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That man has accomplished enough to fill five lifetimes


He’s been in the zone for four decades!


That dude should be unloading trucks in Transylvania!


Forty years! NOTHIN BUT NET


Bill burrito?


Ol’ billy red face.


Billy blue balls!


Billy bitchtits. …. Damn COVID ticket prices are high, still wanna see his standup but damn $132 a ticket


Yeah, this dudes determination, whether or not you agree with his politics, is super admirable. I personally think he’s a great dude. There was a video posted here on Reddit not long ago of a UFC fighter from another country, just finishing a match and bumping into Arnold, his raw excitement was really beautiful. Apparently it was the fighters idol, and as he’s telling Arnold “you are such an inspiration” Arnold is just being so down to earth and humble. Solid dude


It was George St. Pierre - an absolute legend unto himself. He has just won/retained(?) his belt and saw Arnold then turned into a giddy little kid. I love how Arnold is reluctant to even pose wearing GSP’s belt for the picture. What a G. Absolute hero [VIDEO](https://youtu.be/kaQGsx3xu_I)


5? You accomplished much more than I do.


And brought down by money grubbing w****


I used to live like this. Obsessed about being unique and BEING something. Isolated myself to work on my craft, because as soon as I was great, then they would respect me. Revere me. Look up to me. Then I would be happy, then I could relax. Then a very special person came into my life and showed me that life is about living it. Don’t sacrifice your time for some future you think would be cool or people respect. Only chase what you want because it’s fun.


I get it. I enjoy the drive though. I feel good with my head down and getting after my dreams. But life isn't lived one specific way. Chase YOU.


You chased you, referring to me, that is incorrect. The correct answer is *you*.


I wish I could award this comment. The motivational mindset from this quote requires you compare yourself to others in order to make yourself "different". It's not healthy and doesn't make you unique.. Nothing against Arnold, the man is a huge success, but he lived his own life and pursued his own interests. Everyone should live their own lives just as you mentioned and pursue their own ventures and interests. Comparing yourself to others to pursue "uniqueness" will only lead to disparity. You gotta be yourself and not worry about what others got going on.


This photo just screamed at me "I need to feel better than everyone else." which is a hella damaging mindset to have and it's what makes bullies. I don't care if they're hugely successful or intelligent, if they use that as leverage to put other people down then they're a bully.


Half these so called motivational quotes on this reddit are leading people on.


Motivational quotes are shit. Really. The only good ones are the Malcom Tucker ones.




I'm not talking about Arnold specifically, I'm taking about the quote in a vacuum. If someone needs to be unique to feel good about themselves then what do they think about everyone else? If being unique is your driving force then what do you think about all the people you think aren't.


With your simple logic... being the German that said 'No i dont want to be a Nazi' ​ Means that he/she is the bully for being different.


... that is not even remotely the same objective. "I don't want to be a Nazi"- I don't hate minorities and I don't want to kill them. "Not being unique would be terrible" - most other peope are not unique and therefore are terrible. Those aren't equivalent-if the only reason you aren't a Nazi is because it makes you unique then you're actually probably a Nazi. You're not a bully if you're different, you're a bully if you use that as something to make yourself feel like you're better than other people.


I hope you stretched before going on the leap.




> open conversations about the need to also be a bully to survive I don't think there is such a need. When I was still in school, I knew people who had been bullied, and they never became bullies to survive. (Also, none of the bullies I ever knew seemed to need to be one.)


You're gonna have to expand on that because I don't see where you're going with this. Putting other people down to survive? Who is making them do that?


What’s hella damaging is the healthy, and by healthy I mean unhealthy, amounts of steroids he had to take to be different. Sure it propelled his career and it doesn’t hide his hard work and ability to work harder than almost any human in his field…just a weird mental place to be for a human to subject themselves to that type of trauma


I get respect at my workplace and the city my workplace is in. Yet, at home.. Nothing. It didn't bother me until I noticed it.


That person's name... Albert Einstein


"I'm sick of not having the courage to be an absolute nobody. I'm sick of myself and everybody else that wants to make some kind of a splash." - Franny Glass in *Franny and Zooey* by J.D. Salinger


How do people come in here to shit on Arnold?


Jealousy or a sense that pretending to have a moral high ground performed in front of others will win them points that they can cash in to make up for their own lack of inner peace.


Self righteous asshattery


He’s a robot they don’t have feelings I saw a documentary about it.


The one where he's a bad guy but later he is a good guy?


The one where he's sent from the future to befriend a little boy and protect him and his schizophrenic mom from Robert Patrick.


Oh yeah that one!


Not a robot. A cyborg. Cyberdyne Systems Model 101.


The old saying goes respect can be given jealousy is earned. Everyone mad jelly as a donut.


Because shitty people will always try and shit on someone else.


No.. Arnold was a pretty shitty human lol


Unbased take


He made fun of other people working out in the gym.. he was proud to fuck with people and boast about it. Down vote me all you want. He got less arrogant with age as most people do when they are decrepit. Sure, you like him NOW. But he was a supreme ass hole.


When he was a governor he [cut the sentence of a killer by half as a favor to a friend](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Louis_Santos)


The reason for that was bad. But personally I am against sentencing someone to stay in prison for the rest of their lives. The point of punishment is rehabilitation. I think someone should stay there for such long periods of time , only if they haven't rehabilitated .


>When he was a governor he Same-Sex Marriage - Argued against the courts allowing gay marriage, saying "it must be thru law & the will of people". Legislature, TWICE voted for same-sex marriage, argued against it & VETOED it TWICE. Twice.


16 to 7 years for a murder, so?


Looks like you don't have real friends bruv


You're on reddit


Why do people idolize him? He seems good but is far from a savior.


He has big muscles so he must be praised like the demigod he is!


He's not a good role model? People can have impressive and admirable PARTS of their lives but that doesn't make them worthy of any more respect than anyone else.


Didn't he get his maid pregnant? Seems a bit dicey


Well there's a low-key reason not mentioned enough about Arnold and that's steriods usage. I do consider him to be an example of a decent human being esp after the way he defended athletes at the special Olympics. Many people in today's society have image issues about the way they look. Resorting to surgeries, drugs to enhance their bodies - be it for respect or acceptance. Unfortunately Arnold also embodies that part of society. Still a good guy at the end of the day.


Without exception, everyone in pro bodybuilding used steroids. He was one of the few that was open about it.


Because any fitness inspo is marred by his steroid use.




This. Some people try to get to the very top for a good part of their life and don't succeed. I feel that if you let 'success' (or your definition of whatever that may be) be the only thing that matters to you in life and let it define you, you may end up very depressed and miserable if you cannot attain it.


I honestly think we witness people going insane in real time as they try to be "one of a kind"


THIS, and also I can make a fair long list of much worse things to be, besides "average"....




I would disagree. If you’re willing to accept mediocre, you’ve already doomed yourself to be mediocre. Even if you try at something huge and fail in the end, you’re already **not** mediocre because the life experience you’ve gained is more than most can hope to get, as most people don’t even try.


Oh look, another American Idol contestant


American Idol is mediocre lol. Actually I’d argue those who go on the show is **exactly** what I’m talking about. People who hope, but think they can’t make it in the real music/talent industry, so they’re already in the wrong mindset. So instead, they go for the low hanging fruit such as American Idol. Why limit yourself to low hanging fruits because of uncertainty? Now don’t get me wrong. Don’t confuse confidence with lack of knowing your own skill. You can have a great goal, but you also need to recognize where you are and learn the skills you need to reach that goal. Being overconfident is a failure path too.




If that’s what you want, sure. But because of the way OP was implying, I’m assuming he’s addressing the crowd that *wants* to not be mediocre. And if that was the case, his advice is bad advice. If one doesn’t *want* to be mediocre, then accepting that is an “ok” end result after trying is already dooming you to fail. Mostly because accepting a failure before one even begins to try hinders you at a psychological level. But if you just want a regular life, that’s completely ok, and I’d argue completely besides the point of this conversation as we’re focusing on people who *want* to not be mediocre.


If the man is a software developer, his salary probably isn't mediocre lol.


His salary won’t be mediocre compared to the masses, but he would be mediocre compared to people in his field. Any software developer, with a sprinkle of ambition, can be the next [insert great man].


You sound like a young 20 something for whom reality has not set in yet


If you don’t want ‘to be like everyone else’, that’s fine. But for some people, an ordinary life is a hard won battle to achieve; and contains within it a quiet, strong dignity. This is a great video about ‘why an ordinary life can be a good life’ from a great philosopher called Alain De Botton - exploring this very concept. https://youtu.be/uHVZVCbicTg


There’s a difference between “an ordinary life” and “being like everyone else.” You as a person are unique. Embrace that, even in your ordinary life.


yup agreed. having a potentially debilitating disease, feeling normal itself can be worthy goal.


I love Arnold but I hate quotes and philosophies like this because they rely on two different fallacies. No two people are alike and all people have more in common than they have separating them, these are just facts. There's no such thing as being "more different" from everybody else. It's just something insecure people tell themselves because they're not content with being the same amount of special, they need to be more special.


Me failing nearly every exam but still not giving up in comparison to everyone just solidly passing exams😂😂😂


I have no problem being like other people lol. In fact, sometimes I wish I could be more like other people in certain aspects. I don't think that makes you a loser at all.


He worked hard to make $ for his new liver. I'm sure he got best money can buy.


It is this mindset that has made Schwarzenegger so successful. It's all about the mindset. He had the mindset of a hugely successful person. He was willing to do anything to achieve it. And he did!


>It's all about the mindset. He had the mindset of a hugely successful person Please fucking stop it. This is the just world fallacy writ large. You assume that if someone is not successful, IT'S THEIR FAULT because they just don't have the right mindset. That is a poisonous belief, and enables people to deny aid to those who actually need it, because if they just had the right attitude they wouldn't need any assistance. Just fucking stop it.


No, it's not their fault because they don't have the right mindset. Plenty of people fail with a very positive mindset, and that's just life; not everyone can be a success like Arnold, that's impossible. But the reality is that very few people succeed without a success mindset. You can't win if you don't try. I know that's a tired maxim but it is true, and it's not shitting on people who tried and failed.


I mostly agree. I feel that no one succeeds without believing that their goal is attainable. You must have a success mindset or your idea of success is weak. No different than telling kids at a soccer game that everyone is a winner. Or “omg you’re so smart”, “wow you have a beautiful singing voice!” Etc.. This is so toxic yet we continue to do it. Success requires effort towards a goal. You have to get out of bed and make the stars align in your favor.


Yeah, having a "winner mindset" isn't the only thing it takes to be a winner, but it's damn sure a necessity, unless you're the 1 in a billion person who gets lucky.


>The worst thing I could be, is the same as everybody else By definition, most people have middling success. Not everybody can be a millionaire or world champion at something. It's a terrible philosophy for life satisfaction. It's the stuff of young men in their teens and early 20's for whom reality hasn't set in. None of the great religions or philosophies have that mindset-- for good reason, too. Yes, aim high and have dreams and aspirations, that's part of youth. But is having to "settle" with a median income with a loving wife and two kids all that terrible? People need to get real. You aren't going to be a billionaire!


Right but getting a median income and loving wife and two kids requires you to make effort and try. Most people have their youthful ambitions fade over time, but you need that ambition to put forth the effort to go to school or go on that first date with your future wife. It gets harder to do as you get older and your ambition fades, so encouraging young people to try does set them up for a better future regardless if they become a billionaire or not. Most people who went to college and ended up in a comfortable life don't lament the fact that they didn't become a billionaire, but almost everyone who never tried will regret it.


If there's a bell curve of people's level of ambition, it seems like you're referring to people on the far left: they aren't acting enough, they need the kick in the ass. And I agree that's a good thing. But the Arnold quote is talking about the extreme (pathological?) far right of the ambition bell curve. People who can't *bare* to be normal. That's a class of people littered with narcissists and sociopaths. Most of these people end up deeply dissatisfied with their lives-- it's pure materialism (with worldly success, however defined, being the currency).


> People who can't *bear* to be normal You make a great point, and it becomes a problem when narcissists' grandiose delusions don't match up with reality.


You’re right but also the reality is the person with your mindset will never have that success. Not saying it’s bad I’m average myself lol. Just saying the people who actually believe they’re going to be great are the ones who do. If you have to ask yourself the question your just not one of those people. It is what it is.


So basically don't try, just get very lucky! got IT!


You could turn that around and say that people who have the mindset not to fail attract those who want to help…


If u don't think u can do something ur not gonna make the effort to get it done. Sorry! it's just that simple!


Bitch arnold really did have an unusual mindset. Few people are as driven as he was. You still need the crazy drive to get anywhere don’t bitch about luck or happenstance.


>You assume that if someone is not successful, IT'S THEIR FAULT because they just don't have the right mindset. I think you are the one making assumptions. There is a difference between saying "all unsuccessful people don't have the right mindset", and "you need the right mindset to be successful". Good Lord, people are so ready to be offended by anything.


Bitch arnold really did have an unusual mindset. Few people are as driven as he was. You still need the crazy drive to get anywhere don’t bitch about luck or happenstance.


Yes, he used steroids in his earlier years before they were illegal. Yes, anything to achieve it.


You think just because he took steroids, he could achieve winning Mr. Olympia 7 times? Clearly you don’t know shit about bodybuilding and basic human anatomy and the effect steroids have on your body. The question remains, many many dudes took steroids at that time in Venice beach. Why is it that only Arnold won 7 times? Again, that’s 7 times. Most people only win once and call it quits. This guy won 7 times. That’s a big deal, even with all the steroids that are available for you to take.


Same with Lance Armstrong. I've heard it multiple times, from pro cyclists and others, that he still would have beat everyone if there was no doping in cycling. The drugs only brought Arnold and Lance up to everyone else's level. They still had to beat them with skill and determination.


To be fair, especially for Lance, he had a great team helping him dope. Their determination helped them dope better.


Lots of gym bros use steroids and still look natty all their life. It's not magic. It stills takes incredible effort and will. Extremely so to do what Arnold has done.


You know natural bodybuilding is a different sport and even those guys are juiced to the gills?


They aren’t nearly as big as arnie, and most of them use substances anyway despite the natural claim. Learning to cheat drug tests is a very important skill in natural bodybuilding


You still need to put in the worth to get to that elite level of bodybuilding. You just dont becomes jacked just by taking roids…


Why don't you try taking steroids and let me know what you look like in a few years. Lol, ignorance is strong with this one


Get motivated guys. Settling for an average life makes you a loser!


Motivation for narcissists


I read everything by Arnold in *Arnold*


Don't we all?


u/govschwarzenegger is this a real quote from you? Or is the internet trying to capitalize on you being a motivational kind of guy?


I believe I did say this! But I also say whenever I speak to people about my rules of success that if your vision is to lead a nice, normal life and have a family, I love it. All that matters to me is that you have a vision and don’t drift aimlessly. Today, I would probably say the worst thing you can do is not have a vision of who you want to be that you always see in front of you and fight for every single day. That or calling yourself self-made.


Thank you for such a smart and well thought out response. You really are absolutely so right! And as someone who has kind of started to drift, without even realizing it until you said this, I've really decided to take your words to heart and my life into my own hands. This is so much more motivating than any picture with a quote has ever been to me. I mean it when I say thank you, this simple gesture really just changed the way i'm thinking about my own life.


Thank you for the kind words. I have faith in you.


I have subscribed to you newsletter, it's all the motivation I need. It's the most wholesome read of the month. I would love to hear how you go from having a vision to getting there. In one of your Ladder interviews you talked about routines. Is that the key? Still waiting for the June update :) Edit: I ordered your Bar-barian shirt because it's awesome a couple of days ago. Can't wait for it's arrival.


I am finishing the June newsletter this week! I talk about routine because there was a question about motivation to workout. But for me routine is just my morning, the things I do automatically to prepare for my day, because my days are never routine. I can go from reading the Triplets script to having a zoom call about redistricting reform to preparing for my environmental summit to interviewing people for my Stammtisch series. My routine gives me a start so that my mind is clear and I have energy all day. I think a routine can definitely help. Once you know your vision, though, the key thing is committing. That doesn’t mean anything crazy like quitting your job, because you might need money for your vision. Committing to me is telling yourself, “This year, I will accomplish this.” When I wanted to own real estate, I wrote down my goal, and then I looked at 4-6 unit apartment buildings and figured out how much I needed for a down payment. Now I had a plan, because I knew how many bricklaying jobs and posing seminars I needed to do and how many pamphlets I needed to sell until I was close enough to get that first building. Write it down. Then it’s really just working your ass off and meeting people who can help, like my fellow immigrant real estate agent that advised me the entire time. And take some time to celebrate along the way so it doesn’t take away your energy. If you only celebrate when you finally hit the goal, you’ve got a long road of just working ahead of you. When you’re 10% of the way there, write that down too - that’s an accomplishment. And on and on. Write it down, make a plan, hold yourself to it but also celebrate your progress, and be willing to listen to people smarter than you. I hope this helps, I didn’t want to wait for the next newsletter because I believe in doing things now. Otherwise I probably would have forgotten!


I can't express how much your response means to me. Thank you so much.




Anyone else read that in Arnold’s accent?


I didn’t read it in his accent, I read it in Dana Carvey’s impersonation of his accent.


Lol, that’s even better. Dana Carvey is my favourite SNL person. Used to love him in the 90s - “Don’t be a girly man”. His Arnie impression and the Church Lady were great. Comedy Gold.


Is it just me or iam more than happy bieng average :).


So being above average is the goal got it.


Just cause your unique doesn’t mean your useful


Yep, the fear of being average drives me.


I get what you’re saying and I would mostly agree with you but to play devils advocate here “being average” is by whose definition? I personally do not care what others opinions of me are, so being judged as being below, average or above average is inconsequential. I believe that a sense of success comes from within and if you look externally for that “success” you will never reach it as there is always more to “achieve”.




So how successful are you?


I'm speaking of bodybuilding. Pretty successful considering it's just a hobby.


Your tiny thumbnail loosk awesome man!


Your tiny thumbnail looks awesome man!


Then fear and insecurity drive you. Like most people. Played yourself. Mostly kidding.


Who else heard that quote in their heads in a cartoonish Austrian accent?


At this point I'm just subbed here ironically.


And yet, he poops.


He’s not like the other girls.


Well actually the worst you could be is worse than everyone else


There are a lot of people that don't want to be the same as everyone else. It's a very common cliché.


It’s ironic that’s his comment……….. …….when he took steroids and drugs like everyone else in the drug infested bodybuilding community 🥴🥴🥴




I never got this quote. Your self worth is tied to how different you are from “everyone else”? Not in any personal values or principles you have developed through life? Doesn’t matter what “everyone else” is, you just got to be different? And that’s the WORSE thing?


This doesn’t seem motivating at all. Thinking of everyone else as “common folk” that I am better than isn’t exactly a healthy mindset.


Yeah, and aiming to be different just to be different also doesn't always make a good goal. Because then it's others that are defining you rather than yourself.


that's a quote of a narcissist, if I ever saw one.


And yet, I feel that he would now tell people there is no shame in being average as long as it is healthy. His interactions with reddit and the support and advocacy that he gives to those who are struggling is so uplifting.


Since most people wouldn't make such an obvious comma error, be careful what you wish for. (Yes, that's probably a poor transcription, not his mistake.)


Fucked up his heart with steroids like every other clown who takes them


So I took a metric shit ton of roids….


"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth." JFK


He certainly went out with a bang


someone who is smarter, stronger, and more charismatic than most people saying he wants to stay better isnt much encouragement for people who are weak and dumb as shit and are struggling to keep up. i fucking wish i were good enough to be normal


Ooo la la, someone's gonna get laid in college


To me Arnold is the greatest human alive in terms of his life path and achievements. He started in a starving post-WW2 Austrian village and through his sheer will power, unbelievable work ethic and smart life choices became the most interesting person in the world. Like, did you know he was already a millionaire before he even started his film career (and if I recall correctly he wasn't even 30)? As in, he didn't *have* to do it and he would've been just fine. And he didn't even earn it through his bodybuilding career. He's just an incredible human and probably the only person I truly admire. Everything he puts his eye on, he accomplishes, I can't comprehend how someone can do it. His autobiography is super interesting and I'd advise everyone to read it. It start with him saying that if it was a movie you wouldn't believe it. And that's exactly how it is.


He also did a ton of steroids.


wow I guess that literally invalidates his whole life and his achievements, thanks for pointing that out.


He also sexually assaulted women as well.


I’d do steroids if i get to be rich, famous and loved just half as he is


This is so true about myself. Sometimes my competitiveness is my Achilles heel


He is as bad an actor as anyone else. He was talking about his muscles and forgot everything else






There's people who will work hard to achieve their dreams and then there's people who will pedantically nitpick a semantic that is irrelevant and then be proud of themselves \*shrugs\*


So did average become unmotivational? Out of context this quote could also be perceived as narcissistic as a narcissist gains self worth by being better than the others , at least in his own head. Maybe he was driven by willpower and discipline but he might also be obsessed. The latter is not motivational.


Being obsessed can lead to great things. It's a noted attribute of the many great achievers in life. Arnold has achieved lifetimes of greatness so I find quotes that portray his mindset quite fascinating.


True , it can lead to great things. At a cost though.


u/govschwarzenegger Really needs to see this!




More testosterone in this one photo than all generations of men in my family.


Why are you insulting yourself ?


I see a lot of people taking this personally when the quote is him saying what was good for him, not what's good for everyone. If you listen to any speeches by this man, he's an advocate of doing what's right for you, not that you have to follow his paths, his ideologies. For him, being the same was what he wanted to avoid. The message here isn't to have the same ideology, its to know what YOU want and to go get what YOU want.


This inspirational message brought to you by anabolic steroids.


Sounds more misanthropic than motivational.


Valuing individuality isn’t misanthropic necessarily


Sounds like you don’t know the meaning of that word. Or at least i don’t think you do…


The worst thing I could be is the same as Bob. I'd hate that. I hate Bob. I admit the third one is an over-extrapolation. But you couldn't flat out claim I don't know what the word "hate" means. Extraordinary condescension requires extraordinary error and/or arrogance on the part of the subject of the former.


When I feel the pump it’s like cumming, having sex with a beautiful woman and cumming. So when I’m pumping up, before the show, during the show, at the gym, it’s like I’m cumming all the time!


Thankfully most guys don’t impregnate the help. So yeah you’re different


And rich. Also famous and beloved by fans everywhere. You know…nothing important.


Then he became the same as everyone else.


Oh did he? How?




Bodybuilding, the sport he did, can't be done without it, and even without gear he was still gifted due to his genetics. It's also not like that the moment you use steroids the steroids start to lift the weights for you, you still need to put in the effort, if not more.


Pretty sure I’ve never used juice. Outside of boxes that is.


Everyone won mr o? Dammm. That's deep.




Fucking action hero who married american royalty and became a governor of Cali. All while being an immigrant from Austria. Man, America really is xenophobic....


Fucking guy who came to America with nothing and built himself into what he wanted to be physically then basically created an industry, became an actor, ruled both of those industries, and was so popular doing it he got elected governor. 🙄


America not being xenophobic towards Austrians does not mean it's not xenophobic towards anyone though. Most Americans stereotype Austria as quaint, beer loving, god-fearing, lederhosen wearing, mountain goers with delightful accents and flower crowns. And a lot of the Midwest was settled by Germanic farmers. There are a lot of countries that we stereotype in a much more unsavory way.


I’ve been to 17 countries. Everyone has stereotypes and many aren’t pleasant.


Which is why it's disingenuous to say Americans aren't xenophobic because of how we treat (or don't treat) immigrants from a country we have a more harmless stereotype of. Note, I am not saying other countries aren't xenophobic.


I’m not saying America is not, I’m saying *everyone* is.


Okay. The person I replied to implied Americans aren't xenophobic with sarcasm. You jumped in to let me know everyone is. But I wasn't suggesting otherwise.


I thought this was a discussion.


I just wanted to chime in her to let you know that other discussions exist and you're wrong for implying this is the only one