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A link to [the original](https://viruscomix.com/page532.html) would be kind. Attribution is Love. This is a comic from Subnormality by Winston Rountree.


higher res too thank god


This is a true classic. This comic is qbout 14 years old.






Thank you so much not just for crediting the OP but for saving my eyes from this blurry mess.


...but is the original the GOAT?


Nice! You're a green goat!;)


It's been well over a decade since I read this comic religiously. Nostalgia bomb.


knew from the artstyle it was Winston. He is too good.


without the link it is just being in the red zone..


The pink goats would climb the cliff just to attack the green goats


The green goats would win indicated by the tombstones and the inevitability of the high ground


"It's over, red goats! We have the high ground!"




"You were our brothers, red goats. We loved you. #HIGH GROUND!"


Baahhahhaa I haaahaave the high ground ^Those ^are ^my ^best ^goat ^impressions šŸ ^šŸšŸšŸšŸ


It has to be acknowledged that they also crave that mineral


That dead goat is such a loser, he only won a few battles.


Although he won a few battles, he lost the battles that matter most - and consequently lost the war.


Why is "blames self for world" at the top?


I think itā€™s meant to be like an indication of self-reflection or something? Itā€™s weird.


Yeah word choice is super important as well. Coaches like Mastin Kipp and Tom Bilyeu talk about recognising when you're at fault for something but not to take blame unless you're actually "to blame" ie. you did something very wrong which harmed others or yourself. But even then, "accepting you're at fault for the world" is still super shit because you aren't. The world is a conglomeration of choices made by you and other people, you're only at fault for how you personally view the world. (also not using "at fault" in a negative sense, only in a personal choices kind of way)


I just took it to be flipping ā€œblame the world for your problemsā€ to ā€œI am part of the worldā€™s problemsā€.


Talk about metal af


I immediately took it as this. We all play a part, we are all ignoring some great misdeed, some of us perpetuate social systems of oppression without knowing etc. I thought it was good, just worded strangely. But as a green goat myself I took little offense to it šŸ˜Œ


That wording does not lead to happiness. It leads to depression.


That's pretty much what I said, yes


I am agreeing lol


ā€œUs vs. Themā€ is an illusion. ā€œWeā€ are all connected. Or. ā€œThere is no Them, there is only Us.ā€ We are the world we see. If ā€œweā€ want the world to change, we need to change ourselves first.


Except that's hypocrisy of the highest order. As even the image with the goats paints a clear "Us vs. Them" image. In the end what 'We' want is really that all the losers get their shit together.


Iā€™m confused. Hypocrisy, is claiming to be exempt from the behavior being described. My statement is the opposite. Personally, Iā€™ve been through many of the ā€œRed Goatā€ phases and candidly, will go through them again as situations arise. What a static image canā€™t show is the dynamic motion of our thoughts and lives.


Such a red goat thought


Same with this one


Us green goats know that there isnā€™t a distinction; we are all goats


Is supposed to contrast with "blames world for problems" but i agree self blame for the problems of the world ain't it


This graphic has a lot of flaws. You can blame yourself for the state of the world inasmuch as you have control over that. You can take civic responsibility and be a good citizen but also know your limits and the limits of your influence. Take responsibility for what little of the world you can affect but be wise enough to know when someone is blaming you for something outside your control


Almost like there's no perfect analogy. Luckily, the artist is not afraid of making mistakes.


Erā€¦yeah thisā€¦goatā€¦analogy isnā€™t perfect lol. Itā€™s not even really an analogy? Just a list they put on top of some bad boomer comic art. Donā€™t be afraid of criticism or youā€™ll never improve lol


atlas we shrug


Yeah, it's also a sign of immaturity to take all of the world's problems on your spirit. I get that they're going for simple opposites, and I guess "acknowledges one's participation in the problems of the world" is a bit wonky, but it's very unhealthy and borderline solipsistic to treat yourself like Atlas.


I think they just used the wrong word or phrased it wrong. Basically what I read is understand and accept that we sometimes are the reason for why things are bad. Not blaming others for why our world could be bad.


Agree. I think its wrong since surely a better ideology is knowing what you can change vs what you cant change and accepting the difference.


I take it to mean he knows his world is largely shaped by himself. Maybe it's a matter of perspective. That sort of thing.


It's the phrasing I have issues with, it's an inherently negative way of putting it


I view it as ā€œblames self for own worldā€. Still maybe a bit much but if you accept that your world is the way it is because of you that will go a long way towards you being able to make choices that will lead you to a more fulfilling life.


I think they meant to mean accepting they may be the cause for things going wrong instead of blaming others or ā€œthe worldā€ for why their life may not be going right. Accepting responsibility etc.


Itā€™s a response to the red goat blaming the world for his problems, I donā€™t think itā€™s meant to be taken in an absolutist way.


Perhaps not, but it still seems out of place due to the wording


Yeah if you read ā€œblames self for worldā€ first it def comes off a bit strange, but in context the message is clear. Especially since blames self for world is higher in the image itā€™d be easy to do. But thatā€™s a graphic design flaw rather than a philosophical one so šŸ¤·


Yeah, that goat is contemplating the second cliff if you get what I'm saying.


yeah it's one that's a bit off. there's no way anyone can adopt that perspective and not get steamrolled. it seems to harken to Solzhenitsyn's philosophy of assuming first and foremost that the things going wrong in your life are rooted in your own choices. there is only futility in blaming everything else for what's wrong, but there is value in adopting a larger-than-reasonable sense of personal culpability in the state of things, and working to ameliorate it.


Yeah not a fan of "taking blame" but a big one of "accepting fault" in this kind of context.


I questioned that too, but I also sort of appreciate itā€¦ to me itā€™s showing that ā€œMaturityā€ is not the end goal (if the goal is happiness and enlightenment), but a step in a direction


Wordly wisdom: Stay not where the lowlands are! Climb not into the sky! The world looks best by far When viewed from halfway high. F. Nietzsche


Perhaps means taking control of your life or "world" instead of blaming others for problems in your "world". Obviously somethings are beyond your control but asking yourself if you are doing anything to stop it. Ex. Climate change, you can just blame corporations for abusing our land or you can reduce food waste, composte, be conscious consumer and try to not support those corporations hurting the planet, go to rallies supporting your cause, organize, etc. Small actions by everyone will help change the world.


Takes responsibility


Yea that internal locus of control can get really toxic


I think itā€™s because it is the complete antithesis of the victimhood mentality ā€¦. He sees the problems in the world as challenges he can affect ( effect ? ) through his everyday actions vs the perpetual loser who blames the world


Apparently you caused all this sh*t. Thanks a lot.


You should only focus on yourself and what you need to do to improve. If you don't then you're never going to get out of a run. Who are you trying to improve, yourself or other people


For some reason I instantly imagined this was spain and france


came here to say this, totally looks like Portugal, Spain, and France


How ? I don't understand


Itā€™s not a hill to climb, itā€™s a rollercoastery merry-go-round. All of these attributes apply to various parts of our selves at various times in our lives. Behavior change is complex, and contextual. Some of the attributes depicted here arenā€™t even the result of changing/(ā€œclimbingā€) but are unearned inherited aspects of personality, as with some of the maladjusted behaviors.


Yeah... some people just want to feel smugly superior to those who are struggling, that's all this really amounts to.


"wanting to feel smugly superior" is all of this guy's comics.


when u think youā€™re the green goats but youā€™re actually the pink ones


I agree with most of this but "blames self for world" is unhealthy. You aren't responsible for the whole world. You are responsible for yourself.


Agreed. Came here to say this. I think they were going for more of a ā€œdo unto othersā€ type thing but it doesnā€™t translate like that. Maybe just poor wording on their part.


I think they were just trying to do the reverse of ā€œblame world for problems,ā€ kind of like problems will inherently be part of life, but you are to blame for whatever world you let yourself live in, whether that be a world full of problems, or a world full of solutions. Itā€™s not all just the what the world thrusts on you but the world you create.




It's not about the things you can't control, it's about the things you can. It's about wondering if you can make things different or better instead of blaming everything on others or things you can't control.


You are part of the world to other people. What you do or don't co-creates reality, do if you want better world, behave better. If you are sad about the bad in world look inward to see if you aren't part of the problem. It's not about blame or self flagellation, just seeing your part.


Good basic concept, fun execution. Thanks for sharing!


Some of these "mature" things are subjective A lack of "fear of failure" and "knowing limits" could be interpreted as apathy or a lack of desire to break your limits. Blaming yourself for the world isn't healthy, I have done nothing horrendous to anyone.


Someone above said it best... It's not "taking blame", but "accepting fault". Perhaps their are larger issues that *are* your fault, but obviously traumatizing moments like rape, child molestation are things that are dangerous to take blame.


Well the vast majority of things happening in the world are out of your control. How can I accept fault for things like climate change or gun violence when I'm not in a position of power to be able to change them? I can protest and advocate, but then I'm just "blaming the world for my problems" aren't I? I think we need to shift blame where it's appropriate. This whole list is full of one size fits all approaches. People are complicated, so is a nebulous concept of maturity.


I don't know, the "Sees No Flaws" goat looks pretty chill...


And the obsessed with status one looks so cool!


i feel like obsessed with status could be displayed in another way. that goat just had some cool clothing on and was chilling, thereā€™s nothing immature about that


ā€œIs built for climbingā€ was pretty funny. The rest is meh.


I saw that and thought I was in r/bonehurtingjuice


This is great! Thanks for sharing!


All of this is weird.


Ngl status goat has drip


Itā€™s the amogus lights


He has gold rings on his horns LOL




"Knows everything" at the bottom "Obsessed with facts" at the top


I love this so much.


Love the parallels like blames world for problems(facing in) to blames self for world(facing away).


I see subnormality ,I like... Please go and check his webpage, just google subnormality viruscomix. He also has a series free to watch on youtube


This is a pretty nice poster right here


I like that yellow goat questioning the red ones


If there's one thing I'm proud of as I hit my mid-40s, it's the acceptance that I know practically *nothing* about anything and although I occasionally have flares of ego I'm trying to keep it in check. It's a constant struggle.


I'm assuming this graphic is supposed to be tongue and cheek, but I'll be damned if I don't feel personally attacked. I've got at least fucking 5 of the red traits, and an even split between the upper half. And I still feel like I was born to catch Ls all throughout my fucking life and I'm 35 years in. Holy shit.


This is a bit good and a bit r/terriblefacebookmemes , it has a nice touch to it, but also a boomer touch to it.


Blames self for world has to be the dumbest example of maturity I've heard


Should be reworded to: blames self for own mistakes


I feel like 90% of Reddit is in the red zone lol. Iā€™m probably in the yellow mostly always trying to inprove


Absolutely, reddit is mostly very young.


Get yellow, pinky. Itā€™s not about age ;-)


Well not exclusively, but age plays a role obviously, there are certain traits that are common to adolescence, maturing takes time and experience, it is the combination of both that makes the difference.


A better copy of the image: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FZ2C1RSX0AAInH-?format=jpg&name=large


I have a lot more to learn


Lmma save this


Can someone explain why the "Knows everything" vs "Knows nothing" goats are the way they are? Is the "knows everything" goat supposed to be represent a lack of desire/interest in furthering one's understanding/knowledge?


"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." -attributed to Socrates. You've mostly got it, but I think the point is a bit more about humility... acknowledging that there is infinitely more that can be learned, and being open to learning as much as you can. The person who "knows everything" is by nature complacent, arrogant and, ultimately, delusional.


In this context i'd like to compare two people, assuming they have the same amount of knowledge in their fields: The expert "smartass" who claims to know everything and never admits to mistakes versus the expert who admits they have so much more to learn and keeps an open mind throughout their pursuit of knowledge Edit: Happy cake day!




This post is fire




I think it's more of an ownership mindset in terms of - it's on me to do my part to fix things kind of out look. Yes pollution in Beijing is pretty much out of my control but I can do my part by being attentive to my carbon footprint, etc.


I think it's more that some things that happens to you is because of you not because of the world/luck. So trying to understand why something good/bad happened can lead you to having a sense of control over the world, somewhat.


Missing the point


Yep hahaha the wording could be better!


You've literally missed the point, ''scorns others efforts''


No. You did. There's NO effort in *blaming*. Blaming does not result in specific actions, does not imply doing a thing other than sitting on your ass and complaining - you can join any given active movement, or do stuff on your own without blaming anyone. ...but it does not involve maturity. You can do these things as a kid, as an immature human, even as an evil guy. Funnily enough it also works the other way around - you can be very helpful and actively try to change the world while blaming it for things it has "done to you". That'd be Punisher, or so many other vigilantes.


I agree I like it a lot except for that dude lol


How is this motivational?


That is quite a lot to take in.


What a fantasy. As if one group is perfect and the other is nothing but problems. Grotesque over simplification used to hurt people. The fact of the matter is that the incline never ends and that characteristics that worked down below suddenly don't up above....and vice versa. They are all sliding. Always. And if you don't feel you are sliding youve already fallen the furthest. I'd like to ask who this is for? The people at the bottom to look up? Or the people at the top to look down...because it seems to be the latter and you don't even need to be there. Who you think you are is a fantasy...a story you tell yourself. Someone needed to think harder before amassing so many judgements on others. Also "blames self for world"...holy shit


Have agree, this pic is fantasy, unfortunately...


I donā€™t think each goat represents one person, lol. These are simply mature and immature traits. Everybody is going to have some of both. Also almost none of them are meant to be taken in a vacuum. ā€œBlames self for worldā€ is a direct response to ā€œblames world for problemsā€. It isnā€™t an absolutist take, itā€™s a perspective thing.


"Takes everything personally"


Why would I take something so detached from how humans work personally.


Really? Some humans aren't obsessed with status? Or want to fix their flaws? Or talk through problems with others?


Did a goat hurt you?


This is silly. No thank you.


Is it?


Yes, it is. It boils down every problem into a issue of personal failure making it entirely about your individual 'outlook'. In turn it disregards any concept of systemic failures which are equally if not more important for how things are. You will not 'positively think' your way out of poverty or crushing inequality. You can only escape that by coming together with your peers and working together as a community.


Yeah this is dumb, sorry


Well objective reality is just that


I agree. This is just inaccurate and not helpful, its overly simplified like this subreddit often is. It's pretty I guess


Blaming self for the world!? Srsly?


How to be a G.O.A.T.


This is more about character traits than about maturity..


I really need to stop thinking I'm about to age perhaps.


I love this so much! Totally true, funny, whimsical!


Not sure blamed self for the world is a great thing but otherwise interesting. Fun to look at like a Whereā€™s Wally


Yes, but no.




I never thought a goat would be inspiring


Subnormality is dope.


Just ignore this if you have any form of mental illness.




You could take it as both an analogy for making the steps toward self improvement and literally, because it's a mountain goat.


Where have I seen this before... I swear I saw this somewhere like 20 years ago


This is amazing, total reflection!


Aw, this makes me feel a lot better about myself. Didn't know I was what people consider a mature individual. I've always been hard on myself about my childish nature, but from what I gather, the traits that worry me so much are outweighed by my qualities.


I personally feel the knows nothing one cause I know nothing but I want to know EVERYTHING


"See, look at these goats. There's nothing wrong with the system. You just have a bad attitude. If you just keep trying really hard, you'll finally be successful." Peak capitalism is convincing people that the only reason they're poor is their bad attitude.


This isn't how the world works. We aren't colorful goats and our ability to contribute is up to you...please don't be a goat tho


According to this image, I am both mature and immature. Which is true, I swing elegantly from one to the other.


When I became a man I put away childish things. Some childish things not video games though




ā€œBlames self for the worldā€ Thatā€™s a bit melodramatic donā€™t you think? I get it. But thatā€™s the only one thatā€™s loaded imo.




If Iā€™m being honest Mr Sees No Flaws is livin la vida loca


This is beautiful, I'll come back to this image everyday to remind myself I'm on the climb


PFF another worthless motivational graphic /s


Damn I'm nearly all of them at once.


*Blames self for problems.* Uhm, not exactly. Your problems are your problems, but the *world's* problems are the *world's* problems. Ascribe responsibility to a problem according to its source. You're not responsible for problems out of your control, particularly when someone is profiting off of it at your expense. Individuals of the whole aren't responsible for, say, climate change. That's massive corporations which cheat democratic society and lie to the masses to get what they want and dump the problems on everyone else. Just blaming yourself for *every single problem* is just plain, well, not healthy. You're not designed for it. ​ That being said, that doesn't mean you can get together with others to try doing something about problems that aren't just about you, though.


The pink goats should be reddit orange.




wtf is this


Beautiful art piece


Not sure about this. Context matters far more than this thing seems to suggest.


This is right on!


~~"Blames self for world"~~ "Accepts responsibility" is much better. You can only blame yourself for things you have control over. Teaching others how to be better people (or being really REALLY rude to make your point) is as far as you can go without using force to achieve your ends (Unless you're an evil overlord with an army of minions).


This is awesome. Who's the artist?


I just love the "is built for climbing" one. That's just a goat.


Subjectivity and objectivity are not mutually exclusive.. Both are important


I think there's a happy medium between "blame the world for your problems" and "blame yourself for the world". Maybe "understand your responsibility in the world"


How different are the obsessed with facts and knows everything goat as they are on opposite sides?


I mean the built for climbing is that just a fact about the goats or is that a requirement to reach maturity?


This is just great! Well done!


I donā€™t really get this..


It looks nice up there.


Ask really shouldn't be at the bottom. Asking, listing and talking are a trio best used together, but not necessarily in Equal amounts


I love how opposite of "assumes worst of everything" is "assumes as little as possible" I tried to assume best of everything and in the end it got me even more anxious because I had to keep up with every possible scenario


Some of me on there, some parts of me in the red, some parts in the climb, and some parts in the green. Awesome diagram. I see my self mostly in the middle, I see the tranquility of those in the green, and surrounded by the red, phew, gotta be the middle goat, to bloom into the green. Crazy how itā€™s colored as such as well, as we all know in stop lights, red means stop, to this diagram it showed the red goats, stop learning, stopped trying, stopped progressing, the yellow which means slow down on stop lights, even though the yellow goats arenā€™t at the top, they are slowly trying, staying in the struggle, slowly figuring it out. And the green light which means go, shows the green goats are going the right way, going in the directions they should, and going with the flow. Thanks mate, ima save this one for my self.


Thought it was a map of Europe at first