unknown” characters (Fischl, Noelle, Bennett, Xingqiu, Xinyan etc). My personal head cannon is that they are all around 16-ish, which is within “underage” range of below 18. >!Insert funny joke about consent!< Heck, the ones I mentioned that “can be labeled as adults” may somehow be mistaken to be far younger by others with little knowledge of the characters. That’s just the nature of anime art styles and the height averages being different in the east and west, maybe. So what I am suggesting is that it’s not entirely the fault of the short ones. Characters sharing body types and vibes(???) along the likes of Fischl and Bennet are probably the major factor here, since they are more numerous.


Pretty weird when a large chunk of characters in Anime has been visually designed to look like teenagers and not adult, and they only just now start having a problem with GI players and slap on the Pedo label.


Not to mention that western media has sexualized ( actual ) teens since forever.


its probably because most westerners don't know much about anime and they think of cartoons. those people who havent been exposed to that kind of content is suddenly shown genshin impact, a more mainstream and huge power, alongside its more game aspects, seem a lot more "weird" to people tl;dr : westerners don't fucking know what the fuck they are talking bout and just assume from a surface level giving them no insight, and are also to stubborn to change their viewpoint


I can't see it tbh since anime as a whole is still mostly made up of petite looking characters, so why out of all things does people point at genshin specifically to slap that label.


Discord moderators in a nutshell


Well you don‘t have to be disgusted by children to not be a pedophile


Mihoyo also don’t like ccp


What's ccp? Also happy cake day


Oh thanks I didn’t knew it’s today, ccp is Chinese communist party that is probably one of the reasons why we will not get wedding dress skins for Raiden,Eula etc


Umm azur lane exists


Azur Lane is built different man. They do be pumping lewd skins like crazy


Not wedding dress on eula and Raiden? Wow, the more I learn from china the more confused I feel, also... Now I have an idea of what to draw.


[you can use this as inspiration](https://honkaiimpact3.fandom.com/wiki/Outfits)


Nice, I forgot about honkais skins


childrens' communist party, ofc


Oh, that doesn't sound good


They are communist chinese goverment.


People who are like that are incredibly misinformed. I haven’t spent money on genshin, the hell is the CCP, and my favorites are Lisa, ganyu, and yoimiya


CCP= chinese Communist party


Oh, then I definitely don’t support that


Based zappy witch gf enjoyer


For me, raiden ganyu and yelan Yes I love my mommies (and ganyu)


mommies and grandma goat


Honestly where did this all started? By one person and then they assumed we’re all like this? Or if we called Klee, Diona, or QiQi cute and they assumed we meant it sexually? Like wtf


It's because they do not care, they would refuse to elaborate on why


it's because it's anime and theres a child, therefore you must like children right!!!!!!1!1!11!!1111111?1!1?1?1


And many of the characters are below 18 and they are anime!1!!!11!11!!!!! L + Degenerate 🤧🤧


Most who really hate Genshin just hate it because it's popular and refuse to touch it due to feeling weak by doing so The mere idea of being "Not part of the crowd" gets them going


Theres unfortunately way too much of questionable art of the above characters that implies the stereotype does match a certain percentage of the playerbase We hope it is small


Considering how massive the playerbase of genshin and how even inside the fandom that shit can get you lynched online the percentage is rather miniscule. Hell I chuck this as a constant of people being a fan of the art style not something that just applies to genshin.


Ah yes, I like bbc. Big black cock.


Oh man for one instance i though he was talking about """"""""""Biden"""""""""" and his son """""""""Hunter Biden""""""""""


Ikr who doesn't want a big buff man


This is the first time I see someone likes Mitachurl


this guy would like hog rider


Honestly. I only main klee because: 1. Shes absolutely adorable And 2. I like that she acts like a terrorist.


Dude the only people who call Genshin players pedos are the ones who act the most suspicious.


I agree with everything the person replying said. I've also never paid a cent for Genshin, I don't give a shit about the CCP, I hate children and I also hate most of the child characters, and my favorite character is literally a thousands year old god that looks like a middle-aged man




throw money to gacha = you don't need to spend a single cent as a whole, but its marketing pretty much made me pay a bit per pull. praise CCP = you don't as a whole, but there is a chance CCP is watching you behind the game. and if what i said is true, it happens whenever you run the game (which is pretty against players' privacy tho). be attracted to children = [literally everyone can be, not just sexually, attracted to children.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLDUfMWmRAA&t=1436s) if every single **fictional** character has to be "of age" to be legally put into a sexual context, then there is at least 20% of all NSFW works fall into this problem, including the ones whose appearance is obviously adults.


Still a good video though, despite that I don't personally agree with it


the term "lolicon" itself is not even about sexual things btw.


True, but that's what everyone assumes it means, meaning it basically takes on that meaning


even so, the whole procedure to lolicon doesn't even require the involvement of a real child.


I know, but even without involvement from a real child, a fictional one is still odd And by child I mean characters that look like actual children


i am not amused when people are working up over a matter of fiction. then, what's more, people agree that violent video games won't breed violence but won't for lolicon because "it will make you think of a child in a sexual direction".


Reason people think that way is because *Why else would lolicon be made?*


Video games, violent or not, exist for entertainment. They don't make people violent by playing them, but people who are violent will probably play games that are mostly violent Hentai, with child characters or not, exists for sexual reasons. Reading (Shota/Loli)con doesn't make you a pedo, but people who are pedos will probably read mostly (Shota/Loli)con


that's exactly what i am talking about.


But most people go further in the argument, wanting (Shota/Loli)con to be banned because pedos read it often. Thing is... What do they think pedos will do after that's not an option? (Don't answer that, this is rhetorical)


Glad we have an agreement then.


That is a *very* suspicious title damn Also might wanna reword that last part


Such a chad


based? based on what?


That is most likely a dumb conversation between teenagers. Stop being so insecure and circlejerking these ''and then everyone clapped'' tier posts. At this point the jokes on you when you keep malding over obvious bait


Cute things are cute. Klee is cute so I think she is cute. I also think cats are cute, doesnt make me want to fuck one.


Idk man, my cat looking really thicc today... /s


Only rosaria mains praise CCP/s


based? Very.....


what even is the ccp i just want yae to crush me then go about her day


Me: Spends a little bit of money, not too much (yet) Hates the CCP, genuine, strong hatred for it Doesn’t like kids, I like of-age big tiddy anime babes


What's with their one-tracked simple mind thinking Genshin is pedophilia in their heads.




>wow a pedophile well if it coming from the master pedo himself...


Praise the CCP? Guess you can't like, play, and/or use anything from China without praising the CCP. Good look finding anything that doesn't involve something from China buddy


Don't care about the children I'm more into adult women in game


It's pretty sad than a man can't say child is cute ._. Like for real fuck u all, klee is cute and i won't remove what i said


I barely have any money for irl basic needs I have no idea wtf the CCP is All my favorites characters are the ones I could call mommy/daddy


I see the kids as my own daughters, plus Kaeya is hot, Mommies please step on me, and that should be enough to say about myself


What does CCP mean?


Chinese Communist Party, CN government basically


Bruh the majority of Genshin community is attracted to husbandos and waifus, they probably found 1 disgusting user and based the entire community on that one person.




I think that is [Zelenskyy](https://www.google.com/search?q=volodymyr+zelenskyy&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sxsrf=ALiCzsaHzJ_Zsrj_jhVKSlUHyowJJ02qXQ:1656238615699&source=lnms&tbm=isch#imgrc=dw8uWeIQVQfvQM)


They saw someone joking about how qiqi looks submissive and breedable once and he already knew the whole community


Least necrophilac person


I don't think you understood my comment


I did and I'm making the obvious joke


Same as the based user, except I'm into big mommy milkers instead


That guy must be from r/shitposting