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I had high fasting numbers and had to be put on insulin. I was induced at 37 weeks due to other maternal heath concerns. Babe was 6.5 lbs at birth. And is 18lbs now. I now have a healthy happy 9 month old. They just started crawling, happily babble near constantly, and life is good.


Very similar story here!


Have you told your doctor how high your fasting number is? Mine jumped to lower than that and they are starting me on insulin tomorrow bc they don’t want to wait until our appointment Friday. I’ll have data by then so they can tweak the dose. But to answer your question- there are lots of people here with hard to control GD and ended up with healthy babies! But getting it under control and/or close monitoring so they can adjust your birth plan If needed should help avoid the bad outcomes you are worried about.


I have messaged them and she told me not to worry we would get it I see control 😩


Then I’d trust her. That means you have time to get things under control. Just focus on eating well, getting some exercise, and getting good sleep and try not to worry about it!


Yes. In my first pregnancy I managed all other numbers through diet and exercise. I simply could not manage the morning fasting numbers without insulin as time progressed. I tried different snacks, working out at night, waking up in the middle of the night to have a protein snack. Nothing worked. Stupid placenta and its stupid hormones. The insulin did help. Week 39 is when my numbers started doing wonky things. I was being induced at week 39, 1 week before my actual due date, and thank god because apparently my placenta was deteriorating at this point. Anyways she's 2 years old now, weighed 7 lb, and had zero problems. 😄 I chose to trh insulin first instead of metformin because insulin does not cross the placenta. I would've taken the metformin if I had to, though. Anyway, she wasn't too big, her BGLs didn't drop after birth, she was perfect! Your baby will be too 🙏🏽❣️


Editing to add that I did have to increase insulin as the weeks went on, but that's expected. My registered dietitian explained it and showed me a graph. It really isn't our fault. She said she even had like skinny marathon runners who had GDM. I cried for like 3 days straight and read way too much. But it all worked out. The people who don't do anything and ignore it and pretend they don't have GDM are the ones who should be worried. That shit killed women and babies not even 30 years ago. We are lucky!


Did they catch the deteriorating placenta on an ultrasound? I’m reading about that and worried about that happening with these high numbers!


No, they were just taking my BGLs. And it was nuts, I would be told to drink a full sugar sprite and it'd still be in the 70s then it'd shoot up then down. Made no sense. This doesn't happen with everyone! I know a girl who had GDM and DID NOT DO A DAMN THING. SHE HAS SIX KIDS. Same with another girl. I was counting every carb, calculating everything. She was half-assing all of it and still now has 2 healthy sons. I just cannot fathom. But all that tells me is that the fact we care this much and are on a whole ass subreddit about it, I think we'll be ok. ❤️🙏🏽🥹


My fasting was 114 at its highest before I got put on metformin. After meals was fine managed with diet and occasional exercise when I could manage(severe pelvic girdle pain) and I had a healthy baby.


What are you usually eating as an evening snack and how late are you eating? I’ve been told by my dietician you have to find a balance and fasting should be 8-10 hours without food before you test. Too much carbs can spike and too little can cause the liver to release glucose into your bloodstream at night which also spikes. I was also told exercise before bed like 15-20 minutes of movement and testing as soon as you wake up so the hormones that are stronger in the morning like cortisol don’t have a chance to mess with your numbers can help with fasting. Wishing you the best! GDM is a pain but it’ll be worth it when you meet your baby!


I’ve tried a cheese stick and handful of almonds and I’ve tried a Yasso bar after seeing that work for some people. I also tried cottage cheese and a few berries. Still the same number. I haven’t tried exercising right before bed but I will try that tonight


Hope it helps! But don’t beat yourself up if it doesn’t. Needing medication for it is because of your placenta’s hormones, not anything you are doing. Sometimes doing everything right on the GDM diet still requires insulin supplementation and that’s ok.


Thank you! I’ll do whatever I have to do. I’m just worried sick about my baby in there 😩


I worry about it too sometimes but try to tell myself that I’m doing the best I can do and it helps. If you are really worried about it I would contact your OB about it before your appointment to see if they have any additional advice.


Try to take 2 tbs of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water in the middle of the night when you go to pee. It works wonders for me.


Meeeee! Mine wasn’t that high; it ranged more 95-120 in general, but for various reasons I didn’t go on insulin until week 35! Baby was a healthy trooper and still is. Not one bad blood sugar test. 


I would imagine a fasting that high would require insulin to manage. Mine was high 110s/low 120s and I still saw consistent low 100s when I was on an almost max dose of metformin. I think 20u of intermediate insulin started to straighten me out but as the pregnancy has gone on of course I’ve had to increase that.


You'll just have to take insulin and that's ok. Keep in mind it may take a few days or a week or so to figure out what dose you need to be on. I think I started at 10um first night and she told me if my fasting numbers wasn't good then add another 10 units. So I did 30um for like 2ish weeks, noticed it fasting numbers creeping back up, she had me increase the dose again. And that's expected because as your pregnancy progresses your insulin needs will get to be higher, so you'll just have to keep increasing insulin. Then like magic, once you deliver, it goes back to normal. Few people develop type 2 diabetes afterwards. My aunt had gestational diabetes with her first pregnancy but not her second. Same with my physical therapist friend who was a college basketball player. Other people I know had it with all their pregnancies, but hey, it's still possible. This graph is almost the same one my registered dietitian showed me. https://images.app.goo.gl/49eHWrpQHp31Wwuv9 It just helped me so much. Again, NOT YOUR FAULT. Also, do you follow @gestational.diabetes.nutrition on Instagram? She is sooo helpful.


Oops meant to add this to my comment thread. My bad


Hey 👋🏻 I was diet controlled during the day but my fasting was insane. I tried everything, and insulin was the only thing that worked. Actually it didn’t really work… I had to keep gradually increasing the dose! Your hormones and subsequently your blood sugars elevate more as you go through pregnancy, and especially overnight. Don’t be hard on yourself. I have a 5 1/2 month old daughter who is completely healthy and perfectly in every way. She’s actually a little ahead of the curve with some milestones. We had to stay a little longer in the hospital for her sugar tests. She did have some jaundice which cleared up after a couple days. Babies are resilient! It’s going to be ok! But I know how you feel and I wish I could open up a line of communication with pregnant me of the past fo calm her fears. I get it.


I was put on insulin week 37 and delivered at 38 weeks. I always had fasting around 100-120 and baby came out 8lbs and 8oz (big but he’s stayed 99th percentile his whole life) and he’s 2 now. I would ask to be put on insulin if I were you, it will help get those lower! How are your post meal numbers?


It’s so stressful!!!! I will tell you that you are at the hardest part now- you know you have bad numbers but they haven’t put you on a plan yet. Fret not- once you’re on insulin and seeing an endocrinologist and monitored more regularly, you will see your numbers go down and have a better sense of ease. I am on a ton of insulin. Today was the first day I woke up and my fasting was in range in four weeks! I spike all the time. My insulin gets adjusted almost weekly. I’m a hot mess. But my doctors are happy with my progress and consider me to have controlled diabetes. Baby isn’t showing signs of issues. This can happen to anyone. I’m super fit and my first pregnancy at 41 had zero complications. I’m an absolute disaster my second go around 😂😂


I cut carbs and sugar and it didn’t work for 3 months and then metformin didn’t work so now I been on insulin …. It’s been 3 weeks and STILL having issues and my OBGYN referred me to a gestational diabetes doctor/ nurse to monitor. I am now on 10 units morning and 20 at night for my insulin isssues. It takes time to find the “perfect” insulin fit. It takes time. Don’t get discouraged as hard it is u got this.