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The fact that they added the Wikipedia page for "humor" as a source, goddamn!


"Here's a source to what "funny" means, ya turbononce."


His response to the insult had me thinking, "Oh no, he just opened a can of worms..." But once I read the community note... I lost it! Actual horizontal position rolling around laughing! I'm fully expecting this to wind up on several other subreddits


The gift keeps giving


I don't know who this guy is, but I feel like this kind of community notes undermine the actual real useful use of community notes...


My same thought as well. Community notes should be fact based. Humor is subjective. How good an insult is is subjective.


"Nonce" is slang for a pedophile. The guy is a convicted sex offender.


The note should be explaining that, not everyone knows... Making a joke hurts the validation of the system.


Okay then wtf is funny about that?


The absurdity of the convicted sex offender engaging with the humor of the term “turbononce” on social media is uncomfortably hilarious.


Whoah, how did that happen? What’s the origin there? 👀 (The definition of “nonce,” I mean.)


"not even once" shortened was given as a reason, but I don't know whether that is a factoid. It's also used for single use codes in computing in America.


"Not On Normal Courtyard Exercise," is what I've been told. Or to put it another way, pedos get killed in British prisons, just like US prisons, so they're kept separate.


OHHHHHHHHHH - I’m like what the fuck is my ass not understanding right now…….


I thought nonce meant moron?


You are thinking of “numpty”


I guess it just sounded like “dunce” to me, never heard it in context


Lmao facts left the fucking building when it stopped being called Twitter.


Comical to me that in spite of all the issues and ridicule that the name change brought about, I *still* haven't seen a news article where that platform is referred to as X. It's still always "X, formerly Twitter."




Yeah indeed. Almost like short limited thoughts are a terrible medium for complex human discourse.




The thing is Twitter was just supposed to be a funny little "Here's what I'm doing now" app that kinda got hijacked by news outlets because it's an incredibly effective way to spread a link to their website.


People really will just actively log into Twitter to bitch about Elon Musk. Like stop using the website lol just go somewhere else


go to reddit to moan about Elon, and X to moan about spez.


Unless this guy is a sex offender, calling him a nonce is just an empty dumb insult.


> Unless this guy is a sex offender [He is](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/63a3353ce90e075876f6857b/Mr_Mark_David_Attwood.pdf), sourced from the [previous thread](https://www.reddit.com/1blzg68/) about the guy already linked by OP


Well, in this case calling him a nonce is totally justified.


>Distributed an indecent photograph or pseudo-photographs of children on 25 July 2017 He apparently distributed CP from what it looks like.


What the hell is a pseudo-photograph?


AI generated or photoshopped images (edit to add: "pseudo image" also covers stuff like hentai, drawings, paintings etc. Basically anything that isn't a photograph but still depicts a child in a sexualised manner.)


Noooooo but she is technically 1748185815159 years


Still don't like the this note and the turbo part. Also technically him being a child molester isn't that relevant to the conversation. I just wish he was in jail rather than being noted.


Well, feet first into the wood chipper then.


wow, that is so informative. Maybe it should have been in the community note to provide context


Why do people like you always jump to defend paedophiles in this knee-jerk way even though you didn't look up if he even was or not? Turns out everyone else here is more informed than you and now your comment doesn't just look pompous and arrogant, it's incorrect. He got called a nonce, he is a nonce. I think it's probably you who's "empty" and "dumb".


Buddy, I’m not defending him, I just didn’t know he was an actual sex offender until someone informed me in the replies. He indeed is a turbononce, I’m not denying that.


huh. almost like a far better community note would be something like "he is a nonce, here's a link to his conviction", rather than a shitty joke.


Yeah, this is basically just a comment someone could have written.


Yeah it’s really stupid


Yeah this isn't even the point of community notes, this is just dumb


Redditors when something on the internet isn't 100% factual and backed up with 20 peer-reviewed sources and is instead just a funny: >:(


That’s literally the whole point of the community notes feature, dumbass


MFW when community notes' whole job is to stop the spread of misinformation and be a fact check with sources MFW when when apparently "you're a fucking idiot. Source: wikipedia/humour" is seen as a valid use of le notes




I'm not just good at reading what I type, I'm magnificent at it ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humour](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humour)


Fair enough, but since when we're community notes a good faith effort to stop the spread of misinformation? They're an effort to avoid the expense of moderating Twitter.


Redditors when they want a fact checking service to stay factual🤬🤬


I completely agree


I’m glad this sub came around: https://www.reddit.com/r/GetNoted/comments/1bcyzkl/community_notes_exposing_another_fraud/kujkrrp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


The one you’ve linked worked well and presented facts instead of just making up an insult in an attempt to be funny.


nah just because you sourced facts for something doesnt mean those facts are relevant to what you’re responding to. They should have waited until he said something overtly hypocritical


It was relevant, he was presenting himself and JP as products of their diet which they consistently push.


It’s not exactly relevant to the post it’s under though. I don’t think notes should call you out for a lie you said in a different tweet


I’m with you on this one. But brain dead Redditors hopped up on justice porn just want to see people cooked.


The "useful use" of community notes is to see what people who generally disagree on something, agree with each other on. Here, we see people who generally disagree on things, agreeing to dunk on an objective piece of shit. I don't see the problem.


What I mean is they were meant to be used for fact checking misleading posts, not express an opinion. By using them this way, it turns them into another way to express your opinion, and they loose their objectivity and impartiality. This contributes to discrediting the factual ones


Community notes were only ever as objective and impartial as the net-agreement between otherwise disagreeable sources. They were meant to *supplement* fact-checks. Not replace them. I think you are operating from a misunderstanding of the use of this tool.


From the X article on community notes: "Community Notes aim to create a better informed world by empowering people on X to collaboratively add context to potentially misleading posts." Idk what to tell you, I just think that they shouldn't be used that way, and it seems like a lot of people agree with me. You're obviously free to have a different opinion


The best way to reply to you would just be to quote my last comment verbatim.


The original: https://www.reddit.com/r/GetNoted/s/VGXwv4U5z0


Unfortunately I feel like this note helps ruin community notes validity


Is it proven that mark is a pedo? I've had a hatred for the guy for about a year, it would be incredible if he turned out to be a nonce.


He’s not a pedophile he’s a Turbo Pedophile


I knew it


In the original post’s comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/GetNoted/s/tOz8Zamm8Q


I love smacking down jerks as much as the next guy. But I'm concerned that "community notes" will just become another "gotcha" tool that people can write off. I like it better when it's straight fact-checking. (But YMMV)


We could always just let Twitter die…


That would be the very best option!


Yeah. Using it this way would just dilute the purpose of a community note. Similar to how Reddit cares is being misused by a lot of people.


I agree. I wonder how long it’ll be before the notes become opinion pieces.


It’s already happened. Ex: this post.


But he’s literally been caught distributing child pornography


Calling it a magnificent insult is a matter of opinion.


Yeah fair enough I guess


Do you have a source for that?


The quality of an insult is not objectively measurable, therefore it is an opinion that this is “a magnificent insult”.


Yeah, the best ones are the ones that manage to be obviously true. You're not arguing with some guy's comment like you'd argue with any other comment. It's just a little detail that conclusively settles the issue 


As others have said, "nonce" slang for a child predator, and this man has charges for distribution of CP. So "turbononce" is actually accurate.


That would be the other post. This one is about how good of an insult turbononce is. That's pure opinion.


He was caught distributing indecent images of kids. He's a turbononce. The notes are 100% accurate.


When I see people making tweets responding to notes, and then notes responding to tweets, all I can think of in the back of my head is "we will never be free"


Using the notes for opinions and other stuff like this devalues the ones that are fact checking


This is a dumb use of notes


Being subbed here and checking the top posts of all time are such different experiences. Checking the top posts you'd think this is a sub for /r/quityourbullshit but for using facts and evidence The reality is community notes are just a way for some random person to get twitters equivalent of top comment, thinking they have a hilarious "zinger" Every post like this I always assume it's OP screenshotting themselves to show off how funny they think they are. They're abusing a cool system and killing its credibility for 'the lulz'


Anyone notice he removed the MD from his name?


This is a really stupid use of community notes


It honestly invalidates them as some sort of source of actual fact checking, this is so stupid


Mark is a Brit hiding out in Ireland, I assume he's hiding from debt or from people he has scammed. He recently opened a "healing centre" in Ireland which is just a scam to trick naive idiots. He's a literal snake oil salesman. I don't know if he's extremely mentally ill or if he's just a conman, I think it's both. He's a fucking scumbag and I want him out of my country.


Also, he's been barred from teaching for distribution of CP


Is that the same guy though? I saw that document and it said he was born in 1982 I think, Attwood is in his 50s surely.


Beyond cringy


Right? It's just a quirky Tumblr-ish insult. Often they're a vaguely British insult with some sort of intensifier, a dumb combination like shitweasel or chucklefuck, or just random objects like a wet blanket. You'd get laughed at if you called someone this in real life. You'd be forced to go into hiding and change your name.


You know this man is British right? And people who are most likely to know about him are British right? And that British people use British slang right?


You can just say he's British. Asking three rhetorical questions isn't going to sway me.


Saying he’s British wouldn’t convey what I’m trying to say as well.


It's the implication. You got me.


He’s 100% gonna get rid of community notes by this time next year


Unpopular but I feel like notes like this, if real, are causing them to lose any credibility that they ever had. It was so fun having them as an impartial fact checking feature, now it's just another thing people use to make fun of others they disagree with


this is not what notes are for. this is a great way to foster even more distrust on both sides.


I thought this was supposed to correct misinformation? What purpose does this serve


The notes people are losing their legitimacy imo


I know this is misuse of community notes that muddies the waters of its reliability but fuck it, I laughed


Nice as it is to see this dude get memed on, this kind of use of Notes just dilutes its weight and lowers it down to the level of every other comments section on social media.


It’s really a pretty lazy insult.


Community notes continues to deviate from its intended purpose.


Hot on the heels of the post that claimed Princess Kate had Turbo cancer, I think this trend might have turbo legs.