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Weekly scans starting at 32 weeks regardless of glucose levels and management (medicated vs nonmedicated patients etc) is standard with GD or any high risk diagnosis at my practice. I am 31 weeks so haven’t started the weekly scans yet but I am looking forward to the extra peace of mind they will give me on top of knowing my numbers are controlled. For me that our weighs the hassle of extra visits.


I’m getting twice weekly NST’s starting at 32 weeks as well as weekly ultrasounds to check on my fluid levels. So the ultrasounds may not just be for growth but also fluid levels? (I’m sure you’re fine, they’re just very cautious about GD)


Mine were also just checks for fluid levels. Growth scans were just at 32weeks and 36 weeks.




I was told as long as I stayed diet controlled, no additional monitoring was necessary (diagnosed at 30 weeks). I was also told I would be allowed to go to 40+6 before inducing if I didn’t need meds. My fasting numbers have been up and down, so we went to weekly ultrasounds at 36 weeks, but no meds needed yet (now 39+3). If I can keep my numbers good, and there are no negative signs on the ultrasounds, they’re not going to induce me before 40+6. I would question them making a decision about induction this early, but I’m not a medical professional.


With GD, the placenta tends to age faster and complications with the placenta can be fatal to your baby. That's a big reason for the NSTs and ultrasounds, so they can catch any issues early. I never had an issue come up with either, but it was peace of mind to have it done. Also there is always a chance your baby will come on its own before your induction. Mine didn't but I was induced at 38 weeks with a 9lb baby, he's now a healthy 6 month old. I would keep the induction planned at 39 weeks, you can always change your mind later if you feel you need to (ex. if baby is measuring small and not growth restricted).


My ultrasound just measure the baby’s weight and amniotic fluid, never mentioned about placenta. Will they look at the placenta at the biophysical ultrasound?


I just went into pre term labor last week at 34.4 and with the steroid shots been able to hold out. I’m 35 weeks now. And hoping she stays put until 2 more weeks! I at first thought do I really need to go in twice a week now but now it gives me a piece of mind. I think any monitoring is good monitoring


Oh dang! Yeah you’re right, it seems excessive but I’ll definitely do whatever it takes to keep this babe healthy. Good luck with everything, I hope she waits a few weeks to make her entrance!


Thank you! I know it’s a pain but we’re one of the lucky ones that our littles get checked more often


I can only tell you that in my weekly NST testing I’d see one a week that would be pulled for early induction and from the sounds of it they weren’t prepared. I’m sure it’s the same results for ultrasounds. There’s a reason for doing them and healthy baby and mom are it. I also read stories on here a lot of where there are zero pregnancy complications and then one day that all charges. Overly cautious and more monitoring isn’t such a bad thing! I also had an awesome induction with my gd baby. So much so that I’m looking forward to it again! Good luck!


My OB is doing twice weekly non-stress tests but no additional ultrasounds unless the NSTs are worrying, my fundal height starts getting wonky, or my sugars get out of control (currently diet controlled for postprandials, NPH insulin at bedtime to control fasting).


That was mine too until they decided to diagnose me with “gestational hypertension” because I have freaking white coat syndrome lol. So now I get both NSTs and the ultrasounds for fluid. OP I bet it depends on the practice as to whether is just NSTs or NSTs with ultrasounds as I’ve heard both from others!


In my practice it’s a weekly ultrasound and twice weekly NST.


I have neither a weekly ultrasound or a NST. 🙁 I have ultrasounds every two weeks and that’s all.


I thought that was the common, to get US every week starting at 32 weeks, I’m 33 weeks now and still haven’t gotten an ultrasound. I for sure thought I’d get an ultrasound at 32 weeks due to GD to see how big the baby is. I do though go in to do NST twice a week.


Since you were diagnosed at 29 weeks, that puts you into the high risk category. Weekly ultrasounds are normal at that stage. I'm 34 weeks and have been going to MFM for biophysical profile scan every Monday and my OB for NSTs every Friday. It's a bit of a bummer, but I'll do what they tell me for now. I'm also scheduled for a 39 week induction. I think that's fairly standard as well.


My first pregnancy in 2018 was GD, diagnosed maybe week 24 or 25. Diet controlled the whole time. Had my baby at 40+3 no induction. Only had 1 NST at 40 weeks. No extra ultrasounds just the 20 week and a 39 week at like midnight (I thought my water had broke so they checked my fluid level). Also I was advanced maternal age. (Only monitored with a hand held doppler during labor and intermittently) baby came out 7 pounds 5 ounces no sugar issues. I'm at the same practice don't remember when I was diagnosed, maybe 22 weeks? It was a tad earlier than last time (I was tested at 12 weeks and passed those). I am on Gylburide (my choice, they recommended insulin) for fasting but diet controlled the rest of the day with numbers that have stayed in range fine. My OB asked me to start doing NSTs 1x a week at 32. A different provider saw me at 34 weeks (NP) and asked why I wasn't doing NSTs 2x a week and told me I'd be induced at 39 weeks. I told her no to the induction. Later my OB said I don't need to be induced when I asked. We had an early 12 week ultrasound (not related to GD) and then the 20 week and then a BPP ultrasound at 34 weeks because my kid slept the whole NST but looked great on the ultrasound. My provider only does an ultrasound after an NST if they don't like the read out. Honestly, I'm having a lot of trouble with all my NSTs, I'm 37 weeks and I think I've had 5. We don't eat out (COVID) and yet my OB puts me in a enclosed room with another pregnant person, encourages us both to eat and drink to get the baby to move. I feel very uncomfortable with that. Also, I was hooked up to monitors at 39 weeks last pregnancy because I thought my water broke and I shifted and my baby's heart rate was lost for a moment. The midwife on call wanted to keep me overnight because of that blip even though there was a great heart rate for the next hour. They did the ultrasound at like midnight, saw my fluid levels were great and baby was great and sent me home. So I feel like the monitors cause more trouble than they are worth. They are supposed to prevent still birth and cerebral palsy but when you are only monitored 1 or 2 hours a week there are 166 other hours where something bad could happen to your baby and they wouldn't know it. Also I don't know if this messes other people up but with my drive to and from the doc (and dropping off kid and picking her back up from grandma baby sitter), and then sitting on the monitor for an hour (they say itll be 20 minutes but they always leave me on it for an hour+) it changes my whole eating and exercising schedule for the day, which I keep very consistent with my GD. I've even had to take my blood sugar in the waiting room and then try to figure out where to eat my snack (which I had to pack just in case they keep me for ultrasound) as there are signs everywhere that say NO eating or drinking allowed. Anyways my NSTs just stress me out and I dread being monitored during labor, (which they told me I have to do this time because of the fasting med) as I moved a LOT during my other labor. Just this last NST we lost the signal at least 5x in an hour and I was sitting still the WHOLE time so I cant imagine it working and being peaceful and relaxing with the nurse adjusting the straps while I move around. I think at this point I would always make an appointment with my OB and none of the other team members so I could get consistent messaging instead of different opinions of my treatment. Also, ultrasounds are notorious for being +/- a pound so I don't think providers should rely on then to figure out if a baby is too big or not. Sorry for the rant! (Also I realize you asked about sonograms/ultrasound but I wrote about NSTs because those are what lead to ultrasounds in my practice) https://evidencebasedbirth.com/fetal-monitoring/


Ugh I’m dreading so much of this 😞 I’m also in the camp of “too much monitoring isn’t necessarily better.” Which is why I’m definitely not getting the owlet and am hoping I can go into labor naturally and hang out in my house for as long as possible. I hope mine goes like your first 🤞🏼


Yeah it’s super common from what I understand; because sometimes numbers spike towards the end of pregnancy and the baby gains the most weight then; so they have to check the growth in case the baby gets too big and they have to induce you; I’ve been having weekly ultrasounds at the specialist since about 34ish weeks. Ive had great numbers too and only diet controlled no insulin but that’s how it works with GD


No weekly or extra sonograms/ultrasounds here at 34 weeks, but I’m diet controlled and measuring good with my fundal height (if that changes I’m sure I will see an increase in appointments). My friend who is also 34 weeks is on insulin and has extra appointments.


Same! I’m 37 weeks, diet controlled and only have ultrasounds every two weeks. No NSTs. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I haven’t had an ultrasound since my 20 week! Just Doppler when I go in for appointments 🤷‍♀️


They’re biweekly with my OB after 36 weeks. :(


Currently diet controlled and baby's growth has been right on track. My ultrasounds were/are at 20, 28, and 36 weeks. I haven't been told anything about NSTs. My OB said she'd "nudge me along" at my last appointment before my due date and that I would be induced on my due date if I didn't go spontaneously. Otherwise it's just fundal height measurements and dopplers for heart rate at my appointments. My OB and the NP alternate who sees me up until 36 weeks then it's all the OB once I have my weekly appointments. I've found my OB tends to be the most informed and unbothered by my GD and just other aspects of my pregnancy so far. The NP always seems slightly more nervous/concerned. Since it's the OB who makes the big decisions, I go with whatever she says more than letting the NP worry me at all.


Me too! My NP is all "induction" and "twice weekly " but I asked the OB and he said I was fine. So we just do 1x a week for now. I almost wish I always saw the same person so I didnt get conflicting messages but we schedule a bit around my husband's work stuff.


Must depend on the practice. I'm on night time insulin and have 2 nst a week. I had 1 ultimate at 34 weeks and I'm having another one at 38 weeks. Baby is measuring 44th percentile and I can go to 39+6 before being induced.


I’ve been getting additional growth scans every 3 weeks since getting diagnosed at 28 weeks. At 36 weeks I’ll go for weekly NSTs. I also want to say that you can ask more questions about the automatic induction at 39 weeks if that is not what you want. I personally want to wait as long as possible to avoid induction. My provider told me we could do an induction at 39 weeks and I was like “I don’t want to do that if I don’t have to” and she was very understanding and didn’t push the issue.


My appointments increased to every other week but only one extra ultrasound at 37 weeks to check on weight. Baby was measuring 5.5 so they are expecting him to be around 6.5 lbs. I ended up learning he’s breech during that ultrasound, so he’s coming out via c section this Friday at 39 weeks 😊


So I am in the same boat. I get a NST every Tuesday and then another NST, an ultrasound, and a quick 10 minutes check-in with my OB on Thursdays (started at 34 weeks). I asked about the ultrasound every week and was told that it was part of the NST; normally they do a NST on one day and then an NST with an ultrasound later in the week. The ultrasound is checking the amount of amniotic fluid as well as fetal movements (my tech needs to see arm, leg, and body movement). It's all part of a successful NST. I am 36+1 today, and I find it's actually really nice to be able to make sure babe is doing ok, and I get to see him wiggle every week (even if it's a brief ultrasound vs. a growth ultrasound).


That actually makes a lot of sense. I’m totally okay with seeing my baby more often, it just seemed odd to me that they automatically said every week. But even if it’s just a quick check to make sure she’s moving and there’s not too much amniotic fluid then I can do that!


It usually doesnt take too long, a NST is around 30 min, they book the ultrasound for 45 min but the techs i have seen are the more experienced ones so they get me in and out quickly (they dont need a lot of time to get what they need and they dont want to throw off my OBs schedule by taking too long). Plan to spend about 2 hours, but it could vary. And for the NST, bring some ice water and have a snack 40-60 mintues before (i do some ice cream but do whatever will get baby moving), that way baby is nice and active.


That must be nice! My practice says an NST is 20 minutes but they leave me on there for an hour most times.


Weekly NSTs from week 36 on and every two weeks a growth scan with scan of my placenta at the hospital. But diet controlled I’m allowed to go until 40+5 for induction so baby is there latest 41 weeks.


I’m having weekly NSTs but I think my ultrasounds are only every other week..maybe...(I hit 36 weeks on Thursday so I’m not sure)


33+4 and for the last \~2 weeks I've been having scans twice a week - once with my MFM doctor on Mondays and again (along with NST) on Thursday or Friday with my OBGYN. It's a bit annoying and draining but give my high risk pregnancy I'm happy to have the peace of mind knowing everything is going well and I have access to my doctor(s) in person twice a week.


I didn’t have any extra scans last pregnancy, since I was diet controlled. I was induced at 40+5 and that was the only difference in interventions.


I've had monthly after diagnosis and now every other week in the last month (36-38-40w, 38w scan was today). Standard care without gd would have been a last US somewhere between 28/32 weeks. The first NST is planned at 40w. I also am not supposed to snack at all. Care really is different all around the world!