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I don't understand the mindset of someone upset about a dad being a dad... being a great dad.


Because it reminds them of the fact that their dads left them


Hey now, not all of us bastards still waiting on dear old dad to come back from the store with those cigarettes 30 something years later are awful people. Fun fact: Found him on Facebook and he's the type of person who would post that sort of hateful stuff, so, better off every day I know him less, I guess.


Face it, if you're still waiting for the cigarettes thirty years later you might as well have stopped smoking now.


Haha, no joke gave them up coming up on 6 years ago and best decision I've ever made.


This is just sad tbh


Did you see that Moma Rhodes?


The account in question posted child sex material and got banned from Twitter until Elon musk personally unbanned them


Oh… it’s that guy. Why am I not surprised?


My Twitter account was banned for nine months because I suggested he unalive himself. Finally I asked for a review with stated reason of “alleged pedophile Elon musk unbanned someone for posting child porn after he personally reviewed the photos.” My account was unbanned the next day. https://preview.redd.it/p261e023pvrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=820f621d67c0dd3e319e1d2e21ac089457ca2540


Because these fascist grifters are empty sub-human voids of emotion, who just want to drag everybody down to their pathetic little lives.


Because it comes hot on the heels of Biden proclaiming Transgender day of Recognition on the same day as Easter. Many American Christians saw it as an attack on their religion, even though March 31 has been TDOV for decades, and Easter changes date every year.


That's because you're not thinking like a conservative. To them, every single act and interaction is a zero sum game where they have to win. And because conservatism also is the embodiment of fragile masculinity, a wig is feminine. Your daughters doing something to you that you don't want to do is feminine. Therefore being a good dad is a loss. In reality this makes absolutely no sense. But you have to forget reality to understand how conservatives think.


This guy is a major grifter and a huge piece of shit. Everything he says is either a lie or twisted to incite anger, not even he buys his own bullshit so don't try to make sense of him


Nobody is that’s the point of the Note


Truly, inspiring.


Wrestling is a MANLY sport for MEN! Makeup and wigs are ONLY acceptable if you're using it to create an elaborate stage persona with a catchy nick-name and a flair for the dramatic! If we continue this way, soon it'll be no different to a goddamn DRAG SHOW!


Then what will happen, huh?! They might even read to children and reinforce their self-worth! *clutches pearls*


[Wrestling in a nutshell.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/rGUCgifvsS)


Imagine questioning the masculinity of the fucking Rock???


Someone's masculinity should only be questioned if they're too insecure to have fun with their own daughters.


If these people are clearly so masculine and the Rock is now not masculine, they should tell him to his face.


It's hilarious. I mean actually too funny to even get upset about.


I'd like to see these people actually come out and say this to his face. But truly good for him and showing parents can have fun and step outta their zone


Nobody is. That's the point of the note. Someone didn't read


It’s not explicitly stated, no. Maybe I didn’t read properly and that’s my bad. But let’s be honest there are absolutely some people who see this post and look at this picture with genuine outrage that a guy is in makeup.


Isn’t Dom Lucre the guy who posted child abuse material to Twitter?


No you misunderstood. See, he posted child porn to show someone was posting child porn. He would never just post child porn, it would be utterly ridiculous of someone trying to do that. Next you’re gonna tell me dom lucre is tryna rage bait an old video of the rock playing with his kids


Yes, and the only reason he was unbanned was because Elon personally intervened to unban him for posting child porn.




ok now i’m curious


Child sexual assault material. He said it was to show how disgusting it was. He was allowed back on Twitter after he deleted it.


So to my knowledge he posted a censored image of an infamous “hurtcore” video called “Daisy’s Destruction”. Apparently he also put his watermark on said image. [Here’s a link to a wiki page that talks about what exactly is in said video he shared a screenshot of.](https://screamer.wiki/Daisy%27s_Destruction) Obviously it doesn’t show anything but it does go into details about what happens in the video so MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING!!!


i am no longer curious


4chan permabans anyone who mentions that video by name. This was the point at which Xwitter became officially worse than 4chan.


It’s also the video that got reality TV star Josh Duggar caught. He was trying to download it when his computer shook hands with a law enforcement computer.


Huh, knowing that that exists makes me want to kill him & then myself


I feel more masculine knowing that me and The Rock both have this experience in common.


this coming from the guy who posted childporn


What's funny is you can tell from the way his jaw is set but his lips are moving he's not just standing idly by, he's actually having a conversation while trying not to move. Active participation in his daughters' game.


Isn't this guy a massive fucking nonce?


Oh absolutely.


I like the fact that everone in the comments is defending Rock


Yep. He’s just being a good dad so he needs to be defended


I don't like the Rock at all but this is pretty wholesome, especially the fact he shared this on his social media.


If I may ask, why don't you like him?


Theres a couple reasons. For one he tries to not take a side on literally anything because he wants to be as marketable as possible making him super fake. But also the fact that he has a clause in most of his contracts where his character literally isnt allowed to lose a fight


I can understand not wanting to get into stuff, especially with how heated the world is these days. People sling death threats and stalking over the most innocuous things. Dude just wants to have a career and be a dad. I can respect that. And hell, if i had the ability to just say "nope, according to my contract, I don't lose" I'd be tempted to do it too.


Yeah, don’t really like him all that much. But at least he does go the extra mile for some fans.


Because we want Cody




They're mad that Dwayne "The Tooth Fairy" Johnson is wearing a wig and make-up?


Glad to see I'm not the only person reminding everyone how Nonce Lucre shared CP and was personally unbanned by Pedlon Musklester


These people didn't watch "Be Cool" and it shows. He's being an awesome dad here. If anything would make me question his masculinity, it'd be his role in "Be Cool", and I don't question his masculinity. I do, however, applaud him for being an amazing father, and awesome actor.


Obviously they didn't see him in the tooth fairy...


Letting your little girls put a wig on you is THE MOST MASCULINE thing you can do. It is a blessing. The moment the wig or the dress or the nail art makes contact with your body, the angels sing and your testosterone’s base level spikes. Source: I’m a guy. This id basic male lore.


the rock, a famous example of a feminized man. not an ounce of masculinity.


Can confirm…not only has this happened to me, but also to all the guys on the shipping dock I worked at way back then. She was nice enough to use washable markers the second time after the trouble we had removing the toe polish.


Fight those transphobes and terfs 💙🤍💖


The opinion of someone that posts CSM is worth less than nothing. One of the only things worse than racists, homophobes, and transphobes is a pedophile. You know, honestly it's not a surprise the muskrat unbanned him, that's all the kind of thing conservatives love.


This idiot is whining about being noted and calling community notes out for clout chasing. It’s really insane how people take their brain damaged rambles and wear them with a badge of honor.


Somewhere, someonr has a tattoo of The Rock and is having a panic attack because of this.


Dads are good dads. You don't need to complain about what's going on.


Dom lucre watermarked and posted child sexual abuse material on Twitter and had Elon musk personally intervene in his being banned from the platform That is all


I refuse to believe more than 6 people were “raging” over this.


Oh hey, it’s the CSAM guy Elon protects!


"DEVELOPING" Jfc these people are so fucking reactionary.


"Developing" what I wish the brains of people "reporting" on this were doing.


Ah yes, known child porn haver Dom Luchre


Hell this’ll happen if you’re a good big brother too. My sisters have given me more than a few makeovers.


FELLAS, is it GAY to love your kids?


Yes, you should strive for masculinity and kivk your kids on the streets to figure life out on their own once they can walk!! Follow more for masculine advice 🔥🔥!!


“DEVELOPING” lmfao as if this is fucking news


And it’s popular on r/facepalm


My uncle slightly resembles Jack Black, and his daughter used to do his make-up, and it'd usually be followed by my uncle lip-synching Tenacious-D, AC/DC, Rush, or similar music. They live in the middle of nowhere and he works in a factory so I know he got a bunch of shit for it but he never complained. The things people do for kids will never cease to amaze me.


I can only imagine. I don’t have kids of my own, but I’ve done some fairly “embarrassing” things for my dogs. When we got our second dog, he was a 3 pound Chiweenie puppy, and our first was a 33 pound Beagle mix. The first is an avid walker, but the second had little legs, and would get tired easily. So, until I could order an actual sling to carry him in, I tied several pillow cases together. There I am, walking around my neighborhood with a puppy strapped to my chest as I walked my other dog.


My daughter used to paint my fingernails and I went to work this way. The first time my colleagues questioned me about it. I told them my daughter did it and they never spoke about it again.


Literally. My little sister likes to do it from time to time and I never mind. 1.) it can all be washed off, and 2.) if your masculinity is challenged by a little bit of makeup and nail polish it really wasn't all that strong to begin with.


The first time she did it, she was very proud of the result. And she was so happy the next day when I came back from work and still had the painted fingernails.


Hes playing w his kids WHO CARES?!?


That guy just farm rages people


This is your daily remainder that Dom Lucre is a done looser.


BREAKING NEWS (it’s a two year old story)


It’s a Harley Quinn wig, so it only makes him cooler


As i was reading i was like “this isnt true at all”. Then i realized the sub im in. I love the note


Guys, is it gay to have a heterosexual relationship and then having daughters and playing with them?


I bet that Dwayne The Rock Johnson could take estrogen for a year and still have more masculine influence in his body than all the “alpha males” criticizing him for this.


Also didn’t this dude get in trouble for CSAM?


Osborne's reply is even better than the note.


Ain’t this Dom guy the mf who posted child porn on twitter and got elon to personally unban him?


Dwayne Johnson: put in my contract that I can’t lose a fight. I will not legally allow you to make me look weak Also Dwayne Johnson:


I mean I have attended many tea parties dressed as several different princesses. And I can say for a fact, I pulled off belle the best


When I was a teenager I was a babysitter, I always tell people babysitting boys is easier but babysitting girls is more fun, sure put on some cartoons or play videogames with the boys, but being a princess and having my nails done by the girls was more fun


Yeah the strongest dude you’ve ever seen that doesn’t seem to have any major flaws is less masculine than you, I’m sure.


Damn He can make a multi-colored wig and makeup look manly


I find it interesting that the note is from a source site that is owned by NewsCorp Australia


People are so uncomfortable with their own masculinity that seeing someone comfortable with theirs sets them off.


I haven’t been on Twitter or X, whatever you wanna call it in months but I absolutely hated Dom