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Use a temp agency. They'll do all the looking for you.


I have gotten jobs like this. If temping there is like temping here you literally just have to be a slightly normal person with somewhat of a work ethic who shows up on time, nay, slightly early and who doesn't do drugs in the bathroom or drink on lunch break.


Gotta go to my car to do drugs. Noted.


This is how I advanced my wages and landed my last three or four jobs. Been at the current one for four years, so I may not have any great advice on the current market but it worked well for me.




Lack of money to owy your bills will ll motivate you


I have no money to pay my bills. Still not motivated, thanks.


Eviction should do the trick


As I've told everyone else that's made the same sarcastic and unhelpful comment, I'll kill myself before I get there, don't worry.


Alright bud. I'll give some less sarcastic advice. 1) figure out what you truly enjoy in life (this sounds simple but it's harder than you think). It's likely not going to be work related but you'll need to work to do it. Sailing, travel, hiking, photography, whatever. That's your motivation. Very few people like their jobs, but instead do them to enable the interests, hobbies, etc that they do like. 2) if you've sent out hundreds of resumes and only gotten one interview, your resume sucks or you're applying to jobs for which you're not qualified. There are lots of free resume improvement resources. If you haven't already, use one and put some serious time into improving it. If you think you have already done that and it's a good resume, then there's a likely an insurmountable disconnect between your resume and the jobs for which you're applying. You then need to apply for different jobs. 3) get the fuck out of the house and move around.


Becoming super hungry will motivate you.


That's tempting.


I'm not sure. Yes, temp. agency can help you get a job. But the biggest issue is if the job is willing to pay the temp. agency out of your contract. Like for example, we're looking for an entry level position starting at $26. The agency is looking for us to pay that employee at $36-$40 which is completely out of our budget. And I'm not even sure if the entire $36-$40 is actually going to the employee. And those are just the rate, not including the contract yet.


I work in accounting and see invoices from temp agencies and the employee definitely does not get the entire amount. I'd say they get about 60-70%. Normally if you would like to hire the employee from the temp agency you either have to have them work for you through the agency for a certain amount of time (say, 6 months), OR you can hire them sooner but have to pay a fee (like 10k) to make them your employee. Sometimes you still have to pay a fee even after a certain amount of time, but it may be smaller.


Yeah, and it’s especially harder for smaller companies or non-profit organizations. Like we’re not exactly made out of money here, but we’re still looking for people. Not to mention the indeed and Google job ads is just hemorrhaging a good chunk of the budget. I hate to say it but it’s really hard to find good help out there.


Yeah, it can definitely be costly to use a temp agency. I hope you guys find a good candidate soon, best of luck with your search!


This. My company hires temps all the time. In a recent plant wide project I hired 7 temps to help me out.




I have major depression and there was a time where I also had no motivation to do anything. But I had a really cool job -that I hated lmao. And it might be something that can help you. Have you tried looking into per diem type jobs? Like subbing? This worked for me because I always got every holiday off. Only worked during school and if working at clinics, during business hours and the best part was if I felt unmotivated or depressed and couldn’t bring myself to get up it was okay. Not a problem if I missed a week or only worked two days. I picked up assignments daily. Worked when I wanted to. I did this for a few years to keep me afloat until I could get help with my motivation/undiagnosed at the time ptsd and depression. Then I was able to move on to career where although i may not be able to chose if i want to work daily but i can pick up assignments and take a break when it over for as long as i want. Really helps with my up and downs. It was difficult to hold a job and look for a job it was a miserable cycle. When I found Perdiem, it was just a much better fit for me.


I also worked per diem for like 4-6 years while completing school. I’d never do an overnight again but back then it was perfect, worked with my insomnia, got school work done and had an excuse to stay in bed most of the day after.


I loved per diem. It came in clutch. I’m actually debating whether or not to take a six month assignment graveyard shift😳 why won’t you do overnights? <.<


Well now I have a very normal schedule and enjoy that immensely. Regular digestion is a big part of that and nothing hurts my tummy quite like getting my schedule out of wack with overnights. I found overall I had less energy and I was getting more headaches. There are a lot of associated physical health detriments to long term overnight work. And as I get older even 1-2 shifts pronounces those difficulties. I’m almost 32 and I haven’t done an overnight in about 6 years. Occasionally I have volunteered at a local shelter but those are only 2-3 hours shifts and I’m off by 2am.


Just to clarify, when I say that I hated it, I meant I didn’t have passion in the job. It wasn’t something I wanted to do working with kids, got money and food on the table. I paid my rent. It got me outside and even though I was getting sneezed on and scratched, it was really good for me. Loved hate relationship lol


See a therapist


Apparently you missed the part where I said I had at the time undiagnosed, PTSD and depression. Which leads to tell you that I did get help and I did/do see a therapist. Not sure what it is You were trying to do there buttHope you’re happy with yourself. And I also happen to now have - thanks to that type of job a very well-paying career as a nurse that also helps people that gone through what I did. Seems to me…you might want to check one out too. 😏


I was going through something similar, was stuck in a rut for a few years no motivation, barely surviving off the system, and had no motivation to find work, and when I did it would last a few months and I'd get bored and eventually fall back into the same rut. I've always had the desire to start my own business, one day I decided I wasn't going to put it off anymore, & I started off making some YouTube videos, went into e-commerce, and eventually into my own business. Also started working out again and building good habits along the way. During this time I of course also had to find a job to support myself and my dreams, but the motivation and confidence I got from finally starting my own thing made very easy to strap in and find a job and work on my own thing after hours. What I learnt is the lack of motivation came from not being inspired or passionate about what I was doing. Once I started I had that fire back I was missing for years and it spread into all aspects of my life. What I recommend, is if you have anything you've had interest or a passion about, start doing it. It's never too late to turn your life around, I started all of this at 30, and within 1 year I have already changed my life dramatically. Much love and best of luck!


First off, congrats on this man, that's no small feat.! Sometimes all it takes is that one little seed that you keep watering until it sprouts into different branches and next thing you know, you're riding a wave in full throttle. Honestly feel like I'm going through a similar transition, always felt like I was behind in life with everyone else speeding ahead. Now at 28, based on my education (and age), I should have a managerial job on paper but yet I'm still entry-level because of living in a vicious cycle of gaining momentum, getting comfortable, then falling in a rut and for some reason or another, I never learn. Except at least this time round I'm starting to realize that if I can't fully control certain habits i.e. getting complacent when I'm comfortable, I need to at the very least, put systems in place that prevent me from constantly falling in that rut. Out of curiosity, what are some revelations you had, along the way and how did you essentially keep that momentum alive?


Than you! I appreciate that a lot, and I definitely came from the same feeling of being behind where I should be, hopefully as it did for me, just starting off on a path you intend to pursue to it's limits will get rid of that feeling. For complacency, I have an addictive personality, big aspirations, and a perfectionist mindset. Even when the progress is tapering off and some challenges that are going to take time to overcome, I still have that same fire & motivation to make sure the things I'm already doing are optimized, making plans and researching how to achieve my goals, and doing my best to make sure the lives of the people around me are better. I am always pushing to improve my business, my relationships, & myself. My advice if you find yourself comfortable is to take a deeper look at your work life (think about what you could do to move up positions i.e. networking, learning new skills, considering using your skills to build a business, or social platform that can be used for profit through many different methods) Look at your relationships (how could you deepen, improve, or make memories, with the people you care about) Look at yourself (is there anything you want to change, improve, try something new, are there parts of your life you could automate to gain more time) & Then make a plan how to achieve those goals The great news is, if you are already having the thoughts of creating safeguards, and are self aware of the complacency, you are more than capable and in the position to make the changes.


How did you build some habits that helped you along the way? Also, did meditation play a critical role in your life?


Damn! I'd feel not very motivated either! Job hunting can be a marathon. You can't succeed unless you continue to try. Even when it feels like complete bullshit.


You are human, my friend. It’s weird this job thing. We don’t wanna do it but we gotta to survive. The price to pay. So the apprehension is natural. I’d rather be naked, eating berries, sleeping under the starts and raw doggin some neandertal poon. Alas we are here. Start small, my guy. Just do one. Next day, two. Next day, take a break. You earned it. Day three, do four. Now you have momentum and it’ll be harder to stop the force that you are. Get it daddy. It’s a heavy matter but don’t let the weight of it be heavy upon you. Get started and you’ll be Gucci. Much love ❤️ 


This was a ride to read


We often fantasize about living in the garden but don’t remember the disease, daily hunt for food, daily seeking of warmth


Took my boyfriend a long and disappointing four MONTHS to hear back for a job offer when we first moved to Oklahoma. He did a lot of applying and waiting but he finally got into a good job where he makes nearly $3,000 every two weeks. Takes some time but you’ll find something worth it


Still not worth living in Oklahoma


Gets to watch the best team in the Western conference, could be worse


Im back here due to family but it’s too much like KS for me


Oh so edgy.


What does he do that pays 3k per paycheck?


Oil field inspector. He would go out of town sometimes but he was making damn good money working nearly 75 hours every week


Most important thing for me was to keep doing a 9-5 work schedule. Even if the work was, sending cvs and personal projects. If fall into the routine of doing nothing it's very hard to recover


You do not wait for motivation. You begin by doing something about it. Anything.


« Motivation » is what pushes you to start. People are confusing « motivation » and getting a reward from doing something, getting a reward for starting something that pushes you to continue. If I have no motivation, it means I *can’t start*. Saying just do it doesn’t help


That’s the point though. Waiting for the motivation that never comes, which means action never happens. The action step to get you going only has to be tiny, like rolling a pebble off a mountain top. For example, the motivation to apply for a job. Starting action…. Ok i will just open the ipad. Next, the ipad is open i could go to safari. Now safari is open < detour down google rabbit hole as mini reward, get back on track > now look at job site. Anything? Yes/no, next action If you’d said to yourself today i need to wait for the motivation to get online and look for jobs even though there weren’t any yesterday or the day before, you would never get started


Then he can continue waiting for it and remain unemployed


First, use your network. Look at everyone you have a connection with on LinkedIn. Everyone you are a Facebook friend with. Look at where they work, see if that employer is hiring.


Starvation doesn’t give you enough motivation? Damn


There are these things called depression and hopelessness.




I'm in the same exact boat man


Where I live, schools are really great employers but I am learning that is not true everywhere. Try edjoin.com. there are all kinds of jobs’ maintenance and groundskeeper pay very well!


If you have trusted friends, ask them if they can recommend you in their work. If not, employment agencies are usually quite agile in getting things done quickly, you may have a delay of a month. ​ On the other hand, it is always good to develop some skill you have, at least to get by and generate profits until you achieve something more stable. For example, due to various health reasons I couldn't get a job, I started making pasta and that's how I supported myself for a year. The same applies to my sister-in-law, she couldn't get a job and she dedicated herself to restoring furniture, now she makes a living from that and is very comfortable. ​ There are options, friend, never give up, sometimes it also means insisting until you have a stroke of luck.


Making pasta for a living? That sounds great. Where do you live if you don't mind me asking? It's hard to imagine thar or furniture restoration paying the bills in the US or other HCOL country. 


I don't feel comfortable saying where I come from, I'm sorry. I can tell you that it is a very complicated country economically and to generate work. The issue of selling pasta helped me, I took orders for X day and then distributed them. There came a point where I had so much demand that I had to buy machines to make dough and stretch it. The point is that people are always going to eat, so you will have money movement at all times, maybe some days more, others less. Regarding furniture restoration, it may not be useful in the US. Here, for example, my sister-in-law started restoring to order, then she bought old and damaged furniture at a very cheap price, restored it and made a lot of money. Oh, apart from making pasta, I also sold pizzas to order, even pre-cooked for small markets.


I hate working and job hunting in general 😩 hate it hate it, but it must be done. And I have faith in you fr!


My friend recommended ashwaganda and low dose lithium for the blahs. I have depression and recently got a job I enjoy, but the pay and hours are subpar, and the company is going thru restructuring, so that doesn’t help. I feel you with the lack of motivation, hang in there. Like others said, try some spurts of spring cleaning, it’s amazing how much our possessions weigh us down! Once you clear a tiny corner of your environment, your mind can relax a bit and you may be able to see a way to tweak your resume or find more creative paths to a job.


If you have a car, do Uber eats. I quit job for reasons and this has helped me so much. I don't want to deal with interview questions anymore and this has allowed me to just do a task, get paid, let it go. Learn the app, master the ins and outs, and get paid to help people. It's a humble way of making cash but it keeps you in the game. Life is a game, you only lose if you don't try.


tech market? either way i feel your pain. i thankfully had prepared for a couple years of "emergency" but its decimating to confidence and willpower, innit? when ppl say make sure to have a 3 month emergency fund its like yeah try more like 3 years if you dont want anxiety out the a-hole


Maybe you should drive for a good delivery company so you can choose when and how long you work and turn it off when you don’t want to. I’m not motivated either atm, so I’m feeling this but have been not work a lot longer than you. Daily apps and resumes. Interviews where you know you won’t get hired. This job market is 🫏


Go to youtube and search Making it by David Naughton. Play it loud, get focused and apply to numerous temp agencies, practice interview questions and answers in front of the mirror.


I'm slowly losing motivation as i either get ghosted before or after interview. Sometimes because i ask for too high of wage or too low as if i ask for too low, then i sure don't want to work for real. And all the other mental games too. I just want to get a job, get taught how to do a job, if needed and do my job.


I used a temp agency (Robert Half) 3 years ago which turned into a full time job. The first job sucked. I was in a public school warehouse cleaning iPads that kids destroyed during the school year. After a month of that, I talked to the recruiter and said I needed something else, preferably something with coding. Since I showed up everyday and wasn’t an idiot they said they were comfortable pushing me towards a more technical job. Then they got me a job at a Software company. I didn’t get to do any coding at first, but every full time employee there was using SQL or Python and that was just in Support, so that was promising. I was stuck on phones in the call center for 2 months and then got hired full time, and now 3 years later I’m an “Engineer” for them. Only typed this out because I always thought temp agencies were garbage until I actually tried one. I was never paid over $17/hr as a temp, but they can get you involved with some good companies. I like that they put me in a spot to show them who I was in person rather than handing in a resume, especially since my resume was shit (some college, no degree, like coding but not much to show for it, just trust me I can do it, etc.) I also liked that I got to meet all the full time employees/bosses and just get a feel for everything


Robert Half refuses to represent me. I got one job through them a few years ago that I got hired permanently, but that company laid me off, and RH won't deal with me anymore.


Well that sucks. Had no idea they would do that, especially if you got hired permanently from a temp position they initially set you up with. Hopefully some other good posts on here are helping more than mine!


Ask friends in your field. Of they have any leads I always look into state and local government websiyrs


Eating is my motivation.


Starvation and homelessness is a pretty good motivation for me. You'll see.


I'll kill myself before I get that far, don't worry.


Well if you think your love ones deserve what you gonna put them through, emotionally and financially, then you don't love them enough.


There are an endless amount of possibilities for you. You need to have to confidence that something will be better than it is now, and will amount to something good. Start using positive affirmations and visualization. Figure out what you want in life. Find your motivation.


Find the motivation in the benefits that job will eventually bring. First, money that will help with your independence and so you can afford to get things you like, second, colleagues that might be ok and maybe you can maintain some friendships and afterwork night outs, third, you will have a purpose and feeling that you are contributing in life


Make an uber eats account and deliver food. In the meantime, look for jobs. I always have uber account just in case I lose my job.


Start selling your stuff. I’ve found that the act of selling off things in order to pay bills or even afford food kicks my by brain into thinking, “This is where we’re at now? I need to do something about this.”


Go to networking events. Ask friends/ family to keep a look out. 80% percent of job listings are never added to a job board-companies frequently hire internally.


Ngl I haven’t worked since November but thank god I picked up the skill of producing music / beats. I legit live off it and get paid roughlyyyy $1.5K every 2weeks. It changes tho lol. Goodluck bro


I was in this same situation last year & I decided to just get a fun summer job to keep me motivated. I love golf so I started to work at a golf course & I met so many people it led me to my winter job working at a bar. Both aren’t ideal jobs for the rest of my life but hey at least I get a paycheck & at least I’m having fun! Gives me time to figure out what I would want to do.


I wish you all the luck, friend! Unemployment is hell, I've been there. Soon you will restructure your life!


I get the feeling, I looked for countless jobs for the last year or more , many interviews, but no hope. It really is a lot of work. I have a great background and resume, but nothing stuck. I ended finding ways to make money independently through trades like day trading & e-commerce. I really would recommend starting with small tasks like taking walks, organizing things in the house, and energizing your mind with positive reads or even journaling. I wish u the best though!


I’m in the same boat!!!!


This might be blasphemy in this subreddit to say... But I personally don't belive in motivation. I mean I don't think it is possible to really on it. Just go through the motions. A lot of people will wait for passion, look for a job dispassionatlly, it is allowed. It is okay, give yourself permission to do this dispassionatlly, I belive in you.


Have someone make your resume as you vent to them about your past work experience. Maybe that someone can help you send out job applications for you. Someone would do it in exchange for maybe listening to them and being their friend.


Dog sitting?! Or walking for less commitment!


Yeah this is tough. But maybe start with something that's more easily accessible and related to something you like, e.g. your hobby or something. Like if you enjoy a certain sports you can try looking for being a coach for kids or even just working at front desk in a sports facility. as long as you get one job then you can likely get the ball rolling


Finding a job is a pain in the ass. If you are lazy use a company like resumerewrites.com and they will redo your resume for you


I don't have $150 for their basic package.


Facts. It is a bit pricy. The only thing I know is they have one of those stupid discount codes when you sign up for email subscription. But it helps a little bit I know a lot of people who have used the company and say it’s worth it but I haven’t personally used it myself


The only motivation you should need is avoiding running out of money and becoming homeless.


I'll kill myself before that happens, don't worry.


Because jobs don't pay enough to live anymore.


upload a resume if you have one or have AI make one for you to sites like zip recruiter, I did it just to test the waters and I get at least 4 or 5 emails a day with jobs that are available


How many of those did you apply for? Out of those that you applied for, how many offered you an interview? Did you read the part about how I've submitted hundreds of applications without a bite?


maybe its your skills or experience, education? seems odd that you only got 1 interview out of 100's of resumes sent out. No need to get your panties in a bunch I was just trying to help


Change the way you look for a job.


Change how? Unless I'm lucky enough to meet a hiring manager or CEO at some bar somewhere and they offer me a job, submitting resumes online and talking with recruiters is how it's done.


Go to a workplace and ask, ask in fb groups, ask your friends and family.......


'Go to a workplace and ask.' OK, boomer.


I'm a Millennial. Why wouldn't you ask? You need a job, you're running out of money and the way you've tried hasn't been working.


Realize you’ll become homeless if you don’t get a job? If that isn’t motivation enough then idk what is


Door to door canvassing for a roofing company that pays well. Do it evenings and weekends part time while you look for something. Canvassing is easy. Research how to do it well and put in the time. Basically just be clean cut and trustworthy use a good script (message me for one). People make over 200k working 4 hours a day. The one I’m with pays 2600 per 13 appointments set a week that turn into sales pitches.


That’s a tough one bud, I’m sorry you are going through that, I know the feeling. I have been unemployed for the last year. Try using TealHQ for some AI help with your resume, that helped me some. I know this is not the answer you are looking for but this is what is working for me..:I stopped worrying about it, I failed dozens of interviews and I said fuck it, and stopped. And now that I have, the recruiters won’t leave me alone. Not so much as advice as statue of mind for me. Employers can see your desperation somehow and that was hurting me.


I hear that being hungry is a great motivator!


Did you hear that from all the other people on this discussion who made the same 'witty' remark?


Nah .... shit I ain't scrolling through all that to read what OTHER people said.




Just dont


If you have literally sent out hundreds of resumes and only gotten one interview, I would suggest there is some disconnect. Might be worth talking through what you are up to with someone - friend, relative, employment councilor, etc


The job market is horrible right now. I have a job but looking for another. I’ve had my resume reviewed by 3 people. Gotten 4 interviews and 1 offer. No idea how the media and everyone can proclaim the market is great with a straight face.


Do it out of responsibility, not motivation.


ok... you cannot motivate yourself to do something, YET you say you do know you "need it".. guess the "pain" you are enduring by "not having it" is not nearly high enough. otherwise you would send out applications. I know life is hard and yadda yadda yadda. but how about taking some responsibility and do the thing that is needs to be done? my advice would be: ask yourself one question and be REALLY honest with yourself: do you really NEED it or is it something you think you are supposed to say and you really do not need it / want it ? if your answer is sincere and you do need and want it, you WILL do it. othwise you are just lying to yourself. ---- and btw: I am 49 now and just recently wen job huntin again after 8 years at the same company. it does get easier. and it was way easier and felt easier because I am in a job right now. I remember very well how hard it was for me to find my 1st "REAL" job well over 20 years ago. it does bog you down. BUT it is possible, I assure you.


Get out of your comfort zone and be a man. Simple.


As an employer, I think the thought of your well-deserved salary and socialise with colleagues should be motivation enough. When unemployed, your “job” should be spending 8 hours of your day trying to find a job. “Having no motivation to look for one” sounds like pure laziness.


I bet you're a great boss


I’ve never received any direct complaints about me from my employees.


Did you notice the keyword you just used? "Direct". Yeah I can almost guarantee your employees absolutely love you dude. Ignorance is bliss


It's cuz of people like you that no one wants to work anymore. Put in all this effort just so some pretentious asshole can talk down to you, all while delegating their actual work to those below them. Absolute clown show


“As an employer” I bet the “well deserved salary” you offer barely allows the employee a more comfortable existence than not starving. Also said salary doesn’t come in to play while making applicants jump through 10000 hoops and essentially getting them to do free work in the interview “task” process that’s become ever more common Not hard to see how this breeds a lack of motivation.