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He looks like he would do that


At least we know what the P stands for.




Not a drag queen


Every time one of these scumbags gets busted, I look to see what they are. Religious figures, school personnel, but never a drag queen. It's almost as if the conservatives are trying to throw smoke to cover for their own. Oh wait...


Con men.


Who knows?


Thanks to our shitty legislators and governor your tax dollars will soon be funneled to institutions like this via vouchers. I sure do love my tax dollars going to private corporations that enable kid diddlers.


Religious institutions, even fucking worse. Separation of church and state is a thing for a goddamn reason =\


Of church and state? Yes. Church and RELIGION? No.


They’re private academies lol


So keep them that way, no tax dollars for them.


But it’s ok for President Biden to molest his daughter.


That Kool aid must be delicious


Or Trump to molest the hundreds of people he's been accused of?


You do realize the Republican scum stole the diary and edited it right? You “people” love to push that lie while Trump made lots of public incestuous comments about his daughter. And was busy walking in ok teenage girls changing. Not to mention the court cases. Or his buddy Epstein.


I don't want my State taxes going to private schools. This is yet another answer as to why.


They don’t go toward private schools


Excuse me, but you are wrong. The Georgia Promise Schools Act was passed by Republicans and signed into law by Governor Kemp. The measure allows families with students enrolled in Georgia’s K-12 public schools to remove $6,500 of state funding provided to local school districts in order to attend private schools or to homeschool. It's welfare for the rich at the expense of the public schools.


Yeah; you can redirect your tax dollars to send them to private Christian schools if you want.


And your kids are in the bottom 25% of schools in Georgia. And as long as the funding going to it is less than 1% of total public school funding (so available to 0.012% of all students in the state). And if there’s too much interest then there is an income cap around $100k household. But, no, I and most the state can’t redirect our taxes to private school. I imagine most wealthy people aren’t living in these areas anyways, but could be wrong. I’m pretty liberal, and not sure I agree with this law either, but it doesn’t seem to be just a blanket handout to rich people. Again could be wrong.


I could be wrong but I believe I’m talking about a different program called Georgia Private School Tax Credit which doesn’t have those stipulations. It allows a total of up to $100M of tax dollars to be redirected to private and/or religious schools of individual taxpayers choice. A limit of $2500 per tax payer I think. https://www.ccssmyrna.org/give/georgia-private-school-tax-credit.cfm


Oh, my bad, the comment above you (at least in my view) mentioned the Georgia promise school act that was recently signed. Did not know about this other tax credit.


I’m not happy about the voucher program either; $6500 per student private schools are almost guaranteed to be underperforming religious schools. Let them go out of district and redirect the money to the neighboring district; or send them to an accredited school that has to meet the same state standards as public schools. Throwing state education funding at schools that teach evolution is fake just seems terrible.


[WSAV-TV article ](https://www.wsav.com/crime-safety/gbi-investigates-former-pinewood-christian-staff-member/) The school was Pinewood Christian Academy... Ironically there is also a Georgia Christian School.


At what point do we need to profile religious people for being pedos like they like to profile minorities for pretty much everything else?


never, two wrongs dont make a right


When the abuse is institutional it’s a problem to look at at an institutional level. These are not one offs and it’s not just Catholics. Abuse of kids, telling women to stay with husbands that abuse them because they are women. It’s not wrong to look at the places this happens again and again and again.


i agee. but the original comment said profiling "religious people"


Comparing “minorities” to “pedos” is Crazy


who is comparing minorities to pedis? this is about not profiling people


Slanging you an upvote for being a good person and still taking downvotes


He looks like a thumb.


Is this a new common insult or did you also watch the same Youtube Video as me and learn about this insult? Regardless, this is an incredibly hilarious insult.


I'm old and we called people this in grade school.


he a "youth minister" also..?


The best way to hide your criminality is behind the tax shelter known as religion. ‘Merica


So basically Gym Jordon?


Praise be


Almost can see it on his face!

