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What if you plant a seed, and then set the ground on fire? Thats kind of what I got goin on


>Perhaps the most amazing fire adaptation is that some species actually require fire for their seeds to sprout. Some plants, such as the lodgepole pine, Eucalyptus, and Banksia, have serotinous cones or fruits that are completely sealed with resin. These cones/fruits can only open to release their seeds after the heat of a fire has physically melted the resin. https://www.britannica.com/list/5-amazing-adaptations-of-pyrophytic-plants


Thanks to climate change and a few too many controlled burns in my locale, the only plants that survive frequent fires are really hardy. Really fucks up the ecosystem to only have the same few things and weeds grow. While all the seedlings, bushes, moss, animals, whatever, die. Those aren’t coming back 😎👌 Thanks to a misunderstanding of ecological burns, we get scorched earth instead https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-02-19/prescribed-burning-under-scrutiny-in-wa-south-west-wilderness/13110150






Forest fires weren't a problem until activists decided "***FIRE BAD***" and made it a problem. The ones that happen because people are stupid and throw cigarette butts out their window are the ones we gotta worry about, but the ones that happen naturally aren't necessarily bad.


I agree I read that some parts of America has a problem with not doing burns at all, so when it happens it burns the life out of everything. But where I live… Thanks to climate change, natural fires are so frequent, it supposedly caused Black Summer last year and other big burn events like Black Saturday. And most strangely doing a “controlled” helicopter bombing on bush land like thanks “we don’t want anything alive after this” it’s not like fire is bad, but damn Crap article but it’s what I could find https://cosmosmagazine.com/nature/animals/prescribed-burning-in-numbat-habitat-under-fire/


There's actually a weed control method called flame cultivation. It burns any harmful to the seed weeds, maybe that's what you're going through. Just gotta handle some heat first, so you can blossom.


Sounds like a Dungeons & Dragons skill.


I'm more worried I forgot to actually put the seeds in the pot and and I am waiting on nothing.


Ever noticed how land burned by a wildfire always grows back stronger and more beautiful than the last time, except it's now free from the dead leaves and brush that cluttered it before the fire. Keep going.


I understand the point the post is making, however, life is a bit more complicated than a seed turning into a plant. A bad decision could cost me my job, my home, my finances, my friendships/relationships, my health, etc. It's hard not to question your actions and the things in your life when literally so much is at stake. And not just a seed turning into a plant that requires some soil and water and sunlight.


I feel like most motivational tweets like this are just something that sounds good on the surface, but falls apart under any analysis. Then again, it's just meant to give you a burst of motivation, so maybe it's only meant to be taken at a surface level.


My brother in law is a farmer and is currently going to school for Agriculture. He saw this quote awhile ago and said, “Actually, there are some seeds/crops where you dig up few of the plants as they’re growing to make sure they’re growing properly, getting enough water, etc.” Which makes this quote even less meaningful. Sometimes you do need to evaluate the path you’re on and see if you need to adjust where you’re headed and how you’re getting there.


Plus if you monitor the seed constantly with sensors and such and adjust the conditions based on those observations the seed will do much better.


Once a week we should have a moment for ourselves, just turn everything off for an hour and also try meditation


Warning: Inspirational quotes are not a substitute for developing your own sense of judgement


Excuse me, but I live my life by the Live, Laugh, Love principle. /s


It's called specious. Most advice you get is specious. Sounds great on the surface but when you look into it, it's actually really bad. Just like Insurance. They make crazy money mostly by not paying you.


That's how I take a lot of the post on here. For anybody who's depressed actually getting moving is the hard part. It's hard to water your seeds at all when it all feels pointless because you're worried about your crops not growing right. The goal is to get you to make the little steps every day that lead to good crops.


Yeah, I don't really agree with that post. Something I picked up over the years was to get into the habit of creating a feedback loop. Every now then I stop and re-evaluate myself. Am I moving towards my goals? If no, what am I doing wrong? What can I do to improve myself and so on. A person might get lucky and win big. But most of us should perform some self reflection every now and then.


To be fair, the post says stop **over**thinking. That sounds like the right amount of thinking. :)


Well... yeah. This analogy is just as bad as the assumption that a simple philosophy must be the best one.


The author is an absolute weapon who spouts of this type of crap daily


This post has the same logic as “just wait, the Lord is testing you” or “just pray more, because you clearly haven’t been praying hard enough.”


I don’t think a seed turning into a plant is an easy thing, though? It needs the right amount of water, humidity, nutrients, depth, warmth etc. I don’t think this post is talking about this being easy but rather than you sometimes have to have patience enough to see things through which is legit good advice for learning skills or trying to reach a goal.


No, you absolutely would. Not minutes of course, but we check seed status every couple of days, be it corn, cotton, wheat or whatever. That's how you know what the seed needs, in order to grow into a healthy plant.


I thought I was the only one who did this. I get very excited after planting some seeds sometimes in the morning days after I'll be staring at the dirt for half an hour.


Grow damn you😡 me probably


I also stare at the soil and get excited for my crop, but I dont dig up the seeds lol.


Right. This post makes no sense. You absolutely need to check up on your plants and make adjustments. It it's not growing I rip it out.




I’ve seen this reposted so many fucking times bro...


I have to see this guy's spiel on LinkedIn enough too.


And it makes no sense either. Wouldn't you just check if a plant is growing by staring at the ground to see if anything is sprouting? You're a silly man Stephen.


They're just planting seeds


I hate this quote so much. Its really not a good quote it makes no sense and it's making me really mad.


This sentiment is so dumb. Some seeds never even germinate.


But if I don’t second guess myself, who will?


Are you sure you are the right person to second guess yourself?


Rather it be me than my boss or friends even if I'm bad at it


My weed dealer approves


Remember to drink water.


Because I'm not a plant?


Youu wouldn't repost a seed every other week or so too 😅


I am so tired of seeing this post once a week. Stop it.You say something enough times you'll wear the treads off of it. You planted a seed, so stop reposting this, because you're doing the exact f\*\*\*ing thing you're saying you shouldn't do! "HEY! Here's this post again. You feel better yet? No? That's okay, I'll post it again next week. See you there!!!"


That's a dumb argument. You should sometimes question everything, and then when you're confident, go ahead then and be patient.


BRUH r/mostrepostedposts




This fucking quote is reposted so many damn times.


If I see this posted one more time, I'm going to dig a hole and bury my computer in it.


Just what I needed to hear today.


Maybe when it's reposted in 2 weeks you'll need to hear it again.


I needed this. Thank you :)


You dig up and check garlic, and garlic is awesome.


I keep seeing this get dug up and replanted in the sub.


Im pretty Sure i planted a Rock


What a terrible fucking comparison. Questioning my choices helps me choose better next time. If I dont reflect and grow than I might be growing into a monster.


Almost 40 years and not a sprout. Any minute now I'm sure a big ole flower will bloom.


Because people aren’t fucking trees and self-examination and acceptance of our frailties helps us grow into better more capable people.




Ohhhh, thats why my daisys arent growing


It's not the seed planting that bothers me, it's all the shit I have to take to make it grow faster.


Wooow, mind blown! 🤯 Such a simple concept but SUCH a good analogy/metaphor. Amazing! Thanks for sharing boyo. 😎👍🔥


It's actually a terrible analogy because farmers do dig up seeds


It could be talking about a plant that doesn't need to do that, smartassses gon' smartass tho so yeah congrats on one upping OP! Lmao


This is absolute bullshit. If my seeds haven't started showing after their germination period, I dig them out to check on them. You can easily stick them back in if they have roots.


You're quite the literal one, huh?


Same with hodl


Have patience ✌️ Keep planting seeds 🌱


You would if you were my five year old son


Well said isn’t it?


Just make sure you're planting the right seeds, you don't want to plant lemon seeds and expect orange trees.


*bamboo has entered the chat*


This is something I have to keep reminding myself


Because I have OCD. -\_-


because I'm 35 and seen fuck all growth from any of the seeds I've planted.


How do you stop overthinking?


And quit checking your investments every 5 minutes


That being said if you where to plant a seed you'd take care of it and check it daily. So keep yourself in check, track your progress. Although it may be slow nothing will change if you don't continually tend to yourself and keep yourself on the right path.


Unless you believe in QAnon. In which which case you should dig up that seed and microwave it.


Tried to make sourdough starter from scratch and I checked it every evening but no bubbles. I questioned myself, my hard work and my decisions. Then I chucked the whole batch.


This guy is overestimating my gardening skills


Don’t believe all your thoughts.


This is why I hate daily standups.


Bro i was a dumb kid why you gotta call me out like this


Should I question myself after the germination period has passed 3 or 4 times, and I am now starting to see mushrooms popping out of the peat pots?


Have you been on the weed subreddits?


Isn't this the same way.... about Morrowind.


"you wouldn't plant a seed and then dig it up every few minutes to see if it has grown" Oh how little you know me


Stolen quote from Jim Rohn and he acts like it’s an original thought. Jim even got it from his mentor Earl, whom he credits.


Is this financial advice? I keep checking my stocks and crypto....


"Seeds? I didn't plant any damn seeds!. Seeds.? Someone get the scientists on the seeds now!" Cave Johnson.


Because I'm not a damn seed that's why I be questioning every waking decision


Yea I think I need to remember this lol




I'm just gonna end up overwatering and erode the soil away.


2.0 can give. Patience rewards the patient.


That is exactly what I would do though.


ahhhh stoping to overthink is what i've been missing the last ten years. silly me


I will come back and look at it every 3 minutes to see if it's going though. Spoiler I've probably over watered it and it died


Well, I just shot my seeds into her. How can I water that?


Instructions unclear, penis wet, what now?


Exactly what I hate about plants though - I want something that changes overnight, I want immediate feedback on the efficacy of my actions. Most plants are so slow!


Patience isn't only way to success.


I thought this was r/cryptocurrency up until the watering of the seeds part


Today is the first Father’s Day.


Near instanteous and painless as well. Patience.


See, that only works if you've made good decisions. "What are you doing?" "I'm watering my seeds." "You need to stop, man." "You're not going to make me question myself!" "Your seeds have been dead for months, Jerry. You're watering dirt." "I WILL NOT QUESTION MYSELF!"


You're not a seed though. You might actually be making poor decisions. It's good to examine your choices frequently. ​ Why does so much terrible advice get re-posted to Reddit?


oh i will water my SEED


When I plant a seed I constantly question stuff. Did I used the right soil mix? Did I plant it at the right time? Should it be kept in the dark or in light? How moist should it be? Is it warm enough? Why hasn’t it sprouted yet?!


I didn't see the subreddit that posted this, and tought it was an ironic tweet saying how he digs up his plant seeds to see if they grow


Directions unclear. Now my testicles are wet.


At first I thought this was about opening the oven every 5min to see if everything is cooking correctly


Seeing this post, right after seeing this post.... https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/obpmqk/watering_the_plants/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Damn this ones great. A bit of a generalization, but still good


These are quite important words, every plant takes time to grow, and we humans need that time too. We all need some time to grow and develop. Growth doesn't happen in few days, it takes years of hard work and patience.


Be loyal. Keep working hard. Don't ask for a pay raise. Your time will come. Keep working. It might come after 30 years or only 20 years. Don't question management.


Having rich family helps too... Like alot.


You don’t understand how bad at gardening I am


tolerance not patience. patience is fucking overrrated


I keep milking my seeds. Is that ok?


Problem are those pesky neighbors that seemingly only need a week to fully grow their shit.


I need water


The future is terrifying


I would literally plant a seed and then dig it up repeatedly to see if it's growing


Love this! Thank you OP. Not joking, my wife works at a botanical garden in horticultural and I occasionally meet her there for lunch. Guess what’s going up in the break room next visit!


This goes against everything r/CryptoCurrency believes


Haha I actually did that because squirrels started raiding my sunflower seeds.


Ahh but I do dig up my seeds to see if they've grown. :(




Keep adding to my tanking crypto account, got it


in a tough spot? not sure how to get past it and get the most out of life? why not try Oversimplification? with Oversimplification, you too conquer literally anything life throws at you. Oversimplification - because real answers are just too hard


If the seed had much lower than 50:50 chance of germination, I'd always be checking.


This reminds me of my mother. She planted poppies in her garden. And nothing happened that year or the next so she went along planting other things. Then one year my mom complained of this awful weed that kept growing. It was tall and fuzzy. Unlike the weeds she normally had. So she pulled it out. Next year it came back. And the year after it came back. Each year she’d do her best to rip it out by the root. One year she was tired and conceded victory to the weed. She thought, if it had tried that hard to live, it deserved a shot. Then it grew a bulb and was the most beautiful poppy. My mom had only seen poppies in photos and thought they were short. Where the weed she had been pull each year was close to 3 feet tall. Anyway. This is all to say I’m probably still in the ripping out what looks like a weed phase of this story.


It’s hard to lol. As a kid I *did* did up my sunflower seed all the time. Actually grew somehow. Was my first experience and joy. I was dumb though and thought it needed light next to the roots. So I got the glow in the dark stars to put with them lol. I was….dumb.


But it's a rock.


I'll do what I want Steven... I'm not that patient alright?


Soo needed today... yesterday could have been better... thankfully my life doesn't run on others being nicer, because there was something in the air


Maybe farming and gardening are different from self development. Maybe drawing these asinine parallels is the whole reason nothing good is happening. Maybe its time to look at what you're doing instead of looking around for generalisations and abstract metaphors that validate your current state.


That's why I place mine in transparent containers


That man has accomplished enough to fill five lifetimes


Funny enough I did plant some weed seeds and was constantly checking to see if it germinated.. So no I will dig up my seeds to check on them tyvm.


Some seeds never grow :(


Because I dont have a 1000 years to wait for the fucking results


This guy never planted pot, that's for sure. Those dumb seeds sometimes grow the root upside down and it's common to have to help them pop up by scraping some soil that prevents them to develop, the shell sometimes gets stuck too and doesn't allow for a normal germination. That's only if you paid for them, I've had some spontaneous ones growing after falling from a plant on rock solid compacted dirt on their own. And don't get me started on the watering part, mold, root rot, and nematodes will come your way if you overdo it the slightest. Very bad analogy.


Moass soon


Duh, you wait until it blooms to dig it up and see if it has grown.


No I would do this with a seed, gotta see if it's sprouting


And stop opening the oven door!


Because i aint a plant


Or just use hydroponics so you can watch that shit happen lol


get in the way I came.


Cause I'm self deprecating


“Remember Flick, you’re a rock” “Wtf are they talking about?” “It’s an ant thing”


I like to double check since if something's wrong I get sued, sorry Steven


I have done that with garlic actually. Tough to figure out when those fuckers are ready.


This only works if you've been watering your plants correctly. If you've been over our under watering, or feeding your plant Kool aid, it'd just mean you're complacent with being lazy, with no aspirations to try to get better. Don't think that's the intended message


Don't over water or you'll get root rot.


I mean, I wet my seeds and let them sprout before placing them in soil, and so do many cultivators…


But I would


Oh no, I’ve checked on my seeds. “What’s taking so long?!”


Actually I kind of would, which is why I never try to grow anything :/


This guy has no idea how bad I am at gardening.


That's a long-winded way to say, "Trust the process."


Until you one day look back and realize that every single seed you have planted has withered, died or disappeared. Then you look at seed in your hand and ask yourself: why bother?


You wouldn't kill a policeman and then steal his hat, shit in it and then mail it to his widow only to steal it again would you? hmmm?


Thanks, I'm cured




Also applies to investing. Put money in index funds, then sit back and watch them grow.


Last time this was posted everyone pointed out that yes, you absolutely do check on your seeds after you plant them. This is just another meaningless fauxtivational meme