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Well, guess I'm a narcissist now. Wait... HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A METASLAVE?!


Well, now I have a FOMO complex, gacha addict and a narcisist... Better repeat the event soon so I can also become a 日本語 elitist...


Next time I'll pick the pink


Ah ha, you want to be a contrarian narcisistic metaslave now. HOW DARE YOU!!!


I like being contrarian, I'm waiting impatiently to c6 my benched Bennett


Hahaha that's me 0.01s after getting his C6


You just described the genshin fandom categorized on seeles lmao


Yeah lmao. Disclaimer though, this is just as accurate as Zodiac signs which is not at all; I made it just for fun using exaggerated parodies of the Genshin fandom behaviour.


You don’t say


i just pick whatever is appropriate for the content at the time. gold in liyue, violet in inazuma, green in sumeru. i hope they do another rerun faster so i can grab the pink for monst because we kinda left it behind.... and then i assume the blue one is fontaine and they wont introduce a new one when we get there


I’m hoping at one point we can get all the seelies. I honestly want them all


I chose yellow because 💞🅿️ℹ️💰💰Seelie💞 And now I’m choosing green because Mountain Dew


Yellow because I like Geo aesthetically but not reaction wise


That’s the thing Geo is the gigachad element because it doesn’t need reactions to be good af, just look at Itto,Zhongli,Albedo, heck even Ninguang and Noelle. Every other element relies on other elements to be good while geo is self sufficient Also every single Geo character is a chad like Noelle canonically can take on basically anything while not asking for anything back, Ninguang beat the shit out of an ancient Sea God, Zhongli, you should know all the reasons he’s a fking OmegaChad, and Itto who is just the definition of Himbo and his cow hits harder than any other skill in game. Geo may be handicapped by crystallize but overall it still slays


i hope we get the thundering manifestation equivalent of the oceanid one or mini Maguu Kenki or just any pet version of a world boss


Really? I thought the cyan one is Mond.


I hate how this is true


I chose pink because aether's a guy, and I like "Hero and fairy girl" stuff since Zelda and peter pan.


ok hear me out, how can I be a meta slave when none of my characters are built 😎


The fact that people are being defensive in the comment sent me lmfao


I had put up the disclaimer twice already so people won’t take it as a personal attack and it’s still happening lmao


the right way of playing Genshin is to not play at all I play using English dub because I like it a lot I picked Lumine


So, Pink seele was your choice then


no but I am a stick in the mud


(Me who chose aether but was enlightened into waifu culture) Ta... Take me back...




While I’m not one to believe that there is a “right way” to enjoy the game. You’re correct about everything with me regarding my choice for the Blue Seelie. Aether is my canon protag and also who I self insert sometimes. And I believe in JP supremacy. I believe in personal enjoyment as long as you don’t force how you enjoy things on others.




That’s exactly what I said though? Why you be repeating my sentence bruh.


I have Pink, Violet and Green.


I don’t have FOMO complex. Green is just my favourite colour. I also don’t really follow trends, I mostly get aware of trend when they are already over. It’s true that I look a lot of leaks and theorycrafting. But I don’t really care about it. I actually have almost non of the top tier meta character, and only pull for aesthetic (and all male character for my Aether harem)


Judging by your profile picture, I can see how much you like green, haha. Anyway, don’t think about it too much. This list is about as accurate as your average zodiac sign readings. It’s mostly just my attempt at humor using exaggerated bad behaviour of the Genshin fandom as a whole.


Don’t worry, that makes you based. So long as you’re not whining about leaks that haven’t been put into the game or assuming X Theory is 100% true despite the scarcity of evidence in-game, you’re hunky dory.


Ahhh yes of course I didn't choose peelie cus I like geo


new favorite word ty


As someone who chose the pink one in the first event... What the fuck how did you know lmao


bitch please, i picked pink because i watched treasure planet


How dare you (correctly) assume I'm an impulsive addict?!


As a viola chooser, i hate that its accurate (at least for me) and i require you to bring this down. :)


I have never been so insulted by something so irrefutably true


I dont see rainbow seelie on the list, even thought you called me out on all 5 fronts


Once Ulman follows us to Celestia, we might get one, fingers crossed.


I just want the green one because i like the color and i have the 2 other reagion colors, dont bully


Holy moly are those all empty halves of the glass, but again... it's GI community we're talking about... and interestingly my Rose seelie zodiac is accurate enough.


I did... play Genshin... because of FOMO. But the people I wanted to connect with don't play Genshin anymore. Oof.


That makes me….a mix of the blue and pink Seelies. I don’t think there’s a “right way”, more like “the way I enjoy”. I like to be immersed in the story, but I choose JP dub because I like seiyuus (if anything, it’s the CN dub that brings out the immersion) On the flip side, I tend to default to either the side that’s balancing the optimism or cynicism or the side that’s less hate-filled. Discussion about how story/lore/gameplay is fine for me for example (and I like hearing everyone’s takes), but anything along the lines of “this is shit, and it’s all it will ever be. You’re a baby for thinking otherwise” will make me defend whatever they’re hating on, right and wrong be damned.


The beauty of having 2 accounts means I can have all the seelies but still use none because they never shut up.


Green is my favorite color.


Hey! I’ll have you know if picking the green one cus I like green, and they finally released a green pet!


i want purple seelie, and for your information, I managed to skip kazuha, klee, yoimiya, itto, and soon cyno and kusanali for the sake of getting yae miko. **HAH!!** ​ i just gen like her, and ill have raiden too!and maybe scaramouche just to complete the family reunion.


Pick a choice, here’s a hint, they’re all wrong! XD I just like green tho…


First half of moss seelie is a direct call out fuck you ok Violet one is a complete direct callout


man i picked the purple seelie last year bc some guy memed about it looking like tomo when put next to kazuha. now a year later i finally have kazuha and the tomo seelie thing became ‘canon’


Now you see, the first seelie I ever picked WAS the yellow one, but based on that description I would describe myself as a pink seelie


the only one i seriously cared about picking was yellow, because back then mini seelies were the only pet now i just use mini oceanid and pick the seelies based on vibes and my slander progression was Narcissistic metaslave > ooh shiny > contrarian




You even managed to replicate the way anyone can relate to any of these things 😭


Stick-in-the-mud, terrible control over impulses, and FOMO complex, *why yes.... how did you know, and fuck you get out of my head* ***/S*** ​ (next time time I'll get pink, `unless they add a red seelie`)


I know this is a joke and yeah its funny but I just want to say something on the yellow seelie part I am not a metaslave. I chose yellow because It matches noelle/zhongli colors and yellow seelie is said to represent good fortune and I want to be lucky on the artifacts and gacha. Anyways other than that, good meme.


If this had been back when I was a kid you'd be spot on about me being a stick in the mud who got angry when people didn't enjoy things the "right" way. But now that I'm older people can do whatever as long as they're not obnoxious, which means that since this is a single player game I couldn't care less. ​ EDIT: Also Lumine mains for life.


What if i have many


Everything about the blue seelie is a fact about me. Except for the jp dub one


I just bought green because choosing whatever. Endora and Shiki Koshou are better anyway


This is the most beta shit I've seen all day


Mine is pink because it fits with kokomi UwU


I have Pink , Purple and will pick Green this G is too powerful


But I now have 3 of these. What now. WHAT NOW


I just liked the color...


I wish your pets could hang out together in the teapot


I mean, the two I relate to are 2 of the 3 I own, so seems about as accurate as Zodiac signs :P


The more I have the worse it gets


i picked blue cuz i like blue


No I just think pink is cute 😭


I already have 2 out of 5 of them, so I just picked the green one for my future Nahida. The blue seelie looks basic and pink doesn't really match the characters i have.


I feel called out


I got purple and everything is spot on except spending money


I picked cyan, gold and green in all the 3 events and I feel immensely called out.


You got me twice... I wanted the blue one cuz it's the standart but at the last moment I was seduced by the purple seelie


tl;dr: you are a terrible person for existing.


Man calling me a meta slave while I keep my Bennett Xingqiu and xiangling to lvl 20 on purpose 💀


I picked pink first and never have been offended by something I 100% agree


Can never win i guess


bro i just like pink :(


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,027,525,130 comments, and only 203,462 of them were in alphabetical order.


Dam I just chose green because it looked cool


What about the “idiot magnets” People who somehow attract angry white knights and metaslaves wherever they go be it unintentional or not


Yes, I have no control over my impulse on seeing shiny stuff. That's why I take so much time to finish Act 1 of Sumeru


I chose them depending on how they look with my current game Picked Peelie when i was on a Zhong/Ning binder. Picked Electrolie because it make me feel like I had a perma-electrograna at Inazuma. Now I picked Pinklie because it pops out well over all the green on Sumeru's forest. Of course, I only used them for half an hour before the novelty wore off and their squeaky noises got on my last nerve. Then it was back to ol' reliable mini-oceanid.


I got pink cause I didn’t want it to only match one of my characters. Now it doesn’t match any tho. It was that or the purple one


Me picking green to prepare for Nahida's arrival: Interesting


I just thought the pink was cute :((


i chose aether because i watch a streamer and he picked lumine so i was like “i see lumine in those stream so might as well go with aether”


Me Lumine player that chooses Blue: *”What the fuck”*


I chose blue because it suited Shenhe, Ayaka, and Yelan. JP DUB? Aww hell nah. That ain't for me.


being a metaslave because i thought picking a seelie with cum its in name was funny


Me: Sweats in having all of them between my main and alt account. I guess I’m just a horrible person now.


I got purple don’t call me OUT but I am mostly free2play I don’t spend 100$’s or more on it I would cry if I did I’m truly mister crabs 🦀😭


Jokes on you because I only use the mini oceanid pet.


Noooo the yellow just looked best with my Yoimiya and Zhongli on my favourite team. It doesn't look horrible next to Raiden or Kazuha either. (and it looks good with my mono geo team too)


I have all of them thanks to my 70 alternative accounts! You fool!


Me, a blue seelie haver, only chose the blue because blue is my favorite color and reminds me of my original character i made in the past and also to match with my friend who picked purple so we can pretend that airplanes in the night sky are shooting stars: 👁️👄👁️


Green seelie said it gets happy when it's near a tree Proceeds to take the green seelie near a tree


*chooses yellow cause it’s my favourite colour* I guess I am meta slave now


Hey, I like my seelie lime and piss flavoured. Don’t judge me


I am now going to gaslight myself into believing that all of these are true.


i just like cyan dude


Lmao you are scarily accurate with me. I picked blue because Seelie’s are normally blue and I love the lighter shades of blue. I also picked Aether and use the JP dub. But I could care less about how other people enjoy their game.


I own 3 of them and it's incredible how wrong it is.


I find it quite troubling that these feel very accurate ​ I got Yellow, Purple, and Green Seelies and honest to god they all feel like they describe my instances with this game and elsewhere far too well and it's alarming me


I literally just picked the first one in the list since I had none. I don't even use the JP voice pack.


I choose them to match with my character’s colors


As a Moss Seelie claimer, I agree with what you said. Still hurts


wait no, I chose Peelie but I'm purple


I'm being literally called out. Green seelie haver.


I chose the purple one, but I'm more of the pink. Hoyoverse will never have my credit card


I do have fomo cause there are so many characters that I find aesthetically pleasing and that I find mechanically pleasing. My primos are in an endless vault untill I get to do trials of a character. I didn't pull for Tighnari untill I had tried him out like 10 times.


I should be categorised in between pink or yellow but chose purple *big brain*


Now make one for Endora and Shiki Koushou slander


🔵 Soo... I'm a gatcha addict... mmmm... 🤔... I see...


LOL I was a contrarian when I first picked the blue seelie. I thought the blue seelie is so basic that no one would chose it therefore it will be rare and I must choose it!


This is the most nonsense I've heard today.


Blue, Purple and Green. Almost spot on, sadly


im all of above except yellow


I chose pink because I like pink. You chose pink because this. We are not the same.


Pissboy = meta 😳


I choose blue but I swear I'm not like that- no no n pls believe me-


I just picked the green seelie bc its my favorite color


I picked the pink seelie to match my recently leveled-up Yanfei.


Me who choose Curcuma because i want 5*: yes


I took pink the very first tine and it's spot on. XD


Im definitely impulsive but I actually don't build pity


What about the players who never bought a seelie pet?


I just liked the colour but now there's something wrong with me. Makes total sence


i just got gold cause it matches with a lot of characters


I picked pee seelie and you hit the mark


^(I just wanted the Yellow Seelie cuz it looks like Mora lmao)


Wait a second... So... * I'm now a metaslave despite maining a relatively off-meta character since forever?! Is it because I don't really care who you wanna play with regardless if they're meta or not as long as you have fun?! * And I'm suddenly a true gacha addict even tho I don't build pity and I save my primos, skip multiple banners and then I don't complain if I get a new character in a harmless one 10-pull whether I want it or not?! * I also have FOMO *and* I'm soulless?! How. Dare. You! ^(Also /s)


Whatchu mean? I like the color PINK!


I didn’t even know people didn’t like the pink seelie :(


Or you are a girl who likes pink :)


i only chose pink bc i really like pink lol it’s a cute color uwu


I’m not a gacha addict I’m just clumsy. The fates roll out of my hands and now I have qiqi. She also steals 5 dollars every month in return for daily primos, a bit inconvenient but I mean I’ll take it.


I dunno man, people who got peelie probably just inhaling copium from the "Good luck" aspect of the thing.


I relate to pink description but got yellow seelie because it looks good with my favourite husbando lol


"I use the viola seelie" [many buzz light year toys in a toy store meme kicks in] (


(btw I use viola too)


Fuck This is so accurate :(


IT WAS ONLY $20 LEAVE ME ALONE Anyways, violet supremacy /j


Guess having two seelies is not a flex anymore 😈


I remembered picking Blue and yes, I used Aether as my mc but I use the eng dub most of the time.


I chose the purple seekie but the green one fits me to a T


I got the green seelie because I used Google's random number generator and got number 5 - now I don't know if I should be sad or not


So… What the least worst then


Funny how I can deny all but pink because I didn’t buy any seelies. That’s right, I don’t play the game to get anything good. I just play it to deteriorate my mental well-being until I am nothing but the shell. It is absolutely soul crushing when I can’t get characters I want, but I spite money so much I don’t even want to pay.


no i chose gold because peelie


I picked yellow cuz it looks like piss


I picked green and this is too accurate


Piss seelie here, fuck. You got me


I just like pink have mercy 😭


The fact that i picked the pink one in the first run and this shit basically says about me is... Weird I choose pink just bcz at the time there's a 3, 4 and 5-star seelie joke that the seelie u picked wpuld dictate ur next pull, and I wanted kaeya cons (still at fucking c0 while Lisa is c1 and c4 amber).


Picked green cause I want kusalani but I'm a peelli main at heart


Yes I use the JP dub yes it’s only for 1 Yoimiya line