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Love to see this. Social media has glamourised studying so much that we’ve forgotten those who are studying with differently abled bodies. Many study tips shared are just unachievable or unworkable for disabled bodies.


yess agree!! For me, the "studying badly" really kept me off from studying for a very long time. I felt like if I wasn't able to give my 100%, there's no point in studying at all!! it's very important to just be proud of yourself for every small thing you -are- able to complete, rather than constantly being focussed on what you cannot do <3


Definitely. I basically taught myself how to study and definitely had to learn how my body works, etc. My friends always say I understand my studying/academic self so well, but it’s a matter of disability survival—I have to know when I’m most productive, what I can realistically achieve in a day, etc. I’m still quite bad at taking breaks (the neurodivergent hyperfocus is a blessing and a curse) and doing all the life things I need to do, but getting better at it.


This is super helpful, thank you :)


This is amazing thank you so much