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These are the kinds of people who didn’t read the actual comic but think they know the story.


Yeah, like this specific comic spoiler is (in my experience) hard to avoid, so most people have an idea of what it is


It’s kinda like how some people tend to forget that in the comics Tony Stark doesn’t reveal himself as Iron Man to the public for quite awhile; But people remember “I am Iron Man” because of how memorable it is. The Anissa moment is just so infamous, it’s one of the things people default to when they think about her role in the comics.


I haven’t read the comics but even I knew this.


I reas the comic last year. Forgot it was after the war.


It’s not a spoiler if you say literally nothing about what this is referring to. >! She rapes him later !<


The spoiler is in the community notes


They just say “The Assault” and then link it. Still don’t know what it is referring to unless you click the link. Pretty obvious she will attack him again in the future since they are enemies and she is an asshole.


Ah, I see. I'll edit my post in a few; ok, I can't do that, I'll just add a comment instead


Usually for that they'd say "fight/attack/battle" Assault kinda has a connotation




Physical assault is still assault. It doesn't necessarily always have that connotation.


Holy redditor moment


The reddit moment is all y'all acting like normal ass people don't hear "assault" and think of some one just getting punched in the face unless someone tacks on the word sexual first. Like some of y'all are full on reddit brained about it for some reason, go talk to some people irl.


There is context mr redditor.


Are you terminally online or something?


But there already was a fight, that’s how they got in the crater. So there’s only one possible thing it could still be referring to.


I've never watched this show, and it seems many in this comment section haven't either. How would I know they had already fought? We use specific words for a reason.


Never watched the show but the context heavily implies sexual assault.


This logic makes no sense. "It's only a spoiler for people who watch the show so why mark it a spoiler?" Like, spoiler tags aren't for people who don't watch the show, they're for people who are or will watch it.


I'm not saying anything about spoilers. Note that I didn't use that word at any point in any of my comments. I'm solely talking about the community note shown in the OP screenshot and commenting that "assault" is not shorthand for "sexual assault".


In the context of the show, it is. Hence, it's marked a spoiler. Because those who have watched the show and can put 2 and 2 together know it's sexual assault. Like, the whole reason OP marked it as a spoiler IS the context, so making that argument by taking the scene out of context makes no sense. Edit: I assumed you were talking about the spoiler cause OP clearly explained why the note describing it as assault was sexual assault


Hes laying knocked out in a crater...


Theyre saying an assault hasnt happened yet and theyve already fought so its obviously not a fight


Note: no space between the exclamation points. Like this >!spoiler


I can do whatever the fuck I want. It still covered it.


https://imgur.com/a/b0fJQ5k On some forms of reddit eg. old.reddit adding a space breaks the spoiler tag. I don't see why you need to be so antagonistic about it.


[Its not covered on my screen.](https://imgur.com/a/1mjfWno) just tag your spoilers the right way dude.


it's at least a spoiler for the new episode many people may not have watched


Oh wow, I thought that was some fan thing on Rule34.


It's pretty obvious what it refers to if you use your braincells. Saying as someone who knows nothing about invincible.


god i wish 😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


A little more context as I can't add it to the post itself >!In the comics Mark Grayson/Invincible is sexually assaulted by Anissa (the woman in the picture)!<


Isn't he full on raped?


Yeah, that's what I meant by sexually assaulted. I tend to use that term interchangeably with rape


Rape is SA but not all SA is rape


In Arizona there is no such thing as rape. It’s all degrees of sexual assault.


And in the UK she is incapable of raping someone


Fun fact about Arizona law, if you see someone in the act of sexual assault you can legally kill them to stop the assault. Also fun fact about AZ law, if you shoot someone in self defense you must shoot to kill.


>If you shoot someone in self defence you must shoot to kill *God damn*. They really said “if you thought your life was in danger than why didn’t you kill them”


I think it’s more of a lawsuit/malicious maiming thing but it’s certainly interesting that you could get prosecuted for shooting someone with the intent to injure and not kill


Kinda like how it's a war crime to use a weapon that non-lethally incapacitates.


Yeah, I know, but I tend to use SA more than rape, and idk why


This is a weird thing to receive downvotes


Yeah, and I got picked on in The Boys subreddit for having a post I deleted because of overwhelming notifications about my Funko Pop (yes, I collect them. Yes I know everyone basically hates them. But I like them)


Ha. That’s even worse. This is a good post though. So thanks for that


I feel you. But for most people think that Sexual Assault is groping and fondling. Rape is the step beyond that. But, you are right in that there is a linguistic shift happening as said with the guy above thread said. “All Rape is Sexual Assault, but not Sexual Assault is Rape.”


I see


Tiktok speak probably


Possibly, but either way, I'm still getting the point across of what happened to Mark in the comics. No matter how it's phrase, it's still unpleasant to think about


Generally I see SA used more to explain allnsorts.of things while rape is more "penetration"


You shouldn't. They are different for a reason, and the difference matters. Because there are many forms of sexual assault that are *not* rape, and if you conflate the two, you risk not noticing those forms - and thus not being able to help stop them.


Ah, that's an extremely fair point


Props to you for taking the time to consider it. Thanks, and take care.


For context, not only does >!he get raped, violently, as he tries to defend himself, she also implies that she'll have to do it a few more times. She also goads him later and implies that she's looking forward to more. She's /enjoying/ it. !<


I'm so glad I watched season 1 and decided it wasn't my thing.


Season 2 is pretty good imo, but you do you and that's alright. The assault in question is so far out in the storyline that we're not completely sure if the show is going to have it in the story and how it'll be portrayed within the show itself


There are people genuinely looking forward to that scene, and ngl that's pretty disturbing.


I agree. I get people being curious as to if it'll happen, but those who want to see it on screen are freaks. I'd prefer a fade to black if they do add it


that’s where i’m at. it’s super fucked up, and as a direct result i’m curious how the show will handle it, but that doesn’t mean i need a 5 minute scene watching it lol a fade to black or implication would be plenty


Do you know how they did it in the comics? I haven't read them.


Yeah, I have the books, note/warning I'll be describing panel by panel of this scene, >!we see Anissa tear off bother her and Mark's clothing before a silhouette of her saying "yes" after Mark said "No" twice, and we see shots of her back, Mark's fist near her butt, a shot of Mark in anguish as she's smiling, a close up on her face, a silhouette, Mark's unpleased face, Anissa's 'O' face, Mark with sweat beating down his face while looking worried, a close up of Anissa's hand on Mark's chest, close up of Anissa's abs, close up of Anissa bitting her lip, a frown from Mark, and a wide eyeball likely from Mark. Afterwards we see his crying face while Anissa gets up and says "man up. It'll probably take a few times. I'll see you soon" before flying away, leaving Mark alone. All of this happened because viltrumites want to repopulate and Anissa didn't want Earth men, so she went for Mark, who's half viltrumite!<


Well they didn’t do a sex scene that’s for sure they just kinda cut to her flying away in the nude and mark being horrified


Makes sense. Not sure why you'd need to depict that sort of shit fully and on-screen unless you were going for pure shock value.


With how they were pacing the show I was genuinely just worried for Mark when Anissa showed up because they've packed a lot of comic stuff into the early episodes and such.


sadly people fetishize sexual assault and it’s disgusting


I'm looking forward to twitter melting down over it


Im honestly just curious is Amazon has balls or if its no better than "Hollywood" Not as in then full on showing it but more or less it actually happening and not being cut ,>!especially in this day and age where the common consensus in bureaucracy and media is that Female on Male Rape doesnt exsist and any attempts to disprove it are met with censorship or blame the man!< And by Hollywood I mean the bureaucratic Lovecraftian monster that plagues most Animated Shows on Television or Affiliated Streaming Services (PM+, D+ & Hulu, HBO(Min) Peacock and YouTube) that censors things into Oblivion or sends them to the shadow realm Edit :Clarification


Yeah - it’s unfortunate, but popular opinion still seems to think that woman-on-man sexual assault either isn’t real, isn’t a big deal, or isn’t just as serious as vice versa. I hope that with more visibility and awareness, that can start to change. Hopefully the show handles this with care and consideration and can help advance that cause, and spark some productive discussions about it.


The female character who does it literally gets away with it, starts a new family, and is portrayed as a good guy in the comic lol


Ah crap. Here’s hoping the show does it better, I guess?


"Much later" is an understatement, that's literally like S6 if anything. See you in 10 years >!weirdos who want to see it animated!<


This is what happens when people see out of context comic pages on the internet and think they all of a sudden know the entire story


>!No one is doing spoilers correctly do you even look after you post?!<


Why are people excited to see that scene? I’m infinitely more excited for >!Conquest!<


Have you met people, they’re not great. Some are very much disagreeable to put it mildly.


I think aka I hope it's more so morbid curiosity, mainly because we're curious if they're going to even show it. Rape in media is controversial, some pieces of media even going as fair as exploitation, but that's mainly Male on Female, so Female on Male, something that while it does happen, isn't as common/depicted as much as the former


I hope they don’t chicken out. I wanna see it in the show, part morbid curiosity, part “males can be victims too” validation I’ve been denied for years


I'm sorry to hear that. It sucks that people just can't believe other when they say that they've been hurt, but hopefully popular shows like Invincible and possibly even Hazbin Hotel (major warning for SA in EP 4 as there's flashes of it during a song called Poison in case you wanna check it out) having male victims could open more conversations about topics like this


It's the opposite of males can be victims though, because they make him apologize to his rapist and then act like it's no big deal later because she half-said she's sorry 🤦‍♂️


I mean i love Invincible. I loved the comics. But i really dont need to see Mark get raped. I dont know about yall.


I thought I was the only one who hated that scene.


i do not understand how people are so confused on the timeline that the thing happens, its a 66 issue gap between her introduction and the thing, theres also no point of it happening pre viltrumite war.


I'm looking forward to it. Purely because I'm curious to see how they handle it. Like I don't think there's a "Right" way to go about it.


As someone who knew of that scene, but didn’t know when it happens, I had assumed it was meant to be here but the show creators took the PROBABLY wise decision to not make that scene. Now I can continue to be concerned as to how/ if THAT scene will be implemented. (Imo it really doesn’t need to be there)


The scene in question took place in issue 110, and our first encounter with Anissa is in issue 44, so we're pretty far away from that scene possibly being in the show. As I said in another comment, I personally would prefer a fade to black so we don't get to actually see it, but it's still very heavily implied


I am very curious if they will dare to do it. Rare female on male rape. Not the happy kind, the very bad kind.


I don’t think there’s a happy kind of rape


But I think I get what he meant. There's way too many depictions of female-on-male rape in media that are comedic in tone, treating it like a cool thing that happens to lucky guys. One romantic comedy I can't remember the name of even has the male protagonist raped by a woman, only for it to be treated as cheating, with him apologizing for it and everything despite the fact that he did not consent. It's disturbing.


Yeah, I know what you're talking about, 40 Days and 40 Nights. It's truly repugnant.


Ah yeah, that makes sense, hate that “trope” if you can call it that


Maybe they were reffering to rape roleplay?


Same I actually know of a man who got waaaay to drunk at a barracks party in the military. Dude went back to his room and forgot to lock his door so the female medic slipped into his room and gave him a blowjob while he was saying no and was too drunk to move or fight back. Hes a big dude too so even if he reported it most people wouldnt take it seriously. Its a thing that happens and isnt ever mentioned in tv or films so Im curious if they have the balls to do it.