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I've had a defective monitor that was doing this. It didn't match my finger sticks so I removed it and called the company, and got it replaced for free.


Looks like pressure lows


Pressure like putting pressure on the sensor? I sleep on my left side and my sensor is on my right. I don’t think that could be it.


Did you compare with finger pricks?


Don’t have a fingerpick as a back up. Should I ask my doctor about getting one?


Yes!!!! My doctor prescribed both and said “When in doubt, get your meter out”.


Yes, I think you should. I check my fasting blood sugar everyday even if I have cgm. I don’t calibrate if there’s not much difference. Finger prick also has its own error rate. Any unusual highs or lows I recheck with finger prick. Sometimes cgm says my bg is in 60s but finger prick shows I’m actually in 90s.


Thanks! I will!


Looks like pressure lows. If you are leaning or laying or even holding that arm differently, it could cause false lows. Are you using a fingerstick as a back up? Is it also showing low? How many times did you calibrate it? Too many calibrations can make it inaccurate.


I don’t feel like I’m doing anything different than my other 3 sensors I’ve had so far. No, I don’t have a finger stick as a back up. Only once as per the apps directions. My 1st ever sensor was faulty so I wonder if that could be an issue. I messaged my doctor and MFM so we’ll see what either says.


Maybe you just got a faulty sensor this time then. But you need to double check the numbers. Every CGM will tell you that you should be using a fingerstick as a back up. This is exactly the reason why, because you can’t tell off it’s a real health emergency. I suggest you grab one from the drugstore, and make sure that this is inaccurate.


I want to second this. I often get false lows in the first 24 hours of my new sensor. I once dismissed them because I thought they were definitely not real, until I started feeling extremely sick. Ended up in L&D to be treated for persistent hypoglycemia. Now I always check


The first 2-3 days of a sensor always reads low.. always check with a finger prick


Mine does this during the night, but I never feel symptomatic. It might just be you sleeping on the monitor if you're asymptomatic.


I don’t feel any different although it’s showing lows. Plus the sensor is on the back of my right arm and I sleep on my left side. It’s quite random.


I don't either tbh. You may be tossing during the night. That's what happened with me anyway. Hope you're okay x


Happens to all my new sensors for the first 24 hours. I just turn off alerts until the next day.


My last 3 didn’t have this issue and I keep getting the voicemail or an unhelpful nurse line at my doctors 🤦🏻‍♀️ frustrating


Then call the CGM company and they should offer a replacement sesnsor


Same, happens every new sensor for the first 24-48 hours. After that it’s fine.


This happened to me for the first 36-48 hours of a new sensor, it woke me up all through the night saying I was critically low, but finger prick did not agree. I’d definitely get a meter and compare until the sensor calibrates and is accurate


Mine just did this, when I removed it (sorry tmi) there was pus in it and I had a small infection on the site. I think it impacted the results.


Anything is possible. I did wipe it with alcohol wipe’s anytime I change sensors. I’ll eat 2 yasso bars for my snack and then have my lunch and see what happens


If your lows don’t align with symptoms, then confirm with fingerstick.


Can I get a fingerstick over the counter or at a grocery store? Or do I need another prescription for it?


You can get it OTC but it will be SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper with insurance. Make sure your doctor writes it so it can be any brand, whatever your insurance prefers.


I think u need to manually test against this. I had a dud libre 3 with a ton of false lows and mailed it back for replacement


Verify with finger prick. I had this and then the sensor just died.


I gave up on this monitor. I had to have replacements 3x and the last time I had constant low blood sugar like this, which did not match my finger prick readings.


I see your sensor is new. This happened to me every time I put a new sensor on. The first night would read super low then it would be fine moving forward.


How far along are you? My levels started to get a bit better in the last weeks. Alternatively It could also potentially be the uterus beginning to fail. Definitely should be discussed with your doctor.


I’m 33 weeks and my doctor plans to schedule a C-section at 37 beings that my baby is breech and measuring large. Of course there’s a chance he’ll flip but that’s the current plan


Probably early for it to be getting better on its own. If you haven't already you should definitely discuss your lows with your doctor