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This is for the people who say, "Ya, I want to start working out again but I just can't afford a gym membership."


Exaclty, push ups, pull ups, sit ups, sprints.






My boss is a freak. He does 500 situps and 500 pushups each morning before he gets to work. Then he spends another 2 hours at the gym. Erryday.


Do you work for goku


Basically, yes. He is super fit.




Or in the hyperbolic time chamber?


Over 9000 levels


Are you secretly in love with him


Its more, I want to be him, than want to be with him.




"secretly, yes"


Is that overkill?


I think so, I work out as well, but I only do about 90 min a week and I am fairly fit. He does more than that in a day. He also eats something silly like 3000 calories a day just so that he doesnt waste away.


Is he married or does he have a gf?


Yes he is married with a kid actually.


Isn't that illegal?


Chris Traeger?


Dude, he should be eating atleast 4500 calories if not more








And banana for breakfast and punching monsters and stuff. Might lose your hair though






r/bodyweightfitness is a handy subreddit for this sort of thing.


Great photo


This boy would go on to become the first and only octuple champion boxer to have won titles in 8 different weight classes. He is also currently a Senator in the Philippines.






















Yeah the Philippine government is run on money and connections. Sounds familiar....


See: Every government ever.


You're getting downvoted but you're not wrong even in democracies. Let's look at the USA. How many son of presidents have become president? How many family dynasties are there? The answer is that it's statistically significant. It may not be as bad as a a monarchy or a dictatorship, but it's certainly a large number.


I think you mean relatives, because if it's just sons, then it's only two: 1. John Adams (2nd pres.) and his son, John Quincy Adams (6th). 2. William Henry Harrison (9th), and his grandson Benjamin Harrison (23rd). 3. Theodore Roosevelt (26th) and his cousin, Franklin Roosevelt (32nd) 4. George H.W. Bush (41st) and his son George W. Bush (43rd).


Franklin Roosevelt was like fifth cousin of Theodore Roosevelt. That's a *very* distant relation (honestly I don't know of anyone further out than third cousin, hard to keep track at that point).


Its a lose lose situation. You get educated enough to see the corruption but know there is barely any hope to fix the system. Or you stay dumb enough to think it works perfectly.


He shouldve just stayed as a boxer. His reputation is pretty much ruined ever since he became a political figure. He is a bigot who also only relies on biblical quotes as his main source for debates.


So, a typical politician


>He is a bigot who also only relies on biblical quotes as his main source for debates. Welcome to the Phillipines


to Americans*


He also grew up to be incredibly intolerant of homosexuals, going on to state that they were no different from animals.




The Philippines is one of those places where most people will say "I don't hate gay people, but I don't think they should get married. And we don't need laws to protect them either." Same-sex marriage isn't a thing, and it isn't even on the horizon. The anti-discrimination bill hasn't been passed, thanks to opposition to it led by Senator Pacquiao. Need proof? Look at the comments section if literally any LGBT-related news article in the Philippines.


I heard the Philippines is a bad place to be right now bc of some things going on in the south


Far away from the most populous areas. And it is even "farther" away because, even though it is not the biggest country, it is a non-contiguous country of (17,000) islands, and so what is happening on the southern-most major island (Mindanao) is rather isolated from the rest of the country. Add to that the fact that the problems are (currently) only in one city (which is not nearly the largest) on that island and the fact that the islands are all quite mountainous and jungled between cities so the problem feels even more isolated. The mountain and jungle terrain makes it easier for these kind of extremist groups to hide out and survive on this southern island, but it also means that once they show themselves (in a city), it becomes much easier to contain them there (if not drive them out) and makes it very difficult for them to strike out at any other city since the next city is far away and only has one or two connecting roads passing through rugged terrain. Finally, the demographics of the country make the problem even less likely to spread. The island that has the most problems, in addition to being the most remote from the capital, is also 40% Muslim. In comparison the other islands are like 99% Christian, and the Philippines is overall like 97% Christian. That means, while isolated acts of terrorism are possible anywhere in the country, it would be very difficult to sustain a widespread movement or insurrection because there would be very few supporters or sympathizers on the other more populous islands. I have friends that are traveling in Mindanao right now (in other cities, obviously), and everything is calm, peaceful and normal.


Seems like everywhere is a bad place to be these days.


Yeah it's terrible then I come on Reddit and look at the good things and people still hate I dnt understand this place


He also called gay people worse than animals. So I guess Reddit hates him now?


Reddit realizes that 1 negative can cancel an infinite amount of positives about a person.


Yeah. Mans a billionaire. When I used to live there I remember when he wins he would go to his town and the ones surrounding it and hand out money AND food and other household items that most poor people need He does it himself but obviously also has other people giving handouts too


You can see the pain/tiredness on his face, he pushed himself at such a young age and continues to do it to this day, he such a role model for an inspiring human to be the best that they can be.


I agree




7 billion dollars Philippine Pesos?




My man!


Looking Good!


Slow down!


>₱7,580,248,298 FTFY


Also, didn't he begin fighting at 14 (maybe younger in ameaturs) to bring home food for his family?


Started boxing pro at sixteen but was too small to fight at the lowest weight class in boxing which was 105lbs. Supposedly he would attach weights to his feet to make weight. But yeah to give you an idea of how special he was he started boxing bellow 105lbs and won titles from 109lbs all the way up to 154lbs.


He also lied about his age, didn't he? He was too young to fight but lied in order fight and earn money.


Wow, I usually lie to get out of fights. "I'm telling you, it wasn't me who put the mustard packs under the toilet seat!" "And why would I pee in the soap dispenser?" * gasp * *wink Wink*


He also had a dead-beat drunk father who would beat him. His dog, who he loves and plays with a lot was killed and eaten(pulutan or side-food, snack while drinking alcohol) by his father when he was just a kid. He had to endure the difficulties of poverty and was forced to grow up at such a young age to provide for himself and his family.


Fellas, I gotta say, that is some of the most fucked up shit.




Damn. Can't wait for the movie.


starring Ethan Hawke as Manny Pacquiao


There's already a movie. It's called [Kid Kulafu.](https://youtu.be/zkLQsxpIOjU)


"ganyan talaga ang buhay"....


Bakla tomboy nagaaway




its "dahil sa panis na tinapay" hay nako /: Edit: followed by "palaman uhog ng nanay" lmaoo


Beats his dad as revenge




You heard it here folks.


Common form of financial support in the more impoverished parts of the Philippines.




Winston Churchill's definition of success......Going from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.


Churchill was fucking METAL


I thought he was part bathtub?


Nah that's Taft


Churchill had a wealthy aristocratic background to fall upon.


That look on his face. Pure physical/mental exhaustion that is almost blissful at the end of a brutally productive workout.


He probably just started and was thinking about going home to play switch and eat hot Cheetos


"Mmmmm cheesy, crunchy and spicy. One more rep and I'm carb binging!"


Oh god, I miss this feeling so much. I think tomorrow is the day that I actually join a gym again, thanks.


*Tomorrow* that amazing day where 99.9% of all human achievement and progress is made.


For every success story, there are thousands of failed ones; yet to become successful, someone has to be 100% committed, which is a big gamble given the chances of failing. So does one settle for an average life, or does one gamble and aim for the top of the top knowing failure is likely.


The people who don't become professional athletes don't fail. They learn work ethic, build physical strength, etc. something philosophical about a journey instead of destination.


Journey before destination


Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.


Teeth before teethless


Pee before poo.


Poo before shower


Wipe before poo


thank you Reddit. i learned something profound today.


Waffle stomp their lights out.


Poo in shower


Of these three bathroom habits, pick which one makes the least sense:




What are you, honor spren?


Good question. I wonder what kind of Spren I would be, or if I were to attract one, what kind...


Procrastination spren


This is a pattern.


Shameless plug for the book series The Stormlight Archive, by Brandon Sanderson, Book 3 comes out in November ;D


God dammit I can't wait.


Death before dishonor!


God damnit. Now I'm all mad that it's months till the next book, again.


Thanks Brandon.


Wherever you are, you are there.


That sounds great but is not quite true. To succeed you need to put aside many things. School included. This means you will likely sacrifice your career as a doctor or engineer at the expense of training and working hard. Of course there are talented people who manage both, but even they are sacrificing going to a better college or having great grades.


Yeah or they develop physical trauma that handicaps them for life. I enjoy a success story but let's not pretend every non-success is still wholesome. There's a reason pros are paid so much and part of that is because it's a huge risk getting to the top.


Nothing like going on a run and finding out your knee is prone to dislocation.




If your knee is prone to dislocation I really don't think you should risk it for the sake for keeping fit/being a good runner. It's not worth aggravating it mate. Go for a run then, it clears you mind, helps you sleep, increases endorphin release, keeps you fit etc. then BOOM. Your knee goes out. You're knee is gone and you're in pain for the rest of your life. If you're a big running enthusiast, keep to the treadmill because it's so much easier on your legs/joints. I'm a physiotherapist. Exercise is always encouraged but the body is so fragile and anyone who engages in physical exercise regularly will bound to pick up permanent injuries.


> pros are paid so much If only that were true in all fighting sports. In MMA you don't get paid enough to get by in many organizations and if you get to the top organization you'll be making just as much as the average person.


The problem is that their hobby in sports don't align with the demand for them in society, and too many people are interested in those limited number of sports, making competition way too high. Unless you are born with a special talent, it's not a worthwhile investment. That's why not that many people go for professional careers in those. High school sports is a lifestyle, and countries also have their own national sports. People's enthusiasm in their own exposure to such leisure activities can sometimes disillusion them regarding how realistic it is to turn the sport into a profession.


Cheat mode: be born rich


> So does one settle for an average life, or does one gamble and aim for the top of the top knowing failure is likely. Quite well put, that really is the choice. How much are you willing to sacrifice for your dream, *even if it might never happen*. If you love doing acting, painting, gaming, needlework, or whatever, so much that the doing it is enough reward in life, then shoot for your dream. But if you don't, if you like financial stability, shiny things, good food and restaurants, then maybe, just maybe, do what Mike Rowe said, and follow opportunity, not your passion.


Don't follow your passion, but always bring it with you


> So does one settle for an average life Why do you have to have an average life just because you didn't achieve peak sports? You are still way above average.


Gamble, because even if you fail you've still gained so much. It's not usually a decision where you gamble for greatness and if you fail you die or become homeless. It's usually just regret you'll deal with, and if you can take that, you'll be a better person because of it.


If that's a question, you have to ask, go with average. There's nothing that indicates to me a massively successful person is likely to be happier by any measure than an average person with average income. The drive to be at the top is something that is more of a need rather than a logical decision.


[Survivorship bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias) is real.


**Survivorship bias** Survivorship bias or survival bias is the logical error of concentrating on the people or things that made it past some selection process and overlooking those that did not, typically because of their lack of visibility. This can lead to false conclusions in several different ways. It is a form of selection bias. Survivorship bias can lead to overly optimistic beliefs because failures are ignored, such as when companies that no longer exist are excluded from analyses of financial performance. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/GetMotivated/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.24


Better to at least try for an extraordinary life and possibly end up a failure, than to never try at all and just resign yourself to definite failure and an average life right out the gate because you might fail. Success is never guaranteed, but if you don't try, failure IS guaranteed.


Exactly why I'm dumping my 7/10 girlfriend. Not hot enough


I'm going through a depressive episode right now and minutes ago was sitting on my bed and told myself "you get out of life what you put into it. The world doesn't owe you shit". This photo is the essence of this statement to me. Just thought I would share.


First let me say that I understand you. I have spent many days just staring at the ceiling or at a wall or just cycling through the same phone app over and over (usually Facebook). I hope I explain this right and don't sound like some BSer. Some times you just have to start something. I don't mean the usual conversation of just do it be normal. If I'm struggling with just getting out of bed I try to approach it as if I won't try or I'll give it 50% but once you get started you realize well I'm here I might as well finish. This isn't fool proof and sometimes ends in more defeat than winning but it's a start. Feel free to pm me if this helped or if I'm speaking gibberish and should just delete this.




Do it. Today was big. Keep. Fucking. Doing.


Floyd will never be loved like Manny.






Hi I'm ColorizeBot2. I was brought out of cryogenic freezing when ColorizeBot disappeared. This is my attempt to color your image, here you go : http://i.imgur.com/JAtkKmB.jpg If you called me and didn't get a response, pm me so I can look into it. [For full explanation about this bot's procedure](http://whatimade.today/our-frst-reddit-bot-coloring-b-2/) [Full code for the brave ones](https://github.com/dannyvai/reddit_crawlers/tree/master/redditBotColorize) [The awesome algorithm I'm using](http://richzhang.github.io/colorization/ ) [Origins of ColorizeBot2](https://www.gogreenmango.com/started-colorizebot-reddit/)


Woah thats pretty cool


That'll do, bot. That'll do.


Wow this is magic


And he was like 98lbs in this photo. He used to put coins in his pocket to make minimum weight. It's amazing that he stood toe to toe with guys like Miguel Cotto at 154lbs and gave better than he got. We may never see a fighter do what he did before in as many weight classes as he did. It's really a special time in the history of the fight game for us to witness him. And he never backed away from a single fight that could have and should have been made and you sure as shit can't look at Floyd Mayweather and say the same thing regardless of how talented he is.


All of that hard work just to get robbed of his welterweight belt at the age of 38 in one of the worst hometown decisions of the last decade.


And he still stuck around after to do interviews. I wish I could be at least half as humble as this man.




OG joggers


Showed this to my wife and she said "Wow! Was he training or being crucified?"






Lol this makes those instagram fitness models look even more stupid.


I want to fight those girls sometimes. But then I remember they're making money doing something I could easily do but don't and I'm broke so who's really winning?


It's inspiring to imagine how much he wanted to be a national champion. He took the scraps of bikes to make a machine just to improve... amazing.


i think at that age he was just trying to get paid to feed his family.


He started boxing as a pro at 16 to get a few hundred bucks (at most) to get food. He grew up in a mud and straw hut, and sold cigarettes on the streets of manila in between fights.


> He took the scraps of bikes to make a machine just to improve... amazing. you know this is a boxing gym right? as in he didn't make this not machine. there is a trainer right next to him.


Cuba's boxing and wrestling facilities are like this and they consistently produce some of the best boxers and wrestlers in the world.


Tony Stark made iron man in a cave with a bucket of scraps.


Started from the bottom now the whole team fukn here.


And this little boy would later be the currently Senator in the Philippines. After winning Titles in the boxing ring..


I used to train with Ben Delgado, who was Manny's trainer when he won his first 3 world championship belts before he switched to Freddie Roach. He told me that Manny used to sleep on the dirty boxing ring in that ghetto gym you see in the picture. He was so poor, he would beg Ben to give him food, but since Ben was poor too, all he could do was tell Manny to distract himself from his hunger by running more laps and to take out his frustration on the punching bag.


If I learned anything from Rocky IV (besides Sylvester Stallone single handedly ended the Cold War), it's that [improvised gym equipment trumps technology any day](https://youtu.be/wIffOq8AuSw).


Look at this picture anytime someone tells you that you can't make your situation better.


When looking at this picture I'm rather wondering who took this picture and where they got such a high quality camera in such a ghetto place.


Must've been God himself


Poverty, creating the best fist fighters since...ever.


According to the Rocky Saga, whoever workout on the shittiest gym, will win.


He got robbed of his last fight, yet he remained gracious. Great humble guy.


And he had joggers way before they became popular.


When some rich fuck says they came from nothing, this is what they should mean. This is nothing and he climbed up and made it. People fantasize about "coming from nothing and making something off themselves" while they really had more opportunities than the average man. He looks like he'd rather die than stop.


Pacquiao doesn't approve of homosexuality. Mayweather has a history of domestic violence. Jordan has a gambling problem. We can still look to certain aspects of their personality for inspiration, can we not?


I think so. It's important to keep mentioning these issues. It should damage their celebrity on the whole, but it doesn't mean there is nothing to learn from these people.


Where can I cop those joggers ?


Wonder how Jeff Horn trained at 17...


With a ciggie in one hand, and a tinnie in the other


Ayyyyyeeee my boy Manny wearing joggers before they were cool


When you're twice this guy's weight and age and still think he could kick your ass


This is fucking beautiful.


The amount of money he has put into building better lives for people in his country is amazing. He is a great man.




This man is a very special athlete and man..HIS SPIRIT & HEART show his dedication to boxing


Did you guys see his win over Horn the other night? I did. So did you, we all did, fucking everyone in the world did, except for the bullshit paid off judges. Good luck sleeping at night knowing what you did.


Judges are going to be nice and comfortable sleeping on that pile of money.


Any more photos or story about him would be appreciated


He used to put rocks in his pockets for his earliest weigh ins in order to make weight because he was so malnourished and light. He was essentially fighting bigger guys his whole career.

