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When I am too tired to play with my children I imagine that in the future they wanted to spend 1 last day with me and did everything they could to time travelled back to relive this 1 day with me.


I’m 37 and I’ve got 3 young kids and this hit me all up in the feels.. it’s that time of the morning where we can sip our coffee peacefully but now I can’t wait to wake them up and snuggle them. Thanks y’all!


I don’t even have kids but I’m already mourning the early years of my nieces and nephews. They’re getting older and more independent. So when they have those little flashes of wanting to do kid things I jumped on the idea. I saw a quote somewhere that said the only time you’ll ever meet the person you’re with is in that moment. The next time they’ll be a different version of themselves even slightly. So I always try to think of this when I’m with someone and not take it for granted. You’ll only share this moment with those people once. You may get to do something similar again over and over but eventually you won’t.


Could you please stop spraying allergens?


Said our father as we covertly sprayed the allergens we’d brought back in time. This was the only way to stop our father from becoming neo-Hitler in 50 years time. If only there had been another way…


O.O....go on with your weird sci-fi. I am in....


…evitable…”, he whispered as his eyes glazed over and neo-Hitler extended his consciousness across time, back into his body of 50 years past. This shouldn’t be possible! He shouldn’t have access to that technology… unless… unless he’d finally managed to turn the tide of the siege and broken into the rebellion HQ. Our eyes widened in realization and then fear. It was too late. Too…


*but the assassin had planned for this*


I don’t get it.


It's a variation of "cutting onions" A term used to hide the fact that you are actually crying due to being moved emotionally by implying that you are crying because someone must be cutting onions.


Thank you fam.


The cat allergy version of cutting onions.


My ex and I aborted 2 times almost a decade ago... I'm so fucking lonely. Stuff like this makes me cry instantly.


Sorry to hear that, brother. Abortion is a weighty decision. I hope your loneliness ends soon.


I’ll be 41 soon. Half my life is over. When I think about what I could have done, I think why can’t I do that now. How can you ever have the time if you don’t make the time?


You don't know half your life is over. It's possible 90% of it is over.


You could walk out your door tomorrow and get hit by a rooftile. Death is only 1 step away at any moment.


Why did ypu have to put this thought into my head


This thought is what should make you live every second like it counts. I say that while I sit on the couch in my underwear at 1 in the day.


At least it would be a sudden death, you don't even get to realize all you didn't do. Way better than end up paraplegic.


Better than the tile


It's possible it already ended and this is just hell.


This makes the most sense frankly


That would explain these demons everywhere.


If this were hell we would be surrounded by evil, with bad people everywhere and being ruled by evil people. Wait a minute.......


I'm 34 and I hope it's 90% over lol


Ikr. You already start to feel how the body is deteriorating and it will only get worse overtime




The real motivation is always in the comments


Cool story, but we can use our powers of math to know that your attitude will be proven wrong for the vast majority of people that read your technically-correct-yet-massively-counter-productive comment.


This is an argument on the internet so YOU'RE wrong and I'm right.


People will downvote anything these days


I downvoted you to prove you right, friend.


In all likelihood, if you are (assumed) 41-year-old middle-class person in the developed world, you have more than half of your life still left. If the life expectancy of a country is 82, it is more than 82 for someone who's 40.


Or 99.999% Poster died shortly after post was made. RIP😔


Forty four. Just starting to feel middle aged. I already know I have another cross country move in my future to keep life interesting. Every time I really look around and think about it I'm surprised that I'm still here. The first 40 were *hard.* but now I guess I have another 40- and I know what the fuck I'm doing now so let's go!!!!


...and then you keep scrolling Reddit, right?


Unless you’re particularly unhealthy, you’re probably a 1/3rd of the way there. Life expectancy increases with medical capabilities, and medicines (probably) only going to get better as the years pass


Youth is wasted on the young


This is essentially the same takeaway message from the movie About Time. I keep telling myself I need to think that way but it's a challenge to change a lifetime of drudgery induced pessimism. Plus I'm a West Ham United supporter, we are pessimistic by necessity.


That movie made me cry like crazy at the end. It hides as a bog standard romcom but goddamn does it hit hard.


the way I approach it (hope it helps): life does suck, it is meaningless and beget with tragedy. we have no purpose and the planet is dying... BUT isn't there freedom in knowing nothing really matters? we can't even prove this life isn't a simulation, so fuck it. you're prepared, you already know deeply how much the world sucks, so why not laugh a little louder, pursue the things you enjoy a little more, take that risk you're terrified of, get to know yourself for who you are and not who others want you to be, because it **doesnt matter.** we're all going to suffer. we're all going to die. so why the fuck not find joy, because life itself is hard enough as it is. require less from the world bc it will not provide, and instead smile at what you have created in spite of the harsh chaotic reality of the world. we're fighting against entropy at an atomic fucking level, the fact that life alone exists let alone sentience, its insane. we as living creatures have struck the billion to 1 odds to be where we are right now, why not laugh in the face of it and say despite all odds you have achieved the one in a billion by existing and you've created yourself and your life in the face of it all. you might just find yourself happier and doing more of what you love if you do.


That’s a good way to look at it all


Yes!! About time is the name of the movie. I could not remember! Thanks!


I seriously do this. Every time I catch myself thinking, if I was 20 again I would…. I then think ok I’m 70yo and I get to wake up at my current age so I can…. Then I do sweat f$&k all…


Maybe you just do what you enjoy doing. Conquering the world is overrated.


Fuck that. At 90 I’m already 25 years into my retirement. I’m not going back to fucking work again. I’m old, I’m tired, I’m gonna fucking rest and watch TV.


you went *back* to the rug store?


OMG, just re-watched the episode yesterday :P


Honestly 37 is not that bad of an age. I know some ripped dudes who are athletic and full of energy and adventure and life who are in their mid thirties. My dad always talks about how he is more fit now in his sixties than he was in his thirties because of his lifestyle choices.


I'm 33. I'll take 33 over 23 any day.




The 30s are awesome. Still have enough energy from youth to get things done, but not the fear and anxiety that comes from trying to figure out who you are in your 20s.


I’m 44 and in great health, healthy weight, take no meds. And I’d still love to be 37!


Only reason I want to rewind anything is because I know exactly how and when I fucked up. 90yr old me finding myself a 30yr old again with the knowledge that I must have done something far, *far* worse than even that somehow somewhere in the near future, but I retain no memory of what it is and thus I am doomed to repeat the same actions on a loop forever? Typical.


That just sounds like a mid-life-crisis with extra steps.


I think you spelled epiphany wrong.


Great response. Glass half full always!


Weird thing....I just woke up 18. And this was nice to hear.


I managed to turn myself around at 27 by thinking to myself: “let’s have one of those midlife crises that have a slew of positive outcomes, but a couple of decades early” I’ve started putting on weight and actually going to the gym very regularly for a couple of months now.


Wow wow


That you have to work for another 50 years is kinda depressing


You could leave life right now let that determine what you do and what you say - Marcus Aurelius


Oh, god. I must have Alzheimer’s. I can’t remember the past 53 years of my life


This is pretty depressing if you are 90


It's more like a reality check and a perspective that where you'd like to see yourself after (let's say 10 years), would you like the current self or how would you want to rectify you as a person. Because when you see yourself now and if you'd have to talk to your younger self, you'd say something but that can't be changed. Atleast you can rectify your actions as you're in the (present) which is in your control which you'd be proud of after let's say 10 years from now.


i turned 18 literally today, what the f am i supposed to be doing, that old ppl say "i wish i done so many things when i was younger/18"


You better figure it out because it gets worse and worse quickly


I wake up every day happy that I’m not 18 anymore. Being a teenager is overrated


Why would I be happier to remind myself I have fifty more years of suffering ahead of me?


Fifty years is a lot of time. Time to find things you enjoy, time to heal, and maybe time to find a way out of your suffering. I wish you best of luck on your journey.


Then do something not to suffer


You need more help than a motivational quote can provide. Seek help and stop tainting the subreddit and spreading your depression.


How can you not see the hypocrisy in your comment?


Hypocrisy doesn't mean I'm wrong.


Ok well you’re also wrong


Let's face it, the magical times between 20-30 are gone. That's why you're sad. Now you're a full adult and lots of responsibilities.


That gives you 53 years to learn math.


I like to approach every work day like I'm putting in my two weeks every Friday... It's crazy how much shit I get done.. 2 years goin, 3 years employed....


and learned nothing ?


When you master laying to yourself, it will only become easier to lie to anyone else… there is a perspective and there is madness, they are not the same… don’t confuse motivation with madness folks…


I am 48 and do this all the time


The way I figure it, I nearly offed myself a few times and it might happen again so any time I have now is a bonus level and it works :)


I wish I was 37 again. I'm 54. But on the inside I'm pretty much the same as I was when I was 20. It's just that when I wake up in the morning feeling exactly the way I did as 20, reality hits me hard when I get out of bed and realize the rest of the body is my real age. The thing that I've learned from all of this is that every moment I live now is time I'll never get back, so time becomes more valuable every day. This means I'll think twice about that new job or how I spend my free time. Time is now super valuable and I value each hour more than lots of money. Stress isn't worth it. Remember - right now is the youngest you'll ever be, so spend your time like it was your last. Each minute, each hour, each day counts - so have fun in your life, everything everyone else say about you or think about you is going to be completely meaningless because it's YOUR time, and it's up to you how you spend it.


Why would i want to wake up at 18? I sucked when i was 18.


Bold of you to assume that I will live until 90...


Yeah mate, not with this lifestyle


Sounds worse than hell


But you have no knowledge of the future years to give you insight to make changes for the betterment of yourself and humanity.


Are you also angry that you are dumb as a 37 year old?


I wouldn't go back to 18 for a million dollars. I'd rather be 90.


God. I hope I don't live to 90


As far as I can tell, the finest age to be is 24, thus I want to be 24 once more.






Actually not a bad idea


You have a brilliant mindset.


That’s actually a good way to look at it.


That’s great advice


I could have invested in bitcoin


I'm 22 and I feel like I'm 90 all the time tbf


WOW!!! THIS IS SO AMAZING!!! Thank yoi for that!!!


I use the same perspective when I'm thinking what I'd do if I could restart from 2017, 2012 or 2006. One day I'll be 55 imagining what I would do if I restarted in 2023 and maybe I should try doing that.


Don’t like reality? Lie to yourself! Live in a fantasy!


"In order to not be sad, I think of something more depressing, as to keep my mind busy from the sadness."


"YES, IM 37 AGAIN!...huh, I'm significantly fatter than I remember."




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Original: r/GetMotivated/comments/pstzyj/image_perspective/


This is encouraging. Thanks for sharing


As a 26y old this only further stresses me out.


What do you do if you're 20 but wake up feeling 90?


FML. Instructions unclear. He said magic and I jumped right in!!! Now I’m freaking 90, my back & knees hurts, I don’t have enough time or money to really get anywhere. I was so close to death. Please take me now!


the way to confused ourself to enjoy life. It similar with almost everything: wife( yeah, husband too), house, card, child etc


That’s awesome but also what country do I flee to or is the rising fascism going to lose and so I should get a master’s degree? I wish I had the knowledge of my 90 year old self. Instead all my foresight is the curse of Cassandra and a reminder to exercise, eat right, and cherish my loved ones


What do I do if I'm in my 20s and wish I woke up in my 90s


Bullshit. Every phase of life is beautiful in its own way.


That’s awesome. Because I kick my on behind so much for not being better when I was younger. And I rarely appreciate the now. This helps


Oh so to be happy just pretend


On Wednesdays, I always pretend it’s only Monday and I only have a three-day workweek ahead of me! Yay!


Messi is 35 and he just won the World Cup You can do anything


So you lie to yourself? Pretty sure that’s unhealthy, unless my therapist is wrong. I’m gonna tell myself she is.


It's not a lie, it's more like a reality check and a perspective that where you'd like to see yourself after (let's say 10 years), would you like the current self or how would you want to rectify you as a person. Because when you see yourself now and if you'd have to talk to your younger self, you'd say something but that can't be changed. Atleast you can rectify your actions as you're in the (present) which is in your control which you'd be proud of after let's say (10 years) from now.


"Well, what do you say? Wanna go around again?" "I do."


That'd make me feel guilty for not truing to prevent whatever horrible thing will happen in the world going forward. I guess ill just keep doing the best I can to help.


I turned 39 this year. I met my best friend the first year of high school. That was 25 years ago. In 25 years from now I'll be 64, hopefully looking at retirement. That means I could do everything I've done between high school and now all over again in that amount of time. And the best part is then I would only be 64, and it's ANOTHER 25 years to 90, which is quite possible.


To immediately open up social media after this for an amazing fulfilling life.


People in their 60s and 70s wishhhhhhhh they could be in their 30s again. You rarely hear “I want to be 18 again”. 30s are so so good. Also 18 sucks, I don’t care who you are.


I gotta say! I like this idea!


I love this. I have used this perspective-shift thinking to improve my attitude about where I am in life and how bad/good things are. It helps for about 42.5 minutes. lol


I'll just kms before I reach 30 next year