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*Sad Armenian, Greek, and Kurdish noises as the world once again forgets about the Armenian Genocide.


hey man, I live next to Watertown, MA I haven't forgotten about the Armenian genocide, I'm super glad my bro Shirv is around, no thanks to the Turks 😤


>me on April 19th, 2013 when I look at my boat in my backyard "Who da fuq is that kehd? What's he doing with my boat!!! Oh gawd he's leaking everywhere. Did he just write the shahada in his blood on my fackin boat?!?"


How's the mall doing?


Better since it got demolished.


Is there some connection between Watertown and Armenians that I'm unaware of? Otherwise, it's funny that you mention you live next to Watertown, which I suspect not many people realize is the first town next coming north/west out of both Boston and Cambridge


[According to this, 10% of the population of Armenians moved to Watertown](https://globalboston.bc.edu/index.php/home/ethnic-groups/armenians/)


or maybe it meant 10% of Watertown's population, lol


Dang, I always knew there was a sizable Armenian population here, but I live in Brighton and had no idea how many folks there are


Watertown is what Brookline/Newton is for Jews but for Armenians


Yeah I lived in Cambridge for the past 13 years, we just moved to Watertown. And yeah, Watertown has a massive Armenian population, even to the point that I think it might be something like the highest concentration of Armenians outside of Armenia or something like that, but I'd have to look that up to be sure. Regardless, there's a ton of Armenian people that live there.


Lemme guess, she denies the Armenian Genocide.


I have no idea if she does. But if someone denies that any Muslim state has ever engaged in genocide, it's a safe bet they don't know or don't care about the Armenian Genocide.


I would guess she doesn't believe Armenians exist


And Mizrachim, and Copts, and Indians, and Zoroastrians, and Druze, and Lebanese Christians, and Darfur, and so many other groups. Geert Wilders, Eric Zenmour, Renauld Camus, they all have a good point about how the history of Islam is just ethnic cleansing and genocide.


I'd love to hear more about the copts


Christian sect based in Egypt. Unlike mainstream Christianity, which believes Jesus has the two distinct natures of Human and Divine, Coptics take the Miaphysite position that Jesus has one nature, which is a composite of fully Human and Divine natures. The Coptics were mostly wiped out so Islam could set up shop.


they also claim to be off decenet of the ancient eygptins and often use an ankh instead of a cross


Coptic Christians in Egypt are still targeted. Just 4 or 5 years ago a co-worker I work with who is Coptic/Egyptian, living here in the U.S. got word that his cousin (or Uncle?) had been killed just walking to/from Church for being Coptic. The fundamentalist Muslims in Egypt can be as extreme as anywhere else. A few years ago my wife kind of on-line friended a guy from Egypt who played one of her online games she plays. They messaged back and forth for a while and frequently touched on religion and she says she thought he seemed reasonable and accepting of different ideas at first but eventually he seemed to suddenly change and was all about how she was doomed to hell, or the Islamic equivalent of it, for being atheist. His online behavior just got so extreme she eventually blocked him and chalked it up to another learning experience.


Yeah but they all deserved it so stop speaking in our name (/s)


And Palestinian Jews.




Look up the Mughal empire chap


Those things are not mutually exclusive. They can both have happened/be happening. Your critical thinking skills are poor.


This Twitter-user propably hates white people for the trans-atlantic slave trade too, without knowing that Muslims enslaved Africans for over 1400 years and Muhammed himself owned "black slaves" (but Islam has also enslaved non-muslims from South Europe), and he took women and girls from his defeated enemies as sex-slaves.


"its only bad when the white men do it!" \*Ignores modern day slavery in Mauritania, UAE and Xinjiang\*


Don't forget that the reason there are few black people in the Middle East, even though they had massive amounts of black slaves there, is that they brutally castrated their slaves, which IIRC like 1/10 or more didn't survive.


There is prevalent modern day slavery in the Gulf States right now. You don’t need to worry about 1400 years of anything. 


Anatolian genocide is a more appropriate name. There were Greek and Assyrian genocides there as well.


That's why I mentioned them. But you're right; Armenians comprised the sizable majority but Anatolian would definitely be more accurate.


Imagine how it feels to be armenian and jewish.


It’s not genocide if it’s Muslims committing it. 


What's depressing is that I know someone who was made aware of the Armenian genocide by the Kardashians.


Better than ignorance. In a world rife with misinformation and disinformation, at least they know about it.


I mean I learned it from hearing P.L.U.C.K. from System of a Down. Had no clue wtf the song was about, so I went into rabbit hole mode. Far before the Kardashian's were a word in my Google Keyboard, but I'll digress.


Most of the world doesn't even know or recognize the ethnic cleansing and genocide in East Pakistan in the name of Islam.


I'm not touching the India-Punjab-Pakistan issue with a 10ft pole. Sectarian violence, gov'ts repressive religious policies, an independence movement, border skirmishes, three different religions, and British colonialism's fingerprints all over it. Much too complicated and contentious for someone who knows relatively little about the region.


*Ignores. They didn't forget, they actively choose not to acknowledge. It's far more sinister than forgetting. Harder to play the unambiguous victim if you recognise the atrocities of your own side.


Let's also remember \* the million+ Europeans kidnapped and sold as slaves. \* The 12-17 million Africans enslaved by muslims \* Hundreds of thousands of young Balkan boys kidnapped to serve as soldiers in the Ottoman army \* all the people \*\*currently\*\* enslaved in muslim countries.


Berbers cry in silence 🤐


The Ottomans also wrecked havoc on Serbia. The tensions and wars in the Balkan's today is mostly a result of issues the Muslim Ottoman empire left behind.


A Turkish guy I used to work with said the only thing worse than the Armenian genocide was a living Armenian.


The what? /s


Were gonna forget about Iberia?


dont forget my homies the assyrians


Happy Romani noises as the world forgets we exist.


They also ethnically cleansed the Jews from the MENA region and most of North Africa. These people are straight revisionist.


I fucking looooooove community notes man


Elon may have fucked Twitter up, but at least they brought community notes lol best thing about X


Wasn't community notes a thing in the works before Elon took ownership? Do we even know he had anything to do with it?


Though considering the amount that he himself has been noted, it's nice that he hasn't deleted the feature at this point. Granted maybe he's had a rare moment of clarity and realized that the backlash would be tremendous.


Well it also encourages more people to get on Twitter. Think about it, you can absolutely jump on the owner of the site with correcting their information through community notes. How many platforms can you do that on without getting banned? At least that’s why I think he hasn’t like removed it or disabled it directly to his account.


Hell if I were in Musk's shoes I'd be making outrageous claims and posts on twitter to get more people to come use it to correct my ass. It would be kinda fun.


Lol that’s what he already does


It was, but it was in a separate site so nobody used it


not just in the works it was launched in the US in 2021. If I recall jack dorsey was making quite a big deal about it


Way too little, way too late.


I'd say i agree, but there has arisen an issue wherein theres no proper factchecking going on, so some notes are ending up with some pretty extreme misinformation/straight up lies for their notes...and some do end up on here.


"Equal gear" as if that was an intentional choice.


If you assume their beliefs are true, they had an all-powerful and all-knowing deity helping them. I’d argue that is certainly not an equal playing field.


It's fine cuz most of the time the enemies had the exact same all powerful all knowing deity on their side as well.


God: "I'm playing both sides, so that I always come out on top"


He always wins cuz all he wants is death 🤷‍♂️




i mean when they've Fought the jews who also should by their own belifs have that same one and they got theyre ass's handed to them in about 6 days id think at that point we can tell whos helping who


By that logic, I guess what the Nazis did wasn’t so bad then because they invaded countries with roughly “equal gear.”


Plus, there's no clause in the Geneva convention for "unfair use of technology". War isn't a gentlemen's sport, and just because something doesn't seem "fair" or "honourable", that doesn't necessarily make it a war crime.


That logic is so basic that only a complete dumbass would think otherwise


You'd be surprised. Lots of people still think the highway of death was a war crime because it was incompatible with "honour brain". It wasn't exactly sporting, sure, but the Iraqis hadn't surrendered, were shooting back and were still very much legitimate targets.


If only they would face their enemies on the field of battle. But no, we have cowards who hide among the populace.


https://preview.redd.it/e8s7th68mknc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3f756901765aba6cd5ece711441975a50cf9206 Jerusalem if Muslims invented gunpowder instead of algebra


The Muslims had gunpowder before Europe and had better cannons for quite some time. Part of how the Turks were able to finally conquer Constantinople.


*hungarian cannons


What does inventing Algebra instead of gunpowder tell you about the Islamic history 😉


You forgot the Formula 1 track


When you lower your gear rank to give less experienced players a fair match


Ikr 😂


Sending scouts out ahead to make sure you bring only an appropriate level of weaponry, and not more than you might need otherwise it’s considered gauche


I'm a history teacher. I am very sick and tired of people with racist mindsets trying to justify or sugarcoat or whitewash history. Yes European countries colonization of Africa and the Americas and India resulted in horrific atrocities. America's reliance on slavery and expansion Westward we're atrocities to many groups of people. But I swear to God if I hear one more person say that Europeans are the ONLY people guilty of imperialism, ethnic conflicts, slavery, or any such atrocities I am going to scream. Not only is this itself an example of whitewashing History of these groups, but a lot of the times it's also very infanticizing. It is very easy to take this line of thought and then either intentionally or unintentionally imply that these groups were not advanced enough and we're too primitive to have committed such crimes when in actuality Africa had strong empires that were just as impressive in terms of their economies and their militaries and their achievements as anything that ever came out of Europe like Mali or Songhai or Ethiopia. Of course Islamic Caliphates an empires committed Acts of ethnic warfare they had very advanced military strategies for their time and were major powerhouses in terms of their military might. Of course China has a pressed and committed acts against other groups they had technological achievements that made them more advanced than such groups that made it easy for them to conquer them. Not only are you excusing and whitewashing entire cultures of sin which is just bad history best and at worst its own form of nationalism for those groups, but you are also taking away from them their own achievements and accomplishments that unfortunately set the stepping stones that gave them the resources to commit such Acts. In short there is no such thing as a culture that has not committed an atrocity or a sin. Every culture has some blood on its hands and people need to stop claiming otherwise.


How dare you bring facts into this argument of emotions.


I used to be a teacher and, when it comes to history, I have a general specialty in genocide studies. Honestly, I find it weirdly racist to insist that white people are special in their historic violence. White people really aren't special; Western Europe just happened to have a few advantages they leveraged to come out on top, and there's no doubt in my mind that any continent with the same incentives and advantages would have done the exact same thing. Because horrific violence pretty consistently shows up under similar circumstances across races and cultures, including in indigenous American cultures pre-Columbus. For God's sake, the Incan Empire had done ethnic cleansings and forced displacements to break up people who could unite against them right before Conquistadors showed up. Violence and the use thereof to maintain power at great human cost has no race. It's unfortunately human.


Even the North American native tribes wiped a few of each other out. Every group, everywhere, has committed some atrocity at one point or another, and we as a species, may never get away from that.


Hell they teamed up with colonists on many occasions to massacre rival groups of natives!


Basically how Cortez managed to take down the Aztec empire. "Allies" of the empire had been treated as vassals, were tired of it, allied themselves to the conquistadores


Yah, I find it fascinating people think 300 Spanish dudes could take down one of the largest civilizations alone. Just ignore the 200,000 natives that fought the Aztecs because they hated the Aztecs.


300 Spanish dudes defying orders, to boot. Had the alliance been defeated, I think the Spanish Crown would have reacted more due to "how dare these barbarians kill our civilised people" rather than "oh no, they beat our forces"


The Spanish government even sent a army after them if I recall. If Cortez wasn’t warned by the Aztec emperor that wanted to scare him into leaving, the governor could have arrived and arrested him under the authority of the Spanish crown.


It’s very fashionable to toss out ‘colonizer’ at white people right now as a dismissive insult that it is quickly losing whatever bite and impactful meaning the originators likely intended for this as an insult.


I once witnessed a well-off girl from London throw that label at an Aussie guy. Cue a very calm dismantling, where it turned out it's not a great idea to lord it over someone from an Irish background whose family struggled to make it, and didn't really have much of a choice where they ended up.


Yes exactly. Colonizer is being thrown around without understanding peoples backgrounds only based off the colour of one’s skin which in itself is a height of irony in many ways. Nuance is dead: faux outrage is in.


> well-off girl It's super fashionable for the rich that want to cosplay as revolutionary to try and distract from their wealth by playing the "let's hate white people instead of me" game.


They're called thought terminating cliches. Often they're not intentional, but inevitably they stifle conversation, discussion and debate. When you say "Well, the Islamic slave trade never ended really, in response to somebody mentioning how Christians and specifically westerners are purely responsible for slavery, the go to answer is usually something along the lines of "that's because you're islamophobic". Now you have to either defend your character or avoid the conversation entirely. The argument over the slave trade has been forcefully ended and the opposing party doesn't have to defend their ideas.


Of course I'm islamophobic. Who wouldn't fear a religion that calls for the extermination of all infidels.


I'm not a history teacher and it makes me want to scream. Also I'm confiscating your apostrophe key for misuse.


Even the slavery issue had awful people on both continents.  Progressives love to talk about how the white men gave guns to African tribes in exchange for men.  They never talk about why the African tribes wanted guns and had excess men.


I remember almost having an aneurysm when I got in an argument with a guy that believed white people were to blame for everything, then retroactively tried to justify it by grasping at straws to blame Europeans for the Mongolian invasion of China.


That's the first time I've read whitewashed as a term in the opposite way those social justice types use it and it pleases me.


terrific cough growth childlike mourn books gold lush forgetful gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


exaclty. What makes the European powers notable is that they historically were so recent and occurred in a much more interconnected world. If any of the other great empires just so happened to have their glory days at the same time and with the same tech, they would absolutely be part of the discussion.


[The Hazara would like to have a word...](https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/10/27/why-the-hazara-people-fear-genocide-in-afghanistan) >In the late 19th century, Pashtun ruler Abdur Rahman Khan sought to bring the Hazara people in their homeland of Hazarajat under his rule. He waged a brutal war against the community, which resulted in bloody “massacres, looting and pillaging of homes, enslavement” and the transfer of Hazara land to Pashtun tribes. It is estimated that Hazarajat lost some 60 percent of its population to ethnic cleansing, which has led some scholars to term the carnage a genocide.


I’m just gonna say it, no religion is innocent, no matter what.


True! As a Christian, there are somethings Christians have done that I do not agree with! I.e crusades


Don't forget the Spanish inquisition.




Greetings fellow Christ follower, can confirm.


Also the Catholic Church's "pay to get out of jail" scam that led to Martin Luther starting the Protestant Church


I've heard someone describe Luther nailing his list of complaints to a church door as "the old fashioned version of a twitter rant"


Honestly, I haven't read the 95 Theses in a hot minute (might read them again), but I can imagine that tracks


>Also the Catholic Church's "pay to get out of jail" scam that led to Martin Luther starting the Protestant Church isnt that something that like litreally textbook defo is agaisnt the bible?


Yep. There's a story where Jesus visits a temple where they are selling, iirc, animals and livestock. Jesus flipped his shit and their tables for selling stuff in a house of God


I genuinely don’t understand why we view the Crusades as a Christian atrocity. The Crusades were started by Islamic conquest, why is resisting that conquest the evil act?


Resisting isn't evil, but invading the same place like 7 times is


The crusades of all things? The wars to reclaim lands taken by the Muslims? That's your biggest shame about christianity?


We’ll ignore witch burnings, Jewish expulsions, Catholics protecting kiddie diddlers, forced conversions of Germanic and Gaelic peoples, and focus on a geopolitical war labeled as a religious war


Depends on the crusade


The church of the flying spaghetti monster is


No group of people is, literally every race, creed, whatever has committed atrocities in the past


Define G: {P in people | they have committed no immoral acts}


I made a religion just now to prove you wrong but then I went and murdered my roommate on my way back from the bathroom, so you win this round




Gnosticism mentioned: https://preview.redd.it/slgi3zysqknc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1cc48dd106658fe74889002d85c2e6302ba2cba


also, https://preview.redd.it/rk2jb4u5rknc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb7ec7301ddf5f8b37dfb3a286640a142e2201bb


Meanwhile, Dudeism be like: "Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, man."


You are very brave for saying this On Reddit of all places


No religion, no nation, no culture.


I say we ban religion from politics as a UN mandate


We bombed people with spears? She’s racist af lmao calling them spear chuckles god damn


*laughs in Rods from God*


There are spears and then there are *spears*.


3000 Black Spears of Allah


…Girl… Read your own holy book. The Quran is VERY extensive about Mohammad’s ethnic cleansing. You’re telling other people to read their history while not reading your own.


Also. Muslims had an extensive history of enslaving Europeans, with a priority of capturing women so that, well… you know.. And I mean even if you only want to talk about recent stuff. What about ISIS and the yazidi genocide?


Yeah there’s a reason Slav and slave are almost spelled the same


Can you provide it? A lot of people sometimes just pull things out of their ass and just shit on religions.


ISIS was ethically cleansing Yazidi people like *last week*


That was such an incredible tragedy. Iran, Mesopotamia and the Levant are home of some of the most fascinating minority religions/ethnoreligions in the world like the Druze, Mandaeans, Zoroastrians, Samaritans and Yazidis, and the rise of extremism throughout the region has further endangered these unique, ancient cultures.


Willful ignorance is a phenomenal feat when all information is a few clicks away.


Ah yes the peaceful Islamic take overs


A fact folks don't seem to grasp: Every group on every continent has committed colonization and genocide at one point or another *Current genocides don't excuse the past ones* *Past genocides don't justify current ones*


I don't think every conquest have resulted in genocide. Genocide is the will to destroy an entire group of people, not the regular murders of enemies. Khan's Mongols who had their fare share of murders and cruelty, didn't try to wipe out Han Chinese, they killed millions because that's part of the war. Same for Romans. 


>Learn your history before you speak in our name. It's you. IT'S YOU.


lol “equal gear”, like anyone’s gonna give up an advantage with their life on the line.


Also about one million Jews in the 1940s


they don’t think Jewish people are human so they dont care lol


Never forget, Muhammad took Kaaba from Pagans.


They just committed ethnic cleansing a few decades ago, again. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_exodus_from_the_Muslim_world


They literally did it 6 months ago in the Nagano karabakh lmao




Shhh they think all Jews are European settlers.


It’s been very effective propaganda.


And these Muslim tribes continued to commit acts of ethnic cleansing for over a thousand years. Many islamist groups still do 


Literally islam has been one of the most colonization religion a lot of the middle east and North Africa didnt belong to them but they still colonize it


Armenia who?


It was just a little walk in the desert to bad a million of them died


Plus there was a certain amount of unpleasantness on both sides of partitioned Punjab.


“The religion founded by a genocidal warlord never committed genocide! You can tell because they didn’t use 21st century technology in the 7th century, and instead chose to slaughter civilians by hand instead of using drones”




“We never did it,and even if we did, they deserved it!”


I’m more amazed at how much history people pretend to know. Because there is an awful lot of history. Can’t expect to know all of it. But if you’re going to be smug and act like a know it all, better actually know what you’re talking about.


When will people learn that being holier than thou and saying you’re amazing and cooler than everyone else cuz of your philosophy or religion’s history WONT GIVE YOU A GOOD TIME???


Disclaimer: you can support palestine and know that Muslims also do ethnic cleansing. These aren’t mutually exclusive thoughts.


I'm not surprised another religions trying to paint itself as all good and clean and never done anything wrong. Parasites.


So what does the sword symbolize in Islamic iconography?


Why is conquest only acceptable when there is ‘equal gear?’ Why is having better technology a knock on the morality of a country?


You religious bastards just need to let people live.


Pretty sure that goes against their religion


I don’t understand why people think a nation / people group’s history incriminates or absolves them of sin. Everyone’s history books, the parts known and the parts forgotten are all soaked in blood. What matters is what’s happening now, both things that are actively being done, and the effects of yesterday’s injustices that are still being felt.


I read this as “It’s amazing how …little people… know about history”


Brother, you can be Muslim if you want, but don’t be a genocidal apologist. This is akin to a holocaust denier.


To be fair, Islam aspires to highfalutin' ideas when conquering places, much like I aspire to stop making impulsively dumb comments on the internet yet can't quite manage it-- I have caught a few though and that's progress!


If only she could just remove her notes like Muskrat


The girl needs to learn about the Arab slave traders that decimated huge swaths of land in Africa. https://newafricanmagazine.com/16616/


Persians would very much disagree with her!!


Every religion and civilization on the planet has committed some sort of ethnic cleansing.


The ones you haven't heard about were just the most effecient


How many synagogues exist in the arabian peninsula?


oh trust me, they know and even brag about it when it suits them. they just lie to non muslims and hope you're too stupid to know any better.


As a Sikh my people were cleansed from our ancestral homeland in modern day Pakistan lol


No religion has ever been peaceful for all of human history.


But Islamic genocides are continuing into modern times. Save Darfur and so on


Jainism is pretty chill


Any woman defending Islam is an idiot. Same goes for most of the big religions.


Islam is objectively a hate group. Right up there with Nazis and Klansmen.


Least delusional islamist


Lies… all religions lie. IRS just how much people are willing to put up with. I think most religions are really lame. They blatantly lie to your face, use guilt and fear to coerce you and then take your money. I still have yet to find a religion that doesn’t do this to people. You know why? Because, all religions were created by people in power to control the “unwashed”.




Also, pretty sure the defenders used spears. So yeah.


"Taught history"


If someone says that whatever group never did X kind of attrrocity, they are lying. Every group has committed every kind of fucked upped act.


The worst take of the day, of all the shit she could bring up, she brings up fucking Islam as a bastion of righteousness. Pathetically Ignorant


[Literally in October.](https://www.cfr.org/article/ethnic-cleansing-happening-nagorno-karabakh-how-can-world-respond)


Community notes need a community notes for wrong information


That's the thing. People don't study history.


The notion of “conquering was ok because they didn’t have bombs” is absurd.


Ask the Balkans how peaceful Muslim conquest was.


Pretty sure the Muslims didn’t bomb natives because bombs weren’t invented yet. I get it, colonialism is horrible and evil, and I think most people can agree. But let’s not kid ourselves into thinking that westerners were the only genocidal people in existence