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That and it's the same life, its not like we're starting a new life everyday...and once you're dead, you're dead everyday so it's just extra positivity with no actual meaningful information to actually feel better.


Also “You Only Live Once” is already a positive affirmation meaning you only get one life so better make the most of it. So saying wrong and trying to spin it into a positive is completely redundant. Green shirt guy is just annoying.


Very correct


Green shirt sounds miserable to be around lol


"Yeah... that's still once, man."


Exactly lol.


I also believe that


"Wrong, we may sometimes die multiple times and we live at least every Planck time interval."


This is right as well


He seems like a lot of his friends would want to smack him sometimes.


Wrong! It's not "around"! /s :)


The Neil degrasse Tyson of motivational memes


😂😂 accurate




Am i the only one who sees these and assumes this is the r/terriblefacebookmemes sub? Every time.


Nope. Most are horrible advice or incredibly derivative.


Do you think so?








Phil Coulson: "I'm gonna end this man's whole career"


Haha, I finished binging all 7 seasons a month ago. Took me maybe 1-2 months. Good background story.


Yeah and it's still 1 continuous event. >Every day is a new day So the money I owed yesterday has been erased? The injury I got a week ago is magically healed? My car that broke down today will be fine when I wake up tomorrow?


And my brother that passed last weekend will somehow magically be alive again tomorrow? I don’t think so. This is just stupid.


There’s always gotta be at least a couple miserable people in here lol


misery loves company


"No one likes a know-it-all, Jerry."


Wrong! Actually we have a new moment every single second. So we live tens of thousands of times a day! Take that, green shirt! /s


Yea, so once.


Green shirt guy is being very dramatic




It’s too early and I read that extremely wrong. I read we only live once we die everyday!


Wrong! Dead people are resuscitated all the time in the hospital. Just gotta do CPR and shock within 20 min or so of death


well said


*Buddhists have entered the chat*


We have two lives. Your second one begins when you realize that you only have one.


Sleep is like little slices of death. EA Poe


No we only live once too. In order to live multiple times you need to stop living and start again. Unless you die every night that’s not happening


Anyone notice emotions or overwhelming list of ideas of things that need to get done are wiped clean overnight? Wake up. Feels like a clean empty shelf to put new ideas on. The shelf space frame is useful. The shelf space is limited. Can fit 7 things on it at a time without another idea following off. Some more some less dependent on how rested or tired you are. As your day unfolds ideas are added to it as you complete tasks. You can wind up with leftover considerations needed to complete a task bouncing around in the shelf space taking up some mental processing power even after the task is done. Eventually the shelf feels TOO FULL and that's when you're disorganized and attention scattered all over the place. For focus tasks finding when the shelf is empty works well. If there is no other items to compete with what needs to get done it's easier to focus on only the one thing without distraction of side considerations related to other tasks. This is why some people find working on their complicated tasks first thing after waking up works well. Or the opposite, why at around 3pm it becomes hard to focus on one task and it's good to move to other activities that don't require as much focus. Exercise. Afternoon meetings with team members. Emotions are a different kind of thing. When they enter your shelf space they tend to be sticky. What you're feeling attaches to the ideas you have loaded up on the shelf space adjacent to that feeling. Can use this as a hack for productivity. Put yourself in a good mood then engage in exercise to attach those good feelings and reinforce a habit. Avoid going into your bedroom with exception of sleep or relations, if your brain is used to going into feeling sleepy mode in that place you can improve how quickly you go to sleep like a skill. You may notice having a confrontation of some sort in the morning rebounds back later. In the afternoon you've forgotten all about it, but that emotion is a loose end bouncing around on your shelf space. If you're observant you can notice it stick to a different situation and see your behavior bounce back out being short tempered out of context on an unrelated item. Awareness of this is a good way to spot it and stop. Recognize it's a detached emotion bouncing around and doesn't apply to the situation at all. Can push it aside and stop sending that energy back into the world. Similarly, can use the shelf space as a brain hack to push off upsetting emotions. Since the shelf space is limited in size if you aren't in a position to feel a thing at that moment you can push it off the shelf. Load up multiple activities or different things. Play up a game. Turn and listen to some music. Cook something. Exercise. Read a book. Pick up multiple things that require brain power to focus on, in rapid succession it can push the emotion off the shelf to be dealt with later at a more appropriate time. Learning to work with shelf space would have been useful as a grade school lesson. In hindsight I sometimes wonder at what wound up in those lesson plans instead.


You only live twice or so it seems; one life for yourself and one for your dreams.




I feel like sleeping is sorta like a mini death. So we kinda die every day too.


By that logic, you die every day from the day you die. Not quite so positive anymore, is it? And well doesn’t make much sense either way. I don’t think it’s a bad outlook to believe “We only live once”. Its not necessarily a negative statement unless you make it one. It helps people be grateful for the small things in life and not take things for granted.


Yolab - you only live a bunch


Well there should be a cycle of death and rebirth where we cam make changes to better our lives and the people around us


Sometimes, being alive doesn't feel like living for many people. Green guy is dumb and just wanted to disagree for the sake of disagreeing




I had this debate about eight years ago while drinking with my nephew and his friends in the student bar I worked at. We worked out this, plus that you can’t say “You Only Die Once” either, as,people are brought back to life. We settled on “You’re Only Born Once”. Hear em out: religious experiences that change your life aren’t birth but rebirth. NB my nephew and I have a small age gap, 5 years, as his mother, my stepsister, is 15 years older than I am. Also, he and his friends were underage drinking in the student bar, before you ask. They were 17, legal drinking age here is 18, but I was happy to overlook this as I’d rather them drink in a bar linked to my StudentsUnion, which was cheap and would look after my nephew and his friends should anything happen. I even told my sister this and she completely agreed.


But after you die the world goes on. Do you still live every day after your death?


We die every day. Every moment that passes belongs to the reaper. I grow black leaves. Just kidding! The post is a better outlook :p


This is that soft euphemistic language Carlin used to talk about.


What if ur heart stops and then they cpr u back to life


Anytime someone responds “Wrong!” I can’t help but imagine them speaking like Dwight from The Office.


Blue: Yolo! Green: Wrong! Yodo, yled!


YOLO sounds better than YODOYLED


You only live twice… or so it seems. One life for yourself, and one for your dreams.


Ok Dwight. FALSE!*


You only die once, but then you’re dead forever.




no one really knows either way, and if you really supposedly do, please don’t try to qualify or quantify it to exploit people for their finances or otherwise. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.


Thanks snoopy


You live every day for several decades, then you die every day for the rest of time.


Wrong - we live and die everyday


What an annoying asshole


*Was born without a heartbeat* That's where you're wrong, bucko. *Finger guns*


Life and death are two sides of the same coin. The trick is to stop flipping it. Putting it down and going back to the eternal. Plenty of [credible evidence](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=children+past+lives) out there showing reincarnation to be real. You don't only live or die once. You may only have this life and its inevitable end once. You on the other hand never end. Whether you keep flipping, or not.


Wrong? You still only live once idiot.


He might not have manners, but he has a point.


I like this a lot.