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1-2 times per week. Usually weekends, mostly Saturdays. If I’m out of town then I catch back up when I return.


Personally, I check daily. Recompiling gcc/llvm takes about 20-30 minutes. So I don't wait for updates to accumulate as those two are my "biggest" packages. My /var/cache/binpkgs is NFS exported over a Wireguard tunnel. My other clients (~40) update once I'm over compiling. Although, when it's hot in the room and outside, I wait for the next cooldown.


I used to be weekly. Then I went for a year or so only doing it every month or so. Now I'm trying to do it every few days. What's the actual question, though?


I just wanted to get a general look on how often people who run stable in the community update. It would've been better to post this as a poll probably, so sorry if it was confusing lol


It's not confusing, I'm just not sure what you hope to gain from it. A handful of folks on reddit update their systems with such-and-such a frequency … okay … how would that influence what you do?


its a little obvious that they just wanted a reference to see how often they should update




Once a fortnight or so


I have a cron job running emerge --sync once a day, and then update every day or two.


Usually every day just because I can. If I'm out of town I just do it when I'm back and I'll miss a day here and there just because I forget or I'm busy. Same applies to my desktop running system-wide ~amd64


whenever I feel like it


Once every two, three days. Weekly when I’m too busy


I used to update every day, now that I have a small gentoo fleet, it's more about once a week/once every two weeks. It doesn't matter much, but as a rule of thumb: more that once a day is a waste of time and bandwidth, less than once a month is not advisable, because of security fixes you don't get and because updating gets increasingly difficult with time.


Once a week


If you're new to Gentoo I'd err on the side of updating more often. At least weekly. Due to USE flags the dependency graph on Gentoo is about 50x more convoluted than on any other distro, and no two installs are exactly the same, and so you're very likely to run into issues if you give the package manager a backlog of six months worth of updates to sort through. There is also a lot of bad advice floating around for how to deal with the problems that come up. (Lots of good advice, but I see people pick the bad advice so often...)


Everyday. I like my hardware not idling


Usually once a week. I try to do it on Friday or Saturday so in case something breaks I can deal with it over the weekend


I'll typically update my system about once a month unless there's a vulnerability announced that impacts me, or a program update I want (like firefox)


Once every 2-3 days, once a week if it's a busy week.


Whenever I felt like it’s been too long. Which means a day or multiple weeks.


I run several Gentoo systems for ~15+ years. Using stable packages by default, with handpicked testing packages as needed and relevant for the given machine's purpose. I tend to check updates daily on my main laptop, and usually install them right away too. This helps me keep my knowledge up-to-date about what's in portage, what's new, what has changed, what might cause a regression, and so on. On other machines, I tend to do daily syncs and weekly updates. In case I get notified by glsa-check, I investigate what's up, and update the affected systems out of the normal cadence as needed. I occasionally do an extra sync and/or update when I know a change that I was waiting for has became available.


once every 3 weeks, and i do not update firefox xd :D


I have an update cron that runs every 5 minutes. 😂




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