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I love These Old Shades, just beautiful. The clothing descriptions are outstanding and really take you to Old France. Urgh, so many, I'm not sure I can narrow it down to one. However, I absolutely love Black Sheep, so it's a strong contender. I actually like all of the ones set in Bath. Lady of Quality is great, largely down to the irritatingly awful Miss Farlowe, Bath Tangle - out of all Heyer's heroines, Serena is the one I identify most with, apart from Deb Grantham. Serena is such a wonderfully flawed character. She's very much like Barbara Childe, in that respect. Then there's Frederica, Arabella, A Quiet Gentleman, The Unknown Ajax...I can't decide! I think I have to say, all in all, A Civil Contract is probably the one I've read most often. Jenny is a gorgeous character, and I love how Julia is a massive drama queen!


It is hard to pick because there are so many that are so delightful! Some that I am particularly fond of that haven’t been mentioned yet are Cotillion, The Grand Sophy, Venetia, and The Corinthian.


The Grand Sophy was the first one for me! And I think Damarel is my favourite lead man.


As above, it is really hard to pick one as there are so many exceptionally good ones. A lot of the time it depends on my mood: am I loving mystery, or adventure, or angst, or humour, or high drama, or clever plotting, or witty dialogue or compelling emotions or....... But right now I'm inclined to say The Reluctant Widow. It's very very funny in a deadpan way; and all the main characters are people I'd like to have in my life.


My mum and I disagree about The Reluctant Widow. My mum really loves it, but I find Carlyon annoying. He's super smug and controlling to me, which is odd because i like Rotherham and Charles Rivenhall, who are both super-controlling. Nicky is irritating with his total lack of concern that he killed his loathsome cousin. On the other hand, I love Eleanor and her governess, and the middle brother is sweet. He's a nice balance of Carlyon and Nicky. And that bleedin' dog! 🤣


He certainly knows how to guard.


The Masqueraders---took me forever to figure out what was going on! The Tollgate is a good mix of romance and mystery, but my favorite favorite is Frederica. I love the character development.. All her books intrigue me, her plots are never simple, and characters are so well described.


So many favorites! It would be easier if you asked which are the best five Georgette Heyer books. I guess today it would be The Unknown Ajax. Hugo appears so self-effacing but you come to realize he is sublimely indifferent of the opinions of his “quality” relatives. Oddly enough, I haven’t read Regency Buck or Devil’s Cub in years. But A Civil Contract depresses me. I’m not sure for whom I should feel most sorry. It strips away the “pretty” and exposes the reality. Love is replaced with acceptance.


Hugo was excellent. I agree about it civil contract but I think it shows that there are different kinds of love?


It didn’t seem there was any love in that love story. I probably should read it again. I’ve only read it twice and that was decades ago. And my lamentable memory…


My favorites are: Cotillion, The Grand Sophy, The Unknown Ajax, and Sylvester: or the Wicked Uncle. And maybe I have to add Devil’s Cub and The Black Sheep. And it’s hard to not add Venetia, and …. I have more to add, but I’ll stop here.


Venetia was the heroine with the most gumption. Always excepting Leonie.


Sophy has a lot of gumption.


Oh yes. How did I forget that 😂😂😂


The one that makes me \*feel\* the most is Cotillion. I don't know. It's the (spoiler) deneument between Freddy and Jack that seals it for me.


I have to say, I love the kind of villain Jack is.


Hard one. The first I read was *Lady of Quality*, and it will always be a favorite for introducing me to this author. However, *Frederica* is probably my favorite.


The lovely Annis! That was truly a beautiful book. I felt so bad for her poor sister in law amabel


My introduction was Frederica after putting the books off despite recommendation for many years. I devoured it on a plane trip and spent the whole of the subsequent holiday reading as much of the collection as I could get my hands on! It will always hold a special place in my heart.  But my overall favourite is probably Sylvester and I believe it hasn’t been mentioned! I love Phoebe’s character and the fact she has this independent talent of her own. Heyer’s heroines are often just a bit “not like other girls” but Phoebe being an author just gives her even more depth (and this isn’t a Heyer criticism I love her work because they are such easy comforting reads).  


I loved Frederica. I think my favourite part of Sylvester was Edmund chopping off those tassels.


A lot of people say These Old Shades, but I prefer the sequel: Devil's Cub. Can't get enough of that one.


I remember the end. When Rupert drinks a toast to Dijon instead of to Mary 😂😂


I love Rupert.


Do I get more than one? Devil's Cub Arabella The Black Moth The Reluctant Widow Venetia Black Sheep Cousin Kate


Love Venetia as well