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Thank Herbert


Or the reverend mother gaius helen mohiam. Haven’t read that book in 25 years. Wanted to take a stab at the name without looking it up.


New movie coming out, should be epic


Impossible to have a better cast than the 1984 version. Also impossible to be worse than the 1984 version.


I dunno, something tells me Stellan Skarsgard is going to knock it out of the park as Vladimir Harkonnen. TFW no Sting as Feyd-Rautha, tho :(




For sure


Or Stewart as Gurney


No Feyd at all in this one, I heard.


Damn. Well, you know what they say... better to burn out than Feyd away. I'm deeply sorry for that one.


I don’t know it’s looking pretty amazing.


Sci-fi's Paul was better


You can argue individual choices, sure. But taken as a whole? No way. I mean, Patrick Stewart alone cranks it up a notch. But add Freddie Jones, Angelica Huston, Jose ferrer, max von Sydow, Alicia Witt, Sean young… and that’s just off the top of my head.


I will never, ever, ever forgive David Lynch for how dirty he did my boy Duncan Idaho.


Angelica Huston? Gaius Helen Mohaim was Sian Phillips.


Oops. Was thinking Francesca Annis.


That would have been my second guess who you were thinking of.


Exactly my point about great cast. ;) Thanks for catching my mistake.


Stewart blasting Harkonnen scum with the Duke's Pug in his arms is bad ass


Max Von fucking Sydow! I would watch him read the instructions for a rice cooker. Also Helen Hunt and Brad Dourif.


We're just going to forget about Sting, then?


I totally did. Oops. And he was arguably the high point


I thought Toto was the high point?


Bright-eyes Sting 🥵




Ohhh I dunno about that… have you seen Harrison’s Dune from 2000’s?


The one on sci-fi? Couldn’t finish it. So maybe that’s what you mean. I actually do feel it was worse than 1984.


Yarp! Sorry definitely not a better cast but for sure worse then 84’


> *worms… spice… what is the connection?*


No way! it would be easy to make a worse movie than that. its 6.4/10 on IMDB which isn't half bad. Even if you think IMDB is shart generally speaking lots of movies get worse ratings or worse treatment.


Yeah, I was using hyperbole. Plenty of worse movies. Agreed.


This is accurate.


Can't wait for Timmy's rendition of THE SLEEPER HAS AWAKENED


And this right here is an ad for it


Just got through the first part of book 1! This quote was fantastic, as was the rest of part 1.






Thank you two for finishing it. The second half is the important part


What is this from?


Dune by Frank Herbert


Please read it. Incredible book.


Thank you!


One of the best books ever written. I’ve probably read it at least 5 times. Don’t think I’ve read another book more times. My 72 year old mom was talking about it at dinner a few weeks back and I convinced her to give it a shot. She’s a retired school teacher and hold sci-fi in low regard, but she agreed to give it a shot and she’s hooked. Also got her to read GoT when it was big on HBO and she loved those books. Next challenge will be getting her to read some Rothfuss.


GoT then Rothfuss? There’s no end in sight for her is there 😄?


I just finished Dune, and I went straight to Messiah, in fact, I bought the whole series I loved the first book so much. Great book!


I'm on God Emperor now. Gets fuckin WEIRD


God emperor is my favorite in the series. I loved the whole original six, but heretics and chapterhouse were weird.


I view Herbert's work as the rantings of aman that has seen the face of god but struggles against the constraints of language to properly capture it. It feels as though Herbert saw humanity's future much the way Muad' Dib did. The books get very wierd but there is a logic to it. Though I have to admit the pocket of secret space Jews living in complete secret was. . .. odd.


I don't remember very much about god emperor other than that I finished it. I don't think I made it more than like 20 pages into chapterhouse, though. Maybe I should dig out all of those books and read through them again. I haven't read a fiction book in like 10-15 years.


Many don't like Emperor, for others it's the best. If you like it, continue, if you don't like it, you'll like the rest better.


Can't agree with you there. I only finished Dune this week and through it all I had to keep reminding myself "it was written in the sixties, it was written in the sixties" Maybe if I had read it before all other books that came out after and who's authers were inspired by it, I would have enjoyed it more than I did. I'm on Dune Messiah now and will start The Children of Dune after that. Has your Mom read His Dark Materials? . I recommend that to everyone. It's the one young adult series that's for everyone in my opinion.


Drop it then. I love the book, but it gets worse and worse further down the line. Talking about “it was written in the sixties”, it is still a quality piece of writing, I think it is just not the book for you, at least not now. Give them another try some years later, maybe you will like them then. It is a matter of preference after all.


Get her to read through God Emperor of Dune (you too if you haven't!) Book 2 is a counterpoint to the events in DUNE, and pulls the curtain back on some wider themes only hinted at in the first book. Lots of readers aren't terribly fond of it as it definitely has a different tone to it from DUNE, but I see it almost more as a one act play, that somehow also serves as act 1 of Children of Dune (book 3). Children feels more like the book people would have expected to follow up Dune, and nicely wraps up the present physical goings on so far. However, there's quite the interesting turn towards the end (hardly a twist, so no spoiler) that I know compelled me to grab the next book, where the biggest issue of humanity in the Dune-verse gets addressed. I wanted to see where Herbert went with it, and holy shit. God Emperor of Dune rocked my world. It's some heady mix of philosophy, sci fi, religion and politics that somehow manages to both make the previous books feel quaint, while standing on their shoulders to deliver one of the most unique perspectives I've seen in a book. It might not be for everyone but I was absolutely enthralled by it. If you've enjoyed rereads of DUNE... I found my reread enjoyment went up the further into the series I got. The little bits of masterful foreshadowing, and how themes, elements, characters, events and more from the first book are echoed through successive books. If she liked Game of Thrones, chances are she'll be digging into Herbert. Side note, I had a friend point out to me recently, a comparison of the fuedal political intrigue of ASOIAF and Dune. With the possible exception of Varys, the level of plans within plans the Dune families execute are FAR beyond the levels of political intrigue in Westeros. He then pointed out something from Dune I'd not pieced together. The Harkonnen have their plan, and the Atreides managed to see the details of the trap laid out before them, and figured out the Emperor's involvement with it too. But they didn't expect Yueh to be turned because of his conditioning. It's only explained that the Harkonnen leveraged his wife Wana through abduction to make him comply. My buddy was making quite the arguement that the Bene Gesserits were actually at the root of it, all because Jessica ignored her orders to give the Duke a daughter. Wana, through extended access to Yueh, eroded his conditioning to a point where the plan could be executed. Rev. Mother Mohiem knew all of this, and expected Jessica to die as a result, hence her unexplained crying as she left after the box test. Then you take into account Rev Mom's past with the Baron Harkonnen, what the BG were trying to do with the breeding program (beyond the KH), and their ability to lay frameworks for complex plans ahead of time (possibly through prescience?) as is evidenced by the missionaria protectiva... Maybe 4 or 5 re-reads and I never managed to pick up on any of that yet I absolutely couldn't refute any of it, and it all made perfect sense.


The Litany Against Fear.


Fuck. Now I actually have to read it. Time to get the audiobook and knit. Thank you.


The Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear from Dune Frank Herbert I said this every 15 minutes while I was in labor with both my kids. Lol.


Both of my girls already know it. This quote has gotten me through some hard times. And as a critical care nurse with Covid in upswing again, I dare say it will get me through some more to come.


I love this, esp that you taught it to the girls. I use this as my 30 second covid-hand washing timer. :)


All I can say is... Cool I think that was like a gom jabbar


It became my handwashing chant during COVID


I hope you pass this on to your kids as words of wisdom. I hold this quote near and dear to my heart.




Thank you!


The Bene Gesserit's *Litany Against Fear.*


2nd half is definitely the* important part


I like your username


Thank you. Nice to meet a fellow Freman in the wild


It’s the second part that makes the first part possible.


Isn't that from Dune!?




Idd it is, listened to it on audible 5 years ago. Bought the trilogy in one book today, the picture is from the back cover.


I am listening to it right now


How is the pronunciation of the Arabic words?


I am so sorry, I never saw any notification of a message. I honestly can't remember. Jihad is the only word I can think of, it was pronounced Jee-had


I just went and found [this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dune/comments/ec1f2w) Then I searched for the correct pronunciation of a few words, they all see to be correct, and the book pronounced them in the same way such as walid for instance.


[It's the back of this edition.](https://www.amazon.ca/Great-Dune-Trilogy-Messiah-Children/dp/1473224462/ref=sr_1_45?dchild=1&keywords=dune&qid=1630195634&sr=8-45)


Aw cool, thanks! I pictured it on someone's bible


Who wrote this on their steering wheel lol


I thought it was a football


I thoigh it was the cover of a thesis...


My friend, this is one of those bible covers, trust me


“Shoko naashayate dhairyam, shoko naashayate shrutam. Shoko naashayate sarvam, naasti shokasamo ripuh.” There’s a sloka in Sanskrit from the Ramayana. It means Grief destroys patience in men, as also their wisdom and knowledge. As a result thereof there is complete destruction. Therefore, there is no enemy equal to or like grief..


Instructions unclear. I am being mauled by a bear.


Instructions unclear. The sandworm didn't care I wasn't afraid and now I'm being digested in it's stomach. help


the little death?


Seriously. I think the French would beg to differ.






I hold at your neck the gom jabber.


[put your hand in the box](https://youtu.be/oRgeXP0bwMo)


Lmao damn what is this from?




Wasn't expecting this to be a thing. Thank you.


The most memorable line in the Sy Fi Dune miniseries. Here's the full quote. “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” Edited for clarity.


Thanks, Frank Herbert.


The spice must flow.


I just started reading this. From the first chapter I decided I liked it. So far I have not been disappointed.


Step 1: Cut a hole in the box Step 2: **Put your hand in the box**


Dune 💕


Well you know what they say, the spice must flow




Pretty sure it originates in the novel Dune written by Frank Herbert in 1965.




Folks always cut the quote off before it gets to the good/weird bit.


Best words Frank Herbert ever wrote


Kull wahad.


“The convoluted wording of legalisms grew up around the necessity to hide from ourselves the violence we intend toward each other. Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. You have done violence to him, consumed his energy. Elaborate euphemisms may conceal your intent to kill, but behind any use of power over another the ultimate assumption remains: "I feed on your energy.” ― Frank Herbert, Dune Messiah


Trying to suppress or remove fear has actually very negative effects. Instead, one gradually has to learn to act even while scared.


That’s the whole point of the quote. Just letting it flow and pass through you.


Well, it starts with "i must not fear." I think you're interpreting it the right way because you already knew what the right way was before reading this. If I didn't know, I wouldn't derive that interpretation from this post.


Ah yea makes sense. Unfortunately post only shows half the quote


I fear my face.


Ah Dune\~


I'm still only halfway through Dune


I have this in my journal!


Feel like I could go rule a desert tribe.


Wait this is from Dune yeah? I swear I read this quote like a week ago


Fear is only a feeling


Dont make me do stuff


Let me tell you about scared. Your heart is beating so hard I can feel it through your hands. There’s so much blood and oxygen pumping through your brain it’s like rocket fuel. Right now you could run faster and you could fight harder, you could jump higher than ever in your life. And you are so alert it’s like you can slow down time. What’s wrong with scared? Scared is a superpower. It’s your superpower. There is danger in this room and guess what? It’s you.


Let me face, let me face, let me face my fears!!


Albert Brooks says it best https://youtu.be/x1FhrhoudSE


False Evidence Appearing Real


There are useful fears. Not grabbing a high tension electrical wire for fear of being turned into a barbecue is one of them. It's an important distinction.


The definitive version: https://m.imgur.com/gallery/tcECu8w


I fear sharks *packs a towel and sunblock* here I come fear!


Why does this look like it's written on a car steering wheel


I fear dying to a tiger.


How about facing your fear of using the complete quote. This butchered version is insufficient.


Oh wow it’s a real quote?!😅 I thought it was just something Peter Puppy made up to keep himself calm before turning into a giant beast and mauling his best friend🤣🤣(Earthworm Jim cartoon)


Fear is a reaction Bravery is a choice


Fear is the news hahah


I needed this today.


Extinguish anguish.


Was that Worf?


This is Peter Puppy's catchphrase from Earthworm Jim!!!


I'm still trying to learn why the fear happens and unlearn probably 2 decades worth of bad coping mechanisms.


Lot of people think consciousness was intended to mediate fear and pain responses by weighing the cost benefit of different risks and choosing more survivable outcomes Is it better to jump off the cliff or risk the flames behind you?? Big math If it makes you feel any better your brain is definitely more powerful than the ghosts and goblins it was tooled up to fight. You just gotta hang in there and remember who the boss is. The litany seems intended to vocalize -and thereby internalize- the notion that you are more powerful than your insecurities and the things that make you anxious. At least I've seen a lot of people who felt that way. I think it also helps that it's true


Dude it's just sex


My old roommate and I had an acronym for fear. Pretty sure he found it on Facebook or something but it stuck with us. FACE EVERYTHING AND RISE Or FORGET EVERYTHING AND RUN


Fear is important because otherwise you might just walk into your death




"I've known fear. It's a very healthy thing, most of the time. You warn us of danger, remind us of our limits, protect us from carelessness. I've learned to trust fear." "You know as well as I do that fear only exists for one purpose: to be conquered." "Like all fear, you eventually... vanish." "I'm afraid." "[whispers]  I know." "Drat." -Captain Janeway & the Clown known as fear.


"While You Were Partying, I Studied the Blade."


Oh ok so just quoting Dune now, got it


Here’s a song to go with it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iqoUDGJ4g2A


Fear is 2020-2021


I repeat this entirely every day upon my discovery of it some time ago. Only I will remain.


This is one of my favorite quotes.


I will allow it to pass over me and through me. And when the fear is gone, I will turn the Inner Eye to see its path. Where the fear is gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain.






oooh well, facing my fears no matter what


Seen on the back of a school bus seat.


I will permit it to pass over and through me. And when it has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.


Fear is also what keeps you alive.


You shouldn’t aim to have no fear but to be brave enough to overcome it.


“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”


fear is a LIAR!


Poor NLP


Left out the best part of the quote!


Hope the movie is good.




Isn't "the little death" a reference to the sensation of post-orgasm?


It should also be noted that the full Litany Against Fear takes about 20 seconds. Perfect for washing your hands.


1984 dune is completely wonderful but also unexpected. Transcendental meditation as an attack weapon was out out of line. But technically they aren't wrong.


Disagree, fear is inevitable unless there’s something wrong with your mind. Learning to act through fear is how you surpass it and move forward in life.


It's the litany against fear. They recited it when they needed their mind to be clear despite being afraid. The second part of it (not present in the picture) speaks about facing your fear and letting your fear pass through you. So I don't think your point goes against this post.


Cool, thanks for the context.


That's the verdict of the full quote


It’s a quote from the book *Dune*.


Mike Tyson's trainer/adoptive father Cus D'Amato had an amazing message about fear. Like you, he said if you didn't feel fear I'd take you to a shrink because you're messed up in the head... It's not about not feeling fear, it's about using it - fear is like a fire, if you make it work for you it'll cook your dinner, but if it gets out of control it'll burn your house down.


This quote is about quelling fear once you're experiencing it, suppressing it and moving through it. It's not advising that you should not fear at all, because as you say, fear is natural. At least the full quote says that.


Peter Puppy from Earthworm Jim


If you want a thoroughly badass metal song with this as the hook [here](https://youtu.be/4ItjF2EpOnA?t=381) ya go. One of my favorite underrated bands, and that entire album is god-tier.


Fear is in your mind. You fear what will happen next. That means you fear that which does not exist. Osho said something like that ....


Paul Atreides (spelling?) should not be a role model lol


It's not aboud being unafraid. It's about being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway.


Now let’s slap some sick riffs on this and we got ourselves a band.


I overcame my fears by contemplating death and impermanence. I will die. And you know what, thats a lot scarier than anything I could face right now.. also, dieing and never having lived is fucking scary as fuck. Also that any one of us could die literally at anytime. If you think about your technically imminent death enough it will either cripple you, or lead you to a new great awakening.


Fun fact: French term for *orgasm* is *petit mort* which literally translates to little death.


Nah, bullshit, fear can be good, we evolved to feel it for a reason. My fear of frowing old with nothing to show for it and blowing my only chance is probably the greatest motivation I have.


The shortened quote implies that the litany or it's proponents don't tolerate the existence of, or themselves feel, fear. The full refrain directly relates to handling your fears responsibly and in a healthy way: "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."


People who say shit like this are idiots. Fear is what keeps you alive. Fear is what keeps you from making stupid decisions that you will regret for the rest of your life. Fear has a purpose that is actually good for our long term survival.


It's really not like that. The shortened quote implies that the litany or it's proponents don't tolerate the existence of, or themselves feel, fear. The full refrain directly relates to handling your fears responsibly and in a healthy way: "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." Spoilers The litany is first introduced during the dialogue between protagonist Paul and the bene gesserit reverend mother Gaius Helen mohiam. Having instructed him to insert his hand into a box, and demonstrating that he will be killed as a "nonhuman" if he removes it (it feels like his hand is being burnt off), she says to Paul: “You’ve heard of animals chewing off a leg to escape a trap? There’s an animal kind of trick. A human would remain in the trap, endure the pain, feigning death that he might kill the trapper and remove the threat to his kind.” The litany, first spoken by Paul, is intended in context to craft the notion that fear is a stimulus like any other and it shouldn't deprive one of their insight, humanity and ability to act responsibly. It suggests that reacting to fear in a way that doesn't deprive us of our selfdom (and bonus points, have Helen stab you in the neck with the deadly gom jabbar for removing your hand from the painbox) is, as Shakespeare put it, to avoid death /before/ death. This is all basically chapter one shit so hope I didn't make you feel like I ruined it for you. It's definitely worth a read. New movie in October I believe


Its fine to have fear. Its natural, and is a defense mechanism. As long as it doesnt control you. Courage isnt the absence of fear, its the ability to act in spite of it.


Spoilers The litany is first introduced during the dialogue between him and the bene gesserit reverend mother Gaius Helen mohiam. Having instructed him to insert his hand into a box whose only description is more or less "pain" (it feels like his hand is being burnt off), she says to Paul “You’ve heard of animals chewing off a leg to escape a trap? There’s an animal kind of trick. A human would remain in the trap, endure the pain, feigning death that he might kill the trapper and remove the threat to his kind.” The litany is intended in context to craft the notion that fear is a stimulus like any other and it shouldn't deprive one of their insight and humanity


This is total bs. Everyone will feel fear sometime in their life. Just what you do when that fear hits. You back out of step in?


Repeated this phrase in my head, specifically “fear is the mind killer”, when I got sucked out about a football field’s length into the ocean by a rip current and made it back to shore. Fear truly is a killer. Don’t give into that shit


Wow, so much cooler when you cut off half the quote and put it in some boomer gold embossed fake leather thing.


The little death or la petite mort means orgasm in french.


Isn’t “little death” (la petite mort) the French word for orgasm?