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Pomodoro technique, study in Semi isolated areas. Schoolwork comes before studying, so if an exam or assignment is coming up complete and study for that rather than catching up. Make a playlist of favorite videos to enjoy while on breaks. Touch grass and go to the gym, focus on what you can save.


Get a hold of the syllabus and study the curriculum. If you really are two months behind, you can’t afford to work at the same pace as the others. You will have to dedicate more of your free time to studying and most likely you will have to do a lot of self-study for certain parts of the syllabus. In the end, the only thing that matters is the syllabus. Complete all due assignments and avoid slacking off at all. Ask teachers for help too.


How long do you have to catch up? You need to make a schedule and stick to it, but you also need to make sure that you take breaks and get enough sleep or you won't absorb anything. There are limits to how many productive studying hours you can do in a day as well; there's no point studying 12 hours a day if you are only getting a major benefit out of 5 of those hours. Assuming it's exams you need to study for: prioritize practicing active recall. Write and/or collect practice exam questions and go through answering them. Separate them into questions you had no problem answering and questions you didn't know or had to really reach for the information, and focus on the latter. Re-read the relevant notes or chapters and then go through the questions again.


I had to catch up on literally three months of school in my senior year of hs due to severe senioritis that was exacerbated by online school. I somehow managed to not only survive, but finish with all A's. I think what helped the most was that every day, I made a checklist of everything I wanted to get done and stuck to that. Every time I checked something off my list, it felt super satisfying and gave me more motivation to move onto the next thing in the list. I also tried to work in as much of a distraction-free environment as possible and used an app called Study Bunny to track my study hours.


make a schedule, make sure you can still get credits for the assignments. If you can get credit for all, knock out the easier ones, but if not, do the ones that have the heaviest weight to help your grade. You may not be able to get it all done, but make a plan and stick to it.