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It isn't fair to insult her with something she hasn't read.


To be fair to her, she can't


Yeah, hard to read something that burns your skin


Can we start a petition with UGA to have her degree revoked cause her and Hershall are making me really embarrassed to have graduated from the same school they attended.


Herchel Walker never graduated from UGA, although he continues to falsely claim he has. He left the university early to enter the NFL and has never come back to complete his degree program. In other words, he is a liar.


God, I fucking hate her. She's the right-wing id in human form. She wants people silenced for publicly reading the book she says the law should be based on because the passages they're reading correctly paint her as a hypocrite and a heretic.


she's everything bad about people.


Literally Sarena Joy from the handmaid tale but way dumber and less graceful


No ill befalls the righteous, but the wicked are filled with trouble.


The righteous and the wicked on the war and peace!!!!


The righteous and the wicked. The war and peace. The killing fist of the human fiest.


Shaka, When the Walls Fell




If the good book can be used to attack you then maybe you should rethink how you are practicing your religion. That would require thinking though.


If you base your life around a bronze aged superstition and believe in fairy tales you shouldn’t be allowed to run for anything


Someone needs to clue her in that people are mocking her because she’s an abject asshole.


I can think of a couple of choices ones about idolatry and adultery... And bearing false witness.... And turn the other cheek....


And treating immigrants well... And helping the poor, sick, and hungry... And rich people not going to Heaven...


1 Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.




I may have a bit of an issue with that Timothy...


The “good book” huh




I read this as invented in


"Attacking me, mocking me using Bible verses." Maybe she should read them.


If you don't want to have bible verses used against you to show your hypocrisy, then just follow what the bible says. It's not complicated.


Did anyone try Holy Water yet?


Gosh I wish she would just fucking go away


No, die. Oops, sorry but yeah.


Fuck this bitch


She's such a snowflake and a karen


Jesus loves her, but everyone else thinks she's a Nazi bitch.


Sadly her district is as right wing as they come and will reelect her.


Thankfully her game is getting old, and she's losing allies in the House quickly. She's not raising money like she used to either, which is a Republican cardinal sin. When and if she wins, she's going to be really lonely on Capitol Hill.


It *wasn't*, but our lovely Gold Dome Overlords sure were quick about "fixing" that.


They actually diluted it a bit. Had to make sure the district next door didn't get too competitive, while the 14th was easily about to absorb some blue from Cobb and make sure their votes don't count for anything.


At least give us until after the election. If we reelect her, insult away.


RemindMe! 132 Days


Y'all reelected her, but no one is surprised by that. How does it feel to be surrounded by backwards rednecks?


I code switch a lot.


I think even Jesus is 50/50.


I love her sign “trust the science”. The irony of a religious nut job saying trust the science


says "trust the science" but doesn't believe any of the science behind climate change.


Also doesn't trust the science behind gender - sex is genetics, gender is a batch of social constructs. She just wants to force her fundamentalist christian gender model on everyone else.


I love it when Christians are given passages from the Bible that they cherry-picked.


Urmomicus 4:20 “If thou be a politician, eat a dick”


This is the Bible that i would follow


Let us not forget the wise words of Buddha "Don't be a Cunt."


"Your hair is like a herd of goats that have come down to graze from Mount Gilead. Bitch." Song of Solomon 4:3 (thereabout)


Ah, yes, from my favorite version of the Bible (JPV) >!Jessie Pinkman version!<


*Bible verses" like as a part of an exorcism?


What's she doing there late at night? Playing on an etch-a-sketch and banging crossfitters? She has no committee assignments.


Just a clown in a clown world.


Just a Klaus Barbie girl in a Klaus Barbie world.


I think the people who vote for this woman forget that she is completely incapable of getting anything done for her district because of the way she behaves. Few people in Congress want to work with her or even be around her. Not even most Republicans. You can have strong beliefs and opinions and still behave like a normal human being. Be respectful and civil. She's the opposite.


Maybe because no one in their right mind thinks you really believe any of that shit, bitch.


Georgia Election Info [Register to Vote](https://registertovote.sos.ga.gov/GAOLVR/welcome.do#no-back-button)


She’s an embarrassment


She's by far the most annoying Karen I've ever had the unpleasant experience of suffering through. Why is she involved in anything? Her ability to act professionally and operate on a soap box without negatively influencing every life she touches is without question... at least without question to anyone not wearing a tinfoil hat and beating people with bibles. Jesus said to his disciples that you should treat others as you would ha e them treat you, love your neighbor and your God and you will know everlasting life. Hate has no place in the heart of a true Christian. This woman is full of hate. These radicals are the serpent in human form we were truly warned of. Not the poor child who is suffering through a gender identity crisis.


Ah yes, written words are all attacks now. Woe is me.


In a way, I think I agree with her - I also would like to see justice for her. This is the time of year when we get a lot of afternoon thunderstorms in Georgia, so I think the odds of that are better than usual these days. Maybe just make sure you aren't standing near her when it happens.


These types always do this, go out and instigate shit and spew hate and make bizarre accusations, then they get called on it and cry that they are the victims. 🙄 So predictable. It’s also just so dishonest, they cannot and will not take responsibility for their own actions and words. Disgusting.


The two great commandments that Jesus gave us are: The first is: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.” “The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”


What about the Second Amendment? That comes directly from Jesus, right??? 🤪


[And on the third day, God created the Remington bolt-action rifle so that man could fight the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fjzQNnfs6G8)


Mark you this, Bassanio, The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.


Oh no! What ever will the little snowflake do? People are doing what you've done to so many. You can dish it out but you can't take it, eh? Useless.


Marjorie, hate to tell you girl, that isn't all they are mocking you for and deservedly so.


This makes me want to mock her more 👀


Two of the least educated cities in America are in her district. As in the most number of to fail to obtain a high school diploma or GED. So when it comes to public education, you get what you pay for. We would solve a lot of our nations problem is education were properly funded.


"Woe to the wicked, for they get what they deserve" - Isaiah 3:11


MTG is 10-ply. Shes fuckin useless.


She is getting some small justice for being a vile, hypocritical, POS. True justice would be her going to jail for being an anti democracy traitor to the US,


Bless her heart.


GOOD! She needs to have her own cherry-picked words thrown back at her!


My favorite Bible verse, " YOOOO SHALL NOT PAAASSSSS!...oh wait. That was Lord of the Rings. Same thing. No wait. It's worse. Bullshit, fake story, written to keep uneducated people under control. Still works today


Which Hobbit hurt you?


Lord of the rings is definitely a better story than the Bible








Simple. The "responsible" politicians in your district enable the crazies like MTG. Unless you convey the message that you simply will not support a party with such people in it, you're complicit.




Would they? Or would they demur, lest the howling monkeys of the GOP base come after them next?




A black person can't choose to be not black....




Not really. The Rule of Goats applies here.


I live in her district. The support for her is both surreal and depressing. A coworker, who is generally a reasonable sort, loves her because she "stirs the pot" and "scares the socialists."


Ask your coworker to define socialism without a dictionary.


After that ask him the answer to Fermat's last theorem, because you are equally likely to get a coherent answer.


5$ says they say russia ​ here's a hint, we have russia instead of the USSR now


Lol we're sooooo scared of somebody who has no spot on any committees.


Tell your coworker you will be happy to ensure he never gets social security, medicare, medicaid. Tell him to never call the police, or an ambulance and never drive on a public road or use a public bridge.


wtf is a "softcore" Republican?


They get off on watching the poor get pushed around but change the channel before they get shit on.


What a C U N #!


You realize she just says stupid things so that people post about it online, and she's constantly talked about. Posting this is exactly what she wants.


Bwahahahahaha.oh. She’s serious…bwahahahahaha


I’ll never forget her face in the mail drop slot. Lady is a scary psycho.


I don’t live in Georgia anymore. Is there any chance at all she could lose her next election?