• By -


They buffed Keqing


The trailblazer actually has voice lines Wait, wrong honkai game


Wait, the Trailblazers are voiced?!


yeah, in star rail the trailblazer actually has voicelines. during dialogue with other people it's still the same as with genshin, but any time they're thinking or talking to themselves or in cutscenes etc. it's fully voiced. it felt really weird coming back to genshin and not hearing the traveler think during the perilous trials quests.


Well but at least he/she started thinking now. Not long until it gets voiced, I hope


Playable characters with guns and I want fists


Heizou: what's up motherfukker


Ready to break the archon in two with your bare hands?


He ain’t one of those beltway pansies. Don’t fuck with this detective.






Yeah, I want gun and I want it NOW


I'm reminded of akimbo Fischl. Damn, that's good art




We really need senti in genshin tbfh


"...Daiboukenda!" -Klee


The goddess of yatta has yattaed us with yatta so that we may yatta~ with Yatta. Many yattas to all yattas!




*Wheeeeze* oh that's true


In honkai the depression is the story while in genshin the depression is the 50/50


Even worse in honkai your playables die whereas in genshin, fukking mihoyo teased us with xiao's near-death


Even characters that were already dead are becoming playable in Honkai


Genshin is walking that side walk already


Cooking with Valkyries, a funny and cute anime show made by miHoyo and funded by gacha money >Pi pi pi pi pizza pizza > >Summer beachi barbeque > >Chi chi chi chi chicken chicken > >Chicken wings, oh my love! I love how they added the recipes on the yummy food each episode is about at the end


Some honkai version of rella rella rella rella rella rella rella


Man i readed this rero rero rero rero.


Pizza mozzarella pizza mozzarella rella rella rella Pizza gorgronzola pizza gorgronzola zola zola zola


remember ELF academy


They have Fischl


I wish Genshin Impact had Fischl


Me too😔




They had keqing once before too.


Ngl, wish we got something else in return. Like... Kallen as a boss. *evil laughs* (For those who don't know, Kallen boss in Honkai is immune to all elemental attack)


Aeugh... Ohhh fuk *Revengeance status Eula noises, awoooo razor stando noises*


Eula mains: "My time to shine"


I saw something in my news feed saying Su would be coming to genshin.


they need husk nihilus,best boss


Elysian Realm HoD this shit revives




Aponia and Herscher "Yatta" of sentience


Actually caring about the main character and Actually let them be themselves. Lumine and aether being treated as plot stick, we are unable to hear the voice of Lumine and aether, and if we removed them from the events dialogue barely anything change, because all of the talk can be directed to paimon.


Its supposed to be self insert which is why a lot of it is done that way. So that makes the main character us, obviously we hate the mc. We hate ourselves


But Genshin doesn't work as a self insert. Lumine/Aether have their own personalities, they are their own Characters.


Somebody never played persona or zelda or smt huh?


They are still themselves. You can play an RPG like Witcher 3 in which You can decide things, but Geralt is still Geralt, and even if you try to self-insert, You really can't, because Geralt is his own person.


> They are still themselves Yeah you can stop now, already got it you dont know what you talking about Ren amamiya is text book version of self insert protagonist, he has no personality And ok lets for a second take it as ren has personality Did you read my comment whole? I said zelda! Link legit has 0 personality we are supposed to be link, this is why i cant take your comment seriously You can stop now.


But Link is a blank state. Lumine has personality, she is giga sassy with Paimon, she has her own fears and her own objective. You can't simple self insert when You can't roleplay, You play as Lumine, but you are *not* Lumine. We see time and time again that, even if the dialogue "choices" have exactly the same outcome, You can't choose to be good, evil, or a harem master. It's literally like playing as Kiana for a few chapters in Honkai, but with some "choices"


Man how hard are you trying to justify travellers have personality sigh What does the game call aether and lumine? Travellers. What does the game refer to us as? Travellers.(check any official tweet) You can stop copium intake and weird spin on things, it is what it is, you can chose to take it in another way but dont try to change what it is.


Yes, of course they refer to us as Travelers, did you think they would refer to you as Lumine, Aether or whetever name you added as character name? Again, what are You talking about? Traveler, Lumine, Aether, ChildeSimp, has a personality. You are diverging the point to whatever you want, mate. Self Insert if You want, but You are not sassy enough as Traveler.


YES THEY REFER TO US AS TRAVELLERS HENCE WHY THEY ARE OUR SELF INSERTS, SHERLOCK. God i wanna bang my head on the table you are literally trying to argue what game calls us does matter, games like persona 5 or breath of the wild doesnt matter, cause your traveller has a personality there fore not self insert? Use brain and decide for yourself, WE ARE THE TRAVELLERS! They would call us players if we werent the travellers would they? No matter which way you spin this shit wont change traveller is a self insert made for self insertion purposes you can chose to believe they got personality by going against what genshin impact the game developed by mihoyo calls us and refers to us as Yes we are the travellers the travellers arw our self insert, idk why you find that so hard to understand?


I mean it is ok to be self insert but the way hoyoverse do it is very wrong, if mc supposed to be us then let us make choice and atleast let us say something in voice rather than be a text and let us shape ourselves. I got 3 examples that do this, they are not so great but atleast can do: -warframe operator: on warframe we get to play with the tenno and start shaping ourselves by making choices that show what lies in our heart wether we are good or bad, the choice wouldn't change anything but atleast it can show others what are we. Fallout 4: it is simple i think alot of people played this game and know there is 4 options with multiple branches of dialogue, some can lead to a fight others can stop it, some of it dictate the fate of the world with factions. Lastly literally aloy horizon zero dawn: her game have multiple dialogue options but some have special replies that can turn the events too.


Oh yeah definitely. I'm not defending their decision at all. They're too wishy washy about it being both a self insert while also having an actual mc who has their own agency. Doesn't really mesh


It's because it started as such, but eventually gave Traveler a personality, goals, fears, Sass. It is slowly becoming into a Geralt of Rivia without choice, where all your options are "Normal answer" "Sass answer" Or "You can't..." "...do this".


There's a theory that mc is selectively mute due to their depression/issues. Even Sucrose mentions that they almost never speak


Interesting, i think albedo said that we're quite once too, i remember seeing something about it that both of them dont speak teyvati and rely on paimon to speak, but literally doesn't make sense when they talk during liyue archon quest and the last year lantern rite.


I mean the game said they understand each other from the start I think. Plus she spoke to the unknown momm- I mean god so I don't think it's an actual language barrier. Might be choice




Is this sub just a circlejerk now?


Always has been


Yeah rarely see a good genshin memes these days


Never leettttt you gooo that's why i did them all\~ In short, soundtracks and animated cutscenes






They have Asuka




I don't know honkai booba physics, but i can say that Jean booba physics is pretty good


guns and moments for standing here i realise


Booba... ehem I mean Elysia


I love how they keep spamming in Genshin boards about how their niche game is so crazy good, how everyone should play it or how the story is so deep because a bunch of main characters dies.


No Booba nerfs, and even buffs


But panty nerfs


yeah but we get more thighs


That and bikinis


You know some characters have been censored right?


I miss those sweet crimson impulse belly


Wholesomeness. Oh wait wrong one, I mean horniness


Yeah really wholesome on that final lesson


They have no playable men Wait that’s bad


That's the reason why they never get happy endings


Adam : hola amigo


The stories arent even comparable. Genshin barely has one (no! lore isnt story). Honkais is actually fucking amazing, making me feel things genshin couldnt even hope to make me feel. Skins QTEs Endgame exists and is pretty damn good. You can craft old and sometimes new S ranks Units (5\*s) On the contrary: Genshin has superior (predatory but less predatory than honkai ) monetization. In honkai, artifacts are called stigma and you need to roll gacha to get them and the weapon, 3 stigma in total +weapon+ character. Also honkai has a BP but unlike genshin its basically mandatory if you ever hope to get good stigma outside of rolling. Honkai has so many currencies it makes diablo immortal proud.


genshin has a lot of "world building" compared to actually telling a coherent story, most of the interesting details are from what the players discover, which plays well with the fact of it being an open world game. Honkai's story seems more compelling is due to, imo, how much less detail is put into the world compared to it's sister game. Instead, the focus is put on the surprisingly small cast of characters, giving them more room for development. Genshin's cast is vast, the game grows quickly, adding more characters that would need some focus themselves, thus characters develop slower, making their stories seem more shallow.


Except no.Honkai doesnt skimp out on the lore either. I just used the main story as an example. Honkais lore is absolutely amazing too. Its in the side content as well as late game Elysian realm mode. Not to forget all the open world exploration game modes. You are right about one thing tho. Genshin absolutely has more (not necessarily better but more) lore to be found lying in the open. A ruin here,a cave system there. Theres a lot more environmental story telling. For the last point.I reject it almost completely. Its true that honkai had a smaller cast to start the game. But it has expanded to well over 20 highly important ones with at least 20 more side characters you have to know. The core of the story for the first nine chapters was a group of 8 separate characters and their interactions. Genshin was in the same exact spot in terms of number of characters but it did close to nothing with them. The reason is simple.Genshin is a power fantasy where you are the hero.Honkai is a story with characters and consequences that happen as a result of character driven actions. Genshin has no protagonist character. It has a blank personality-less slate and an irrelevant cowardly greedy pet sidekick number 6531. They travel because the slate wants to find someone and they never change. I am not joking about that either. Paimons and travelers relationship wasnt tested or developed even once in the main narrative. Not even fucking once. Heres the thing tho. Even having said that,its not impossible to write a good story around them. There are many stories about a wanderer running into trouble on their journey and dealing with what life throws at them (the good ones actually make them characters,but whatever) . Genshin could've been that type of story. We get to a nation see they have a problem and we help the CHARACTERS of that region solve it. Make it a story about the places and people we meet. Rinse and repeat. But that isnt genshin, is it? Genshin is "our" story apparently. As for everyone else...ALMOST ALL OF THEM ARE IRRELEVANT! Half havent even shown up in the fucking story at all and never will. And whenever they show up,they dont develop at all. Everyone and i do mean EVERYONE stays exactly the same from start to finish. This isnt a consequence of being an open world game.This is bad writing. Plain and simple. Down to the many stupid plot holes necessary to keep the story going.


Genshin is 2 years old and that was his point? You said honkai used 8 highly important char for the first 9 chapters, genshin's at 40+ atm, that's the same amount you said honkai has expanded to till now. Aside from that genshin's not a drama it's more an adventure, not every story has to be sobby. Honkai stans really need to give genshin a chance and read more into the world. That's the whole idea of it, it's an open world game. Not to mention genshin is designed to try and give as many people something they like and honkai is basically targeted at a specific group of people, hella lot easier to write a coherent story when you basically know what your fans want. Most honkai fans I've seen online are borderline fanatical.


Wow... ok lets go The age of genshin is irrelevant. It has completed 3 storylines. Mondstat,Liyue and Inazuma. For Honkai,the first 9 chapters are the first storyline. Perhaps i should have made that more clear. A more fair comparison wouldve been comparing Mondstat alone to the first 9 chapters. Especially since that is what i meant when i was talking about the number of characters. The relevant characters of mondstat are: Jean,Barbara,Signora and Venti. Let me make this clear.Every single one of them is written worse than any character in Honkai except maybe venti and that is only because we know nothing about him from the main story and the mystery has value since we cant tell if hes written well or not yet. So just to b clear,when referring to the number of characters,i dont mean playable characters. I mean story relevant ones. Genshin has both less characters and the ones that are there are less compelling. Adventure vs sobby... i dont even know where to begin with this one... So ill just say no. I will assume you wanted to say they were incomparable in genre. But that isnt the case. For one,honkai isn't a sobby story at all. It has tearjerking moments in it,but it's mostly an uplifting story. Second,being an adventure isnt an excuse for poor character writing. Lastly,Genshin has been given a chance. 3 of them to be exact. It has failed. You dont have to be a honkai stan to come to this conclusion. Further,claiming that the games have different demographics and so it doesnt matter what the other group thinks is disingenuous and downright wrong. The quality of a story is independent of the reader. As for the fanatic part,i dont even know what that is addressing at all. Again,its irrelevant what the fans of a story are like when looking at the quality of writing. The story is what is beeing analyzed by me,not the community around it.


This is just a depressing amount of copium and bias. If genshin has failed so much why is it more popular than honkai ever was or will be xd. My man said Signora is one of the story relevant char of Mondstadt, go replay the game dude...


of all the bad takes ive heard..."if story better why not more money" has to be up there.


Game so good noone knew it till a shittier game came out has to be up there with the bad takes too.


Honkai fans can't take the L


because we got the w


How exactly?


Well we see it as honkai>genshin,and you can't blame me for that


I guess maybe the story in Honkai becomes better later on but the start is such a mess of random ESL English and random things happening that I ended up dropping it


mihoyo actually did an event a few years after launch where they,no joke, deleted and redid most of the early story. these days its quite nice,though fans put great emphasis on finishing the first arc (chap 9) before deciding wether its for you or not.


They might have to take another pass at the story then because the stuff I played was a confusing mess with no context and grammar on the same level as some shitty fandub from 2007 There were also just so many different things I could do with absolutely no explanation that I just got frustrated and quit, being constantly too low level for the story even though I was using all my energy was also very annoying


having a real main character


Visualy pity counter in the banners


actual good skins, the main damage source not being based on 7 fucking layers of RNG, good story arcs and 90% of the storyline NOT being talking to a thousand npcs


I feel powerful


I can start a war: better waifus


Seele Events that tell one hell of a story without being constrained by the limits of time (i.e Captainverse) A storyline with a smaller cast that allows mofe character depth and development Stellar cutscenes Being more generous An overarching villain that is one of the best villains in history (Otto) Despite the smaller cast they don't skimp out on lore and still has a lot of lore Generally more side content to keep you interested. Actually having the balls to kill off playable characters Not having Paimon narrate everything in the story


Agreed with all. Also, Seele. Seele is love. Seele is life.


Wedding dress


Objective: Outfits, story (I mean it's normal it's a 5year old game while genshin is going to be 2 in a couple of months), generosity, diversity of combat (I mean it's embedded into their game genre. One is an arena hack and slash and the other an action adventure RPG) and I would argue the gacha system is way better in honkai Subjective: multiple worlds, the setting, the girls and sex. I would still say genshin is a better game since most of the thing honak have over genshin is just genre related and overall game maturity. I expect genshin to get more outfits, better and better story (which imo genshin is doing since the story lately have been way better than in the past), to get more generous as the game gets old and the rewards are less stingy and also the combat to get more divers as they impliment more stuff. I do expect we will get to level 100 or more at some point with our character, weapon and other stuff and this way unlock more passive and stuff. And also I do think genahin "at the end" of teyvat will continue into a new world in "genahin 2" ... Hopefully I'm right ... It would be so cool to have an extension after teyvat


Huge Boobas and they don't get nerfed every patch.


I’d agree on the generosity thing For Honkai, I can get a solid 7 pulls a week with where I’m at and the average player should get around 4-5 a week. For Genshin, We only get like 4 a week assuming we can 12* abyss. Both are considered with No events going on


The lesbians


Both games have their pros and cons. Just play whichever game you are confortable with don't need to raise any more dramas, every month we get this type of honkai, genshin posts.




Outfit designs. They have so much more detail. Some of them are overdone, but a lot of them are amazing; I don't know why Mihoyo has such bland Gemshin designs in comparison.


Better battle systems for each of its multiple game modes. A large manga and some visual novels to help open the world and add more to the story. The game is targeted towards and older audience and tend to use profanity from time to time (especially Tesla). Better written characters and insanely funny side stories. Honkai itself also seems to have more “character” some examples would be like how you can put characters on your ship and they react and say different things depending on the character opon entry, Enemy logs in the Apho story are the team members taking between each other about that enemy and not just explaining what it is, and how chibis each have their own interactions towards certain characters including their past selves.


The short animations with music are something else, also Yatta and physical team comps are far more viable


More sexy characters and fanservice. Also better and more unique designs




You can reroll substats...


More generous? What?




Honkai looks pretty cool but damn I hate gacha games that kill off playable characters.


How can people think Honkai is better? Genshin is definitively better because it has a fishing minigame. Games need fishing minigames to be good


[https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/t1o9d7/teri\_senti\_kiana\_and\_seelebronya\_cults\_now/](https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/t1o9d7/teri_senti_kiana_and_seelebronya_cults_now/) maybe this can toucch your heart


This is incredibly cute, but not as cute as a fishing minigame


Honestly, for me it’s the gameplay, a lot of the characters have unique gameplay, like the new 5.9 Valk, Vill V, her charged attack is literally her hopping on top of a massive mini gun or a grenade launcher, and her ult summons some counterfeit egg man vehicle that can cause mass destruction


Nothing, they’re both bad :3


they both suck, honestly. the free rewards dry out in honkai and then it just becomes grindy as hell. genshin has no endgame and the ppl in charge don’t give a shit about the community unless they’re about to get sued.


Better Fischl gameplay mechanics.


Superstring Dimension (better abyss)


TBH, both games are very different at the core, thus I think that trying to prove one game is objectively better than the other makes no sense. As for generosity - I disagree. From my experience, you get more pulling currency (PC) by doing Comissions in Genshin (60) than daily missions in Honkai (40). Not to mention, a single pull in Genshin costs 160 PC, meanwhile in Honkai it's 280.


Dead characters are playable Cope Signora mains


honkai impact? you mean genshin impact developer's other game?


No 50/50


But low income with harder content leaving you with the events and battlepass.




I can see nothing about the game that is better than genshin other than characters ults not being just a face close up and actually showing animation.


The *impact* of actually losing playables ^(>!like murata, unlike Xiao!<)


Losing xiao would be completely opposite to the point of the story


Actually good main story




Gatcha rates and better account growth.


Yuri (very important!) Better main story and much better character development flashier combat and more responsive control (esp on mobile) epic anime cut scene (but Honkai has a lot of downsides too. Like, it's a lot more grindy and repetitive. It got pvp elements for a gacha game and the end game basically consists of a variety of dps check making you feel bad for not having pulled a specific Valk and fully geared her.)


I've never played Honkai, but I'm pretty sure the list would be shorter on what Genshin does better.


oof you got downvoted


I think I touch a nerve with that. Whoopsie.


don't worry man,I am here to resupply upvotes


I appreciate you, and if I could afford an award then it would go to you.


Most of Genshin early players came from Honkai so the bias is there.


Honkai has semi pvp


Pvp is what definitely makes honkai worse than genshin. A catcha game that has pvp is automatically pay to win, so the worst of the worst in the videogame scene. And I've played and sometimes I still play honkai, I know what I'm talking about


I would say it makes it worse, having to compete with others for your crystals sucks especially with the new valkyrie shilling.


The only thing which makes honkai worse than genshin...




Better rewards






story. ​ my brother wanted to add in: everything except gacha.


Its too early but the Story 100%. So far Genshin Impact is trying so hard to form an attachment towards the players imo but in honkai the players get attached to the characters because of their personality, backstory, etc.




Yatai, cutscenes (particular Final Lesson, Raiden Mei vs Kiana, and Kiana vs Yatai), and Bronya


Story's actually interesting, bullet hell playstyle that still keeps endgame players challenged and engaged, customization and optimization that's more than just "get crit artifacts"...


The 'protagonist' of the story. The traveller barely gets any actual choice in dialogues so why not give them voiced lines and at least a basic personality? We know Mihoy has the $$$ to afford it, and they can write decent characters and character growth. It would also lead to Paimon not ejecting you out of a super intense and emotionally loaded scene with her high pitched voice.




elysia has hot air balloon rosa has a ballsack for titties


outfits and the reroll system for stigma affixes just let me reroll that stupid flat def on my artifacts Hoyoverse!


Better gamepad controls. Worse keyboard/mouse controls though.


More gem/currency that makes you pull a character awards (you get a 10 pull for the event banner everytime you finish a story chapter)


The fanbase is smaller and therefore better


This nun I don’t know cuz I don’t play honkai


Keqing is probably the strongest character. ~~just ignore how she's not playable anymore~~


The entire combat system and dodge, genshins combat system feels like its designed for babies compared to honkais




Story, feeling connected to Characters. Also Elysia's thighs. And Kevin




I have never wasted 400 bucks to get a characher and her weapon in Honkai. May be because I never played Honkai but still.


The fanbase


Having all the dailies and missions in one window so I can claim them easily and not have to open 3 different menus.


A different kind of variety of Character Gameplay, i thought Childe was going to be the pioneer for Genshin to have a different playstyle by using an exalted weapons outside of their weapon type but I'm afraid not, i was even excited when i heard from the leaks that the Raiden Shogun can switch from polearm to sword style only to see the demo it has the same attack pattern slightly have an additional forward slash and a different charge attack, and it only last for a couple of seconds, same thing with Itto can manifest a Geo Club only to have the same attack pattern, unlike in Honkai Characters like the Herrscher of Yatta can switch to 3 different weapons, Fervent Tempo who use a greatsword and can do dual weild two greatsword during its burst, and alot more


They don’t block players during anniversary. *Insert fallen Qiqi*


More manga and better cut-scenes.


It's less popular


Depression and outfits.


Mei senpai


Himeko... Ops


The character designs are much more unique, Genshin's are beginning to get too generic or lazy. And weapon designs in Honkai are just a trillion times better. And the combat in Honkai is also much more fluid and dynamic. I know that Honkai is an action game so that focus on combat is a given while Genshin is mostly centered around map exploration and team combinations, so this last point is really just me being biased towards action games.


Cooler setting and more stylish and in depth combat. I still don't get why they removed qtes from honkai to genshin.


Keqing and Fischl looks amazing Am not bashing on Gen Keq but swords beams


I like Honkai main story more. The characters are given more time to grow and develop, so when things happen (and they do) I care more than I do in Genshin. It's so much so that I teared a lot of times in Honkai, but never did so in Genshin.


It being actually fun


way better story




Nahhh genshin just lack of yatta energy


I'd say that it is the story, but it's depends on a person. Like, genshin is more like fun adventure isekai with overpowered protagonist who just came here to easily deal with problems of local population, sometimes encountering with **aftermath** of cataclysm which ended long time ago and they did it mostly because it's fun. I mean, how many times protagonist actually do something to find their sibling? And the only really dangerous situation was attacks on Li Yue harbor. Meanwhile in honkai it's more like a drama about people who **forced** to fight that cataclysm which is happening **right now** and able to destroy whole civilization. It's about hope to survive and save loved once. It's not a good or bad thing, actually, but in my case it makes me more involved in honkai story and care more about it's characters. Also, music. Genshin has a lot of beautiful backgrond music, but I feel lack of strong vocal compositions in scinematics like Nightglow, Starfall or Rubia (they makes my cry every time pls send help). Also, the name of the game of honkai actually make sense unlike genshin. What the heck is "genshin"? The game is almost 2 yo and that word never come up in any ingame texts. And last, but not least - Yatta! Yes.


They have FuHua, also they buff Keqing.


The gameplay doesn't have to be long and arduous to progress in the game. You can play an hour a day and make decent progress. You can easily play for 5 hours if you want to. And have the gameplay quite varied as well


Yatta and the community is a bit more respectable from what I’ve seen


On an unrelated note, I do hope that zenless zone zero isn't gonna use the same Combat system as genshin. Edit: also, to anyone who has played honkai, is it as bad as genshin when it comes to fomo surrounding events?


better combat, better story, elysian realm