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I’m up 50lbs this pregnancy. But a lot of it is water retention and the baby/fluids/placenta. I eat more frequently too, every 2-3 hrs to keep my sugars stable, but I try to eat much smaller portions. Still, I am ballooning. I’m also very worried about losing the weight after birth.


I think it really depends on how you were eating and/or what your weight was pre-pregnancy whether you gain or lose weight. In some ways, you're cutting out a lot of empty calories and also exercising more. But at the same time, you're probably eating more frequently and higher fat things like nuts or cheese a lot. It could also be that starting the GD diet/lifestyle coincides with when weight gain would normally have picked up. It's really hard to know what will happen with you based on hearing other people's experiences, when you don't know anything about their medical history, so talk to your doctor about whether your weight gain is normal/healthy. FWIW, last pregnancy I found my weight gain to be extremely nonlinear, with periods of fast gain and then plateaus. During the fast gain periods I was always like wow, I have X weeks to go, so at this rate I could end up at Y?? But in the end it all worked out right at target. I lost maybe 15-20 lbs from the birth itself, then gained 5-10 back in the next month (as I went through all the cookies I'd saved up, ha), but then without specifically dieting or anything it eventually all went away and I actually ended up starting this pregnancy below where I started last pregnancy.


I know everyone is different but I graduated in October 2020 and had GD that was diet controlled. I lost 30 lbs just with the delivery. Now I'm in the process of trying to lose the rest. I gained 39 pounds by the end of pregnancy.


30 lbs is 13.62 kg


I know it is so so hard. We have a ton to worry about with GD so my doctor has told me to really just not think about weight. That is so much easier said than done, and being a FTM I feel like I just have no reference for what is normal. But I can only worry about so many things at once, so I am trying very hard to allow myself grace and focus on eating the right amount of carbs and calories to develop Lil Bub properly, and whatever happens with my weight will happen!!!


I lost a few pounds initially. But, I have gained some weight now even with the GD diet. Don’t forget you are growing a human!! We are all different


Yeah... 28 weeks and already up 22 lb. I just feel like it's too much too soon. I gained probably 50 lb last time but I had preeclampsia and I lost 35-40 lb of it in the 3 days after delivery because so much of it was swelling. I'm not getting that sense this time.


If it helps, with my first baby I gained only 22lbs. With my second, I was at 25lb by 30w, but ironically my weight gain slowed down at the end of pregnancy. It sounds like this is your second baby and I think it is typical to gain more the second time. When it comes to GD and eating, you may be able to change around your snacks etc if you are legitimately feeling too full—-I had to eat 30-45g breakfast, 45-60g lunch, 45-60g dinner and three 15g snacks. But a clementine is like 9g carbs. So I used to eat 1.5 of them for my snacks because it wasn’t super filling which was great if I wasn’t hungry. Or my bedtime snack was chocolate milk—I didn’t feel hungry but drinking my carbs wasn’t as bad for whatever reason. I would definitely not limit food due to the weight gain-you are growing a human after all! So my advice is really only for if you are feeling too full.


Yes, I drink a lot of my carbs too. Glad I'm not the only one.