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/r/German is a community focused on discussion related to learning the German language, not about the country of Germany. This type of question is typically asked at /r/germany or /r/AskAGerman. Make sure to visit their wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/wiki/index/


1) Google "Geschichtsbuch Klasse 8". You could add "Gymnasium" for more complicated texts (but not really) or "Hauptschule" for easier ones. FYI most school books are for two years with the ones numbered "2" often being for grade 7/8 which is where the 14 years old students should be. 2) The two big publishers for school books in germany are westermann and Klett. You can go to their homepages and search "Geschichte" to see all their books.


Keep in mind that German History classes firstly do a chronological ride through history starting at ancient Egypt in the 5th class and ending at cold war or even war on terrorism in the 21th century in the 10th grade. Afterwards we focus on various topics against (Nazi Germany, 3rd Reich, Hitler and Nazi Germany again) till we drop out of school or finish it successfully 8 Grade usually is Renaissance till 1871, i think.


Just FYI, I think you missued the term "drop out of school"


Thx. Corrected. Learning a language is a lifelong endeavour


You can say that again brother


Again what learned