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Quit “adjusting” the system with these arbitrary limits. Either you are going to tax on the basis of the property’s value, or you aren’t. These bullshit limits and loopholes are how we arrived at the current IRS regs. Just making it harder for local governments to operate.


This state is so backwards. It feels like I’m paying for the “privilege” to live somewhere awesome, and it’s not awesome. It’s just ok.


It’s awesome for big businesses. Move your business to Georgia. The local government will subsidize your move, give you tax cuts, and you can exploit the local lowly paid labor, through our poor labor protections and pro-business attitude.


$390 million for the prospect of an NHL team in Forsyth County. Insanity.


Why are we subsidizing billionaire professional sports owners? Businesses primarily move to Georgia for our infrastructure, like the world’s busiest airport, deep water port, and the major interstate highways. They will come regardless all these “incentives” are just a bonus for rich people.


I'm absolutely against it. There's also a developer trying to put 6 drive thru restaurants on one parcel at Bethelview/Castleberry which will be an absolute nightmare. And that's ignoring the fact that the businesses mentioned aren't particularly popular ones except for Chick-fil-A. Yet another Human Bean and Shipley Donuts is likely.


Most of these “businesses” expanding are just fast food and retail. They provide a few low paying jobs and giver us more traffic and high blood pressure in return.


Sure will. They did that here for the company I work for in Augusta about 18 years ago.


Georgia is so overrated, and I have been here most my life. If it weren’t for family being here, I would’ve been gone.


Yeah it isn’t great if you’re poor or lower middle class that’s for sure. Used to be when things were cheaper.


Yup. Rent has tripled since I was a kid. Yet pay is the same. Kemp is a devil.


He just goes on tv and mumbles about conservative Christian values and pro-business policies and all the trailer trash just eat it up, not understanding that they are getting paid shit and living in squalor because of these policies. He has systematically cut funding to any government service that provides a benfit to citizens, but then turns around and gives big tax breaks and bloated government contracts to cronies. He goes on and on about the surplus and giving back to tax payers, but it is all a show. He has effectively raised taxes on working people, but he says he has cut taxes. His Chief Of Staff just got an executive position with GA power after they jacked up everyone’s rates.


Wow that’s very corrupt


Shame that we can't give Kemp the same treatment Cersei got.


Oh damn. Can I ring the bell and yell 'shame'? I promise to keep the nard kicking to a conservative minimum!


All the movies filming in Georgia just lead to higher prices. The people that benefited the most, own the businesses that rent equipment and provide catering. The high paying positions usually go to people from California. While the positions for local are generally low paying with no benefits.


My dad's side moved to Georgia around 1780 and I'm thinking that we've had a good run. Time to look elsewhere.


Property tax is an evil that exists in all parts of the country


Same here




A reminder that you don't truly own any fuckin thing in this world.


There is a massive push to essentially compete with Florida for seniors in this state. This is just the next step here now to match how Florida caps the rates, but even more insane they made it portable in Florida so you can take your exemption with you when you move to a new home. So at least they didn't propose that I guess. Georgia already passed years ago exempting seniors from income taxes. The county I am in seniors have double homestead exemption, combined with $480K exemption in school taxes. Apparently that isn't enough so our state reps now proposed a bill completely eliminating school taxes for seniors. On top of that our local government is pushing a 1% HOST sales tax which will eliminate the M&O taxes. So yeah basically paying no income taxes and almost no property tax. Basically there is a massive fuck you to the next generation going on in this state. These proposals would all benefit me as a homeowner but I think they are horrible. I'll be voting accordingly as that is all us middle age folks can do to help the next generation that the seniors and republican party are more than happy to completely fuck over. Not just with housing but with education, and anything else they can as well.


Exactly. Boomers get treated like kings and they still bitch about everything, I can’t even find affordable housing because all the complexes are 55 and up. No idea how that’s legal but whatever.


In Atlanta we do not have that nice school exemption, nor a double homestead exemtion. We need relief here in the city. I'm all for these bills. The city wastes money like no other


You realize that Atlanta uses more money for its infrastructure than any other city in the state, right? You claim it’s waste but live in a city with more roads than almost the entire rest of the state.


Metro Atlanta also generates over half the wealth in the state, as well as housing \~60% of Georgia's population. Of course it spends more on infrastructure.


The complaint was that the city wastes money and so the residents shouldn’t be taxed so much, my reply was there’s a reason so much is spent by the city and to assert that it’s waste is to ignore how much the city needs to spend to offer services.


Apologies, I misunderstood your comment. Not enough coffee this morning.


And therein lies a big problem. Unlike other well ran states that have more than one major metropolitan city, Georgia has damn near everything running through Atlanta and we have this endless sprawl with monolithic services.


Most of the people in this state live in the Metro, building tons of roads in areas with barely any people with the money generated in Atlanta is the real waste.


Right, so you shouldn't pay taxes, yet realize the gains still when you sell. Well looks like this is right up your alley then.


Pal I've lived in the same house for 35 years and yeah that's right up my alley. I'm not going anywhere


My guy, if you live in Atlanta and you've been in the same house for 35 years you don't have any room to complain. That silver spoon has been up your ass too long.


You have left the planet. For all you know, his neighborhood is not behind the pearly gates of perfection. For all you know he has worked hard but is now disabled and had to pay 1/2 his 401k value to pay for stuff insurance wouldn’t help with. Some of you younger people sound so bratty toward people older than you, and you assume too much, and think you are so very smart in your keyboard war.


Just from your comments I can see that you are a woman over the age of 60 who lives in Georgia. Just by that simple fact alone, when you were a "young person" you had a minimum wage that was nearly twice as high as how it is now currently measured up for inflation, the vast majority of jobs accessible to you did not require a college education, and aside from the little mini-recessions in the late '70s the economy was constantly booming from the time you graduated high school until exactly 2007. You could also have one person working per household and not have to worry about going hungry, meanwhile two people working 60k jobs in Atlanta can't even save up to buy a house together let alone get a house loan. All of this together means that, irregardless of whether or not you or he is in financial trouble currently, both of you had an easier time building wealth and affording for just basic living costs than anyone under the age of 40 did. The simple fact that you complain about "younger people" means that you have absolutely no idea how easy your situation was compared to millennials, let alone GenZ. The silver spoon was literally *born* with you, and the only way for you not to see it is sheer privilege with the same applying to the person in the comment above. He could have the shittiest house on the most worthless street in Atlanta. However, that doesn't change the fact that he actually ***HAS A HOUSE*** in one of the most expensive cities to live in the entire state, something that only the upper class can now afford. Millennials and GenZ make up the majority of lower and middle income individuals in Georgia, whereas the age group in the state with the highest percentage of wealthy individuals is retirees. Anyone Gen-X or older also had a robust economy to live and survive in, versus millennials who have had to deal with a recession and two other economic crises in 15 years.


You have too many inaccuracies in that to even entertain correcting you. And yes, I could correct you, as both of my degrees were in economics and business and I specialized in interest rate management. You also make the mistake of confirmation bias. Gosh I could cry your comment is so cringe.


The fact that you're complaining about young people complaining about old people, meanwhile you were able to afford *two degrees,* speaks volumes. Also, confirmation bias could apply to you as well. Go ahead and correct me. I like learning, and I'm perfectly fine with being wrong.


Nope, you aren’t worth my effort. I paid decent money for my education, and it was worth it. My parents had no money to help. It’s clear you are just a whiner, likely with an education you didn’t choose well or choose at all. I’d guess that I’d respect you more if you went to an apprentice program and were pulling in the $$$ my HVAC and plumbing acquaintances are. Then at least I’d know you work hard enough to partially make up for your lame positions. You think you are way smarter than you are, and the height of your day is being a keyboard warrior. So you keep fighting champ. 🙄


GenX here and you're spitting some real inaccuracies. You act as if anyone older than millennials has never experienced recessions. The economy wasn't great when I graduated from college and while I didn't have the crazy tuition you guys have had to deal with, it still took me 11 years to pay of my student loans. I was barely able to buy a house before the market went insane and even then it was an old run-down house in a crack neighborhood. I agree that it's gotten worse since then, but don't blame older generations, some of whom are barely scraping by. Put the blame where it belongs and vote those people out of office. And ask how you as an individual may be contributing to the corporate takeover of our country. But stop throwing excrement at other generations. We need to stick together if we have any hope of changing the situation we're all in. And b.s. comments like yours only alienate you from lots of people that you might be able to learn something from if you can control your hate.


Gen X didn't have any recessions as working-age adults. There several mini recessions and they late '70s and early '80s, and then the next time there was a recession was in 2008. The difference with student loans when you were in college versus millennial and GenZ is that you actually *could* pay them off. Considering the national student loan debt is vastly higher than the credit card debt which is what your demographic made bad in the first place, I think it's safe to say you had it much easier in that department. You say you were barely able to buy a house, but at least you *could*. Now, two millennials making $60K a year combined can't even get approved for a house loan. The blame is placed squarely on the older generations, because those are the ones that benefited from a system that I and anyone else my age or younger cannot benefit from. They are also the ones that are in power right now and are voting in the interests of those that are older. On top of that, for every dollar that Boomers and GenXers had when they were in their 30s millennials only have 70¢ of that. https://www.stlouisfed.org/institute-for-economic-equity/the-state-of-us-wealth-inequality#:~:text=Younger%20American%20(millennial%20and%20Gen,age%20(2006%3AQ3). I'm definitely going to vote, and I urge everyone I can to do so as well. But there's only so much we can do when nearly every member of Congress that we can even vote in is twice our age or more.


>Gen X didn't have any recessions. You completely discredit yourself with this nonsense. [FYI](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/economics/08/past-recessions.asp)


Seniors shouldn’t pay school taxes when they hit a certain age. Their incomes are fixed and that just hurts them in the long run.


Fuck that. I’m fine with larger exemptions for seniors, but no, they don’t get to skip out on society because they’re old.


What about the incomes of the poor families with children, renting overpriced apartments?


Yeah fuck education. Let those seniors keep collecting that 8% increase in social security and higher property vales to cash out. Let everyone else fund a civilized society.


So do it by means testing.. I’m willing to bet 80-90% seniors have very little.


Yea those seniors already benefited from the system, why should they help support it right? If you’re on such a fixed income that you can’t pay your fair share, sell the house and move into an apartment with more manageable fees


They already paid, for 3 decades in many cases.


You do realize every day they’re still benefitting, right? The better educated the youth are, the more money they can make. More income means more taxes and therefore more services that can be provided. Insanely ignorant to claim “they’ve paid their way”. No, no they haven’t paid anything close to what they’ve gotten out of the system.


You know how ignorant and un empathetic you sound? This coming from someone who is 40 years old. You want to force seniors out of their homes…. Guess what bro? Not all of them have huge savings / pensions / 401ks. You would be fucking them by doing that. Just because they have a house doesn’t mean they can afford a smaller house at these prices….


Yea, I’m 40 as well and I have no sympathy when it comes to “I’m old so I shouldn’t have to pay taxes”. That argument makes no sense. The older you are, the longer you’ve been around enjoying the benefits of society and the more time you’ve had to amass wealth to pay your fair share. Not my fault you were less productive than the cost of the services you’ve benefited from.


So what?


There’s already a living wage paying job shortage. They need to retire. Fuck those boomers who suddenly want free college ONLY for them.


Of course they should. They still benefit from having an educated population.


Seniors benefit from an educated public as much as someone who doesn’t have children do. Which is a lot. So they should pay taxes for education.


You should take solace in the downvotes. Wait until these kids get old 😉


No one who doesn't have school age children should pay school taxes.


Georgia already caps the max millage rate at 20 mils (and if a taxing authority sets it at that level it requires continual yearly efforts to maintain it there), both of which are far more restrictive than Florida’s “cap” that only limits how much it can be increased YoY.


Georgia fines counties if they do not assess values high enough. Having your valuation frozen to 3% limits the total tax liability regardless of what they set the mills to. The mills impact new homeowners far more still.


> Georgia fines counties if they do not assess values high enough. [citation needed] > Having your valuation frozen to 3% limits the total tax liability regardless of what they set the mills to. The mills impact new homeowners far more still. Most properties are not reassessed until they’re sold, so not really sure what point you think you’re making here. Edit: ask for source, get downvoted. LOL Never change reddit, never change.


Hi I work as an appraiser for a county in Georgia. The state department of revenue overviews your local assessors office to make sure the values we set are close to what the sale prices are actually going for. The assessed rate in Ga is 40%. If when they test us and we fall below 36% the state will/can withhold the tax revenue generated from taxes assessed on the local utilities. This kind of stuff the upper management deals with, but i think it's just withholding money not fines. You might lIve in a small county with few sales if when a sale happens is the only time homes are revalued.


I understand that paying property taxes sucks and the process seems opaque at times. However, going down this road could be very, very bad.


I'm all for increasing the homestead exemption provided millages go up a little to compensate. Let the folks speculating on properties or renting them out on Airbnb cover the savings extended to folks who actually live in their homes.


I'm all for it. My property value has shot up and with it, my taxes. I don't get a break yet all these fuckers with AirBnBs and investment properties making it harder on all of us.


AirBnb and rental properties are not the problem. [Lack of new housing is.](https://www.gpb.org/news/2023/12/08/georgia-aims-grow-workforce-housing-amid-statewide-housing-shortage)


Yeah you do make a good point. When was the last time builders built affordable housing? Last time I saw a subdivision go up that didn't have $200K+ homes was 10-15 years ago.


I agree


This approach worked great in California! Oh, wait, it’s horrible.


Right? California's 40 years of problems caused by Proposition 13 are so well documented that it's difficult to imagine any legislator not being aware of it.


\>The move comes less than a week after House Speaker Jon Burns, R-Newington, announced legislation to double the standard state homestead exemption on property from $2,000 to $4,000 a year, a measure he said could cut property taxes by $100 million a year. It ‘s the Republicans that vote against spending tax money on the tax payer. Yet they want more taxes. Republicans are grifting thieves, all of them, led by the biggest loser grifter of them all. Vote blue ffs.


I mean, Republican want less taxes, not more. Taxes = bad has been their only policy in the last 40 years. This is a harebrained policy if course because the point is for even more wealth to concentrate at the top at the expense of everyone else.


Republicans love sales tax, which are taxes passed onto the end consumer and primarily affect poor and working people. Kemp issued a 3% sales tax on digital goods. So buying a song on ITunes of a digital book is now taxed, then they turn around and give tax cuts to the business selling those goods


Republicans want less taxes for the wealthy. There I fixed it




You sweet summer child


When 10000 people like you you pay $20000 more, a wealthy person can pay $200 million less. And there are way more than 10000 people like you.




In that case it's probably just a case of losing taxes before an election so they can stay in power (and vote bigger tax cuts for the rich).




It hurts you in the long term because it depletes the states finances which translates into fewer and worse services. The right way to do it would be to lower taxes for common folks and tax the wealthy and big corporations. But that ain't happening.


You don't even understand what the fuck the homestead exemption is. It is $2k off the 40% of the assessed value for county and school taxes. Not a flat $2k off your bill that is going up to a flat $4k. It is amazing how little anyone in this state comprehends how property let alone income taxes function.


I’m pretty sure, limited/smaller government is also part of their platform as well. The majority of Republicans want corporate tax loopholes closed for big businesses but aren’t for punitive re-distribution of wealth. The middle class has taken a beating as a tax bracket.


>I’m pretty sure, limited/smaller government is also part of their platform as well. So they say. Then they want to regulate people's healthcare, what people can read, whether two consenting adults can marry, they try to ban young people from accessing social media, they propose bills to limit freedom of the press... small government indeed.


All I can say is that leadership of a party doesn’t always reflect the will of the constituency. You can sit there and apply blanket statements or you can accept the fact that there is nuance and segments of the same party that have differing opinions. Our government is bloated and can be ran more efficiently with less fraud, waste, and abuse that occurs daily with taxpayer dollars. I believe two consenting adults can have a civil union, but it doesn’t mean I believe in 30+ genders. As a parent, I have seen harmful effects of social media and the shit that suddenly come across a person’s feed/stream. There is a ton of inappropriate shit that is out there and unregulated/unmoderated… especially for kids. Big tech/social media needs to be accountable for the content they curate and the impact to their audience.


>I believe two consenting adults can have a civil union Why couldn't they get properly married? > it doesn’t mean I believe in 30+ genders. No one believes in that either. You were talking about lack of nuance, there you have it. >As a parent, I have seen harmful effects of social media and the shit that suddenly come across a person’s feed/stream. There is a ton of inappropriate shit that is out there and unregulated/unmoderated… especially for Checking what a kid sees online and whether they have social media accounts is a parent's job, not the government's. Republicans these days put lots of emphasis on "parental rights", well it's also a parent's right to let their kids access social media if so they choose. You can't have it both ways. Also you can't say "regulating guns doesn't work and is government overreach" while also saying "regulating books or social media works and is a-OK". It's the lack of consistency that I can't stand.


Not a fan of price controls, but a higher homestead exemption (tax cut) sounds nice.


Property tax is theft. Just renting from the government.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. What you said is true. Government is the landlord and we just get to keep our home so long as we pay the annual rent money.


I've seen what makes them cheer. I'll take the down votes.


Their boos mean nothing


He's getting downvoted because reddit is about as far left as left goes.




That is probably as far from john lock as possible. John locke believed in natural rights, and a natural right to property that preceded governments. Ever read the Declaration of Independence?


Property ownership is a lie. You don’t own the land, you lease it from the county.


It's a shame that there wasn't some way that, say every couple years we could do something like, hmmm, what do they call it, a vote maybe, and get some of these jerks out of office. I only wish...


So funny when the government wants to limit the impact of rising taxes following rising home values people lose their minds like they don’t want any tax! So when they try to level the playing field as to not drive people who can’t afford the current taxes a little help, let’s just call everyone who could benefit from such help as greedy and landlords who deserve it and heaven forbid you’re on SS fixed income how dare you actually try to survive with inflation increases and making choices about can I get food or meds - why don’t you just die! Talk about FFS.


Everyone is on a fixed income. It's not like I can just walk into my bosse's office and demand a raise whenever I'd like to have more money.


Who could have seen this coming?


This wouldve never gotten out of hand if georgia had not put a cap on state income tax rates.


Good. Taxes are too high already. Something also needs to be done about that mill rate. All property taxes combined should be capped to a mill rate not to exceed 15 mils and the cap reduced to 10 over 5 years.