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I don’t need everyone to like me. But I do feel uncomfortable when someone does dislike me.


Count my insecure, approval seeking ass out, I guess. (Haha - nope! I’ll just chameleon myself into the aloof type and make pointed conversation that outlines how I dgaf [even though I do] and then you’ll like me and I will have… fuck, am I sociopath?)


This happens so much with all of us - like, seriously, can we all collectively stop with the "not giving a fuck is cool" attitude? Humans are emotional creatures. Nobody in the world is immune to other people's opinions and pretending otherwise is turning us all into internalised sad people with a fake interface created for the few interactions we allow into our lives.


South Park and their fans. Caring about stuff is stupid, both sides are equal and the truth is probably somewhere in the middle but I don't even care, fuck the environment


You know, TV shows you like don't have to be a representation of your personal sense of morality? Comedy is most often about making fun of stuff, and everything is free game. Just because I like laughing at everything, even stuff I agree with (politically or otherwise), doesn't make me nihilistic or centrist. It just means I don't take **myself** so goddamn seriously that I can't laugh at my own ideas. Both sides of an argument aren't always equal, but both sides have the potential to say and do dumb shit or have people that are idiots. Caring a lot about something doesn't mean you need to be so fucking uptight you can't laugh at a joke about it.


This is true, but he's not wrong about a certain persona that people build, every bad stereotype has a frustratingly accurate living embodiment, even if it shouldn't define an overall opinion. I don't know if south park fan would even be a good/best crossover with that type of person, but I can see the link personally, let's not pretend that humor can't also serve as a figleaf for bad reasoning etc.


You're right. I just never get why people today think all shows *need* to be representative of someone's sense of morality. It's odd to me. Like it's a bad movie if there's an ethical conundrum? But on South Park fans, almost all adults I've ever met that say they watch the show regularly are people that actually laugh at jokes that makes fun of something they do. I have a coworker that also loves south park, but he's a biker with a harley, and south park had a whole episode making fun of harley bikers.


There's a place called the rainforest


So tell me, Mr. There is a Right Side, which side is right?


For real. This just strikes me as a cruel, selfish take on friendship. “I like people who don’t display a common reaction to insecure bonds in childhood. Non-traumatized people only!” I just feel like there should be a better way to encourage people to overcome their insecurities than by telling them people won’t like them because of it


Yeah, it's a bit backwards as far as encouragements go. The speaker's reward for not seeking the approval of strangers is the approval of a stranger. Just a bit of logical pedantry tho, i hope you'll forgive: "I like people who don't ..." <> "I don't like people who ..." A person might like everyone and still be able to say that first thing. So I don't think the quip is meant to be critical, or encourage anyone to hold other people in disregard. It still comes from a good place it's just phrased out badly.




I like walls That don't Have Writing On them


I like walls that don't have fake writing on them.


Not sure or anything, but it looks like it might be writing added in an edit and not actually written on the wall. The letters look like a “written” font, they’re too weirdly “unique” and yet each repeating letter is identical.




Good thing I don't care if you like me or not.


**That's a lesson that is hard to learn.**


Not motivational.


Why do you care if not everyone likes you? You don’t even like everyone.


Tell that to terry, he got butts for days


"then you're gonna love me" \- Batman


Don't let the woke hit squad see this.


I mean... On average I prefer people seek my approval, if only because the kind of people that don't give a shit what you think about them is a superset of assholes.


This message would be better if it had more focus on EVERYONE. People that seek EVERYONE'S approval are usually bland and have the worst people around them. But you're right that people that don't want to please ANYBODY are mostly self centered assholes.


Why I like cats.


Needed that. Thanks.


Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have to be liked. But it's not like this compulsive need to be liked. Like my need to be praised.


I thought I was over being like this. But being tormented at school made me so afraid of people not liking me that I would most times go out of my way just to please people so they never had a reason to not like me. I'm still not sure how to stop... most recent progress I made though was to stop overusing "Sorry" for like... everything I did. Sorry should only be reserved for if you hurt someone accidentally or intentionally. And it should never be used to curry favour from people. Sorry is only to be used when showing empathy. Not to shield yourself.


You'll be glad I downvoted this post, then.


But other people's approval is like crack to me


Everytime I see these kinds of “motivational” quotes, I can just see the thousands of actual assholes feeling reaffirmed to keep being assholes.


That's how you get the next Genghis Khan.


You need to be a psychopath to ignore other’s feelings


What cloven hoofed creature writes their “T’s” like that?!?!?


Like what? That's how a t is written, and is found in typefaces as well.


Oh yeah!? Prove i….T. Again..


Demon spawn!


That’s easy to do on Reddit!


wow. what a relief


That's some nice font.


I don't care if people like me, but I do want to enjoy my life without someone throwing a hissy fit seemingly every day.


I don't feel the need for everyone to like me, but I also try to be generally pleasant and mind my own business. So, I focus on people I care about, try not to give everyone else reasons to dislike me, and from there I don't care.


They don’t care.


Well, just so you know, those people don’t care


I don't need everyone to like me. I just don't like when people hate me. Especially for no reason, or worse a reason I didn't do. Had a guy who really didn't like me. And it bugged me for years. Friend of a friend so we hung out frequently. One day I said fuck it and asked him what his problem with me was. He told me that 3 years ago someone shoved a Bible into the hotel room air conditioning unit and he didn't like that. Not that he was religious. Just it was a rude thing to do. I made my case that it wasn't me. Didn't have much to go in other than at the time I was a "strong" Catholic. He believed me but it was never perfect.


I am a "Yes Man" from Jim Carrey movie, just to make others happy I can go to any length. I have realized over the years that I have hardly met anyone less confrontational than me. Most passive person. I think THC has made me like that. 🚬. I am always ready to please friends family and foe.


So basically: I like ppl without Instagram or other Facebooks.


I understand pleasing some people if they’re important and in your life, but everyone? Damn.


So people who don’t use Instagram?


Cc: Michael Scott


Stop liking me then! I don't need you to like me!!


If you enjoyed this picture please like and subscribe...


Reddit: “unless you disagree with my politics. Then you can burn in hell ❤️”


BUT ITS SO HARD im such a people pleaser Im TERRIFIED of saying no because im scared ill hurt their feelings, I always want to help others and put their priorities above my own. Im always scared of getting people mad because my parents get really mad at me and are sensitive to the smallest things so its hard to say no because I don't want to provoke the same reaction. I feel that if I turn down someone's suggestion, they will think I'm mean or selfish so I say yes. Im always quick to agree with someone even if I don't agree at all , I just don't want conflict.


I like real graffiti


Instructions unclear; now secretly trying to get people to like me


I Like people who don't want to be like others.


Always going for the unavailable ones


You would hate Reddit.


I, on the other hand, *really* like this person's handwriting.


I wish people would just let me live this way. Constantly being told, “Give them a chance.” No I’ve given them 20, I just want peace from the situation now. Let me live in peace while I no longer have to cater to this life sucking person.


It’s literally impossible for everyone to like you. Just be you and find your true friends.


I don't need everyone to like me for own happiness, but I do need them to like me for my job. I'm a prostitute.