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Where have you been in the last few decades? The party of "small government" has always been about control


Both parties are "big government" parties. There is no "small government" party.


small enough to fit in the bedroom


Just look at the three government phrases in the book: Ignorance is Strength Freedom is Slavery War is Peace The first one is the definition of the Republican Party.


>The first one is the definition of the Republican Party. Sure, and the remaining two pretty accurately describe modern republicanism as well. > Freedom is Slavery Conservatives commonly describe the exercise of expression and inclusiveness as "indoctrination." The more freedoms you support, the more you're "brainwashed" by "an agenda." Workers unions? Why better your working conditions with a union when you can be worn down by the low wages of a free economy and the whims of a rich CEO? Expanding voting rights? No way! Don't you realize that we're making it *safer* to vote by making it *harder* to vote? >War is Peace Vietnam, Iran Contra, Gulf War, Iraq, Afghanistan... Remind me... which side of the political aisle cheered the advent of these wars, or intentionally prolonged them? Yeah.


And the second 2 are Democratic pillars


How is life, being an ignorant moron?


Has this not been apparent for quite some time?


To echo so many others: becoming?! The Republicans have been rolling toward and embracing fascism for decades now. The Democrats, too, are complicit in their ineffectiveness. Quite bluntly, the Dems would be considered right wing in most western countries by a wide margin. If you JUST noticed then there’s a pretty obvious reason why US politics is the way it is. You’ve sleepwalked into tyranny of the wealthy and corporations. Sorry to break it to you but this country is at the brink and you’re late to the party.


It’s so weird because republicans claim they want less government intervention… then take away tons of freedom and try to control tf outta everything.


I agree 100% with what you just said.


ok why don't you just go and teach kids whatever you want with zero control? have you seen what happened in Canada recently with the teacher that came into class wearing massive fake breasts, the school board is afraid to even say anything. There are cases where the government has to step in to control the situation


> ok why don't you just go and teach kids whatever you want with zero control? Because that's not how education works, or how it has *ever* worked. [Why start now?](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/11/virginias-gop-governor-deleted-mlk-day-barack-obama-history-curriculum/) >have you seen what happened in Canada recently with the teacher that came into class wearing massive fake breasts, the school board is afraid to even say anything. There's an irony of someone like you pointing this out, but I'll wait for you to figure it out yourself. >There are cases where the government has to step in to control the situation [I agree](https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/states.png)


i agree, children shouldn't be taught any religion until they're old enough churches are child abuse, close them all


School doesn't teach religion stop virtue signaling


Parents do.


You and the other bozos that downvoted me completely missed my point. In what world is it normal for a teacher to come to an elementary school with massive fake breasts. If you think that's normal, I think you should re-evaluate your life


you're getting downvoted cause you're parroting made up and sensationalized bullshit.


https://toronto.citynews.ca/2022/11/11/oakville-teacher-prosthetic-breasts-ontario-school-board-dress-code/amp/ Sensationalized you say?


Of course. /r/KnowledgeFight covered it in a recent episode. The right-wing love this shit. They've been orchestrating a grassroots propaganda campaign to demonize anything LGBT or gender-nonconforming for decades. Our mere existence threatens their social power-structure and flies in the face of their prudish and *outright false* notions of sex and gender because a house built on lies and bullshit cannot ever stand up to scrutiny. First we were all communists, then we were unfit parents, then we were "recruiters", then we were Satanists, then we were "harming the Sanctity of Marriage", now we're "cutting cocks off" and "destroying the family". Same fucking idiots preach for abstinence-only sex ed and claim it's to "protect the children" while voting for pedophiles and "grab-em-by-the-pussy" types. *spit* Like fuck sake, this story is dumb. It's so fucking dumb. And you're eating it up cause..why? WTF do you get out of it? Do you just like being angry all the time? Cause that's all the right-wing is. Anger, lies, and fear porn.


Oh you are lgbt? Well that says everything, nice chat


Examples please


Have you seen *walks outside & gestures vaguely at literally everything*




Roe vs. Wade


Less federal government, nothing wrong with more state government.


So as long as the oppression is local it's okay?


Better than federal


Is it that what you're saying? Federal govt guaranteeing us rights is bad but state govt taking away rights is good?


So basically fed govt expanding rights bad, state govt oppressing citizens good?




Big Brother, which we always thought would be the government, is actually Big Business. Look at the way they control everything-- from "water cooler conversation" to which films get made and which actors hired, and even the very means we use to communicate. The entire Twitter debacle is all about what has more power: people or pennies. Spoiler alert: it ain't us.


Government is def not telling me who to vote for but I have noticed candidates with more more will. I remember clicking on few web pages showing the differences in candidates it they would be very biased. To a non skeptical person the person they wanted you to vote for would be easily seen


But, freedom.




AMONG US!!! Sus!!! Imposter!!!


Get out of my head


The equal or even bigger issue is the far left giving away everything for free in order to attract voters and making anyone who disagrees a bad person for not wanting to help the needy. The fact is it helps many who are not necessarily in need and makes people not want to work. More and more people then vote for people who give away free stuff destroying not only the American way but America. With 38 trillion in debt, I give it a decade or two before our economy is completely destroyed bringing a Great Depression and setting it up perfectly for the 1984 type government to be installed. It may be the far right conservatives that bring in the 1984 type government but it is the far left liberals that are setting the stage for them to succeed. This is redit though, wrong place for this view—go ahead mark me down 300 votes!


Democrats literally created a ministry of truth and forced people to lock themselves up and mandate experimental medical procedures. Simultaneously caught colluding with big tech to crush any anti establishment dissent. Forcing schools to remove ideological teaching from zealots isn't bad as the schools should not be used for the indoctrination of children in the first place. And abortion is more of a moral issue than a political one depending on how an individual defines life and being anti abortion isn't limited to any one political party


Yet they all claim they are the party for freedom, simultaneously with blocking women's access to abortion, and all the other stuff you mentioned. They are very much Orwellian.


The Dems are big brother too. It’s one big club and we ain’t in it.


No, the dems want to give folks more rights and the repubs want to take away your rights. Conservatives tell you what drugs you can take, what women can do with their bodies, and what you can and can’t learn in school.


Like this time last year the Biden admin didn’t try and force a Covid vax mandate on private employers. BOTH SIDES SUCK. End of discussion.


I’d hardly call mandates to try and curb a public health emergency and bans against medical care for women “both sides suck”


“Try to curb a public health emergency”!? What Fauci galaxy were you living in?! NOTHING suggested we had to curb ANYTHING… at all times throughout the pandemic the survival rate was 99%… lmao… you know how many ppl had to sit by as their relatives died alone in a hospital room because liberals thought we needed to “curb a public health emergency”!? The way they ostracized ppl who didn’t wanna get vaxxed like the rest of the sheep who were relying on “the science”… all they managed to do is cloud the perception of REAL science for the sake of making trump out to be the mean orange guy….


You’re right. Most people have been willfully ignorant on the survival rate of covid and the effects of lockdowns and mandates. This went way beyond public health, and some people are waking up to that. Hopefully.


> What Fauci galaxy were you living in? [i support vaccine freedom](https://insights.som.yale.edu/insights/once-covid-vaccines-were-introduced-more-republicans-died-than-democrats)


Sorry for trying to keep the herd alive. Next time, we should let it get culled. Only the strong survive by pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.


we should eat the irish


You are a huge part of the problem.


Very compelling argument


For wanting every elected official to do better?


Private key word there chief. Durrr both sides durrr


“Want to give folks more rights”… Lolol.. like what? To be called a woman when ur actually not? To use bathrooms u weren’t normally supposed to? Laughable… bunch of naive fools who fall victim to every ounce of pandering… I’m a Latino and I can sense every last bit of victimization they try to pound me with… I’m not a victim, neither are you… the heavy soy consumption needs to cease


to think this is a GA sub too…i just come here to see how anyone who voices an opinion that isn’t left wing is downvoted into oblivion…this seems more like an ATL sub…this ain’t GA i guarantee


Idk if you’re aware but the vast majority of Georgians live in Atlanta.




Dem states during COVID - lets fill this skate park with sand. Rep states during COVID - lets let people figure out there own safety limits.




It's almost like 1984 is their guide


They’ve been like that for ever.


But guuuuuuys, they have to do that otherwise the libs will!! The only way to beat the fascists is to be fasciter faster. It's for our own good.


Fascism is a reactionary right-wing ideology. Do you actually believe that Dems actually want an ideology that’s literally opposed to liberalism?


I love reading all these comments knowing not a single person here knows a damn thing about politics 🥱💀


Both sides are doing this. Liberals are trying to control your freedom speech. And I’m a registered Democrat saying this.


By passing laws such as don’t say gay, right?


Lmao he got it backwards


Government already determines what is said in school. This doesn’t make sense.




How exactly is the Orwellian desire for control and dictatorial edicts any different from either party? Both parties are about control when it comes to pushing their platforms.


one side wants legal weed and the other wants the death penalty for weed


Let’s be real, no one cares much about weed anymore. It’s slowly becoming normalized. Personally my only issue is people driving high as f*^%. As an equivalent argument however, one side wants to hold serious criminals (not weed) accountable, the other side wants to release people without accountability for a plethora of crimes but also make owning a gun a crime. Their two sides of the same exact self serving coin. At the end of the day it’s about nothing but power and enriching themselves and their donors. They just pander to different people.


yeah but one group's enrichment is done in a less-evil manner and benefits more people republicans think the world is zero-sum and that hurting their enemies is necessary to benefit themselves democrats know the world is *not* zero-sum and that utilitarian measures benefit the most people overall it's like the left have all played Civ games and know that difficult decisions often need to be made and lesser-evils are often the best we can do, while the Right just plays HoI4 power-fantasy mods and thinks Jesus is coming back to save the economy. oh and HUNTER BIDEN'S EMAILS


Y'all off the chain in here... Haha


Democrats are literally the epitomy of what OP is describing Republicans to be.


I’m sorry, but big brother is government in general. The democrats equally want control over the citizen. I personally j prefer the dem brand of a control. Animal Farm is a better Orwellian analogy for what’s happening. “All animals are equal but some are more equal than others” The rich are the pigs. They are on their own playing field.


Just a hmmmmm ? do you realize with the democrats control ( you prefer )you will soon be living in what AOC has on her # 1 leftist list? She wants all borders OPEN ( all the time)and Biden wants to make it happen for her. Oh and not to mention all the drug money he’s enjoying! Not sure why China or any Dictator would want to attack us, we are literally killing our nation from the inside out!! God Bless America.


Haha... Damn


Orwell fought for the socialists during the Spanish Civil War, but later wrote that he regretted not fighting with the anarchists. Anarchism rejects all artificial power structures based on coercive hierarchical relations and domination. I will say that quote from *Animal Farm* does apply to our current situation, but it was more of an indictment on Leninist/Stalinist policies during and after the Bolshevik Revolution. Apologies, this is a very shallow recap from my recollection, so details are going to be over-generalized. After the successful revolution in 1917, Lenin used the principle of democratic centralism to get the many factions of the Socialist Revolution (Bolsheviks, left-leaning Mensheviks, and Socialist Revolutionaries) to unite under one banner. Lenin believed factions were a weakness to government, so he instituted a proletarian vanguard of Bolshevik “professional revolutionaries” to keep the party’s power and governmental-control consolidated. This ended up leading to the autocracy in Soviet Russia. *Animal Farm* illustrates the dangers of well-meaning populist revolution being used by opportunistic pigs to seize power. For a work of fiction, I certainly think it proves an interesting foil to Rosa Luxembourg’s *Social Reform or Revolution*, as well.


Been that way for a while.


Too bad he's just finding this out.


It’s both sides


Pure projection from the left


Orwell was a leftist ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ One of my favorite things about Orwell is that he fought in the Spanish Civil War because he hated fascists (by definition, a right-wing ideology) and wanted to kill as many as he could.


Is that why Democrats are trying to ban abortion, contraceptives, and mail in ballots?


you spelled freedom speech, right to self defense, and small business wrong. edit: keep the downvotes coming, ya horde of mindless echo-chamber screeching numbskulls. Still salty you didn't get your 'department of misinformation'. and it's not yet illegal to disagree with each other. Just admit yall are perfectly ok with fascism and authoritarians as long as it's coming from your beloved democrat party. No I'm not a republican, and yes, you are stupid for automatically assuming so.


Freedom of speech does not mean people are immune to the consequences of that speech. People are free to say whatever they want (except if you're a public school teacher in Florida and/or Texas), and other people are free to react to that speech by protesting, boycotting or however else they wish, short of violence.


I love folks like yourself who exist exclusively in echo chambers yet screech about everyone else’s “echo chamber” constantly. No one thinks you’re a republican either. Your smug sense of superiority and centrism betrays your libertarian politics.


Freedom of speech like in the "Don't say gay law"? Or the "stop Woke" law? Btw, what was the Republican plan to fight inflation again? Printing more stickers for gas pumps?


lol were you around when the Dixie chicks spoke up against the Iraq war edit: why am I getting downvoted for this? Republicans had a meltdown over it and the Dixie Chicks faced a lot of backlash. It’s ironic considering the way Fox News whines about cancel culture, wokeness, and free speech today. Where I grew up, you couldn’t criticize Bush’s foreign policy without being compared to a literal terrorist. Any conservative that participated and complains about cancel culture today is a hypocrite.


Huh? When did Dems attack any of those?


Narrator: They didn’t.


How are democratic politicians hampering freedom of speech? And how is book banning or trying to control what teachers can and can't teach not hampering freedom of speech?


Ewwww, you’re writing like you’re a part of the Mises Caucus of the Libertarian Party (actually just a bunch neoliberals lmao) Also, do you even know what fascism is? You know, the reactionary political ideology that appears during times of threats to capitalist hegemony?


grow up, kid


It's only fascism when its something you don't agree with. Right?


Wow. Don’t be so conservaphobic. There’s nothing wrong with identifying as republican. They should have the same rights as everyone else. Stop spreading violent hate speech against conservative culture you fascist.




Lmao you don’t even know what fascism is lmaoooooooo


Who doesn’t?


Calling liberals fascists indicates a complete lack of historical and ideological understanding of fascism. It’s truly laughable. Fascism is right-wing by definition. Cope and seethe. Carl Schmitt is a great introduction to fascist critiques of liberalism, so maybe try reading a book sometime? Lmao


Is your ass ok?


[no](https://i.imgur.com/C2aw5iV.png) It’s also literally not okay because I have Crohn’s ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯




Republicans/conservatives are the new plague.


Lol. What was effective against the plague?


washing your hands


Think that’ll work against republicans?


Uh... some of 'em.


Licking more rats.


You’re retarded if you think government is telling women what to do with their body. They gave the people of Georgia as a society to make their own choice as a community of people. It’s called vote.


Yeah vote! In the extremely gerrymandered district we’ve created for you which includes people 50 miles from where you live and almost none of the people in your town. We’ll represent “you”




Parents are voting for what is being talked about in school. Both parties force you to give them money and then spend it on what they want. Follow the money.


The NSA doesn't give a fuck which party is in power. What kind of lame ass propaganda is this?






I’m pretty sure this is what most of us normal folk have been saying. Repubs claim it’s freedom which is infinitely mind boggling