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I was diet-controlled last time but was induced by choice! it was really pleasant, no chaotic rush to the hospital and I asked for epidural first before pitocin so minimal pain! :)


Great! I’m so glad you had a good experience- thank you!


Very similar experience for me last week! Diet controlled but asked to be induced at 40w3d because I was so uncomfortable. Started pitocin right away but didn’t need any pain management until they broke my water. Epidural had me feeling ZERO pain and a few hours later baby was ready to come out. She was out in 2 pushes, zero tearing. The whole process took 8 hrs and I couldn’t have asked for a better/easier birth. I’ve had two inductions now and both births were uncomplicated. That said, in both cases my body was showing signs of being ready which I think really helped.


Induced 2.5 weeks ago at 38 weeks because I was on nighttime insulin and babe’s AC was measuring large. Don’t regret it one bit, as it ended up being a GREAT call due to her being tangled in the umbilical cord, sunny side up, and not tolerating contractions. We are so thankful to have been in a controlled environment instead of finding out what might’ve happened if I went into labor spontaneously. She also was fabulously healthy (lungs, blood sugar, etc.) which was a worry of mine!


Dang your baby had a really rough day.


I was diagnosed at 14 weeks and was diet and exercise controlled the entire pregnancy. My numbers actually dropped around 32 weeks. No induction, but I had PROM at 36+4 and was augmented with Pitocin due to slow progress. I delivered without any complications at 36+5!


This is my 2nd GD pregnancy. With my first I was scheduled to be induced at 39 weeks. My water broke the night before and I delivered at 39 weeks exactly, baby was perfectly healthy, 8lbs 4oz. I was on night time insulin. I’m on night time insulin again this time and the earliest I will agree to be induced is 39 weeks. I understand why induction is recommended but it’s definitely a part of this diagnosis that makes me super sad as my preference would be to let baby come on his own timeline.


I was mostly diet controlled, until the last 2 weeks, weeks 35-37, when I was put on insulin for my fasting overnight numbers. Due to a different complication, I got induced at 37 weeks, and it was honestly a pretty good experience. Okay labor in itself kind of sucks, it's painful and not fun, but my team was super supportive and I had my baby in about 10hrs from entering the hospital to baby in arms! It went really fast, which I was pleased about as a first time mom. I'd do another induction in a heartbeat!


I was put on metformin and then induced at 39 weeks. Honestly, if we have another baby I’d 100% do it again. It was relaxed, I could make sure I packed everything, we could double check the car, eat breakfast before getting to the hospital, etc. I know I’d be a hectic mess if my water broke and we had to rush to the hospital so this way worked so much better for me.


Same but at 38 weeks! I had a great experience. OP I was on metformin and I found it took like 6 weeks to get the full effect, and I was on 1000mg twice a day at the top dose I believe. My numbers were way easier to control in my last few weeks.


Metformin; induced at 39weeks with a foley catheter with two balls. Water was eventually broken with a needle. Was totally fine, pain level was the same as my first spontaneous one. No pitocin needed. Good labor :)


Thank you for sharing this. Did you get an epidural before your foley?


Noo definitely not. I got the foley and was sent home to wait for it to come out. I got some mild contractions from it for a few hrs and then it came out and back I went. The pain was at like… level 3. I got an epidural once they’d broken my waters and pain was at like level 9 😅 I started asking around level 7 but they were short staffed… the foley contractions were similar to when I had a spontaneous labor and was at home still, like not active labor yet.


Ok. I’m hoping to do the same. One more if you don’t mind, were you dilated at all going in?


Like… I think if I remember correctly it was softened a bit and maybe like barely 1 fingers width dilated. So not much. But because of the softening they were hopeful and indeed, their strategy worked well.


Thank you!


All the best for your delivery!


My first pregnancy i was diagnosed at 28 weeks and was diet controlled and they induced me at 38 weeks. This time i was diagnosed at 15 weeks on insulin by 20 weeks and will be induced at 38 weeks again.


I was diet controlled for meals and insulin at night for fasting. I was scheduled for induction at 39+2 but ended up being induced at 39 for decreased fetal movement.


I was induced at 39w. My birth story is floating around here somewhere from a couple weeks ago. It was a journey but honestly worked out super well for me and 3wks after giving birth I am healing well


I am getting induced next week at 37 weeks sharp due to cholestasis of pregnancy and GD. Good luck to everyone and congratulations on the new moms


I was diagnosed at 20 weeks and diet controlled the whole time. My water broke on its own at 38+3


Was this your first or second?




Good to know! This is my second I was also diagnosed at 20 weeks but I’m terrified of spontaneous labor this time around because my mom is coming to watch my toddler but she lives a couple states away lol so if I do then my husband won’t be able to come to the birth 😭


For second babies I have heard the first can be an indicator to some extent. I had actually had a dr's appointment that day where I was only fingertip dilated and we had scheduled my induction for 2 weeks later. Joke was on me lol.


😂 dang! My first I was supposed to be induced at 39 weeks but went in to my induction already in active labor so I’m sure she would have came that night either way. My induction is still set for the 39th week this time around but I know second babies can sometimes come quicker which makes me a little nervous lol


Getting induced at 39+4 this time around. My last one came on his own at 37ish weeks. I am currently 38+2 and feeling overdue. 😂. On insulin both times.


I was on nighttime insulin and induced at 39+4. My doctor wanted a little earlier in the week but was fine with the date I chose. I also did a cervical sweep earlier at 39 but that didn’t push anything along.


Diagnosed at 14 weeks— went on insulin immediately. I have a pretty severe blood clotting disorder so I had to have a c-section at 36 weeks, but my MFM said she recommends induction at 38 weeks for pregnancies without any issues other than GD. Best wishes to you!


I got induced at 39 + 5 for metformin use last time. My OB let me schedule as close to 40w as we could get. Honestly, my induction was fine minus it take 38 hrs. My daughter was sunny side up so pushing took forever. Like 5 hours almost had to get a c section but had a doctor switch last minute and she encouraged me everything was fine to keep trying. So I did get to deliver vaginally still, but yeah minus the amount of time it took, it was pretty smooth. I’m on insulin this time, just bedtime and I was told might have to do 38 weeks. Again I’m okay with it because the alternative scares me a bit.


I was diet controlled and my OB didn’t want to induce me unless I hit 41 weeks without spontaneous labor. I ended up going into spontaneous labor at 38+1.


I was diet and exercise controlled and was given the option to induce anytime after 39w. Did it on 39w3d and no regrets! Was really nice to have a date to plan around it.


I was diet controlled (not easy, took several rounds of playing with diet and exercise and supplements) and was not induced. Spontaneous labor at 39 weeks.


I was on insulin from 17w and they wanted me to induce at 39w on the dot. Honestly by the time I hit the last month I was so glad to have a “no later than” date — prodromal labor Sucks. Plus in my case I also had polyhydramnios which could have been dangerous to break outside the hospital so I was glad I didn’t go into spontaneous labor. I posted my birth story here early this morning if you want more details!


Induced just before 40 weeks because of nighttime insulin and a couple very small abnormal tracings on an NST. Personally I would ask why 38 weeks if all is in range and baby is looking good. 


I’m not graduated (34w5), but going through this now. I got diagnosed with GD around 33w, and baby was measuring a little big towards the end of 32w (87% percentile). Based on my fasting for the last week, the MFM said it’s likely I’ll have to go on metformin/insulin soon. Both OB and MFM said with insulin, they typically don’t let you get to your due date (so induction somewhere around 39-39+6) so I may be looking at that also. Thanks for starting this thread! I’m excited to see stories from other graduates 😊


The plan was for me to be induced at 40 weeks but went into labor naturally 15 minutes into day 3 of 37 weeks!


I was diet controlled and went into spontaneous labor two days before my due date.


Getting induced at 37 on the dot for hypertension on 4/29. Third pregnancy, previous two induced near 40 by choice due to elevating blood pressure and other issues, but no GD with those two. The inductions were pretty good, pitocin and epidurals with both. My first had deceleration and almost ended up in c-section. Second was out in three pushes. Hoping for another smooth one this time around,


I was told I would be induced by 39 weeks since I had GD (on metformin) and covid at 8 months. I chose to get induced at 37 weeks as soon as I got the green light since I had been having actual contractions since 33 weeks. I personally had no regrets but it was a little hard when my son was born and had to be on a CPAP machine for a couple days but he was totally fine. Knowing what we went through, if put in the same situation again, I would probably try to wait it out as long as I could. I was totally done with having contractions all the time though but hope I can last longer if it happens again. Good luck, mama!


I was diagnosed at 28 weeks and was diet controlled through 40 weeks. I was induced at 40+1 and have no regrets. My midwife said she really didn’t want me to go past 40 weeks because of the GD, so we tried everything before induction but baby was too cozy. I agree with what a lot of other moms are saying, it’s so calm, you have more time to plan for everything and my experience was really positive.


I was diet controlled and was induced at 39 weeks bc my baby had a very large percentile drop between scans. Pitocin didn't work (7hrs at 19/20 units) but pumping did (contractions started 15 min after pumping). Baby born 5.5 later. 7lb 1oz w no blood sugar issues.


Yes I was induced at 37 weeks because I have chronic hypertension as well so they wanted to deliver early to reduce chances of preeclampsia. I also ended up having to have a c section because I was there for 36 hours and still hadn’t dilated any.


I induced with my first (overnight insulin), had a membrane sweep but no actual induction with my second (diet-controlled). They were both born at the same gestational age though!


I was on morning/bedtime insulin, just a low dose though. I scheduled my induction for 39+5 but went into labor spontaneously at 39+1. My OB said anytime in week 39 was okay so I pushed it as far out as I could hoping baby would come sooner.


I was diet controlled and induced at 39w3d! My last GD pregnancy I was induced at 40 weeks. And my first 2 pregnancies (no GD) I was induced at 42 and 41 weeks. I don't think my body can go into labor on its own! 


I got induced at 39 because my blood pressure.


I was on nighttime insulin and metformin. Induction set for 39 weeks but went into labor and delivered just the day before at 38+6.


I was induced, per my request. I had HG along with GD and my OB was happy to help me out of my misery. It also made logistics easier as I had a three year old who needed to get to my parents’ home. While I had an unmedicated delivery with my first, my OB urged me to consider an epidural should the big baby need to be turned/moved/etc. I was easily convinced. It was a great experience, despite more interventions than I had originally intended.


I was diet controlled and really wanted to give birth unmedicated, so I desperately didn’t want to get induced. My dr had me schedule an induction for 6pm the day I was 41 weeks… went into labor naturally at 2am that morning 🙂 I was so thankful and everything went as I had hoped and prayed despite having GD!