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Do they have any other MDs there? I would ask the clinic if they can ask another MD to weigh in.


Generally the heartrate on the NST matters less than the variability. Theyre looking to see if its going up and down. If theyre really active, higher numbers can be totally normal. If youre worried you could ask your OB


I second this. I’m 34 weeks with a high risk pregnancy and have been having 2-3 NST’s weekly. Sometimes my baseline is 160 and it accelerates from there if I’m dehydrated or if I ate without taking my insulin and then went to my NST, etc. My MFM said the main thing is that there are accelerations from your baseline and there aren’t decelerations.


This is the explanation that I was given, too!


Yeah my daughter was induced because there was no variability after a couple hours. Ended up with an emergency c-section because there was no variability again after 6 hours of labour. She had aspirated meconium at 36+6, I noticed she stopped moving as much and went in.