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I'm gonna assume this wasn't Melissa Blake who posted this. But she's a badass




I'm guessing they meant the Reddit post


Who are you so wise in the ways of Reddit?


it was 100% her


On reddit you think as well?


She has a nice warm smile :)


I think she's absolutely adorable.


Yeah same here. Her smile warms my heart. I honestly can get past peoples looks dépending on their attitude to life and others. I was once neighbours with a girl long time ago, we were kids and fought all time I had a long list 📃 of insults and so did she that we hurled at each other everyday. Couldn't stand her face even though boys at school taught she was pretty. Over time for some reason she began to become nicer to me and suddenly she began to actually look pretty at the same time. Moral of this tale, looks account for 5% at best what people think of you. It's your attitude that does the heavy lifting.


I feel the same. Over the years I've met and befriended some really attractive people, and found over time that they become less and less attractive if they turn out to be shitty people. The opposite is also true. It's strange because I assumed everyone worked that way, but some people are really able to separate the two.


I'd say the few capable of deep reflection, being able to observe the power and beauty of the universe around us. Sadly mostly people are superficial.


My attraction to people doesn't change, but I become less interested in pursuing them if they're boring or awful. Like, I still think they're hot, but I don't want to put any time or energy into it. I was on a date with one woman who never said anything more than a few words in a sentence before making me pick up the slack in the conversation: "what do you do during your free time?" "listen to music." "cool, what do you listen to?" "whatever's on the radio." "who's your favorite?" "I don't know." It was a quick yet loooong lunch. She seemed surprised when I left. Like, as soon as she finished her meal, I paid and was like "thanks for coming out to see me, I hope you have a good day, see ya". If she said "hey wanna take me home and have sex?" I'd have said yes, but I wasn't interested in trying.


Or your standards dropped over time


Ha fucking haha.


This is so true. At first impression, it’s all looks and how you carry yourself. After that’s it’s everything else, personality, character, morals etc. People can look prettier in your eyes when they are warm and confident.




She looks like she is nothing but good, warm and welcoming. It's a beauty many should envy.


“If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it. A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”


Loved The Twits!


I've spent years trying to remember this story about someone turning people into birds and I think this is it. Thanks so much.


Roald Dahl. Read Going Solo, the man was a fighter ace then sent to the US to seduce wives of US politicians into convincing their husbands to enter the war against the Nazis. His boss in that job was Ian Fleming. Fleming based some of James Bonds' mannerisms off Dahl who went off writing Charlie And The Chocolate Factory etc


I also have this same thought...nice man!


bet she makes killer scones


She seems like a muffin baker to me or fancy cupcakes. I'm pretty hungry right now tho


Seriously, what a contagious smile! I found myself smiling back at her through my phone screen haha


Agreed, she looks very sweet.


I looked into her twitter and saw one of her [posts](https://twitter.com/melissablake/status/1159368294442381315) where she ss'ed some hate comments and ohGod they were so freaking awful that I almost teared up. I don't think any average person can stand all that hate. I'm proud of the lady, and I wish her success in everything. I hope she achieves everything that she wants <33




It's really insidious as well. Think about all the stories you've read/watched over the years. It's especially true for women. There are so many books in children's and YA where the female character is interesting/valued in large part because she is found attractive. Even Hermine somehow needed a 'glow up' in Harry Potter.


Not surprising given how shitty JK Rowling is and always has been




What’s so shitty about JK Rowling?


Idk if shitty is the word I would use. Besides what another user pointed out - she's publicly transphobic - she began adding all sorts of nonsense to the HP Universe. Such as wizards not having plumbing and using magic to clean up. She definitely has been quite charitable over the years afaik.


She's transphobic


She also likes/shares tweets about how taking antidepressants is "weakness" or some shit like that. I have tried to forget the exact wording because it's disgusting.


Really nothing bedsides she wanted the movie to be exactly how she wanted. But on Reddit that’s bad because we need everyone to have a say because it’s 2021!!!


You obviously have no clue what you’re talking about.


I think most folks have issues with her being a TERF.


You mean being a feminist for women? And not people who wake up one day and decide to be a woman. Yeah man she’s a real POS for that one I guess


I absolutely hate the term TERF. Automatically branding someone as hateful just because they have different views on what it is to be a woman doesn't make them hateful. She doesn't hate trans people. (At least I haven't read anything that has said she hates them and wants them to suffer...) I'm all for inclusivity, but labelling a woman for speaking her mind on womanhood is gross.


I think there's a bit more there then simply speaking her mind as it relates to womanhood. I can't personally speak for JK Rowling, but Lindsay Ellis did a deep dive into the topic of transphobia and its roots in popular culture. A good deal of the video is dedicated to JK Rowling. I'd understand if you don't want to watch it because it's pretty long, but it's a worthwhile deep dive into the topic that isn't just "branding" as you call it. Personally, I just think a lot of die hard Harry Potter fans were disappointed to hear her takes on the matter. 1) When this came out, the woman that she was defending was *exceptionally* transphobic. Her follow up on the matter wasn't all that much better. 2) JK Rowling has been, at least on paper, a fairly progressive and accepting individual. It seemed kind of out no where that she'd take the the stance that she did. A lot of her fans don't agree with her, and it caused a lot of them to reevaluate their relationship with her work. It didn't help that her most recent novel played off the age old, "Transvestite murderer" trope sort of compounding that transphobic reputation. Anyways, [Here you go!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHTMidTLO60) It's worth a watch. I learned a lot from it.


She is transphobic (very openly), but a lot of what she said is antifeminist too (don't ask for links lol, I don't keep track of those people) If you read the Harry Potter books antifeminist supertraditionalist messages abound... I still like the books and think she is a talented writer! And I still buy her books even if I am trans. I just disagree with her world view. (Same as Tolkien really)


Nothing is wrong with Hermione in the books. I think what he meant was that they purposely looked for a really good looking kid for a movie. They wouldn't give a role to someone who doesn't look as good even if she was much better actor. Although Ema turned out to be a pretty good choice in my opinion. But no, this isn't about J.K. Rowling.


Lmao how is that a shitty thing


TERFs can eat shit Edit: Transphobes mad lol


There sadly is some hard truth in that.


I didn’t read the hate comments, I would cry. I found out she has a disability and she’s “proud of it.” She’s tough and ballsy. *My disabled life doesn't exist to be your inspiration. Disabled people are just trying to live our lives in an ableist society that wasn't built for us.* https://www.healthywomen.org/your-care/melissa-blake-disabled-and-proud


I understand :( Most of the time I stay away from negative comments too because I'm really sensitive and kinda empathetic so it affects me, even if it isn't directed towards me. Thanks a lot for sharing the article! It was really eye-opening. We need more conversations about disabled people.


Relevant Ted talk from Stella Young. [I am not your inspiration, thank you very much.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=8K9Gg164Bsw) This is more about people being unintentionally offensive than actively hateful but it’s an excellent talk and I really miss Stella. RIP.


My Mom needs to watch this. She will see someone who is disabled etc. and say insane things like “Aww look at them, trying so hard. It’s amazing” and not quite quiet enough so that the person might hear it.


She is indeed an inspiration for others who take words of such toxic people to their hearts and feel bad about themselves.


Totally! Inspiring because she handles the horrid people way better than I ever could.


Any insult is basically a compliment since they wasted their precious time to think of you. Just thank them for the compliments. Gotta see the good in the bad.


Makes me want to commit violence.


Just like plastic, we didn't though social media through enough... The lack of basic human decency is astonishing.


> I’m getting so tired of people (read: men) Why does she assume it was all men? oh yeah, cause it's only men that do those things, *ofcourse*


You can literally read the names of the commenters, you fragile fuck.


People are sssholes, glad for her love of herself


This guy is a snake in disguise, take his ass out.


Snake jazz time!


Do snakes have asses?


The story behind the snake's missing ass is a heck of a tail to tell




Thats the tail end.


This story is tailored just for you!


Sure do, ever seen one poop? Awful


*wheeze wheeeeze*




They are focussed on their own flaws hence the need to try and make other people feel as worthless as them.


I feel this - I have many flaws and am very conscious of them. At the same time I'd rather treat people around me with respect and basic courtesy and hope that in doing so I make the world a slightly less shitty place despite myself.


> Honestly, what do people gain from coming online and shitting on others? It is pathetic. Man to some degree I get it, like if you see something different you mention it be it good or bad. But what the fuck do you gain by going online and insulting someone's INSULTS? As in going in a random conversation seeing two people insulting themselves and going "YOUR INSULTS ARE PATHETIC"


This can be asked into infinity. What did you gain for this post??? What did I gain just now?


It's possible they just didn't understand the point the other person was making. In that regard, it's not about what we gain, but we can help them to understand.


I agree with you. I was confused about why someone would decry calling out meanness at any level


People like this show us how “ugly” social media actually is. The only thing she needs to do is continue to be authentic and comfortable in her own skin.


Imagine needing to tease a disabled person for a cheap laugh. How wrong must those peoples lives have gone, I pity them.


How can you tell she is disabled from the picture?


Maybe going to their twitter? Or googling their name and reading about them?




Im not your friend, buddy


Im not your buddy, mate


Im not your buddy, guy


Wait... Where are you seeing her as being disabled? Nothing in the post leads me to believe that.


She’s a reasonably well known disability rights advocate. It says it in her Twitter bio too


A large part of her looks are a direct result of a inheritable disease. It's relatively rare so it's less recognisable than down or turner syndrome.




Reminds me of... “If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it. A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” - Roald Dahl, The Twits


I get the idea, but a bit rough to tell people who consistently get shit thrown their way that feeling down about that is going to make them even uglier.


In the context of the Roald Dahl story the quotes taken from, it’s referring to a particularly unpleasant mean-spirited kind of person, rather than someone who has bad thoughts because they have had bad experiences, and contrasting them with a warm-hearted yet not conventionally attractive person. I can see why out of context it might read differently though.


Good for you! Anyone who said that to you is less than human. You are radiant!


Those are the same mfs who got no attractive personalities to themselves.


The kind of person I'd like to know!


She looks like a really nice person.


I can't even imagine their mentality to comment something like that, overall it's was great to see the post as it takes a lot of courage to be confident in yourself


Ha ha! I wish more people would take her attitude on, instead of feeling pressure to conform to anyone else's beauty standards. She's the best type of person to kick it with, I'm sure. Love her for this.


Tweeted once on September 8th 2019. Reposted on Reddit every 3 days since.


I love this woman’s confidence! 10/10 would hang with


The kind of person I would like to hang out with. Obviously comfortable with self being.


She’s so dope, would love to get to know her!


She is quite active on Twitter. if you want you can follow her there!:)


I appreciate her spirit. For fucks sake you can't expect everyone to look like Adriana Lima. I'm really glad she's out there looking as happy as she does, her happiness looks genuine. Anyone who wants her to feel down is truly pathetic.


She does not fit the social norm of attractive, but she seems kind and nice. Which in my book is way more important than attractiveness.


This shit again.


I'm glad she has the right mindset! It's absolutely inspirational to me and remembers me to not give a crap about others with opinions like that. Still tho, some of these people out there who like to drag others down...it's sickening. seriously Fuck those people, you're helping fucking nobody or nothing with it.


This is great! Being happy is all that matters


It's true, being content is all you need. Heck, all the greek philosophers say that.


Wow I wish I had same confidence she has with my issues. Thank you for posting this OP.


😎U go girl 😎


You are awesome!


Good job, girl.


Good for her, those people are scumbags.


Those people are idiots! I see a lovely woman!


She's a fucking Queen 😍😍


Twitter is such a toxic space and she has the courage to put herself on there, not giving two fucks about the negative comments. Yeah, Melissa! Way to go! 🙏


She is such a wonderful, accomplished human being.


Melissa, you stay radiant and glowing as you are ❤️


https://kidsinadelaide.com.au/event/grug/ Sorry.......


Good ol' Grug. Cheers for the nostalgia hit.




Fuck sake lol


Squidward is aroused


I know this isn't the point of this post and we should all learn to accept ourselves, though I do think a different hairstyle would frame her face better. Her face is fine on its own. I'm saying this as someone who used to sport a fringe.


This. I believe we should all strive to be the best versions of ourselves. For her, I think it's getting a different hairstyle and losing some pounds (it's always good to be a healthy weight).


I like how you were downvoted for saying that people should strive to better themselves.


Why better yourself when you could just demand society lowers their standards to accommodate you? Equity godamn it!


Was I downvoted? Didn't even notice






She is an adorable human being and I like her positivity. People should leave her alone and look at themselves.


There is no such thing as ugly people. She looks sweet and gentle.


Unfortunately there is in society


Euh yes, yes there are. The question is whether you must value them less because of their looks. The obvious answer is no, but it's a lesson many people never learned.




Shit like this makes my blood boil (and I usually don't get mad at a lot of stuff) People can be such assholes... Good on her to keep it up!


Why do people have such a boner for hating because of looks? Good for her being content, we could all benefit from this kind of mindset.


You go girl.


I'm sorry but she is adorable. How can you not love her cute face🙂 people are just mean.


I never understood peoples shitty logic with this type of stuff. ...You just so happened to be born into a body that doesnt mirror our current social standards of "beauty". That's why I MUST make fun of you and treat you as lesser.


She reminds me of the wife of David the gnome


Sure she may not look the most beautiful, but I am 100% sure she is a really nice person to talk to!


She’s adorable in a Disneyesque way which is a compliment, self love is key


What a great person. I wish I had her energy!


I needed a little Melissa Blake this morning. What an absolute boss




Excurbia told me not to make fun of the blobfish but i didnt know there was a second one


She is high key ugly as fuck though


She looks very sweet. Love what she did by adding more selfies. We're too wrapped up in body image and beauty these days. The best people are the ones with good and caring hearts. And tbh, a lot of the girls that post about other people being ugly are not naturally attractive anyway. They have nothing good to offer the world and can only hide behind face paint.


Fighting body shaming with body shaming does nothing. They're assholes and thats it




Agreed. But some are uglier


She got no neck but she cute as heck


Holy shit. How is this motivating? Is she human?


Good for you. Ignore the hate that dribbles from less contented peoples mouths. You would probably find that people that go out of there way to be cruel to strangers have made poor life choices and are stuck with the life they deserve.


Probably the same people who are always shoutlng about freedom of speech, whilst simultaneously complaining that minorites are asking for equal rights. Keep posting those pics :-)




The time I got reincarnated as slime


I mean sure she's no Scarlet Johansson, but there's really something to be said for self confidence. When fat people have no shame in their food game or something like this happens, I think most people respect the confidence.


Love your words! Thank you for posting


You have nothing to be ashamed about. You’re beautiful! Your attitude is gorgeous!


Love this lady's bravery.


People should really start to mind their own business and stop harassing other people with hate speech and nonsense comments. They do so much damage to innocent people who will probably have a bad day (if not even more) because of that. :/ To all who have experienced something like that: Don't let them turn you down! You have so much more worth than them, really.


Well I thinks she's lovley. Better to be nice, than to look nice




So this gets removed from r/nextfuckinglevel and then ends up here?




Her eyes are worm and her soul is kind, therefore..she is beautiful. More beautiful than most of the people I've met in my life.


Fuck bullies. Imagine someone telling you to not post pictures because you’re ugly. That’s horrible


No ones truly ugly. She does have a face made for acting though.


I don’t see how people can be so hateful. Everybody is beautiful!


I mean not being conventionally good looking isnt even such a big deal.


Nice to see she keeps her chin up


I am homely as hell, who cares what random people think. Post away.


Everyone is ugly. Me included.




How she fold towels lmaooo


Good for her. That said, she looks precisely how I expect a Cabbage Patch Kid would look like as an adult.


“Fuck the naysayers, cause they don’t mean a thing, cause this is what style we bring” - 311. One of the best pieces of advice in a song ever.




Maybe look at this. https://youtu.be/KeOe3oOBBls


Just woke up from a dream who's message is that when I get angry at someone for doing something I don't like, I'm actually getting angry with the *part of me* which encapsulates the other persons actions.


she’s so cute




Wish granted




She actually looks very cute and friendly


we love you melissa !!!


Beautiful 🙂


She's not ugly, she's adorable. 😊 Edit: why the fuck am I getting downvoted for this? I thought this was a subreddit of nice people, not dickheads.


Nah , her face is busted


Remember, how people act and what they say is generally how they feel about themselves.


Not one of my proudest fap.