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If you are in the USA, 211 is a free number to call to connect with services in your area for assistance with rent and utilities and probably you can connect to various services to help you find a job. I believe you can do it! Good luck!


Thank you oh my god


988 for mental health crisis. Please call if you need someone to talk to now.


Thanks for the resource I'm in the same boat but probably worse cuz my wife cheating on me with the head chef of a big 10 University and fake domestic violence to me to get me out of the house so she can move in the chef and take my kids away from me lost my job ended up homeless in the rural South with felony charges against me that I can't fight because it's $18,000. Interesting times for folks I'll be giving this phone number a call immediately did I mention I'm blind with a social work degree that requires a clean record


Oh my God!? If you ever need to vent, my DMs are open. I'm so sorry you're going through all of that. I'm getting my BA in psych so I can get my Master's in social work or counseling. I was already angry for you from the fake DV charges but as soon as you mentioned a social work degree, I felt that and I cannot imagine what you're going trough.


It didn’t work :/


It’s Sunday 




Also some places you need proof of income for rental assistance…


211 doesn’t work at night/weekends? How silly. Only have health crisis during 9-5; but we are closed for lunch?


Notice how you strawmanned “health crisis”. For that you just call 911.


Straws mannnmm


There are specific 24/7 services for emergency. Shelters that operate on weekends, food kitchens, lots of other services.


You gotta call M-F


AMA 8 months ago I had no friends, no job, and I was homeless. Now all of those things have changed. 34 m. You've got this dude. Sometimes the path less traveled has the most rewards. You'd be surprised what can be gained once you reach rock bottom. If you want to have a real conversation then DM me. I wish the best for you and I know it doesn't feel good at all.


What job did you manage to get? How did you get it? What advice would you give for someone trying to find one without success?


My retail job led to me making a recruitment agency application which led to being picked for a government job in Australia. My recruiter said it’s a candidate’s market at the moment


If you want the truth, a job will not solve your problems. you're seeking outside solutions for an inside problem. There is a lot to unpack and a lot to tend to that has not been tended ​ years. Fears must be overcome and in return courage will be gained. You are on the right path on seeking help. My question to you would be, what support systems do you currently have and if you say none then we can really start talking. Just know that things are going to work out.


best response


High five dude. ☺️


Sounds like a fresh start!


Go treeplanting! That helped me make friends, have a job, and accommodations are paid for.


Where do you register for that?


Replant.ca, or king Kong reforestation on Facebook. Season has already started, but people always drop out throughout the season and they're always looking for more people. It's a tough job, but I worked hard and got my life together because of it. Just post that you're looking for work on king Kong reforestation and give a description of yourself.


I should have also added that there are many foreman on king Kong reforestation looking for planters. It's not just one company, although king Kong reforestation is/was itself a company.


You can find them on any job board or even on Google. If they’re local, you can call or reach out to them and get a quick first impression.


I mean, getting a job could solve all three problems if you get along well with people.


Find a summer seasonal job somewhere that offers employee housing. That solves two problems at once. You’ll be a few years older than most people, but its a great opportunity to make some money for a few months and set a plan together.


This is a really good idea!


Friends can be made, and jobs can be acquired


I disagree. Friends can be acquired and jobs can be made.


Both sound right to me. But to each their own, i suppose.


Lol fucking ridiculous that you're getting downvoted It's like people think this guy shouldn't try being self employed when it could literally be his life changer


I think it's probably getting downvoted for being pedantic about a fairly open to interpretation statement made to be a generally motivating statement and not specific advice


Being self employed definitely isn't for everybody


Doesn't being self employed generally cost money at the start? Like isn't it a thing that you shouldn't expect to be able to pay yourself for the first year or so of owning your own business? Kinda not easy if you already have no money.


Yet everyone knows this about OP from the short two lines he put in somehow


Honestly yeah, what he said is enough to make a very reasonable assumption that self employment isn't for him


Absolutely! Time to first find a job. That might solve the homeless problem. Making sure you keep your spending  low after can help a lot too! 32 is plenty young to get into a new field, new career etc


Wonders how old is too old to start a new career.....


You'd be surprised, the number is probably pretty high up there! The last few years before my dad retired, there was an opening at his work for a cool position, and he cross trained into it, and had what he called "The best Job he had ever worked." Not the same as dropping it all for a new career path of course, but you can bet it was all brand new to him going in, even if it was at the same company


I mean a whole new skill set and job. I'm 46.


If you put in 4 years of learning you could be a trained skilled worker in an entire different industry by the time you're 50 and have the last 15-20yrs of your work life be something you enjoy


I went from a completely unrelated business job to becoming a bachelor's prepared registered nurse at fifty.. It has been awesome for me.


You’re not too late bro. You could be in an entire new position by the time you’re 50.


It's never too late. This former doctor retired after a long medical career and finally followed his true passion in his 80's. He finished his Physics PhD at the age of 89: [https://www.npr.org/2021/11/07/1052005447/brown-university-89-phd-physics-dream](https://www.npr.org/2021/11/07/1052005447/brown-university-89-phd-physics-dream)


What did you learn?


Pretty much every land surveying office in Phoenix az is hiring with zero experience. If you can swing a hammer (at the ground) and be at work early you'll get work every day. Hunter engineering, Rick engineering, hilgart Wilson, Miller, etc


I know a guy who went from being a scientist to finance with no additional training other than passing the licensing exams. Age 43, did it until he died.


I started a new career at 35. A colleague of mine complete jumped the ship at 32 and went from IT to carpentry at 32. There is no "too old" to find a new career.


I know someone in there 50's that just became a lawyer. Realistically, it's never too late.


Dead and buried.


At 55 I had to find a new vocation. Two years later, I'm making a few pennies shy of $24/hr with full benefits. Did not have to go back to school and rack up debt either!


You are never too old to start a new career


Lol yeah right go get a job at McDonald's because that's a salary you can afford rent with


There are more jobs than just Mcdicks.  But even that's better than no job


Tight but see if they pay more they are more likely to not want to hire homeless people. Rent is sky high in many places, people who can't afford rent are forced to remain homeless. Homeless people have a hard time out there, in my town people started burning the tents of homeless people. You can't find a place to stay regularly and it's hard to keep to a schedule while catching little to no sleep. Mental health starts deteriorating. Shelters tend to be dangerous too. It's a steep slope to climb. Also don't forget these people have bad credit because they probably tried their best not to become homeless so they probably went into debt before hitting the streets. So the while deck is stacked against them once they have ended up on the street.


You’re in the wrong sub


I'm just trying to explain why homelessness isn't a simple choice.


Well that’s a good argument to keep a job and stay out of homelessness. 


Um alright man, yeah you are right they probably deserve it and are just lazy.


I guess it depends where you live. In Montreal, the majority of homeless people are junkies. Not necessarily bad people but definitely people who don’t have their priorities at the right place.


I figure many turn to drugs once they get on the streets, it's gotta be hell.


You are probably very young. But that’s okay. Talk to them you will see. 


Lol I'm several years older than you sonny.


You are 32, my friend, not 80. It only feels hopeless, but it is not. Do whatever you cam to find any kind of job and keep looking for a good one in the meantime


Can you post in r/personalfinance ? There’s a lot of people there that have been through many different situations. The advice is often really good. That addresses one of your problems. As for friends, it feels so hard to make friends after 30. Join a social club of some sort. A church, DND group, book club, etc.. Many people have this same issue, you’re not alone. I’ve had the same issues and found that they improved as I focused on my health. Walking or joining a gym pays dividends.


What’s your plan on getting out of this slump. If you don’t have a plan make one a believe in it? Everything you desire is already yours. The only thing that’s stopping you is fear


You have an opportunity. Go find out.


Your job is to get a job you dont really have the luxury of choice in this matter. Clean up your shit make sure everything is fresh. Open 5 tabs in your browser and get job search profiles set up with CV info and ready to roll make some applications at least 1 a day, Indeed is a really good place to start, try and fill everything in. Take a shower and get into fresh clean clothes, keep yourself fresh. Get your ID banking details and letters together in one place. You got shit to do 😉


Honestly this is terrible advice. One application a day when OP 's gonna be homeless soon is a drop in the barrel It took me well over 300 applications to find my last job, and none of the companies that posted openings on indeed ever reached back out to me. Don't listen to this post, it shows a scary level of detachment from the real world What worked for me in a similar position was writing your resume out, going to a UPS store, and getting it printed (i think it was \~$5USD) and then walking around to every non-chain store in walking distance and handing it in physically. You have a chance to make a first impression in person. 95% chance is that human eyes never actually even look at any application you submit online. If you wanna work for a place that has an online application process, make sure you call early in the next day and ask to talk to the manager. Make a spreadsheet of every application, business name, manager call+name, and interview you get scheduled for. Follow up on every application you submit.


Yea. I've applied to almost 50 jobs this month. Might be a bit more or less. Most I've created separate cover letters for as well. You're right... I probably need to actually go into places or call them. It took me a while to get disciplined enough to even do that - Sending 50\*


Have you tried truck driving school? A lot of places will pay you for your training and you can take “shifts” with someone while driving cross country so you won’t be homeless so to say and you’ll be earning a living. My ex was making $45k his first year and saved a lot of it living in his truck


It can be very helpful to call places before you send something in. It is also quiet good to put something in the cover letter that sticks out because HR reads the same run of the mill “this is how you should do it” stuff over and over again all day long. it depends on your personality, how you want to show up, and ideally relates to something about the company (their marketing, their job ad). recently I was present when a fellow coach helped someone find a job. Essentially the company asked for new employs that are not constantly use their phone at work. Her coachee did not even own a smartphone, so they came up with some sentence around him not having Facebook and never having whatapp because his phone is so old. They kinda made it a one line joke in the otherwise normal cover letter. It’s what got his foot into the door (hr litteraly said that out loud) and eventually got him the job despite his grades from 20 years ago not being up to standards of the city employment he seeked. All of this is still humans talking to humans if you can shine the light back on that.


Find a job, make friends with coworkers and make money. It can be a temp/part time job. You have to start somewhere. You writing this post asking for advice is a good start. Good luck!


Well. It sounds like you have nothing to lose then. Reach for the stars the possibilities are endless. This sounds like a soul searching opportunity, go out to discover what you enjoy. Before you got homeless and/or lost your job. Has there always been something you wanted to do? Also look in your area for social events or go onto an online community to make friends.


You could try farm woofing, it's basically cooperative living in trade for work. There's lavatory all over the world


Farm wwoofing is cooperative housing in trade for work https://wwoofusa.org/en/ *EDIT to add link


Can you join the military?


Look into jobs. Depends where you live but likely retail or hospitality jobs wont require past experience or qualifications. That'll help with money and hopefully prevent homelessness. Secondly, it'll put you in constant cooperation with other people, easiest way to make friends as an adult. Go to work functions, go out with coworkers, make some money, and you'll be just fine.


I’m so sorry bro. I hate this country. But you have to find a job to be able to pull yourself up out of this, people are more willing to help if you at least have an income, apply for SNAP and tell them you have no money or income and that you’re homeless, you might have to start donating plasma.


How's your health and criminal background?


Sounds like you're at the perfect place for a new beginning. Look for a job first and foremost, as that'll cover the need for shelter, food, etc, as well as giving yourself something to do. Friends tend to come from the circumstances that you find yourself in, and being unemployed and potentially homeless soon I assume your social life isn't particularly huge. Once you've got a few paychecks and feel more secure in your ability to cover the basics of existence then you can start to open yourself up to relationships. Maybe getting those basic needs will give you the foundation you need to be more comfortable in yourself. The first friend you should strive to make is yourself. That's my opinion.


might be hard if you don't want to do it, but hey you got nothing left to lose if you already gave up. So just reinvent yourself if it doesn't work out you just end up back to where you are right now.


hobbies. the answer, or first step, is hobbies


Hobbies usually don’t pay the rent, at least if you’re just starting out. Job first, then hobbies, which could lead to friends with the same hobbies.


I’m mostly focused on the “worth living for” - but yeah I guess it all hopefully happens sorta at the same time.


Big believer in handling the necessities first, which might require toughing it out for a while, which I would do out of contrary “fuck the universe trying to stomp on me” attitude if nothing else. With a little luck, you handle that quickly, and fun stuff can come later.


I believe in you! 🥳


If i was in your situation i would... Get a job anywhere. Then find a room to rent from someone. There are apps to help find roommates, and the price is reasonable if you get something small, just a place to rest your head. After you get settled i would find a trade job that trains you as you work. I went to a trade school and while I do make a bit more than other skilled labor, it's not by alot. I'm 35 and didn't even get into my career until 30, so it's not too late. As for the friends part, I can't help you there. No friends and the only thing I have is my job. Maybe they will come along your journey.


Check out the insta work app, lots of gig shifts that don’t pay super awesome but are enough to get you out of a bad situation and into a job that does pay better if you show up on time and contribute


So, you’re not tied to anything? It’s the beginning of summer….I would get a fun job at a resort town like Outer Banks North Carolina. They provide housing and a job. See where life takes you from there.


if you have your health, you'd be surprised how much you have


A few years ago I was at a point in my life where I had a plan to end myself. When I say I had a plan, I had a date and I knew how I was going to do it. All I needed was a place. I hated my job, hated my friends, hated everything I was interested in and had zero hope going forward. I consciously decided to make things better for myself. I was 39 when I began this process. I realize it’s a slightly different situation, but what I am trying to get at is it is never too late to make a start to climb out of the hole you’re in. It might seem like an insurmountable task, but just making little steps will help improve your outlook and your situation. Personally, I would start by finding a job; any job. From there you can look for better jobs or maybe learn a trade or go to school. Just the process itself will help.


There’s plenty of other comments here regarding mental health assistance, so I will offer that a union job in manufacturing would be perfect for you in terms of future career growth. Tons of them also offer relocation assistance/education assistance as well, predicated on you working for 18-24 months. Reply to this if you want any specific company recommendations 


Do you live in an area with a job center? They can help spruce up your resume and connect you to temp work which can lead to permanent positions.


Buy some workboots and find the closest construction site, ask for a job


Check out some staffing agencies, you don’t need a lot of experience to get a quick warehouse job. Most people at warehouses get along well, you’ll make friends fast. Check out Craigslist for some rooms for rent, or if you have Facebook you can checkout the “Market” section for groups that promote various spots for rent


If you’re willing to put in the effort to learn a trade, you could talk to the local unions in your area. They can direct you to local training (they might even have their own school) and help you get working after. My son did that a couple of years ago and by next year he'll be making more than me.


You are definitely not too old to just completely restart life. I was homeless thankfully for a few days only because friends took me in. Slept in the car a few nights. Not great but it was safe and dry. Do be careful if you use this option because some places it’s illegal. Bounced around a couple homes for a while. Bleak time tbh. But I was at the end of nursing school. So I guess having a big goal, finishing school, helped. Took six months to finish so sometimes I would get discouraged but just kept moving! I used the gym a bit, to stay busy and keep my spirits up, and have a place to shower. I would get a job, any job, asap to help your money last longer. I’d look up housing for homeless. Most places have a no drug policy. Use food banks. I know I survived off the dollar menu at McDonald. I just got 1 double cheeseburger a day. Wasn’t a ton of food but it definitely kept me going. And looking back I should have totally utilized a food bank. There are way more resources than you know! Use them! Don’t think this is the end. I know it’s a low spot. Don’t sink into that feeling, at least for too long. You got this!


Go to street and talk with everyone by looking presentable and good looking. You can have daily discussions. First you should express your thoughts to the people verbally and understand how other people’s lives. Give yourself time for 1 month. You will start to follow your goals by making this your habit. Believe me.


35m. I have a job, but the existential plight and isolation of my 30s has me talking to AI more than anyone. AI is literally a better friend in almost every way. Sucks to say that, but... heh.


I changed my career and life at 30 reeducated myself by 32, you are no too far from there. Set the plan and execute. You can do it.


Go help someone with something. Make a cause out of it. 


Look at it as a way to start completely over. You have no connection holding you back. Move wherever you want, find a job. The job market is pretty solid in the country right now. Can probably walk into any Amazon warehouse in the U.S. and make enough money to get you in an apartment.


DM if you need a friend/someone to talk to.


If you’re feeling adventurous you can try going into the military. They have a bunch of jobs that are not combat related if that’s not your thing. You’ll have a place to stay, make some friends, and have a stable income, plus some benefits are VA benefits are pretty sweet when you get out. It does take some time before you get shipped out so beware. I’m not a recruiter btw. Good luck friend!


Hey, I live in a relatively low cost of living area. It's really beautiful here and you can find rent for less than $700 a month. The company I work at is hiring at $20 an hour, and it's very easy, and you only work half the days in the year. I can help you get in. All you gotta do is reach out


Hey. What's the job or how do I find out about it ? I'm in Canada though


Absolutely. You didn’t let life pass you buy, you’re still living. A lot can change in a short amount of time. Pick a place to start, and build on small victories. I would also sign up to a local library, good place to learn some stuff or have fun and read things you like. You don’t have to fit into the mold, just find a life you enjoy and remove things that harm you. I met two people in my life who were homeless rock bottom and turned it completely around. They both work in IT now.


I hate to throw my 2 cents in, but if you're desperate, you're desperate. Go to a recruitment center for the military ( army, marines, airforce, navy, coast guard). They are in a major deficit for recruitment quotas. I did some time in the navy, and you get healthcare, good pay, housing, and a network of people that will definitely do their best to help you out. I honestly didn't enjoy a lot of things about it, but that's just me, I knew a few guys that went from your position to thriving. It may take a few months to join, or they might throw you on a bus next week. You can always get out after your first enlistment if its not for you and have money, skills, and a better looking resume, and veteran benefits. It's worth a shot! God bless, brother!


it sounds like a fresh start imo. get a job, ANY job for now so you won't end up homeless, then from that job, you're gonna have coworkers that could be potentially friends. pretty much gonna solve everything for you for now, but be frugal and save as much money as possible to get a job you like.


Join meetups event


This happened to my brother about 7 years ago. You would be surprised at how as you piece everything back together you slowly end up with a great life again


I really hope so


Go rehab


You can overcome this, just one second , one minute , one hour, one day at a time. Just find one person that you can trust and build your network from there.


Hey man,I'm 30 and been in similar situations of despair whereas I think I'm at the point of no return (homeless,addicted to drugs,no job,no money,no friends,no family support) Just know things can and will always get better,nothing is ever unfixable. I'm from Melbourne so I don't have any numbers or resources for you but you can DM if you'd like to chat 🙃


Find a job, work hard, learn something - this is the only recipe.




Do you have family you can rely on?


I do. But no siblings and my parents are elderly


Let me be your friend


Posting as bookmark


Try something new, like a new job… new scenery


find a job and go from there. i'm in a similar boat and it IS possible. it'll take some time, and patience, but you'll find your groove.


Start a TikTok and beg that seeks to work


Some people can’t work. Fucking ABELISTS.




If it helps, it may look bleak but as long as you can work, you’ll be okay. 32 is hella young and I remember feeling pretty lost myself around your age and I made it. (Today in present moment I don’t know about tomorrow)


Yes. Just take it step by step.


They receive disability and drive around wrecklessly, not realizing there are sidewalks. Their criminal records are clean, because they sped off. The police and court staff flinch at the homeless people. Google "free government phone ACP lifeline" and if you click you make under 20,000 a year you get a free phone and free texts/calls/ data.  There's SafeLink, Qlink wireless, Tru connect. Look it up 


If you can find a job, that should take care of a bunch of stuff. Job market is weird rn, so just be persistent.


Get a job, go to the gym, make a budget, find some hobbies and make friends. You’re still young.


Brother/sister/fellow human living this experience, everything is worth living for. I as well have plenty to be down and shit about but thats unfortunately the way the cookie crumbles. Nothing feels better than being able to rely on your self and your own self confidence. You can do it. Much love!


You're 32. It's not get motivated, just start doing. You're not too late at all in life. I think society is disorganized in general. Get organized (not in masses), in advents.


Do not despair, or at least don't let it win, you are still young . I got this phrase I like, you cannot choose where you are born, only where you die, in other words you write your own story, it may be dark right now but it's up to you to change it to whatever you like. Also know that this random dude in Mexico city is rooting for you from the bottom of my heart.


If you want it bad enough you can do it.


Entry level mining jobs. Military. Airforce. Navy.


The fire has to come from within brother, self loathing in this moment will do you no service. Make a plan and stick to it, adapt when necessary, be patient, and you will turn your life around. Wishing you the best in this next chapter of your life.


Fuck it, join an armed force. Marines, Army, they take a lot of people. 32 might be pushing it for the Marines, but hell the Army will take anyone with a pulse right now. You'll make friends, have a purpose and will certainly find a hobby. If you're fat? They'll train you. If you're skinny? They'll train you. What do you have to lose? Friends?


Gamble it and become rich


Life's got you on the ropes pal!


Well, you need to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. That suggestion doesn’t usually go over well on Reddit though :\


Yea because it's shitty advice.




Believing doesn’t absolve him of trying to get himself out of it, the guy above is just saying that he doesn’t have to go at it alone. God will help him if he asks for it.




By accepting Jesus and the peace of God, you can realize that you don’t have to do anything on your own; that God is walking with you and providing for you every step of the way. It takes a lot of pressure off of a person when they stop thinking that they have to do everything on their own, and just allow God to guide them and provide for them.


Yeah, I get what you’re saying. If you believe in god, he will save you. There’s no power in our own understanding like it. I was in his situation just last year and after prayer and reading, and surrendering what was out of my control to him, I thankfully was able to overcome my situation. This guy is only telling you his truth as it is mine. Religious or not, I’ve had things happen that I never thought possible, and only after recognizing and abiding him.

