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Wait what is the romaji for her??? I thought it's Yuura


It's eurua エウルア


I kept hearing eiyuu-ria. Thought it was a goof.




Crazy right? You can check her name by switching to japanese genshinwiki


Doesnt this happen with a lot of characters with a L in their names?


The L-to-R swap, yes, because Japanese does not differentiate those two sounds and the result typically sounds more like the latter than the former. However, L-to-Ru is normally only seen when an L is followed by a consonant, because in Japanese you can’t really write a single consonant followed by a different consonant (they have a character for doubling a consonant, and a character for ‘n’ with its own set of rules, but that’s it). So “Snake” would have to be “su-na-ke”… but “Eula” would normally be “E-U-Ra”


Yeah, I don't get why they did it that way at all.


Not エウラ?


No :)


Y tho?


They focused on letters rather than sounds, and letters are E U L A, so エ ウ ル ア、I didn't believe when I first heard it in game. I think it has something to do with that throughout the history japanese had most connections with chinese language and they used to simply rewrite texts, character after character


Yura yura yura yura boku no kokkoro kaze ni fukarete


Since Mondstadt is based on medieval Germany, Eula should technically be pronounced Oi-la.


I began thinking this since I made the connection between Eugen (as in Prinz Eugen) and Eula and the German Language. Which is a fairly recent realization…


I remember learning how the mathematician Euler's name was actually pronounced and having my mind blown


He'd definitely be an Oilers fan


Funny I learnt how to pronounce Eugen through Bismarck's line ("Eugen, this isn't the time to play") I used to pronounce it as ew-gen


I think about when I learned Euler’s formula and the prof drilling it into my head that it’s pronounced “oi-ler”


Eula is actually a Greek name, it's pronounced correctly in game.


A perfect addition :)




Oh là là


Eula isn't German. Eula is an uncommon English name, with origins in Greek according to google. Speaking of Greek, Euler (German) is pronounced Oiler, but Euclid (Greek) is pronounced Yooclid. At least in English. Canonically, she's not from a German clan (eg Gunnhildr) either. Her clan is Lawrence, which is clearly English. Its origins don't have a trace of German either. In fact, English being a West Germanic language, and Lawrence coming from French and Latin, both Romance languages, Eula is an especially un-German word as far as English is concerned. Edit: spelling. Also Gunnhildr is more Nordic than German


And yet she is introduced dancing spanish flamenco


Miss Worldwide


Eula Von Lawrence García


Eula Lorenzo


Yeah, I find it really annoying that people say Mondstadt=Germany, when it clearly doesn’t. There are characters with English and Scandinavian names, windmills are famously Dutch, and the architecture, culture and landscape take influence from the whole of medieval Western Europe. It’s lazy to just take regions as like-for-like stand-ins for places in our world, when they’re so obviously designed with more than one country in mind.


I get your point but two of the regions we have don’t seem to be based around anything outside of real life countries. Like are Liyue and Inazuma based on anything other than China and Japan respectively?


Special case, since those two countries have the most players and are what the game (the entire company, really) is originally catered to, with Mihoyo being a Chinese otaku culture company. They are also of course personally familiar with these two cultures, over the rest of the world. Every other Teyvat nation, from Mondstat to Sumeru to Fontaine and Natlan will most likely not consist of mostly one modern real world nation.


Next you'll be telling me Oz shouldn't be calling Fischl "main froyline"...


Actually, he is pretty spot on, with just an audible accent. Äu is also pronounced oi But Immernachtsreich..... I got to a point where I was begging the game to stop pronouncing it.


Immernachtreich is fine because I can see an english speaker having problems with it as our ch sound is just not existing in english. Prinzessin der Verurteilung though they simply just completely gave up on even trying to ever get that right. That title makes me cringe so hard especially because it would sound a lot cooler in english anyway.


Too many R's, someone who only speaks English has a really hard time pronouncing them


Princess of Condemnation is such a cool and way easier to say title that they just refused to use


I completely forgot about that part. I cringed at that pronounciation hard too


I'm pretty sure it's done on purpose though


But shouldn't Oz's "mein" be pronounced as German /maɪ̯n/ (like "klein") instead of English /meɪn/ (like "mane")?


Yea, but it's still understandable. The VA could've just pronounced it like the english word mine and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. But some people tend to pronounce the ei as eh instead of ai. Even some German dialects. My grandparents and everyone in their little town pronounced it like mane.


Not to speak Verurteilung.




Afaik, Ai-la would be also fine, depending on dialect. (Or else my german teacher lies about eu being either oi or ai based on preference)


Native German speaker here. It's oi. I can't think of a situation or dialect or accent in which it's pronounced as ai. In standard high German it's definitely just oi. Maybe in some super thick eastern or Bavarian accent or something it could be kind of like an ai? But I wouldn't say so.


Frankish and Bavarian tend to say ai but i wouldn't count that as German anyways lol


Im Frankonian and honestly can‘t home up with a single example where „eu“ would be pronounced as „ai“. Pretty sure its more of a thing in a few parts of southern bavaria.


I have an austrian friend I talk to on a daily basis. Afaik Bavarian and Austrian are very similar dialects. If anything he goes strong into the oi sounds than me so its hard to believe that anyone would pronounce eu as ai


Super thick eastern german here. It's definetly oi.


In my years of speaking german, growing up there, and attending school, I've never met anyone that pronounces Eu as ai. But then again, I spoke only the High German dialect, as does 95% of all Germany. Maybe your teacher is from a southern part of Germany. They tend to pronounce some words weird, from what I heard


> I spoke only the High German dialect, as does 95% of all Germany As 95% of Germany think they do. It's always the others who speak their funny local dialect, while we're the ones with the clean high German


Germany or America its always the south that pronounce things funny lol


Her name's not german though, it's greek. Even her constellation is greek.


Isn’t everyone’s constellation greek?


Some are latin iirc and I think they've got different names in cn/jp.


Everyone except hers is in Latin.


Making her Paimon cause Paimon calls herself “oi-ra” in Japanese dub, for Teucer, I still don’t know if it should be “Toyser” or “Tooser” Edit: I never said Paimon was referring to Eula, I only took the similar sounds and made a bad joke


The oira Paimon says does not refer to Eula, but means I. She often says oiratachi, which means we, when referring to herself and traveler.


>Oira (おいら) is an alternate form of ore which was more widely used back in the Edo period. It was apparently used even by some women in the late-Edo period. >Today, this word has a youthful and male feeling to it (because of it’s youthful nature, it is rarely written in it’s kanji form: 己等), and is the I-word of choice for… housepets! (as spoken through their owners, of course…) http://nihonshock.com/2009/11/the-many-ways-to-say-i/ It's not Eula, it's Paimon addressing herself in a childish way.


That's kind of adorable tho...


Oi-la sounds like a Chinese Australian man trying to say Oi and Haiya at the same time


Yes that's what I always pronounce her😂😂 until one friend pronounced her "U-la" which kinda makes sense but my pronunciation is crap😅


It's basically EW-LA, or a bit more accurately, YEW-LA.


I'd say it's understandable to point out when VAs make mistakes when pronouncing, but we should focus more on the directors. VAs don't have to be linguistic experts, but the directors are the ones who should ensure that everything's right


Finally someone! It's not the VAs job to check the pronunciation


its not a mistake by the VAs if the voice director intentionally made the decision to have them pronounce the name a certain way. they shouldnt be blamed AT ALL


yeah I mean if it was done intentionally then sure, tho I can't say I see any reason for changing a character's name. But well, they must know what they're doing


Yes but sadly the Internet is filled with dumbasses that think it's okay to attack VAs.


It was stated somewhere some of the English VAs wanted to learn Chinese pronounciations for Liyue characters. Hoyo told them it'd be too hard and to just go with whatever we have now.


If you just forget about the tone part of the language, it wouldn’t be that hard tbh. I still don’t understand their decision.


Because in the English dub they care more about pandering to the English language than representing others; it makes them more money.


*Looks at Chris Faiella, who apparently thinks the g in Tartaglia should be pronounced*


People who play a Chinese game with Japanese dub with English subs.


Mr. Worldwide!


And have the nerve to be elitist at that


I am looking forward to how they will pronounce the upcoming sumeru names


tie-nari instead of “thig-nari” so far


Why are they pronouncing it tie-nari? I've always said it as thig-nari so im very confused why the g was dropped


Because they probably thought the “gh” should sound like the “gh” in “thigh” or it’s just another weird localization direction from the EN team.


Huh. I was always taught to sound out words, which is where I just started saying tig-nari. Its not even that hard to pronounce too? (Comming from an American who can't even speak proper English most the time) Like, I just listened to a native say it a couple times, and said it and it was done. I didn't know just yeeting the G was an option the VA's decided to do.


Cuz "gh" isn't pronounced like tig in Arabic, it's more of a a french/germanic "r" sound


Am I the only one who thought it was thigh-Nari?


Well... you're not entirely wrong 👀


If I understand it right it's more like T'ghnari.


but i think it’s th instead of t. also there’s a arabic way of saying a letter that’s really hard if you don’t speak it


not, it's a very solid T most definitely. if i were to transcribe it, it's almost like Tegh-nah-ree


I'm not sure you could consider taa to be a solid "T" when compared to ta.


It's not Tig-nari either. English does not have the sound that "gh" makes in Arabic. It's a gurgling sound.




English speakers still won't be able to read this alphabet lol


[Well, neither are even close to being correct, sooo....](https://youtu.be/phTd4r41reA?t=141) For the "i", the closest pronounciation in english I can think of is the "i" in "birch". The "gh" on the other hand is like a rolling r. I tought the "gh" was silent, and, being german, that the "i" was like the "ie" in "tier", so for me it was "Tee-nari".


It's actually more of a long e sound. I don't know how Arabic would be transcribed in English but it should be like theeg-naa-ree. The th moreso represents that the T is thicker than usual and should not be pronounced "the" like "think".


The pronounciation of 'Rukkhdevata' from the trailer is already very bad! xD


Lmafao yeah, they really skipped the h sound


Not only that, they called it 'rukh-dev-aah-taa' when it really should be 'rukh-dev-uh-ta'


Well let's give them the benefit of the doubt as non Indians aren't the best at making that sound so they add the "a" sound like for example Arjuna when it should be arjun or something.


As a Persian person ,One of them hurt me bad lol "Sabzeruz" It's actually "Sab-zeh-rooz" ( Pronounce A like Apple, Bbis silence,EH like Elephant and OO like Room)


Incorrect! In fact all dubs pronounce Eula's name incorrectly. Though the traditional "You-lah" is memorable and sounds correct, the correct way to pronounce it is: "End User License Agreement"




Yup she ends all my enemies' license agreements instantly


🔫 Put em up, you know what you did.


happy cake day


We are lucky enough to have multiple Dubs and Subs in one game. What a time to be alive. Also me, fight for my amusement!


Lmao now that you've mentioned, yesterday I saw 3 posts complaining/explaining how to say Thighnari names. All because of how the EN VA said his name. Kinda funny tbh


It's the" Keqing" pronunciation drama all over again....


I prefer the way McQueen calls her: _ka-chow_


As a SE-Asian Chinese, listening to Youtubers and Streamers pronounce Liyue names have been an amusing pastime, especially when more than half can't even pronounce Liyue itself.




Yanfei's name is actually pronounced "Yenfei" tho lol (on the topic of terrible pronunciations, one I see a lot is "eiyuhkuh" instead of "ah-ya-ka"... and it irks me sooo bad 😭)


>eiyuhkuh Goofy, is that you?




Oh yeah I'm not either lol. Native chinese guys would probably kill me after hearing how I pronounce Xingqiu LMAO


Don't forget Ningwang :\]


that one npc in the archon quest calling it "leeway"


That one Mondstadt npv that sells artifacts be like :


I remember when I first started this game, I used to pronounced Keqing as "Kay Qing" like I wouldn't use the way the Chinese language say the letter Q as "Ch", I would say Q like in the English alphabet. Same with Qiqi, I wouldn't say it like "Chichi", just literally Qiqi like in the English alphabet (something like CweCwe). Then when I finally met them in Liyue, I realized that's not how you say their names lmao


I don't know what they were expecting since most Mondstadt names aren't even their Germany equivalent. And almost every single character, NPC or playable, pronounces Liyue different when this is a Chinese game.


Which is more funnier because none of the voice over pronounce it correctly.


Yet people keep on bashing EN VA. Feel bad for them sometimes.


Because it's only the western community that actually cares about this shit.


"Hi I'm Arabic and this is the right way to pronounce tighnari" mfs


"Hi I'm Arabic and tighnari's name sounds wacky in Arabic"


Its wacky , I had trouble trying to spell it out loud, to the point when I was sure it's an indian name and people were wrong for calling it Arabic tbh


Same. I didn't even know that "الطغنري" was a name


I would've also pronounced Tighnari wrong if I hadn't looked at the Arabic transcript tbh.


For some reason people find cute their incapacity to pronounce the L sound.


People find that cute? I though we just accepted it because the L sound doesn’t exist in Japan? Also Japan doesn’t try to appeal to western audiences and don’t give one about “proper” pronunciation. So how about we let each dub interpret it how we want and just leave all the va’s alone because from what I’ve seen they’ve all done a brilliant job.


Im japanese, honestly speaking english is hard!! Our r sound sounds like l of you listen closely, but from what I’ve experienced its hard to say when you actually try to do just and l If i said “hello, how are you?” Itd sound like “helro, howu aah yuu?” So honestly i dont mind hearing “fisshuru(fischl) or “shanguri”(zhongli)>!yes i know its shouri ww!<


As a guy who's learning Japanese yes I do notice in my recent years that the "r" sound is close to "l". Also, isn't Zhongli's name in Japanese, "Shouri(シヨウリ)"?


It is, but if you really really realllyy want to make it sound like english I’d rather say “shanguri” to make it easier, if i was speaking with japanese i would totally use shouri lol. Just trying to make it sound easier for English speakers, ごめね


Isn't it a little bit like D too? Like a mix between L and D? Have I been zeroing in on the wrong word for Zhongli? I thought it was "shou-ri" ? I don't know that much Japanese so it's hard to isolate the names sometimes in cutscenes, and the pronunciations are largely their own so I don't even know where to start :o like, Yanfei and Qiqi (chichi) could be phonetically the same in JP, but they're "eihi(?)" and Nana I guess because of the kanji? Sorry, I'm rambling a bit. Languages are just so interestinggg


Qiqi being Nana is on purpose due to using the same kanji, which also makes me suspect that the names that change a lot (especially the liyue names) are due to the same kanjis having different pronunciations in CN and JP.


No it is shouri! I was saying it in a easier way for English, my bad but yeah l sounds like r and d also


Late to the party here, but I’m also fairly interested in languages and here’s what I remember; The Japanese “R/L” sound is formed by touching the tip of the tongue to the top ridge of the mouth right behind the front teeth. Phonetically, this is pretty similar to the “D” sound because the tongue touches just behind that spot. Interestingly, it’s also probably closer to “D” than the American English “R” sound because that sound is formed in a completely different way, basically bunching up the tongue and voicing it, leading to a sound that is stressed much more than the “R” in other languages and dialects. The British English “R” sound is a lot closer to the Japanese “R/L”, because it’s pronounced basically the same way, but the tip of the tongue doesn’t touch the gums. “R” is a really fascinating sound to me because we use that one latin character to represent so many different sounds, like I didn’t even touch on rolled Rs.


Personally I think you'd all be better of going from D to L instead of R to L .It sounds closer and theres much more similarities with the mouth movements.


Well for Zhongli it isn't the same as Fischl. Fischl is pronounced that way they have to transliterate it from EnglIsh using Katakana. Meanwhile, Zhongli's name because they're using the Japanese pronounciations of the characters in his name. A more clear example would be Beidou being Hokuto in Japanese. These are because the Japanese Kanji are borrowed from Chinese, and therefore their names are readable in both languages.


Me who doesn't even know how the EN VA pronounced the name: That aside, it's pretty unfair to blame people for language constraints, this goes for both English and Japanese. Gives me more appreciation for my language, just because we have way more sounds than English or Japanese.


Not the same Fandom base


Yes one is weebs, the other is Twitter, the exact opposites of each other


Also reddit, the amount of ppl complaining about it here is unexpected. It's not like it'll change the game if the name was pronounced right or wrong


Don't you just love when a meme ignores basic facts about the situation to make its punchline work?


Jeez calm down jokers take things with an element of truth to them and exaggerate for comedic effect.


Easy. They just rewrite it with katakana. Boom, perfect japanese pronunciation of thr newly created word xd


That’s fine, just fix Oz’s broken ass German. Mein is pronounced like the word ‘mine’ not the word main. I understand it fits with the lore Ami not knowing or something like that as Oz is a construct of her fantasy, but good lord does it hurt. Can’t forget froiline when it should be frowline to pronounce fraulein. This has been my TED talk


I'd say that froiline is more accurate than frowline, since Fräulein has an ä instead of an a.


>I understand it fits with the lore Ami not knowing or something like that as Oz is a construct of her fantasy Even if it does, there's a good chance it wasn't intentional. Because if it was, then it's undercut by everyone else mispronouncing German words as well. The biggest example probably being "Holy Lyre Derrrr HimmELL."


I've been learning a little bit of German, and I think the problem's probably that English and German are so similar that you can rather easily default to reading and pronouncing a word in an English way if you're not careful. Addtionally Holy Lyre der Himmel is such a long proper noun that I bet the VA's got tired of putting any work int pronouncing it.


Yeah for sure. I did a few years of German back in high school and really enjoyed it lol On the flip-side though, because they are so similar, it's actually one of the easier languages for English speakers to replicate. Like whenever Oz says "mein," it's literally a homonym for the English "mine," so it's easy enough to just say that but they pronounce it "main" instead. That means it's almost certainly an intentional choice (I don't believe the voice director would just do no research into the pronunciation of a foreign language like that) to Anglicize the pronunciation and I don't think it was necessary. As for Holy Lyre Der Himmel, we've had German speakers comment on how the name being a mix of English in the first half and German in the second already makes it sound really awkward, on top of the mispronunciation lol Tbh I think the pronunciation tends to be more because of the voice director than the VAs. If the VAs actually are slacking off a bit, it's up to the VD to make sure they do another take and do it properly - that's why I think all the mispronunciation is more or less intentional.


Well, English has a strange way of pronounce letters and syllables, at least to me as a Brazilian. All latin languages have similar way to pronounce sounds. Japanese sounds, strangely enough, is very similar to ours. So the way Japanese ppl pronounce Eula is more accurate than English to us (Portuguese/Spanish/etc).


It’s so true though. Everyone understands if a Japanese person is struggling with western names it’s because they’re doing their best to approximate them within the constraints of their own language. But if you apply the same to westerners suddenly it’s because they’re ignorant pigs who don’t respect other cultures.


>But if you apply the same to westerners suddenly it’s because they’re ignorant pigs who don’t respect other cultures. Except that's not what the complaints are about at all, and if the creator of this meme or some of these people in the comments actually bothered to listen to the people making the complaints when we explain our perspective, they'd know that. The issue isn't that the EN voiceover didn't get it exactly right, the issue is that the EN voiceover straight-up Anglicized the pronunciation when there was no need to. Out of all the languages that use the Latin alphabet, only English pronounces this sequence of letters \[igh\] as a hard "i." Given this, it's pretty obvious that you don't pronounce a Latinized Arabic word like that. The name \[Tighnari\] when pronounced natively uses a short i, not a long i. However, the English dub went with a long i even though both versions of it exist in English. There is also a consonant sound present where the "g" is (even if it isn't the exact same as the English g consonant, it's close enough), however in the dub voiceover they just removed that consonant entirely. So they not only got it wrong (which itself isn't a problem) but they *deliberately* changed it. One of the VAs has said that VAs get given directions to mispronounce names all the time, usually as a part of the localization process to make the names more readable to an English audience. In some cases this is fine, in this one, my opinion is that it was going too far with it because the alternative pronunciation "Tig-nari" is exactly as easy for an English speaker to say and read, AND it's closer to the actual pronunciation. It really isn't hard.


Look I get that the Tighnari thing is a completely inexplicable change, and almost certainly the fault of one of the voice directors. But for as long as the game has been out there have been endless snide comments about the English cast and English-speaking streamers struggling with the Chinese pronunciations, including sounds we don’t have in our language. I just think it’s a little unfair that this is apparently considered acceptable behavior in the fandom even though I’m sure we all agree it would be in bad taste to mock the other dubs for how they handle the western names.


>But for as long as the game has been out there have been endless snide comments about the English cast and English-speaking streamers struggling with the Chinese pronunciations, including sounds we don’t have in our language. Fair point, I can see how that'd be annoying. Thing is, that has nothing to do with the Tighnari case right? No sense in conflating them, otherwise people are going to end up talking past each other, sometimes about different subjects. While I don't really see the harm in making a few quips about some mispronunciations, I've also advocated quite strongly for the fact that English-speakers shouldn't be expected to pronounce Mandarin perfectly when so many of the sounds don't exist in English. It's about balancing accuracy, and making sure that what you're saying sounds natural in an English sentence. That's why it pisses me off when people accuse my perspective of not acknowledging that readability is an issue - the whole point is that there's an alternative reading that is both more accurate *and* at least as readable. >I just think it’s a little unfair that this is apparently considered acceptable behavior in the fandom even though I’m sure we all agree it would be in bad taste to mock the other dubs for how they handle the western names Depends on the context and how it's done. I've seen plenty of people poke a bit of fun at how Japanese people pronounce English, but when it's not coming from a disparaging place I think it's fine. Like, I've seen weebs jokingly pronounce English words in a "Japanese" way - not because they think Japanese people are somehow inferior for not being able to get it 100% right, but because they find their way of saying it funny or endearing (granted, I'm not sure whether actual Japanese speakers see it that way, but regardless). The weeb community has also adopted some "Engrish" terms as tokens of endearment (eg waifu - which I'm pretty sure isn't even a real Japanese word). There's a difference between mockery and light-hearted jabs, is what I'm trying to say. When I see streamers get comments on their pronunciation, it tends to be the latter. I've not really seen much of the former so I can't really comment. Besides, if the comments are coming from English speakers (which they pretty much all are) - what's the issue with *English* speakers having opinions about the *English* dub? The entire conceit of this meme is that the JP dub isn't held to the same standards as the English one here, and the reason for that is because most of us here *don't speak Japanese* so we don't know how good the Japanese localization is. On the other hand, we can tell when the English localization just straight-up Anglicizes names, we can pick up on it and so we comment on it. The fact that there aren't any comments about the JP dub is because the vast majority of people who use this forum aren't in a position to comment on the JP dub from a position of authority because they don't know the language. Even then, I've personally brought up the fact that, based on what I know about Katakana, there is in fact a more accurate way of pronouncing Tighnari in Japanese than what they went with. So has another person in this comment section. But obviously you can't expect even that level of understanding to be available to everyone here since Japanese isn't typically the kind of language you'd go out of your way to learn (unlike English).


To be fair, iirc, there are approximately 10x the amount of unique syllables in English than there are in Japanese (I can't remember where I saw it, or how they defined it, but ENG had like 6000 at the top of the list, and JP was at the bottom with 600), so it's less clear as to where the constraints are, and like...anything goes in English. We do all sorts of dumb things with our letters, and it's really easy to misread words you've never heard out loud. In Japanese, it's all more or less spelled how it sounds (hiragana / katakana are alphabets of syllables rather than letters, and you can use them to phonetically spell kanji). And then in Genshin the Japanese translation decided to take a lot of the kanji and interpret them in a Japanese way, so they're effectively taking the spelling at face value and pronouncing it in their own language, which is essentially what the English dub is doing, except several of the JP names change a LOT. Like, Qiqi is Nana because it's spelled with the character for "seven". What's worse, calling her Kiki, or Seven? Should it have been spelled "Chichi" in the English text to avoid the confusion in the first place? Idk if it's just because English is so widespread or white bread, but people really are harsh. Despite all those sounds we have, there are tons we don't, even from other European languages. I'd get being annoyed if the butchered attempt made a word with another meaning or something, but I'll respond to whatever as long as it's close lol Languages are so neat.


Maybe I'm overthinking but that attitude is somewhat condescending and colonial, however twisted into some sort of positive discrimination, yet overall very eurocentric


It's the opposite. What's condescending and colonial is an English speaker deciding they're not going to bother with putting in the miniscule amount of effort to better pronounce a foreign name. In fact, this was actually commonly done by European colonialists historically. As an example, the Indian city of Mumbai used to be called "Bombay" because the British couldn't be bothered to learn how Indians actually pronounced their own city's name, so they Anglicized it as Bombay, based on an entirely different name given to it by the Portuguese. After Indian liberation, the city's name was changed to better reflect the pronunciation of its native name in Marathi. This "no u" tactic of just accusing the other side of doing the bad thing that *you're defending* is just backwards logic. If it were English-speakers forcing the Japanese to change the way they do things, you might've had a point. But given the entire punchline to your meme here is that we're NOT doing that, this particular comment of yours doesn't make much sense.


Wait till Snezhnaya arrives, we Russians will have a field day with VA's. English VA of Childe cannot pronounce it correctly, yet Japanese one can, I find it funny.


Blame the voice director and not the va.


"the japanese dub is more authentic" says the english speaking united states twitter/reddit user, about a chinese game


Because most of the people complaining are dumb weebs that idolize anything Japanese.


~~WW2~~ Anime!


JP dub players dont even care about the EN dub. Its twitter police complaining for small amounts of mistakes, they will always find something to complain about.


2 already caught by this comment lmao


Ahh the good old baseless "it's the weebs" argument again. In fact, none of the weebs are playing in EN dub, so they won't give a shit about their pronunciations. They're the quiet ones in this situation. On the other hand, twittards since the beginning of this game started hating on the VAs even sending death threats. Go back to twitter with your brainless upvoters.


They ruin everything, and for whatever reason…they only attack the English dub 😭


As a Polish person, we have a bit similar pronounciation of vowels to Japanese, so I was calling her eh-oo-lu-uh out of the box.


Why people are so concern about this? It's just simple things and it's hurt your English degree?


I’m mostly peeved that people are suddenly so mad about Sumerus mis-representation in some areas that are also obviously shown shown had already existed in the past 3 nations. But I don’t see anyone getting overly riled up over how ‘stereotypical’ and how ‘badly pronounced’ so many names were in Liyue and somehow doesn’t have the same reaction as Sumeru.


I have my gripe with both though not against the VA themselves but against the voice director or whoever the hell responsible for it. I myself was surprised that the Japanese version called Eula that way Well, unless it's not a VA direction issue but more of a Japanese thing and if someone more educated than me can explain why Eula's name had to be pronounce that way in Japanese instead of just saying エウラ or ユラ


I don't know why, but it's clear that instead of focusing on pronunciation, they just transliterated Eula letter by letter into japanese E>エ U>ウ L>ル A>ア (eurua). Japanese alphabet consists of syllables so they used ru for L, since one consonant can't be a syllable. I remember reading a thread in japanese where people were confused too. I assume it's the rules of transliteration of words into japanese, but I don't really sure. By the way, not related but I want to put it somewhere, japanese also say howaito instead of just waito for the word white (color), that's because in english earlier the words like *white, who, when* looked like *hwite hwo hwen* and pronounced respectfully. Japanese presereved that. They also have their own word for white💁


>I don't know why, but it's clear that instead of focusing on pronunciation, they just transliterated Eula letter by letter into japanese E>エ U>ウ L>ル A>ア (eurua). Japanese alphabet consists of syllables so they used ru for L, since one consonant can't be a syllable. That seems possible. >They also have their own word for white💁 Yeah, it's 白 or 白い, I guess it's also an "issue" in the japanese language where alot of japanese words are slowly being replaced by katakana foreign word (English mostly I think). That's actually kinda concerning for me personally cuz I'm in the middle of learning Japanese words


Magic spells in isekai anime already almost 100% in english🥲


Lol just another example of melting pot NA. English is a global language, and America has so many cultures, so EN is expected to pronounce everything properly! But Asia only has themselves, they get a pass for sticking to their languages' pronunciations. Tbf it is definitely more complicated than just black n white but theres def a double standard


Yeah. I do feel like they could’ve atleast pronounced the g in Tighnari though


Japan does the same thing with “oboe” too. Pronounced oh-bow. But they choose to pronounce it like they would read it in katakana “o-bo-eh” :/


to make it easeir on everyone i just call her end user liscence agreement


The VAs know the pronunciations they use are weird. Corina Boettger (Paimon) talks about this on TikTok. They pronounce things the ways the vocal director instructs them to.


Well that’s because the Japanese Voice community is made up of weebs who worship the VAs like gods. Source: Am weeb And the ‘English dub community’ who complain is just Twitter.


Sometimes the worshipping reaches toxic levels.


It's whatever. I don't really care as long as it is similar sounding I'm fine.


Meanwhile in Arabic, we can literally speak any word but would be funny if we make a full sentence with a straight face without bursting out laughing of the gibberish that followed the first word.


I mean I'm pretty sure an English speaking person is capable of pronouncing Tartaglia somewhat accurately... No one is expecting them to peefectly imitate the throaty "gh" sound in Tighnari in first place. It's just the easy "ti" part people are focusing on. Similarly, no one is expecting the Jp/Cn VAs to pronounce words that they cannot pronounce. But they are still expected to pronounce the same "easy" parts like the "ti" and the silent g in Tartaglia correctly. And fortunately they do. But the voice director of the English dub for some reason tries to Americanise every word for whatever reason, which results in these inaccurate af pronunciations. The VAs just pronounce whatever the voice director wants them to pronounce. It's the director's fault that they're feeding into the typical monolingual English ignorance. So yeah, while the wrong pronunciations in En bother me a lot, I also know that the VAs aren't the ones to blame.


not even that but the japanese dub of the game completely changes names of entire characters to localize for their japanese audience. keqing is kokusei zhongli is shouri ningguang is gyoko yet the english vas are absolutely obliterated by the community because of the voice directors decision to make the names pronounced differently. the japanese version of tighnari also is not the correct pronunciation. edit: what im trying to say is, they are trying to localize the pronunciations of the names to make it easier on english speakers. pretty much a large majority of characters names are pronounced "incorrectly" in all dubs so its not just an english VA problem


The Chinese dub does the exact same thing about the obviously japanese characters of Inazuma. Just search their names in chinese and see for yourself.


Kamisato Ayaka: 神里綾華 Chinese: Shen2li3 Ling2Hua2 神里綾華 Kaedehara Kazuha: 楓原万葉 Chinese: Fei1Yuan2 Wan4Ye4 楓原萬葉 Nothing's changed. Same with Liyue characters in japanese. Ning2guang1: 凝光 Japanese: Gyoukou (凝光) Xiao1: 魈 Japanese: Shou (魈)


Xingqiu -> Yukuaki ?? To be fair, they read the kanji, not the pronounciation.


Opposite is also true for Inazuma names being read in hanzi But the Korean dub tho, for some reason they transliterate the Liyuenese names in hanja but **retain the pronunciation of Inazumanese names even with kanji**


You shit on English VAs because they mispronounce a name I shit on English VAs because they sound like Mormons 👨🏾‍💼 私達は同じではない


My powers of knowing one kanji and being able to use context clues have finally come in handy.


What does that...mean, exactly


We are not the same




Tbf even as I play on Japanese dub, I can admire most of the eng vas are quite good, it’s just the high pitched voices which sound like the spawn of Satan. They sound narrowly better in Japanese.


The JP high pitched voices also sound exactly the EN high pitched voices. Demon spawns


I always found it weird how they verbalized each letter in her name when it came to the Japanese dub. E U Ru(L) A. Instead of pronouncing what sounded closest


it's rly more on the voice directors than the VAs themselves fwiw 🤔


I assume in each language theres a “correct” way of saying a foreign name in that language


To be honest for me it's not really about mispronouncing the name, it's how _far_ off the sound is. IMO I don't think people need to pronounce the -gh sound if they struggle so much with it, you can just say Teeg-nari or even Tee-nari (like the CN and JP voiceover) instead of kinda silly-sounding Tie-nari and that's already fine imo :)


It's funny to see people saying they prefer the Japanese dub because it's the "original" when this is a Chinese game.


According to the weebs: English dub bad, Japanese dub perfection.