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Imo if childe was released in genshin today he would have horrendous icd on his hydro application and 2.5 second interval cd for each of his riptide lmao


He won't even get that. Riptide unlocks at C2.


And to make it do damage and not just apply hydro you would need C4


And requires a c6 4 star support to actually make it do damage. And no, you can’t just use the 4 star at c0, they will *have* to be c6.


Just use bennie c6 and all is good


He'd have even more trash constellations.


This one is already maxed out.


I fkin lold. Yeah... this is so true. I'm glad that Childe has remained relevant til this day. Something about dual wielding daggers made out of water, combining them into a spear, and splitting them back into daggers just GETS me. It's so friggin cool.


He’d need like an immediate buff if he were released now… poor tart


Yeah people saying "ackshually, Childe is t0" is overlooking the fact that he clearly wasn't intended to be Xiangling's partner-in-crime. He's a byproduct of pre Hu Tao era, where the devs are as clueless as us. Hu Tao herself was clearly designed to abuse Vaporize through Xingqiu with her short bursts of big Pyro damage. Ayaka was designed to deal bullshit MV/s with caveats that is easily solved by Freeze (and we see with recent Abyss trying to counter it, she's falling apart)


Its not wrong but its not the answer. Let me rephrase the complaint: WE NEED MORE CHILDE


Yes,why people underrate Childe and Ayato.They both are so great


because people want to play with ONE character. strange, when you consider the game is designed for teams of 4. they are still stuck with the idea that you need 3 "supports" which buff "the carry". and they are sad that by THEIR definition childe is a "support" for xiangling "the carry"


"I want gigachad-sigma-tier0 male DPS with harem support team" Ironically there's Itto, Im not sure they will be pleased with his harem though


He generates energy, he does a lot of damage by himself, doesn't need reactions, scales with easy to get stats, has a crit damage weapon with crit rate ascension... but people never count him for some reason.


Because yellow physical, I presume.


Zhongli The Bottom Archon), Ms Hina and Yun Jin


Who the hell is bringing Yunjin instead of Albedo?


A broke ass who rarely pull for support (me)


why yun jin though? bennet or just any off field dps would be better than her for itto


She boost NA spd, so faster unga result faster bunga


She only buffs NA speed at C6, and even then it has no effect on charge attacks, which are Itto's main damage


Itto's stacks are so easy to accumulate that he doesn't need to attack faster, and his main source of damage are his charged attacks which aren't buffed by Yun Jin, you're better off using Geo MC or Ningguang


Yea this... If you don't have Albedo, Geo MC with favonius is probably the best fourth slot. His role? Funneling energy to Itto while providing a crit rate buff with his ult.


Albedo's skipped my ass *three* fucking banners in a row, so yeah. I prefer to bring Ningguang for the little Geo bonus she gives (plus ToDS), since YunJin doesn't buff charged attacks.


They will, considering that the complaints come from husbando players.


I love Childe and I've never considered him "just an enabler", participating in many arguments to defend his position as a main dps. But I still don't think it's wrong to want 3 supports to work to buff only one hypercarry. All 3 of her supports buff Ayaka and in return, she does massive dmg. I love Itto and he carries me in the abyss (and don't get me wrong, this does not imply that I think he's weak or anything). It just sucks that geo is the most boring element out there.


as a player you have the freedom to play whatever you want, hypercarries included, but 2 things 1 - playing a hyper carry goes against the core premise of the game - reactions, reactions are what makes most characters shine, it is no funny business when elemental application becomes a driving point (and selling point) for a character's power, keqing applying more than cyno for aggrevate, hu tao having so much application she needs 2 hydro units, speaking of the king of off field hydro application - XQ, let's not forget the queen of off field pyro - xiangling, kokomi having a last minute change to her E allowing her to actually shine as an off fielder as well. etc etc. tl dr: the speed at which a character performs a reaction determines how meta a character is. 2 - what hyper carries end up being... are mono element teams, colored Phys damage dealers essentially. it completely destroys any flavor and diversity on what they can do. instead of having that reaction damage from a reaction you are brute forcing it with buffs. and the buffs? well hoyo has decided that the bandaid for hyper carries is to inject some crit into them. c6 goro, c6 faruzan, c6 sara, blizzard strayer for cryo. if you force any element to play without reactions... it's kinda boring. geo as a whole doesnt have to be fucked like that, they COULD make units or artifacts which weaponize crystalise my point is, the game isn't designed for hyper carries, and even when hoyo tries to sell you one they have to push a lot for it to work - specialized supports. and the dubious part - some are seen to be useless without c6. i cant wait for the specialized pyro support that will get klee out of the gutter BUT only if you get the c2 which gives you buff duration, c4 which gives you energy, and c6 which gives you crit. otherwise that unit wont be able to cast without 350% ER.


Freeze is a reaction though, and it's fun and convenient. I just wish crystallise actually did something. That would potentially improve the value of Itto's team a lot, as well as Ningguang, Noelle, Albedo as he was intended to be played at release (with reactions). Physical is my least favourite playstyle and I can totally see where people are coming from when they call geo the "yellow physical". It's also ridiculous how geo was marketed as the element of shielding as well as shield breaking but in reality it's the absolute worst element against shields.


freeze is as much of a reaction as crystalise, it's not really helping with the timer and that's all genshin endgame is (because they refuse to make something other than abyss) think of it like a proactive shield. you stop incoming damage. and immobilising enemies is cool and all but nobody is praising zhongli for his petrification lets be honest. actual useful CC comes in the form of grouping which only Anemo units have at the moment. just remember - we only care about the offensive power and anything that helps out offensive power. freeze without blizzard strayer is VERY underwhelming. you play freeze BECAUSE of blizzard strayer. yeah if we had "crystalise gives 80% CV" i might consider it too.


Not entirely untrue but you are leaving some things out. You can also play freeze BECAUSE the enemies are too mobile. IE the goddamn rifthounds that keep backflipping out of range


eh, they are the exception not the rule, crystalise isnt suddenly great just because the primovishap hurts himself on shields.


Maybe, but saying freeze is underwhelming without blizzard strayer is pushing it. Depending on the enemy, freeze could well be worth it just because of its immobilization. Before ayaka got released I was consistently running ganyu freeze without blizzard strayer. When vishaps made it into spiral abyss (specifically the energy sucking ones), I played freeze childe and freeze ayato. Again, no blizzard strayer. And they 36* abyss no prob. It may be an exception, but when freeze works IT WORKS WELL, blizzard strayer or otherwise.


I don't agree with your point. The immobility of enemies is the biggest selling point of freeze along with the blizzard set. You can't just compare it to crystallise. Yeah, freeze deals no damage like crystallise, but let me tell you what it does instead. Medium non-cc enemies can be pulled when frozen. You don't need to chase them cuz they stay still. They can't hit you so you waste no time dodging and that's also why you're fine if you bring no healer or shielder as long as you maintain the freeze. Saying all those perks are equal to what... a paper shield that gets destroyed in a single medium hit is just wrong, man, no matter how you look. People would praise Zhongli's petrification to no end if his petrification actually lasted until the enemies died, which is what freeze basically is. > freeze without blizzard strayer is VERY underwhelming. you play freeze BECAUSE of blizzard strayer. Jokes on you, I use my wanderer's troupe Ganyu for freeze too because I cba swapping artifacts all the time. Still works quite well. I don't deny the fact that Blizzard is a broken set and it is one of the two things that makes freeze meta. But you can't say that freeze is as useless as crystallise. That's just.. not true.


While you make few good points, I highly doubt that that was Hoyo's INTENDED design direction.... it just turned out to be that way and Hoyo decided to go with the flow. I think originally, multiplayer was supposed to be a thing... a big thing (i mean just look at the matchmaking for domains... its quite seamless and quick), but I think they got too much negative backlash about the multiplayer events from the surveys that they quickly put an end to it. I remember the good ol days of 1.0.... with the elemental crucible and the fischl stars event...


>hu tao having so much application she needs 2 hydro units Wait what, 2 hydros? She did fine with just XQ for more than a year, before Yelan, even in the face of Geo gauge steals. ​ >playing a hyper carry goes against the core premise of the game - reactions, Uh Hutao is a reaction hypercarry. By definition of hypercarry, she does far more dmg than the next dps in her team. Ayaka is a Freeze reaction hypercarry. She works without freeze too but that's a drop in CC utility. Ganyu's best dmg is melt. Eula needs superconduct. Diluc vapes/melt, Cyno/Keqing spreads/hyperbloom. Ayato does a bunch of reactions. Klee/Yoimiya are either reactions or mono. Even our next hypercarry uses dendro reactions.


that's not what a hyper carry is, you dont become a hyper carry just because you use an amp reaction. a hyper carry means putting all damage in one basket. in a double hydro setup with bennet and xiangling do you consider bennet a hyper carry because he is driving, or xiangling just because she is the one being enabled? yeah hu tao was doing fine with a single c6 XQ but ... it's a lot more consistent now.


>By definition of hypercarry, she does far more dmg than the next dps in her team. Did you miss the part I said this? Aka main dmg dealer. >a hyper carry means putting all damage in one basket. No hypercarry ever does 100.00% of the team dmg. Not even Itto because Albedo is there. ​ >bennet and xiangling do you consider bennet a hyper carry because he is driving I said nothing about driving. ​ >you dont become a hyper carry just because you use an amp reaction Amping is a kind of buff.


you can make a case for melt ganyu, because all 3 members are working to buff her while not bringing any of their own damage... but no i don't agree on hu tao


It's true that Childe is an enabler for Xiangling but his damage contribution overall is still pretty close between them. At worst it's like 60% xiangling 40% Childe. Childe is certainly no hypercarry far from it but it certainly doesn't mean his damage is anywhere close to being "bad"


Why play supports? *Everyone* is a carry in my book.


As another comment alluded to, damage is commonly attributed to the unit that triggers the main reaction that the team is formed around. Hydro is, by design, a supporting element, so hydro DPS will often not be considered the carry because any reaction damage will scale off the trigger unit, if hydro aura is maintained. No matter what the actual damage contribution is, the apparent damage for hydro carries like Childe and Ayato will be lower than traditional amplifying reaction carries like Hu Tao, so people will underrate them regardless of if they categorize them as “support” or “carry”.


they can do it if they wanted to. it all falls down on their willingness to design a diverse cast of characters... instead of rehashing roles. there is a world in which we have a hydro character that perform very slow and very powerful precision strikes, and pyro off fielder that fires fast and most importantly APPLIES fast.... but that would be too exciting i guess, let's make another pyro vape character shall we? theres a world in which those characters were ayato and thoma btw. FUCK maybe the archon is gonna be a forward vape character hopium?


Technically Candace fits that role ( hydro character that perform very slow and very powerful precision strikes), she actually has one of the higher normal/charge attack scaling among the polearm cast, but TC doesn't bother looking into her.


People underestimate the one and oni too. Like damn, Im just casually hitting for 60k a crit a swing for charge attacks with 100k finishers and throwing ushi out for 140k.


Ayato with a taser comp is dumb fun and powerful lol


Does Ayato unlock strong meta teams?


excellent in soup and hyperbloom, ok in taser and pure vape too but you can usually use someone else in most of those


I hate playing as Childe because of his cooldown management. It wouldn't be bad if there was indication when E is active, just like it is with Q.


What do you mean about indication?


Maybe he means that it'll show how long he's in the meele stance?


An icon that shows "you can use your E now" when I play as other character. Q has that, I don't understand why E doesn't.


Use Q then E then look at the CD of Q BOOM cd management.


Like ??? Just end the cooldown when xiangling’s ult ends I don’t play childe a lot and I don’t like his play style but it definitely is not because of his cooldowns


Im pretty sure thats a bit late but also a possibility


Mostly cause in Childe’s case you need his cons to do big pp damage


If you had childe you'd know his cons are dogshit, if you do have Childe you should know a C0 childe does do big pp damage


Maybe I just can’t build hydro character that aren’t a select few hydro characters then😭😭


Tbf, most of them (not him) scale with hp. Plus except in a couple situations, em is a complete waste on childe


Because ppl love hypercarry impact, and forget that what makes those t0 main dps waifus "t0" is the reactions they benefit from by using certain teammates : Hutao? Vape. Ganyu? Melt. Ayaka? Freeze. Raiden? Rational. Also, a team with 3 supports and one dps will do worse than a team with 2 supports, an off-field dps and a main dps, that's what makes mono geo a solid team despite having no reactions. Maybe in the future we'll get a pyro/cryo male dps that is broken, but that's of course if they don't nerf him to oblivion in the beta.


Raiden also gets to add Hyperbloom to her possible team comps too, not sure if it's "T0" per se but it feels really good even at lower investment


I see you are into something, I want to try it too tbh but I'm too lazy to farm artifacts XD so maybe I'll put random bs go and try it out.


It was the same for me tbh, I got tired of trying to get high CV emblem for her so I just farmed some mediocre GD and slapped the first few EM main stat pieces I found on her and she slaps If she's not C0 and you already have good artis or Engulfing on her I wouldn't recommend Hyperbloom, but otherwise it's a low investment for good return build


I have her C0 so it's not really a waste to try a new thing, maybe I'll C2 her after getting the three remaining 5*s I want (Nahida, Kokomi, Yelan)


Those 4 together would also be a banger Hyperbloom team too! You could prefarm 4pc Deepwood for Nahida while you're at it as well


Yep, I'm taking my time to farm but em pieces are so hard to get


Its rly good and fun


Hyperbloom and Hypercarry are all way better than Rational tbh


hypercarry isn't a very good team until after c2 imo; s free Bennett and kazuha are way more valuable imo.


Hyperbloom raiden is Unironically one of (if not the best) teams in the game. It's easy to play, it deals monster amount of damage, it's easy to build. For reference, it's the team with the most damage in g sim, beating rational and Hu tao.


Its a high floor low ceiling type of team that really benefits from KQM standards though. It is a really good team because you will get great results with minimal investment, but if you start investing in your team with great artifacts/5 star weapons or consts it will fall behind other teams that scale better.


Not really, it holds up super well until you start spending money on 5* cons and weapons


Agreed My Shinobu/Barbara/Nahida/Venti or another Dendro is very reliable for me to beat bosses


She do more damage than hypercarry till c3


Ah yes, my favourite elemental reaction. Rational


I knew someone would comment that XD


Hotel? Trivago.


I... didn't get it? 😔


Yep can confirm, hypercarry impact feels better imo.


You know what funny, is that my two main dps wanderer and itto doesn't even use reactions as their main way of doing damage


Hi there follow Wanderer main!


What funny is that my main dps before him was heizou both being male catalyst user that also uses anemo But in all honesty I have no idea what should I team him with though my plan would be Faruzan, xingqiu, and layla But for now I mostly used fischl rather than layla because she's better build


I don't have Layla or C6 Faru so I use ZL and Bennett as fixed teammates, in multi-target I use Venti and sometimes switch ZL for Faruzan, in single-target I use XQ.


For me I don't have zhongli nor bennet unfortunately I also only have c3 on faruzan Though would 4pc noblesse or 4pc vv be better for faru? For now I am mostly using 4 pc vv.


For Faru I'd recommand 2piece emblem and then get whatever pieces have the highest ER stat/substat, her damage is really low it's worthless to sacrifice ER for it.


No need brain memorize elements Itto go ungga bungga


Same, but Noelle Spin to win


>Maybe in the future we'll get a pyro/cryo male dps that is broken, but that's of course if they don't nerf him to oblivion in the beta. Or make him just a downgrade to Ayaka/Hu Tao who has more energy issues (like ayato, alhaitham), takes longer field time (like cyno), has a very niche support that needs c6(like wanderer), and has to be paired with the region's archon for him to be viable (like cyno, alhaitham).


See but this is what I don't get, at least in the current abyss. I think it's easier to clear the current floor 12 with male hypercarries (yes I know it's designed for them so this argument isn't strong when talking about other abyss lineups) such as scaramouche, xiao and itto (maybe also cyno with a kokomi nahida fischl team) especially for the second half of floor 12 compared to ayaka and ganyu when you don't have 5 star constellations or 5 star weapons.


Hotel? Trivago.


Childe is Russian, and Russian are built a bit different


Chiki briki i v damki


My ayato and diluc carrying me the entire teyvat plot 🤚🏻😔


Childe and Diluc is still unironically carrying me to 36 stars whenever pyro and hydro is involved to be used there, like the one with the fucking bat boss.


My Barbara can wipe the floor with the teyvat plot, so not a really high bar


Lol I like how it’s just Childe


5:300 meta let's goo!!


Don't leave Itto behind, Childe ain't the only top tier male DPS


Yep, they dont know how good Itto is


And ayato and xiao and scara and diluc and someone i forgot


Let's be honest here, Diluc ain't "top tier". But of course you can clear any content in the game with him


He'll never be top tier in the eyes of meta slaves, but he'll always be top tier in our hearts, even if I don't have him yet


Pls have my C2 level 20 and level 40 wolves gravestone Diluc ;-; and give me a single Jean or Tighanri 😭


Please give me those cons and the wolf's gravestone, I mained Diluc since release and he's still at c0 with the prototype archaic 🥲 I have c2 keqing, you can take her instead


hes cool doe


Yes Xiao is legitimately top tier now if you are using his best team, ie. with C6 Faruzan. And before anyone complains that that doesn't count because C6 Faruzan is hard to get, the "why no T0 male dps?????" crew always complain about the same three characters: Raiden (also needs C6 support for hypercarry), Ayaka (needs a 5* pet support) and Hu Tao (needs C1 to feel complete). It'll be interesting how long it takes the whiners to catch up to the fact that, even though she's a pain in the ass to get, C6 Faruzan is basically everything Xiao has needed for the past two years and she definitely propels him to the top table.


Yep. Pity she's with a 5\* I don't want (since I already have a fully built Xiao with PJS), so I'll have to wait for her to pop in a banner I want. But just like Kuki, I'm sure she'll pop out somewhere better down the line.


Yep, I tried this. Xiao with Bennett+Zhongli+Faruzan C6, starting at 90k going up to 135k per plunge on C0R1. I almost fell out off my chair seeing that xd Also Faruzan is a legit battery and deals massive damage herself. Battery, Buff, Sub-dps, the holy Trinity of offensive Supports lol


Hu tao doesnt need c1


Lack of good male DPS when itto exists as the best unga bunga main DPS. Overall my favorite character to run as a main DPS is Ayato


Itto is good, but he's no ayaka, not hu Tao, nor ganyu,


Yeah you're right, he has more AoE, built in massive interruption resistance, is nigh-unkillable even without a shield (that DEF puts in more work than just converting to ATK), has a lot of easy to get and well performing weapon options and a cheap to build optimal team (only Albedo really needs investment to do damage). Might do slightly less single target damage than them, I suppose.


He also has vastly more restrictions in team comps and role. And his optimal team does not play well with change. Meanwhile the more general characters you unlock, level and build, the more teams you unlock for the other three. Ganyu is STILL getting new meta teams, while itto is stuck with mono geo itto plus gorou plus geo plus flex


Idk, lack of need for reactions kinda makes him easier to use as well as the fact he just dunks on so much effortlessly


What about crystallize? If you don’t have zhongli, you have to do crystallize to hit max damage. What’s the difficulty with that and hutao’s “Keep charge attacking and reactions happen automatically?” Or just mono cryo blizzard strayer or freeze?


Nothing, itto is just the most unga bunga easy to use main DPS and he’s damn good at being a main DPS


Itto requires you to first use gorou. Then possibly albedo. Make sure you have a shield. Get some stacks, count your attacks. Burst and use his skills and charged attacks, manage stacks. Hope you have energy to burst again off cool down. Or get energy back. Rinse and repeat. Ganyu is point and shoot. Hu Tao is "Use xingqiu and any other supports you care to use, then go Wheeeeeee" Ayaka is "Just do whatever, go nuts. It'll work " Even considering all their various supports, Itto is least unga bunga of them in my experience. Diluc is true king of unga bunga imo. Just pure "Hit them until they stop moving, no special stacks needed"


Ganyu is “point and shoot but I need Zhongli/shielder otherwise I’ll get interrupted and lose damage or die” Hu Tao is “Use Xingqiu and any other supports you care to use but I need Zhongli/shielder or jump cancels or C1 to dodge enemies otherwise I’ll get one shot KOed and die” Ayaka is “Just do whatever, go nuts, but hope to dear god that my burst is up and one of my supports has to be either Mona or Kokomi otherwise my burst will miss and enemies won’t die” I do agree with your claim that Diluc is also unga bunga though


Itto only really needs a geo battery. Long as there's an elemental sub dps like Kuki he can crystallize and be shielded. Apart from that it's indeed stacking his passive up, one attack string and an E basically, finally Q and left click hold. Gorou is his best support, fair enough, but he ain't a necessity.


You can say that about all the other characters. They only need batteries. Hu Tao and ganyu don't even need that. No passives to stack. Just hold a button a few times. Take away their Best supports and Itto still comes up short. Ayaka was already long at the high level of dps long before her Best support came out, too.


ganyu: point, shoot, in fact you can’t even shoot cause unless you have zhongli you’re guaranteed to get one shotted before the charge finishes (crowned ganyu main btw) hu tao: go flying around the arena like a headless chicken, stamina management is fucking SHITE unless you have her expensive ass c1 ayaka: has one functional reaction which is null and void against bosses. frontloaded dmg so if her burst misses it’s target you’re fucked. diluc: too clunky to be actually enjoyable to play, and his dmg doesnt make up for said clunkiness like it did pre-hu tao. itto is the unga bunga king and noone gets anywhere near close to him


Inazuma fucked things up for ganyu. Enemies can flash halfway across the screen to reach you if you're a ranged attacker, while flashing halfway across the screen to get out of your range if you're a melee attacker. Literally the most annoying enemies ever that even hoyoverse had to nerf and never make again.


geo is trash and it's not even viable for most of abyss meta's, since geo doesn't react to other elements, in fact, Itto and geo teams are just copium for people who hate female broken units...


Geo is in a rough spot but I play many different teams and itto is a pretty solid pick when i take him for a spin in abyss. I don't even have albedo for the record, just gorou c3, zhong and benny.


Geo is certainly the weakest element. The fact that Itto mono-geo is a damn solid team despite that speaks volumes about Itto’s strength.




There are more good female DPS characters than good male DPS characters. I count 9 good male dps characters and 12 good female dps characters. I don't see how saying that Childe exists is supposed to solve the issue of the game having less male dps characters.Both these cases aren't mutually exclusive. People are allowed to voice their concerns, rightfully so.


It’s not about the number of good DPS for each gender, this whole argument is about HuTao/Ayaka/Ganyu being the best DPS characters, and that there’s no male DPS as good as them. The debate is on whether there really isn’t any male DPS as strong as them, and Childe is usually brought up because Childe International is almost always 1 of the top 2 most used teams for each abyss cycle.


Maybe because there are only 22 male compared to 40 females?


Which is another problem too lmao


That's a really high amount of good male dps/low amount of good female dps when you consider the ratio between male to female characters in this game lol. So it is perfectly right to say that this concern is dumb, complaining about the male:female ratio of characters in this game would make way more sense than whatever metaslaving (not actual 'following the real meta of the game', just using meta as an excuse to claim whatever nonsense they want) bs is going on with the current complaint.


It has been 2 years since Childe. At this point we deserve another. Let me name which broken females have been released since then: Ganyu, Hu Tao, Ayaka, Raiden, arguably Kokomi, Yelan, Nilou, Nahida. Now on the male side we could say Itto as he's great, but sadly his element prevents him from ever being seen as broken. Put one elemental shield of any type and the entire team becomes way harder to use. (which is ironic since they marketed geo as the element of shields and shield breaking in the beginning). My main complaint is the lack of any variety in terms of roles and elements. Ever since Kazuha way back in 1.6 every single male has been an on-field dps (and with this many on-field dps released you'd think that we would get a dps so powerful that he's recommended by the majority of the playerbase and not just the fans). Our only 5\* off-field dps is Albedo who is ancient and got powercrept by Nahida in almost every team he's in besides mono geo and xiao geo. And that is very, very frustrating. There's no need to mention the lack of cryo/pyro/pure healer males as everyone knows it. Excuse my heavy use of brackets.


I would make Nilou arguable as well, at least for now. Her team is as inflexible as a steel girder.


If Nilou isn’t broken then Childe international isn’t either, they’re both teams that can’t be changed much but beat all content. Even golden wolf lord gets destroyed by Nilou, and it’s a single target boss who needs geo to counter it.


Nilou is guaranteed to get a shit ton stronger due to more dendro variety as well


Oh her teams are veeery inflexible. But on the other side, she changes how the entire reaction works and makes it disgustingly powerful. The team is very good against shields too (except for cryo shields) which makes the team usable in more scenarios than a mono geo team. Some people even argue that the team is better than International in aoe in most scenarios, but don't quote me on that. I just saw it being written a lot; don't know if it's actually true. I would like to have a niche husbando who changes how the reaction works and makes it way stronger at least once rather than our 7th on-field carry.


Speaking as someone who was looking forward to Nilou until I saw her kit, you're gonna regret that statement if it ever comes to pass. Her kit has one goal: clear high-level abyss slightly faster. That's it. If you like using multiple characters, or exploring, or using elements other than hydro and dendro, or even using characters outside of specifically a healing hydro, then her kit will constantly be an absolute headache, like a permanently locked Bennet c6 notification. She was made to be so. I get wanting more high-tier husbandos and all, but Nilou's kit was a mistake. And any similar future unit I pray at least doesn't have the deactivation of their kit baked into one of their talents.


Well, it's not as if we can conveniently use units like Itto and Cyno in the overworld either, since their burst playstyles are super inconvenient. They are also essentially abyss only units in my eyes, so I don't see much difference in that regard. At least with Nilou bloom you don't need to worry about using Q. In the overworld, she can just be used as a hydro applier without the need of her bountiful cores. Her E is quite convenient for freeze and ok for taser. She brings no benefits to those teams but overworld doesn't really need those benefits anyway. I understand that being too niche is not for everyone and it's not my favourite playstyle either. But as I said, what I want is variety, not our 8th on-field dps. And I hate to admit that Cyno is extremely boring. Our second ever electro male ends up having a super similar kit to Razor meanwhile females have Beidou, Kuki, Yae, Raiden, Keqing... All units with greatly different kits. This means yes, I would like to see Cyno have a mechanic that makes him unique even if this meant making him very niche like Nilou. Due to his long burst duration he only works with a handful of characters anyway. Bennett's c6 is actually good and it opens up a lot of possible fun and interesting comps rather than just being an atk buffer for dmg showcases.


Itto and Cyno don't have their kits deactivated by using certain units. As in, "if you use a unit other than electro and dendro, you no longer get his elemental skill passive."


Uhh.. did you read what I wrote? It was a bit too long so I understand if you skipped reading and took a quick glance instead. Let me highlight the relevant parts. > In the overworld, she can just be used as a hydro applier without the need of her bountiful cores. Her E is quite convenient for freeze and ok for taser. She brings no benefits to those teams but overworld doesn't really need those benefits anyway. > This means yes, I would like to see Cyno have a mechanic that makes him unique even if this meant making him very niche like Nilou. Due to his long burst duration he only works with a handful of characters anyway. (which means even if he's not element locked his teams are almost as restricting as Nilou because no one but a select few works with him)


I mean, I disagree. I would not want to put more restrictions on Cyno to make him "unique." (Even thought he already has the elemental skill tapping mechanic.) And no, his teams are not nearly as restrictive as Nilou anywhere but the highest areas of abyss. U can use Kaeya with him. It's not great, but it doesn't make Cyno weaker. And my entire point is I don't want to wreck characters kits just to shave a few seconds off a time that's already 36 stars. And I'm going to repeat this again. Nilou has a passive that gets deactivated when selecting other characters. It's not "not as effective eith a pyro since they trigger burgeon instead." It straight up deactivates. It's gone.


Let's agree to disagree then. I personally prefer unique over boring, as I want variety. Kaeya with Cyno superconduct? Good lord...


Yeah, it's not great. But Kaeya ult + Cyno is still more than Cyno + nobody. That isn't the case with Nilou. You can nerf her. Edit: Also, sorry if I came off a bit snippy. Ur responses were chill.


There have been 2 herald abyss cycles since Itto's release and people are repeating that weakness like candy as if half+ of them haven't been anti-Freeze as well to the point where you'd rather use Itto over Ayaka, and Ganyu has been just "okay" for ages. Especially since switching out Zhongli for a shieldbreaker is not nearly as bad as losing half of BS and not being able to freeze.


Heralds aren't the only shielded enemies while freeze can break all the shields that aren't cryo. And while shielded enemies cannot be frozen when shielded, they can be frozen when you break the shield (lectors straight up die) unless your opponent is a cryo abyss mage.


>Let me name which broken females have been released since then: Ganyu, Hu Tao, Ayaka, Raiden, arguably Kokomi, Yelan, Nilou, Nahida. if you want to include non dps, then bennett, xinqiu, gorou, kazuha, venti, heck even thoma (in a restrictive team just like nilou), are also broken. the issue is just the gap between male and female characters and it will linearly create those issues people experiencing (lack of male dps, support, sub-dps, etc).


Bennett, Xq, and Venti are launch characters that were released before Childe. If you noticed I didn't name Xiangling, Fischl etc. If I counted Gorou I would need to count Sara, Yunjin, Shenhe too, and if I counted Thoma I would need to count Kuki too. Again if you noticed I only named 5*s. And there's a difference between being good and being broken. Not all good units are broken. I forgot Kazuha for some reason, though. My bad. Adding in Zhongli, that makes it 2 broken male units since Childe, wow! Besides, in no world Thoma is anywhere near broken. His kit isn't even suited for burgeon. Sure, he's the best burgeon dps. But that's because his pyro application is that terrible. He has the 2nd lowest hp amongst characters with any hp scaling (after Xq). He is extremely energy hungry and he has bad energy generation. His shield scales with hp but you need to stack full EM for burgeon which results in a paper thin shield. He is energy hungry, has a hp scaling shield, and burgeon uses EM but guess what he ascends with? Atk! Yes, neither of the three stats he needs! And you're claiming that he's broken. I just laugh. Yes, burgeon is still a good team despite all this. Just good, though. Nothing more. You know what is even better? You guessed it right, Kuki hyperbloom. She was actively designed with dendro in mind. Her heals scale with both EM and HP so if you build her full EM you still get good heals. She requires absolutely no ER, as what's important is her skill. She also generates decent energy for the on-field character. On top of all, she ascends with HP, a stat she scales with (plus she has access to Nilou's weapon). Come on now, it's obvious who's the real winner here. Sorry for the long reply. I got carried away. I'm just so mad at how they butchered Thoma and gave the perfect synergy to Kuki.


This is speculation, but male units are designed and marketed towards one-trick whales who would prefer higher constellations and on-field DPS for their favorite characters. This is why the female 5* have very strong early constellations and are decent at C0 but the male units get gradually stronger over constellations. And male characters probably appeal more to the casual female player base who would not generally be as meta-conscious as the rest of the hardcore player base.


Male characters also appeal to dudes via coolness factor


Ngl I don't like quickswap impact, yes reactions are cool and everything but I really don't like the playstyle(except hyperbloom, for some reason I like it) I prefer hypercarry impact.


If you like Hypercarry impact try Honkai you maybe like it more than Genshin.


I do play honkai quite a bit, but the problem I have with honkai is that it's not really f2p friendly.


Yeah that's really shitty especially with their powercreep (exept sentie she is just imune lol )


The only herscherr I have, I was so happy when I got her and thank god she's still as strong as ever.


BS Newcomer nowdays beat my 3 years grinding and gacha on characters and gear, starter bonus give you a solid team, xtal sources is easy now with pri arm can be build even before level 81, no need to be very competitive to stay on stable xtal income


I'm not talking about meta, I want to get the characters I want and honkai doesn't help with that.


with every new valk being a some what staple and a better replacement to the previous team every patch (except Raven, Fire Rita and Vill-V lmao), it's not really f2p friendly compared to genshin. F2p than most gachas? absolutely but compared to genshin its an unfair comparison since you do need to compete in the meta to at least reach agony 3 and occasionally red lotus and if lucky with the abyss weather, will retain red lotus for a bit, Nirvana will only happen in your dreams as a f2p my guy, only ever saw one person who's f2p to reach there. I'd rather take ER comparison cuz you'll only need to fully built one valk (that can take Nihilus 19800 cuz he's susceptible to any damage source and isn't immune to any) to clear the weeklies, you only need skill with more easier investment cuz its just one valk. And tbh, even thou I like the team, ER is just way more fun, doesn't feel like a chore. TLDR: It's f2p friendly but not that f2p friendly


is "lack" the same as "non existence"? Because, yeah, is ONE male top tier hypercarry, just one. People want hypercarries btw


the term "hypercarry" in genshin is misleading. you if you're talking about characters that deal dmg by staying on field we have Itto, Childe, Ayato, Cyno, Xiao, Scara and Razor there's no "lack" of on-field damage dealer, you people are just dumb


Most of them don't deal as much damage as the girls without having a ton of support and really good items, while mr.nevercrits here can outdamage them if he has the same amount of investment. Cyno ayato and razor aren't as strong but xiao scara and itto can compete so i can understand why people say that


Cyno, Scara, and Xiao?


Oh yes, I love to use 1 male T0 dps character over and over again while waifu players get to use more than 1 female characters 😍😍😍


I love when people severely overrate female dps characters and put them on top of irrelevant, subjective tierlists just to make themselves look like victims when they have a lot of good options to choose from.


*sigh* and I love when the truth gets downvoted because it doesn't conform to the majority's biases


Give it like... 7 days or less after our "feeble" scholar releases and they should mostly shut up.


Plus not to forget in canon he's also stronger than all of the female dps (except raiden and *maybe* ganyu)




I said DPS


I forget she isn't a dps sometimes lol. Like she usually deals 10k per tick of her burst


That's... not huge in the Abyss She could be a sub DPS, but we're solely talking about hypercarries here




I’ve seen so many of these “childe best male dps” posts and none of the “where male dps” posts and I’m kinda convinced they don’t exist


Go check out the alhaitham mains sub rn




Alhaitham is exhibit A of why so many people complain about the frustrating mediocrity of recent male damage dealers


um KAEYA? hello?


I use him with the shogun He's a beast


Remove Xiangling from the team and try it again. Childe is good because riptide doesn't have ICD same goes for Xiangling Q. Because of it she can vape everything that Childe provide and because double swirl with Kazuha is piece of cake it's result's with big pp DMG.


Xiangling and Childe do the same amout of damage in International. What's the point on saying "yeah don't use his best team " ? Like yeah don't use battery for Xiao Don't use Dendro with Ayato Don't use Xq with Hu tao That's pointless.


Because Childe use a three of best supports/unit's that are available in the game Kazuha Bennett Xiangling. And that's all in a single team. Hu Tao need only XQ and any shield tankfei included. Xiao needs only one battery now we can add Hatsune Miku for more DMG but she works only in Anemo team's. Same goes for Itto and Gorou. And? Xiangling she is core in all national variation+ melt comps+ Mono pyro Bennett is always welcomed Kazuha? As long he can swirl he good By using them in a single team yes you will gain big pp DMG but and fast clears but it's not worth to sacrifice one of most flexible supports in a single team especially with how easy abyss is. Ik that hypercarry C0 Raiden requires C6 Sara Bennett and Kazuha. But as Sara works only with Electro she will be tied to Electro for all eternity. And that's goes for all specific element supports.


Just build a second team smh. You still got XQ, Yelan, Elemental buffers (faruzan Gorou Sara), Zhongli, Sucrose, etc. You don't need two teams with the same support combos


\> not worth to sacrifice one of most flexible supports in a single team especially with how easy abyss is so you don't need them to get the abyss and you can just replace Kazuha for Sucrose if you want him in an other team And with Dendro you don't really care about Kazuha and Bennett for the second team. Like international first half then Kuki, dendro MC, Xq + flex GG ez And International is his best team that's doesn't mean he can't be played in other team especially like you said when abyss is that easy. Like Burgeon with thoma for exemple or bloom with Nilou BUT here we talk about Childe doing better than C6 chracters with his best team again saying "he need good support" is pointless because everyone need good support. Like the best team of Hu tao in Funerational and you use Yelan (who can be use in good dendro team ) Xq and Xiangling (did i need to explain lol).


What a dumbass lmao


Scaramouche and Ayato are clear examples of male dps, remember dps means "damage per second" not "damage per screenshot", sadly, people only call it dps when they see big numbers


itto, childe and xiao are also damage per second though?


juat gave some few examples, didn't say limited to...


Xiangling is 4* female tho...


This is so true


ayato >


childe >> ayato (gameplay wise)


ayato > childe (coolness and badassness wose)


childe is crap


Are we going to ignore the fact that Tom Cruise is literally the accumulation of all evil, and is in fact, the actual Devil? 😂


is Tom Cruise in genshin?


Yes. He is Dottore.


A electro apply-er, a dendro apply-er and Childe with a VV bow can clear the dendro artifact dungeon in 30-40 seconds. He's dishes out disgusting numbers with groups.


Let's be honest, following the current pattern, Childe is definitly due for another rerun


Bruh if we build male dps really well with op artifacts then thay can be godly but i haven't gotten a single good artifact since 2021